
香洲区第十二小学 五(4)班 张涵语

I had a very happy May Day. My family went on an outing on May Day morning. We like a picnic very much. We went to climb the hill and I took some photos. In the afternoon, we went to see a movie at 2:50. And my mother shopped for clothes. In the evening, we had a big dinner in the restaurant. I had a nice May Day!

My May Day

香洲区第十二小学 五(4)班 崔碧琳

I had a happy May Day. In the morning, My family and I went to the park. We played badminton. In the afternoon, we had a picnic. We like fruit and vegetables. In the evening, we had a big dinner in the restaurant. My May Day was good. How about you?

My May Day

香洲区第十二小学 五(4)班 黄瑜

I had a happy May Day. In the morning, I went to the shopping mall with my mother and father. In the afternoon, I played badminton with friends. In the evening, we watched TV at home. Then, I went to sleep. It was a good day.

My May Day

香洲区第十二小学 五(4)班 石贸欣

My May Day was so bad. I had a fever. I saw the doctor and took some medicine. The medicine was yucky. I was sad.

My May Day

香洲区第十二小学 五(4)班 梁可雯

May Day was Tuesday. It was sunny. My family and I went to the park in the morning. In the afternoon, we visited grandfather and grandmother. We shopped for clothes in the evening, and we had a big dinner. I had a nice day!

香洲区第十二小学 五(5)班 许卓雯

Yesterday was May Day. The weather was good. It was sunny and hot. In the morning, I played with my dog and read some books. Then I did my homework. In the afternoon, I played badminton with my mother. So happy! In the evening, I watched TV with my family. I had a good time.

My May Day

香洲区第十二小学 五(5)班 谢欣怡

I had a good time on May Day. In the morning, I read some books and listened to music. In the afternoon, I played with friends. In the evening, I shopped and surfed the net. I was very happy. What about you?

My May Day

香洲区第十二小学 五(5)班 李泽

I had a good May Day. I played outside in the morning. I played the computer in the afternoon. I played badminton in the evening. I was so happy.

My May Day

香洲区第十二小学 五(5)班 程雨桐

This Tuesday was May Day. I played badminton with my mother in the morning. In the afternoon, my family and I went to the park. At 6:00, we saw a movie. And we had a big dinner in the evening. It was a good day!

My May Day

香洲区第十二小学 五(5)班 龚如凡

May Day was on Tuesday. In the morning, I watched TV and listened to music. In the afternoon, I played with my friends. At 6:30, I helped Mom and played games. I had a good time on May Day!

香洲区第十二小学 五(5)班 邱靖权

I had a happy May Day! On the May Day morning, my father, sister and I saw a movie Puss in Boots. It was a good movie. Then we ate KFC. In the afternoon, we read a book and did homework . In the evening we saw a movie Three Idiots. Then we went to bed.

My May Day

香洲区第十二小学 五(5)班 熊恩艺

The sun was shining really brightly. We could hear the birds singing outside the windows. It was a sunny day!

I went to the seashore park with my father and my mother by bus. We arrived there at 10:00. First, we took some photos. And then we went to the Children’s Playground. I played on the swings. My father and my mother walked at the park.

It was a very happy day!

香洲区第十二小学 五(4)班 张涵语

I had a very happy May Day. My family went on an outing on May Day morning. We like a picnic very much. We went to climb the hill and I took some photos. In the afternoon, we went to see a movie at 2:50. And my mother shopped for clothes. In the evening, we had a big dinner in the restaurant. I had a nice May Day!

My May Day

香洲区第十二小学 五(4)班 崔碧琳

I had a happy May Day. In the morning, My family and I went to the park. We played badminton. In the afternoon, we had a picnic. We like fruit and vegetables. In the evening, we had a big dinner in the restaurant. My May Day was good. How about you?

My May Day

香洲区第十二小学 五(4)班 黄瑜

I had a happy May Day. In the morning, I went to the shopping mall with my mother and father. In the afternoon, I played badminton with friends. In the evening, we watched TV at home. Then, I went to sleep. It was a good day.

My May Day

香洲区第十二小学 五(4)班 石贸欣

My May Day was so bad. I had a fever. I saw the doctor and took some medicine. The medicine was yucky. I was sad.

My May Day

香洲区第十二小学 五(4)班 梁可雯

May Day was Tuesday. It was sunny. My family and I went to the park in the morning. In the afternoon, we visited grandfather and grandmother. We shopped for clothes in the evening, and we had a big dinner. I had a nice day!

香洲区第十二小学 五(5)班 许卓雯

Yesterday was May Day. The weather was good. It was sunny and hot. In the morning, I played with my dog and read some books. Then I did my homework. In the afternoon, I played badminton with my mother. So happy! In the evening, I watched TV with my family. I had a good time.

My May Day

香洲区第十二小学 五(5)班 谢欣怡

I had a good time on May Day. In the morning, I read some books and listened to music. In the afternoon, I played with friends. In the evening, I shopped and surfed the net. I was very happy. What about you?

My May Day

香洲区第十二小学 五(5)班 李泽

I had a good May Day. I played outside in the morning. I played the computer in the afternoon. I played badminton in the evening. I was so happy.

My May Day

香洲区第十二小学 五(5)班 程雨桐

This Tuesday was May Day. I played badminton with my mother in the morning. In the afternoon, my family and I went to the park. At 6:00, we saw a movie. And we had a big dinner in the evening. It was a good day!

My May Day

香洲区第十二小学 五(5)班 龚如凡

May Day was on Tuesday. In the morning, I watched TV and listened to music. In the afternoon, I played with my friends. At 6:30, I helped Mom and played games. I had a good time on May Day!

香洲区第十二小学 五(5)班 邱靖权

I had a happy May Day! On the May Day morning, my father, sister and I saw a movie Puss in Boots. It was a good movie. Then we ate KFC. In the afternoon, we read a book and did homework . In the evening we saw a movie Three Idiots. Then we went to bed.

My May Day

香洲区第十二小学 五(5)班 熊恩艺

The sun was shining really brightly. We could hear the birds singing outside the windows. It was a sunny day!

I went to the seashore park with my father and my mother by bus. We arrived there at 10:00. First, we took some photos. And then we went to the Children’s Playground. I played on the swings. My father and my mother walked at the park.

It was a very happy day!


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