

( ) 21. That’s ________ hard work, so you must work hard.

A. a B. / C. the D. an

( ) 22. — There are all _____ things in the supermarket.But it’s _____ far(远的)from here. —Then let’s go there by taxi.

A. kind of, kind of B. kind of, kinds of

C. kinds of, kinds of D. kinds of, kind of

( ) 23. — How many ________ would you like?

A. dumplings B. potato C. juice D. meat

( ) 24. The library is behind the bookshop, so the bookshop is ________ the library.

A. across from B. next to C. in front of D. in

( ) 25. — I like singing and ________.

— Then you can work ______an actor.

A. dance, for B. dancing, as C. to dancing, for D. dancing, at

( ) 26. Boys, please be __________. Your grandmothers are sleeping.

A. quiet B. clean C. busy D. 1azy

( ) 27. — ________________?

— No, they are from Singapore.

A. Are they from Singapore B. Are they from Beijing

C. Where are they from D. Where is he(绿色圃中小学教育网 http://WWW.Lspjy.cOm 原文地址http://www.lspjy.com/thread-289391-1-1.html) from

( ) 28. People all like the house ___________ a nice garden.

A. have B. has C. gets D. with

( ) 29. — Why does Tina want _______ a waiter?

— Because she likes _________ people.

A. be, talk B. to be, to talk C. to be, talk to D. to be, talking to

( ) 30. There ______ any beef in the fridge, but there ________ some tomatoes.

A. isn’t, are B. isn’t, is C. aren’t, is D. aren’t, are

( ) 31. I would like ________ some tea.

A. drink B. to drink C. drinking D. drinks

( ) 32. ________ like to go swimming ________ summer.

A. Children, on B. A child, on C. Children, in D. A child, in

( ) 33. — How can he ________ his new school?

A. arrives B. gets to C. arrive D. get to

( ) 34. — _______________________?

— I’d like some noodles, please.

A. Can I help you B. Excuse me

C. What do you do D. What kind of noodles would you like

( ) 35. — You speak English very well.

— __________________.

A. No B. Yes C. Thanks a lot D. You’re welcome


1. December is the t_________ month of a year.

2. — Do you have an e-mail a_____________?

— Yes. It’s [email protected].

3. Don’t play soccer in the street. It’s d_____________.

4. When you see a big supermarket, t________ right.

5. Lisa is very h__________, so she eats a lot.

6. I like _______________(星期三)because I have P.E. and science.

7. His grandpa often tells him __________(故事) in the evening.

8. He _____________(睡觉) eight hours every night.

9. He likes having ____________(粥) and eggs for breakfast.

10. He can speak three __________(语言). They’re Chinese, English and French.


1. The koalas like eating ____________ (leaf) very much.

2. The boy is busy __________ (write) a letter in the library.

3. — Can you tell _____________(we) the right answer to this question?

— Certainly. It’s C.

4. There are many ___________ (child) in the park.

5. Mr. Li is a good teacher. He’s ______________(friend) to his students.

6. He often has fun ________(swim) in the river on weekends.

7. Would you please give me something __________(drink)?

8. There ___________ (be) some good news for you.

9. His father ___________(teach) math in a middle school.

10. __________(go) through first Avenue, and you can see a library on your right.


1. His uncle comes from Japan. (改为一般疑问句)

__(绿色圃中小学教育网 http://WWW.Lspjy.cOm 原文地址http://www.lspjy.com/thread-289391-1-1.html)________ his uncle _________ from Japan?

2. The hotel in the city is across from the post office. (对划线部分提问)

__________ __________ the hotel in the city?

3. They like dolphins because they’ re very friendly. (对划线部分提问)

__________ __________ they like dolphins?

4. What does your father do? (改为同义句)

__________ your father’s ___________?

5. He wants beef and tomato dumplings. (改为同义句)

He ________ _________ beef and tomato dumplings.


假如你是Tina,你看到报纸上某国际学校(校长Mr. Green)要招聘音乐老师后,对此很感兴趣,想去应聘。根据下面提示,写一封求职信(50词以上)。开头已给出,要点如下:

1.想得到这份工作。 2.自我情况介绍。

3.能力介绍:喜欢和孩子相处;会说流利的英语;能歌善舞,并且会弹钢琴,拉小提琴…… Dear Mr. Green,

I read in a newspaper that you want a music teacher. _______________________________




( ) 21. That’s ________ hard work, so you must work hard.

