

中 班

All the children: Mother’s Day is coming!

将幼儿分成四组C1 C2 C3 C4分别代表四组幼儿。

C1: We can buy a necklace for mom. C: Good idea.

C2: We can buy mom a ring C: Good idea.

C3: We can buy mom a hat C: Me too.

C4: We can buy mom a pin. C: Me too.

C1、2: Now let’s go. C3、4: Where are you going? C1、2: I’m going to the department store.

C3、4: Can I go with you? C1、2: Sure you can. C1、2: We can make a carnation for mom!

C3、4: Good idea! C: Cut the colored paper and glue it! C: Wow! It’s pretty!(每个幼儿从地上捡起已准备好的康乃馨)

大 班(情景剧)

整个活动以两个场景为背景进行。场景一:Home 场景二:Sea World HOME(场景一:大一班幼儿)

All the children: Today is Mother’s Day. Let’s give mom a surprise!


C: What do you want to wear, mom?

Mom: I want to wear the dress(幼儿给妈妈拿来裙子,妈妈穿上裙子。)

I want to wear the pink coat(幼儿给妈妈拿来外套,穿上外套。)

C: You are pretty!

C1: Where can we go today? .

C2: Let’s go to the Sea World!

C3: Can we get there by bus?

Mom: Of course! It’s a good idea.

Driver: (在妈妈说话时取方向盘)Let’s go!

一位幼儿扮演司机叔叔,开车接所有幼儿上车去Sea World。(播放纯音乐Let’s go to the park)


SEA WORLD(场景二:大二班幼儿)

Driver: Here we are. C: Hurray!

C4: Come and see the sea horse. C5: Where is it?

C6: It’s near the big coral. )



C: What can we do?

C7: We can wash the dishes. C: It’s a good idea. Let’s do it. C: Wash the dishes, wash the dishes.

C8: We can clean the table. C: It’s a good idea. Let’s do it. C: Clean the table, clean the table.

C: We can sweep the floor. C: It’s a good idea. Let’s do it

C: Sweep the floor, sweep the floor.

C9: We can take out the trash. C: It’s a good idea. Let’s do it. C: Take out the trash, take out the trash.

(妈妈从房间里走出来,看到小朋友所做的一切,非常感动。) Mom: You are so sweet.

小 班

(将幼儿分成四组C1 C2 C3 C4分别代表四组幼儿)

1. 先介绍家庭成员:dad mom brother sister

C1: This Is My Mom.(幼儿拿着妈妈的照片)

C2: This Is My dad. (幼儿拿着爸爸的照片)

C3: This Is My brother. (幼儿拿着哥哥的照片)

C4: This Is My sister. (幼儿拿着姐姐的照片)

2. C1:I want to give mom a card.

C2:I want to give mom a picture.

C3:I want to give mom a kiss.

C4:I want to give mom a hug.

Mom: You’re so sweat.

Ending: 幼儿到心愿树上取下礼物送给妈妈。



中 班

All the children: Mother’s Day is coming!

将幼儿分成四组C1 C2 C3 C4分别代表四组幼儿。

C1: We can buy a necklace for mom. C: Good idea.

C2: We can buy mom a ring C: Good idea.

C3: We can buy mom a hat C: Me too.

C4: We can buy mom a pin. C: Me too.

C1、2: Now let’s go. C3、4: Where are you going? C1、2: I’m going to the department store.

C3、4: Can I go with you? C1、2: Sure you can. C1、2: We can make a carnation for mom!

C3、4: Good idea! C: Cut the colored paper and glue it! C: Wow! It’s pretty!(每个幼儿从地上捡起已准备好的康乃馨)

大 班(情景剧)

整个活动以两个场景为背景进行。场景一:Home 场景二:Sea World HOME(场景一:大一班幼儿)

All the children: Today is Mother’s Day. Let’s give mom a surprise!


C: What do you want to wear, mom?

Mom: I want to wear the dress(幼儿给妈妈拿来裙子,妈妈穿上裙子。)

I want to wear the pink coat(幼儿给妈妈拿来外套,穿上外套。)

C: You are pretty!

C1: Where can we go today? .

C2: Let’s go to the Sea World!

C3: Can we get there by bus?

Mom: Of course! It’s a good idea.

Driver: (在妈妈说话时取方向盘)Let’s go!

一位幼儿扮演司机叔叔,开车接所有幼儿上车去Sea World。(播放纯音乐Let’s go to the park)


SEA WORLD(场景二:大二班幼儿)

Driver: Here we are. C: Hurray!

C4: Come and see the sea horse. C5: Where is it?

C6: It’s near the big coral. )



C: What can we do?

C7: We can wash the dishes. C: It’s a good idea. Let’s do it. C: Wash the dishes, wash the dishes.

C8: We can clean the table. C: It’s a good idea. Let’s do it. C: Clean the table, clean the table.

C: We can sweep the floor. C: It’s a good idea. Let’s do it

C: Sweep the floor, sweep the floor.

C9: We can take out the trash. C: It’s a good idea. Let’s do it. C: Take out the trash, take out the trash.

(妈妈从房间里走出来,看到小朋友所做的一切,非常感动。) Mom: You are so sweet.

小 班

(将幼儿分成四组C1 C2 C3 C4分别代表四组幼儿)

1. 先介绍家庭成员:dad mom brother sister

C1: This Is My Mom.(幼儿拿着妈妈的照片)

C2: This Is My dad. (幼儿拿着爸爸的照片)

C3: This Is My brother. (幼儿拿着哥哥的照片)

C4: This Is My sister. (幼儿拿着姐姐的照片)

2. C1:I want to give mom a card.

C2:I want to give mom a picture.

C3:I want to give mom a kiss.

C4:I want to give mom a hug.

Mom: You’re so sweat.

Ending: 幼儿到心愿树上取下礼物送给妈妈。



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