










(knockat the door.  Actually, nervous)  F:FYT    X:XXX  A:ANSWER

F:May I come in?(现在想来问这句话实在是太傻了,我前面那位同学当初可是潇洒自如地推门而入,不带走一片云彩)



X:Come in, please. Please close the door and sit here.

F: Okay.


F(Sit down. Eye contact. And so on. Alittle nervous.)

X(smile): Your name is XXX...that means “rain stops”? That’s really....

F:Yeah.It really means the rain tostop....There is an interesting about my name. Would you like to hear about it?(我努力地在笑。脸僵掉了)

X(smile):Sure. Please talk about it to us.(被我的热情吓傻了)

F:’cause when my parents first met, they went dating, they got married,it was always raining. They do really want the rain to stop, so they gave methis name.(这真的是真的)

X: But actually, this “ting” is not that “ting”....Er.... But that’s okay......(不愧是祖籍福建的考官大人,中文造诣。。。)

F(keep quiet, wait for the question)

X:you want to major in materialsengineering, right? So what’s your future plan?

F:I would like to be a garbage designer inthe future..... (出其不意攻其不备运筹帷幄死得凄惨)

X:what?...A garbage designer? What do youknow about this job? (学校图书馆我并没有愧对于你)

F:Well, it will be a new-born job in nearlyten years. A garbage designer aims to upcycling instead of recycling. Thatmeans they give the waste a second new life instead of sending them to thefactory that deals with it. It can really benefit human beings and makecontributions to the world.

X:what? Up...cycling?...you mean...okay, Iget it....So can you give us some examples about upcycling?

F:Okay. One of the ways to upcycle is thatto translate...transform(correct)..the old tyres in the car into a vase to growflowers or to turn the old toothbrush into a bracelet. And a garbage designercan also stand at the beginning of a productivity chain to design the productwith less waste...

X:Oh......You mean you can deal with theenvironment right? But there are much more waste in China than in Singapore, sodon’t you stay inChina?

F:......Actually, I think..I suppose if Ifind a new way to deal with garbage or find a kind of materials, I will benefitthe world, not only China. The motto of our school is that: “ To make contributions toeveryone in the world.” And I really agree with that. Also, both NUS and NTU have astrong....strong...ability in this field, so I think Singapore is more suitablefor me.

X(laughing)...那真是句好话(I forget how they said itin English...)

X:You have such a dream. But if you come toSG, after you study in school, finish the 6-year bond, maybe you are old...Whatdo you think of setting up a family?(考官太热情了,感情想给我介绍一个么!!)

F:..........................Err..I canhandle many things at the same time.So I think it’s okay to me. What’s more ,the day before yesterday, my aunt and myuncle have just become the Singaporeans.(。。。)

X:.....Singaporeans? (put it down)

F:right!....They made a vow in.....thePresident House?...I’m not sure.....

X(nodding): I know....

X:If your friends run into the trouble,will you help him or her?

F:Of course. There was a time XXX about acharity activity. I came up with the idea to sell old reference book to thefreshman. Some would like to sell them at original price or at 20 percent off.But I supposed we could sell them....use a ....boudle......sale.....

X(smile):Buy some send some ,right?

F:yeah. If someone buys three books and we’ll send one as a present. As aconsequence, we succeed.

X:Why do you think your friend turned toyou when she run into the trouble.

F:......If I can use three words todescribe myself, that would be “imaginative”, “responsible” and “patient”..(hehe)

X: And what?


X:Would you like to help others in yourschool?(授命于危难之际,救人于水火之中)

F:Sure. Since I am attending in a boardingschool, most of us are living on campus. And at the first day of the semester,I often helped my schoolmates by carrying their luggage to the dormitory.

X:You say you’re studying in a dormitory, with how many classmatesin a dormitory?

F:Five. There are six students in adormitory.

X: So do they come from different places?

F:..most of us are from Fuzhou.....

X(laugh)(在笑啥!):okay....have you ever met some troubles inthe dormitory? Such as you would like to sleep with the light open?..or thereare someone playing the computer late in the night...

F:....As a matter of fact, we are notallowed playing computer in the dormitory.

X(laugh)(又笑!):just tell the trouble you met in thedormitory, such as ......

F: a conflict is okay?

X:Okay. .....(about a conflict)...As theleader of the dormitory, I had the responsibility for finding out thereason...............In the end, they become best friends and our dormitory XXXwere harmonious.

F: you say you wrote a letter to her. Sowhy don’t youcommunicate with her?

X:When a conflict happens, maybe someonewill be too angry to calm down. Because of that, I chose this way...Err.... Inmy opinion, writing a letter is also a kind of communication.

X: Do you have a boyfriend?

F:(~!@#$%^&*()(*&^%$#@!~)...............No,I do have friend who is male( the grammar is so mess).........But I don’t have the boyfriend.....



X: So why do you think you are imaginative?(挖掘在下的剩余价值)

F: This is because I have won the firstprize in the Fuzhou science&technology contest.....However, I regard it asa pity that I didn’thave the opportunity to take part in the contest held by the province,’cause it’s just at the time we takingthe written test.

X(laugh): Will you feel regretful?

F: I will never be regretful. I do want togo to Singapore....。。。。。。And I have asked the media for help. My invention was on the firstpage of XX newspaper.




X:You can ask me only a question....

F: when I am about to work, could I applyfor a part-time master degree?

X:!@%$&^&*( I am not pay attentionto what she is saying...)

F:Do you mean I can gain experience when Iam working?

X:...Right.....................thefull-time is not okay ...but you said part-time ...it’s okay.

F(stand up):Thank you for your time~

X:Do not put the chair back.

F: Okay. Thank you~



(Ipassed the interview. It’s really hard to describe the feeling then....)