A. a B. / C. the D. an

( ) 22. — There are all _____ things in the supermarket.But it’s _____ far(远的)from here. —Then let’s go there by taxi.

A. kind of, kind of B. kind of, kinds of

C. kinds of, kinds of D. kinds of, kind of

( ) 23. — How many ________ would you like?

A. dumplings B. potato C. juice D. meat

( ) 24. The library is behind the bookshop, so the bookshop is ________ the library.

A. across from B. next to C. in front of D. in

( ) 25. — I like singing and ________.

— Then you can work ______an actor.

A. dance, for B. dancing, as C. to dancing, for D. dancing, at

( ) 26. Boys, please be __________. Your grandmothers are sleeping.

A. quiet B. clean C. busy D. 1azy

( ) 27. — ________________?

— No, they are from Singapore.

A. Are they from Singapore B. Are they from Beijing

C. Where are they from D. Where is he(绿色圃中小学教育网 http://WWW.Lspjy.cOm 原文地址http://www.lspjy.com/thread-289391-1-1.html) from

( ) 28. People all like the house ___________ a nice garden.

A. have B. has C. gets D. with

( ) 29. — Why does Tina want _______ a waiter?

— Because she likes _________ people.

A. be, talk B. to be, to talk C. to be, talk to D. to be, talking to

( ) 30. There ______ any beef in the fridge, but there ________ some tomatoes.

A. isn’t, are B. isn’t, is C. aren’t, is D. aren’t, are

( ) 31. I would like ________ some tea.

A. drink B. to drink C. drinking D. drinks

( ) 32. ________ like to go swimming ________ summer.

A. Children, on B. A child, on C. Children, in D. A child, in

( ) 33. — How can he ________ his new school?

A. arrives B. gets to C. arrive D. get to

( ) 34. — _______________________?

— I’d like some noodles, please.

A. Can I help you B. Excuse me

C. What do you do D. What kind of noodles would you like

( ) 35. — You speak English very well.

— __________________.

A. No B. Yes C. Thanks a lot D. You’re welcome


1. December is the t_________ month of a year.

2. — Do you have an e-mail a_____________?

— Yes. It’s [email protected].

3. Don’t play soccer in the street. It’s d_____________.

4. When you see a big supermarket, t________ right.

5. Lisa is very h__________, so she eats a lot.

6. I like _______________(星期三)because I have P.E. and science.

7. His grandpa often tells him __________(故事) in the evening.

8. He _____________(睡觉) eight hours every night.

9. He likes having ____________(粥) and eggs for breakfast.

10. He can speak three __________(语言). They’re Chinese, English and French.


1. The koalas like eating ____________ (leaf) very much.

2. The boy is busy __________ (write) a letter in the library.

3. — Can you tell _____________(we) the right answer to this question?

— Certainly. It’s C.

4. There are many ___________ (child) in the park.

5. Mr. Li is a good teacher. He’s ______________(friend) to his students.

6. He often has fun ________(swim) in the river on weekends.

7. Would you please give me something __________(drink)?

8. There ___________ (be) some good news for you.

9. His father ___________(teach) math in a middle school.

10. __________(go) through first Avenue, and you can see a library on your right.


1. His uncle comes from Japan. (改为一般疑问句)

__(绿色圃中小学教育网 http://WWW.Lspjy.cOm 原文地址http://www.lspjy.com/thread-289391-1-1.html)________ his uncle _________ from Japan?

2. The hotel in the city is across from the post office. (对划线部分提问)

__________ __________ the hotel in the city?

3. They like dolphins because they’ re very friendly. (对划线部分提问)

__________ __________ they like dolphins?

4. What does your father do? (改为同义句)

__________ your father’s ___________?

5. He wants beef and tomato dumplings. (改为同义句)

He ________ _________ beef and tomato dumplings.


假如你是Tina,你看到报纸上某国际学校(校长Mr. Green)要招聘音乐老师后,对此很感兴趣,想去应聘。根据下面提示,写一封求职信(50词以上)。开头已给出,要点如下:

1.想得到这份工作。 2.自我情况介绍。

3.能力介绍:喜欢和孩子相处;会说流利的英语;能歌善舞,并且会弹钢琴,拉小提琴…… Dear Mr. Green,

I read in a newspaper that you want a music teacher. _______________________________




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