

姓名: 分数: Ⅰ Spelling (填写下列单词的所缺字母)10×2

1. in_ 墨水

2 .p_ay 戏剧

3 . carr_t 胡萝卜

4 . awa_ 离去,离开;在远处

5 .ta_te 品尝

6 .obse_ve(观察)

7. Can you wr_te?(写) Yes, I can.

8 .Please say it lo_dly.(大声地)

9 .I like to read no_el (小说)

10.This is my favorite torto_se (乌龟)

Ⅱ Multiple choice (单项选择题) 10×2

( )1.I like to listen__music.

A. at B. in C. on D. to

( )2.Let’s go to __ a film.

A. see B.hear C. look D. smell

( )3.Could you help me to write__?

A. up B.on C. back D. in

( )4.Look __ the picture.

A. in B.at C.on D. up

( )5. There _____8 dogs.

A. am B. is C. be D. are

( )6. There _____ an apple.

A. are B.be C.is D. am

( )7.I go to America _____ plane

A.by B. on C.in D. for

( )8. cows eat ___

A. beef B. grass C. cream D. milk

( )9.You __singing a song.

A. am B. is C. be D. are

( )10.Let me __ a story

A.chat B.tell C.explain D. talk

Ⅲ Fill the blanks (根据课文填空) 10×2

1. Unit 4 lesson 2

Good girls and boys know ____to listen! They listen to their parents. If you listen ____, you can learn so many things! Be a good___!

2. Unit 4 lesson 3

I like to write. I can write in Chinese. I can write ____.I can write ____. I can write____to my____all over the world

3. Unit 4 lesson 4

My dad____ English every day. We are an _____ family. We can speak English and we can speak Chinese. What_____does your family speak?

Ⅳ Make up sentences (连词成句)5×2

1. are there over cows two There


2. every mom speaks day My English


3. ringing Listen! The is doorbell

_____________________________ 4. I my turtle little miss


5. after books read your me! open and


Ⅴ Close. (完型填空) 10×1

I __①__a teacher and my __②__is Wendy Young. I am from China and I __③__ in Shanghai. I usually get __④__at six and __⑤__breakfast at six thirty. I go to __⑥__ at seven. I like my__⑦__ very much _⑧_they _⑨_all the best in my _⑩_.

( )① A am B is C be D are

( )② A number B QQ C MSN D name

( )③ A talk B live C say D liten

( )④ A up B on C in D back

( )⑤ A drink B like C eat D love

( )⑥ A school B house C farm D hospital

( )⑦ A teacher B doctor C farmer D students

( )⑧ A so B because C but D to

( )⑨ A am B are C be D is

( )⑩ A nose B ears C mouse D eyes

Ⅵ Reading ( 阅读) 10×1

1. Write “T’or “F”(判断对错,对的写T错的写F)

Tom: What a lovely day! Let’s go to the park and have a picnic(野餐). Peter: Ok. That’s the supermarket(超市). It’s nine o’clock in the morning, still early(还早). Let’s go and buy the things for the picnic. Tom: Great! Do you like bread/

Peter: No, I like cakes. I want this big cake. And I’ve got some milk and some apples. What do you need?

Tom: I need a hot dog, two oranges and some sweets.

Peter; Oh! That’s enough(足够). Let’s go to the park.

Tom; Let’s go.

( ) 1. Tom is ten and Peter is eleven.

( ) 2. They go to the park in the afternoon.

( ) 3. They buy things for picnic in the supermarket.

( ) 4. Peter wants the small cake.

( ) 5. Tom likes hot dogs.

2. Read and choose (阅读对话并选择正确答案)

Susan: Hi, I’m Susan. I’m ten years old. I’m in Garden City Primary School. New term starts on Thursday 1st September.

Mum: What have you got?

Susan: I’ve got a new uniform, some new shoes and some pencils. Mum: Do you want some new books?

Susan: Yes, I want new books. I forgot (忘记) them.

Mum: Ok. Write a list: Things you need for school.

Susan: Yes. I need a new uniform, some new shoes, some pencils, some books, some felt pens, a long ruler and a small rubber.

Mum: Oh! You forgot a lot (许多). Let’s go and buy them.

Susan: Yes,Mum.

( ) 1. Susan is a .

A. student B. teacher C. doctor

( ) 2. She’s .

A. eight B. nine C. ten

( ) 3. New term starts on .

A. Tuesday B. Thursday C. Friday

( ) 4. Susan has got .

A. a new uniform and some pencils

B. some pencils and a ruler

C. some new shoes and a rubber

( ) 5. Susan hasn’t got .