Cheers! My dear teammates~











(knockat the door.  Actually, nervous)  F:FYT    X:XXX  A:ANSWER

F:May I come in?(现在想来问这句话实在是太傻了,我前面那位同学当初可是潇洒自如地推门而入,不带走一片云彩)



X:Come in, please. Please close the door and sit here.

F: Okay.


F(Sit down. Eye contact. And so on. Alittle nervous.)

X(smile): Your name is XXX...that means “rain stops”? That’s really....

F:Yeah.It really means the rain tostop....There is an interesting about my name. Would you like to hear about it?(我努力地在笑。脸僵掉了)

X(smile):Sure. Please talk about it to us.(被我的热情吓傻了)

F:’cause when my parents first met, they went dating, they got married,it was always raining. They do really want the rain to stop, so they gave methis name.(这真的是真的)

X: But actually, this “ting” is not that “ting”....Er.... But that’s okay......(不愧是祖籍福建的考官大人,中文造诣。。。)

F(keep quiet, wait for the question)

X:you want to major in materialsengineering, right? So what’s your future plan?

F:I would like to be a garbage designer inthe future..... (出其不意攻其不备运筹帷幄死得凄惨)

X:what?...A garbage designer? What do youknow about this job? (学校图书馆我并没有愧对于你)

F:Well, it will be a new-born job in nearlyten years. A garbage designer aims to upcycling instead of recycling. Thatmeans they give the waste a second new life instead of sending them to thefactory that deals with it. It can really benefit human beings and makecontributions to the world.

X:what? Up...cycling?...you mean...okay, Iget it....So can you give us some examples about upcycling?

F:Okay. One of the ways to upcycle is thatto translate...transform(correct)..the old tyres in the car into a vase to growflowers or to turn the old toothbrush into a bracelet. And a garbage designercan also stand at the beginning of a productivity chain to design the productwith less waste...

X:Oh......You mean you can deal with theenvironment right? But there are much more waste in China than in Singapore, sodon’t you stay inChina?

F:......Actually, I think..I suppose if Ifind a new way to deal with garbage or find a kind of materials, I will benefitthe world, not only China. The motto of our school is that: “ To make contributions toeveryone in the world.” And I really agree with that. Also, both NUS and NTU have astrong....strong...ability in this field, so I think Singapore is more suitablefor me.

X(laughing)...那真是句好话(I forget how they said itin English...)

X:You have such a dream. But if you come toSG, after you study in school, finish the 6-year bond, maybe you are old...Whatdo you think of setting up a family?(考官太热情了,感情想给我介绍一个么!!)

F:..........................Err..I canhandle many things at the same time.So I think it’s okay to me. What’s more ,the day before yesterday, my aunt and myuncle have just become the Singaporeans.(。。。)

X:.....Singaporeans? (put it down)

F:right!....They made a vow in.....thePresident House?...I’m not sure.....

X(nodding): I know....

X:If your friends run into the trouble,will you help him or her?

F:Of course. There was a time XXX about acharity activity. I came up with the idea to sell old reference book to thefreshman. Some would like to sell them at original price or at 20 percent off.But I supposed we could sell them....use a ....boudle......sale.....

X(smile):Buy some send some ,right?

F:yeah. If someone buys three books and we’ll send one as a present. As aconsequence, we succeed.

X:Why do you think your friend turned toyou when she run into the trouble.

F:......If I can use three words todescribe myself, that would be “imaginative”, “responsible” and “patient”..(hehe)

X: And what?


X:Would you like to help others in yourschool?(授命于危难之际,救人于水火之中)

F:Sure. Since I am attending in a boardingschool, most of us are living on campus. And at the first day of the semester,I often helped my schoolmates by carrying their luggage to the dormitory.

X:You say you’re studying in a dormitory, with how many classmatesin a dormitory?

F:Five. There are six students in adormitory.

X: So do they come from different places?

F:..most of us are from Fuzhou.....

X(laugh)(在笑啥!):okay....have you ever met some troubles inthe dormitory? Such as you would like to sleep with the light open?..or thereare someone playing the computer late in the night...

F:....As a matter of fact, we are notallowed playing computer in the dormitory.

X(laugh)(又笑!):just tell the trouble you met in thedormitory, such as ......

F: a conflict is okay?

X:Okay. .....(about a conflict)...As theleader of the dormitory, I had the responsibility for finding out thereason...............In the end, they become best friends and our dormitory XXXwere harmonious.

F: you say you wrote a letter to her. Sowhy don’t youcommunicate with her?

X:When a conflict happens, maybe someonewill be too angry to calm down. Because of that, I chose this way...Err.... Inmy opinion, writing a letter is also a kind of communication.

X: Do you have a boyfriend?

F:(~!@#$%^&*()(*&^%$#@!~)...............No,I do have friend who is male( the grammar is so mess).........But I don’t have the boyfriend.....



X: So why do you think you are imaginative?(挖掘在下的剩余价值)

F: This is because I have won the firstprize in the Fuzhou science&technology contest.....However, I regard it asa pity that I didn’thave the opportunity to take part in the contest held by the province,’cause it’s just at the time we takingthe written test.

X(laugh): Will you feel regretful?

F: I will never be regretful. I do want togo to Singapore....。。。。。。And I have asked the media for help. My invention was on the firstpage of XX newspaper.




X:You can ask me only a question....

F: when I am about to work, could I applyfor a part-time master degree?

X:!@%$&^&*( I am not pay attentionto what she is saying...)

F:Do you mean I can gain experience when Iam working?

X:...Right.....................thefull-time is not okay ...but you said part-time ...it’s okay.

F(stand up):Thank you for your time~

X:Do not put the chair back.

F: Okay. Thank you~



(Ipassed the interview. It’s really hard to describe the feeling then....)

Cheers! My dear teammates~


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