



【 Abstract 】 In recent decades, China’s construction industry is developing rapidly changing quite a spectacle. With the development of scientific technology and the demand of residents more than more hierarchical, our country building structure is to create new development trend, the traditional design and construction methods have been some new scheme instead. The sharp population concentration, the construction of the hierarchical structure is high, the traditional reinforcing steel bar mixes clay structure because too much weight, has grown to be lighter weight of the whole steel structure replaced, in high levels of construction of the steel structure of the building has a unique advantage, to our country the construction industry speaking, is a profound change of construction. This paper combines the whole steel structure high-rise building construction characteristics began to briefly, and analyzes the construction difficulties, and combined with the steel structure of the construction of the high building some links such as the installation of steel column discusses a technology, further in the project construction coordination and safety to analysis.

【 Keywords 】 whole steel structure, tall building, construction technology, features, making a study

中图分类号: TU74 文献标识码: A 文章编号:






【 Abstract 】 In recent decades, China’s construction industry is developing rapidly changing quite a spectacle. With the development of scientific technology and the demand of residents more than more hierarchical, our country building structure is to create new development trend, the traditional design and construction methods have been some new scheme instead. The sharp population concentration, the construction of the hierarchical structure is high, the traditional reinforcing steel bar mixes clay structure because too much weight, has grown to be lighter weight of the whole steel structure replaced, in high levels of construction of the steel structure of the building has a unique advantage, to our country the construction industry speaking, is a profound change of construction. This paper combines the whole steel structure high-rise building construction characteristics began to briefly, and analyzes the construction difficulties, and combined with the steel structure of the construction of the high building some links such as the installation of steel column discusses a technology, further in the project construction coordination and safety to analysis.

【 Keywords 】 whole steel structure, tall building, construction technology, features, making a study

中图分类号: TU74 文献标识码: A 文章编号:




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