A. a short ruler B. a big rubber C. new books

Ⅶ Writing(写作)5×2








_____________________________ 5. 奶牛生活在草原上。



姓名: 分数: Ⅰ Spelling (填写下列单词的所缺字母)10×2

1. in_ 墨水

2 .p_ay 戏剧

3 . carr_t 胡萝卜

4 . awa_ 离去,离开;在远处

5 .ta_te 品尝

6 .obse_ve(观察)

7. Can you wr_te?(写) Yes, I can.

8 .Please say it lo_dly.(大声地)

9 .I like to read no_el (小说)

10.This is my favorite torto_se (乌龟)

Ⅱ Multiple choice (单项选择题) 10×2

( )1.I like to listen__music.

A. at B. in C. on D. to

( )2.Let’s go to __ a film.

A. see B.hear C. look D. smell

( )3.Could you help me to write__?

A. up B.on C. back D. in

( )4.Look __ the picture.

A. in B.at C.on D. up

( )5. There _____8 dogs.

A. am B. is C. be D. are

( )6. There _____ an apple.

A. are B.be C.is D. am

( )7.I go to America _____ plane

A.by B. on C.in D. for

( )8. cows eat ___

A. beef B. grass C. cream D. milk

( )9.You __singing a song.

A. am B. is C. be D. are

( )10.Let me __ a story

A.chat B.tell C.explain D. talk

Ⅲ Fill the blanks (根据课文填空) 10×2

1. Unit 4 lesson 2

Good girls and boys know ____to listen! They listen to their parents. If you listen ____, you can learn so many things! Be a good___!

2. Unit 4 lesson 3

I like to write. I can write in Chinese. I can write ____.I can write ____. I can write____to my____all over the world

3. Unit 4 lesson 4

My dad____ English every day. We are an _____ family. We can speak English and we can speak Chinese. What_____does your family speak?

Ⅳ Make up sentences (连词成句)5×2

1. are there over cows two There


2. every mom speaks day My English


3. ringing Listen! The is doorbell

_____________________________ 4. I my turtle little miss


5. after books read your me! open and


Ⅴ Close. (完型填空) 10×1

I __①__a teacher and my __②__is Wendy Young. I am from China and I __③__ in Shanghai. I usually get __④__at six and __⑤__breakfast at six thirty. I go to __⑥__ at seven. I like my__⑦__ very much _⑧_they _⑨_all the best in my _⑩_.

( )① A am B is C be D are

( )② A number B QQ C MSN D name

( )③ A talk B live C say D liten

( )④ A up B on C in D back

( )⑤ A drink B like C eat D love

( )⑥ A school B house C farm D hospital

( )⑦ A teacher B doctor C farmer D students

( )⑧ A so B because C but D to

( )⑨ A am B are C be D is

( )⑩ A nose B ears C mouse D eyes

Ⅵ Reading ( 阅读) 10×1

1. Write “T’or “F”(判断对错,对的写T错的写F)

Tom: What a lovely day! Let’s go to the park and have a picnic(野餐). Peter: Ok. That’s the supermarket(超市). It’s nine o’clock in the morning, still early(还早). Let’s go and buy the things for the picnic. Tom: Great! Do you like bread/

Peter: No, I like cakes. I want this big cake. And I’ve got some milk and some apples. What do you need?

Tom: I need a hot dog, two oranges and some sweets.

Peter; Oh! That’s enough(足够). Let’s go to the park.

Tom; Let’s go.

( ) 1. Tom is ten and Peter is eleven.

( ) 2. They go to the park in the afternoon.

( ) 3. They buy things for picnic in the supermarket.

( ) 4. Peter wants the small cake.

( ) 5. Tom likes hot dogs.

2. Read and choose (阅读对话并选择正确答案)

Susan: Hi, I’m Susan. I’m ten years old. I’m in Garden City Primary School. New term starts on Thursday 1st September.

Mum: What have you got?

Susan: I’ve got a new uniform, some new shoes and some pencils. Mum: Do you want some new books?

Susan: Yes, I want new books. I forgot (忘记) them.

Mum: Ok. Write a list: Things you need for school.

Susan: Yes. I need a new uniform, some new shoes, some pencils, some books, some felt pens, a long ruler and a small rubber.

Mum: Oh! You forgot a lot (许多). Let’s go and buy them.

Susan: Yes,Mum.

( ) 1. Susan is a .

A. student B. teacher C. doctor

( ) 2. She’s .

A. eight B. nine C. ten

( ) 3. New term starts on .

A. Tuesday B. Thursday C. Friday

( ) 4. Susan has got .

A. a new uniform and some pencils

B. some pencils and a ruler

C. some new shoes and a rubber

( ) 5. Susan hasn’t got .

A. a short ruler B. a big rubber C. new books

Ⅶ Writing(写作)5×2








_____________________________ 5. 奶牛生活在草原上。



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