

一. 白眼果蝇的发现

The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 1933

For his discoveries concerning the role played by chromosome in heredity Morgan, T.H. Science 32: 120-122 (1910) Sex limited inheritance in Drosophila

From Columbia University to California Institute of Technology

Morgan and His Three Extremely Gifted Students

Alfred H. SturtevantCalvin B. BridgesHermann J. Muller


P 红眼(雌) × 白眼(雄) ↓ F1 红眼(雌、雄) ↓F1雌雄交配 F2 红眼(雌、雄) 白眼(雄) 3/4 1/4



P 红眼(雌) × 白眼(雄) ↓

F1 红眼(雌、雄) 白眼(雌、雄)


P 白眼(雌) × 红眼(雄) ↓

F1 红眼(雌) 白眼(雄)

图4.1 果蝇的多线染色体。左: 染色体的一部分, Puff(泡)示活性转录区; 右: 表示多线染色体由多个DNA链聚合而成, B: 表示带纹 .IB:表示带间区。

图4.2 拟暗果蝇(D.pseudoobscura)唾腺染色体的结构变异。A: 第三染色体上杂合缺失: B: 拟暗果蝇(D.pseudoobscura)第三染色体的杂合倒位;C: D.melanogaster第2染色体右臂(2R)和第3染色体左臂易位(箭头处)。


The dissonance Mutant of Courtship Song in Drosophila

melanogaster:Isolation, Behavior and Cytogenetics

Shankar J. Kulkarni, Adam F. Steinlauf and Jeffrey C. Hall

Department of Biology, Brandeis University, Waltham, Massachusetts 02254 Manuscript received August 3, 1987 Accepted October 31,



We all know that Drosophila are the gayest bunch of gays that ever gayed up genetics. This is especially true when you create mutations in fruitless (nee fruity), "the gay gene". Male flies with mutations in fruitless will try to get it on with other males (e.g., doi:10.1016/S0092-8674(00)81802-4

). That's gay!

But fruitless is an old school gene that needs to be fucked up to turn the flies gay (doi:10.1093/molbev/msj070; the first author on that paper is, I shit you not, named Gailey). Drosophila really aren't as gay as they are made to appear in the articles describing fruitless mutants. But the males are still kind of in to dudes, as is shown by a new paper from Manyuan Long's group (doi:10.1073/pnas.0800693105).

Long's group previously described an RNA gene that is unique to D. melanogaster, and not found in any of its sibling species

(doi:10.1073/pnas.072066399). The gene, named sphinx, arose when the transcript of its parent gene was reverse transcribed and inserted back into the genome (in a process known as retroposition). It has also evolved quite rapidly, suggesting it was acted on by natural selection.

Additionally, there are male-specific and a female-specific transcripts of sphinx.

So, there is probably some evolution story to unravel about the sphinx gene. In the new paper by Dai et al., Long and colleagues have performed a functional analysis of sphinx, and what they found was quite interesting. Via an analysis of flies carrying mutant forms of sphinx, they were able to show that the gene plays a role in preventing males from courting other males. Males carrying two mutant copies of sphinx spend more time courting other males than flies with a good copy of sphinx





一. 白眼果蝇的发现

The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 1933

For his discoveries concerning the role played by chromosome in heredity Morgan, T.H. Science 32: 120-122 (1910) Sex limited inheritance in Drosophila

From Columbia University to California Institute of Technology

Morgan and His Three Extremely Gifted Students

Alfred H. SturtevantCalvin B. BridgesHermann J. Muller


P 红眼(雌) × 白眼(雄) ↓ F1 红眼(雌、雄) ↓F1雌雄交配 F2 红眼(雌、雄) 白眼(雄) 3/4 1/4



P 红眼(雌) × 白眼(雄) ↓

F1 红眼(雌、雄) 白眼(雌、雄)


P 白眼(雌) × 红眼(雄) ↓

F1 红眼(雌) 白眼(雄)

图4.1 果蝇的多线染色体。左: 染色体的一部分, Puff(泡)示活性转录区; 右: 表示多线染色体由多个DNA链聚合而成, B: 表示带纹 .IB:表示带间区。

图4.2 拟暗果蝇(D.pseudoobscura)唾腺染色体的结构变异。A: 第三染色体上杂合缺失: B: 拟暗果蝇(D.pseudoobscura)第三染色体的杂合倒位;C: D.melanogaster第2染色体右臂(2R)和第3染色体左臂易位(箭头处)。


The dissonance Mutant of Courtship Song in Drosophila

melanogaster:Isolation, Behavior and Cytogenetics

Shankar J. Kulkarni, Adam F. Steinlauf and Jeffrey C. Hall

Department of Biology, Brandeis University, Waltham, Massachusetts 02254 Manuscript received August 3, 1987 Accepted October 31,



We all know that Drosophila are the gayest bunch of gays that ever gayed up genetics. This is especially true when you create mutations in fruitless (nee fruity), "the gay gene". Male flies with mutations in fruitless will try to get it on with other males (e.g., doi:10.1016/S0092-8674(00)81802-4

). That's gay!

But fruitless is an old school gene that needs to be fucked up to turn the flies gay (doi:10.1093/molbev/msj070; the first author on that paper is, I shit you not, named Gailey). Drosophila really aren't as gay as they are made to appear in the articles describing fruitless mutants. But the males are still kind of in to dudes, as is shown by a new paper from Manyuan Long's group (doi:10.1073/pnas.0800693105).

Long's group previously described an RNA gene that is unique to D. melanogaster, and not found in any of its sibling species

(doi:10.1073/pnas.072066399). The gene, named sphinx, arose when the transcript of its parent gene was reverse transcribed and inserted back into the genome (in a process known as retroposition). It has also evolved quite rapidly, suggesting it was acted on by natural selection.

Additionally, there are male-specific and a female-specific transcripts of sphinx.

So, there is probably some evolution story to unravel about the sphinx gene. In the new paper by Dai et al., Long and colleagues have performed a functional analysis of sphinx, and what they found was quite interesting. Via an analysis of flies carrying mutant forms of sphinx, they were able to show that the gene plays a role in preventing males from courting other males. Males carrying two mutant copies of sphinx spend more time courting other males than flies with a good copy of sphinx





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