
2014.12.26 月考英语作文

94. Write a composition in at least 60 words according to the given situation.

学校大队部号召同学们利用课余时间参加志愿者活动,为一些需要服务的人献出爱心。针对这个倡议,有些学生认为志愿者活动有益,有些则不这样认为,他们觉得会影响学习。你的观点是什么?说出理由。词汇仅供参考: volunteer , waste time, in need , influence 1

Recently our school calls on more students to be volunteers in their spare time. Opinions vary from person to person. From my point of view, we can make good use of free time to help the old and the disabled. It has great influence on our mind. In that case, this kind of activity really develops our responsibility. Additionally, it’s a good way to enrich our life. We can not only learn some useful skills outside school but gain extra happiness as well. It isn’t a waste of time. Sometimes small action can change other’s life. In brief, It’s an honour for being a volunteer. The more we help others, the more joy we’ll get.


Recently our school calls on more students to be volunteers in their spare time. Since helping others is also helping ourselves, I think it’s necessary to be volunteers . Here are my reasons. First of all, when we help people who are in need ,we’ll gain joy at the same time.This makes it possible to cultivate our minds. Secondly, it’s a great chance to develop our strong sense of responsibility. Volunteering doesn’t have an influence on our study. In contrast, we can learn a lot about love. Just as the saying goes, “ You share

rose and get fun.” All in all, it’s really meaningful and rewarding to be a volunteer.

2014.12.26 月考英语作文

94. Write a composition in at least 60 words according to the given situation.

学校大队部号召同学们利用课余时间参加志愿者活动,为一些需要服务的人献出爱心。针对这个倡议,有些学生认为志愿者活动有益,有些则不这样认为,他们觉得会影响学习。你的观点是什么?说出理由。词汇仅供参考: volunteer , waste time, in need , influence 1

Recently our school calls on more students to be volunteers in their spare time. Opinions vary from person to person. From my point of view, we can make good use of free time to help the old and the disabled. It has great influence on our mind. In that case, this kind of activity really develops our responsibility. Additionally, it’s a good way to enrich our life. We can not only learn some useful skills outside school but gain extra happiness as well. It isn’t a waste of time. Sometimes small action can change other’s life. In brief, It’s an honour for being a volunteer. The more we help others, the more joy we’ll get.


Recently our school calls on more students to be volunteers in their spare time. Since helping others is also helping ourselves, I think it’s necessary to be volunteers . Here are my reasons. First of all, when we help people who are in need ,we’ll gain joy at the same time.This makes it possible to cultivate our minds. Secondly, it’s a great chance to develop our strong sense of responsibility. Volunteering doesn’t have an influence on our study. In contrast, we can learn a lot about love. Just as the saying goes, “ You share

rose and get fun.” All in all, it’s really meaningful and rewarding to be a volunteer.


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