

院 系: 自动化工程学院电子工程系

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毕业设计(论文) 译文及原稿 51单片机在编程电路中的应用 AT89C51 In-Circuit Programming www.atmel.com/dyn/resources/prod_documents/doc0287.pdf

AT89C51 In-Circuit Programming

This application note illustrates the in-circuit programmability of the Atmel AT89C51 Flash-based microcontroller. Guidelines for the addition of in-circuit programmability to AT89C51 applications are presented along with an application example and the modifications to it required to support in-circuit programming. A method is then shown by which the AT89C51 microcontroller in the application can be reprogrammed remotely, over a commercial telephone line. The circuitry described in this application note supports five volt programming only, requiring the use of an AT89C51-XX-5. The standard AT89C51 requires 12 volts for programming. The software for this application may be obtained by downloading from Atmel’s General Considerations

Circuitry added to support AT89C51 incircuit programming should appear transparent to the application when programming is not taking place.

EA/VPP must be held high during programming. In applications which do not utilize external program memory, this pin may be permanently strapped to VCC. Applications utilizing external program memory require that this pin be held low during normal operation.

RST must be held active during programming. A means must be provided for overriding the

application reset circuit, which typically asserts RST only briefly after power is applied.

PSEN must be held low during programming, but must not be driven during normal


ALE/PROG is pulsed low during programming, but must not be driven during normal


During programming, AT89C51 I/O ports are used for the application of mode select,

addresses and data, possibly requiring that the controller be isolated from the application circuitry. How this is done is application dependent and will be addressed here only in general terms.

Port Used for Input

During programming, the controller must be isolated from signals sourced by the

application circuitry. A buffer with threestate outputs might be inserted between the application circuitry and the controller, with the buffer outputs three-stated when programming is enabled. Alternately, a multiplexer might be used to select between signal sources, with signals applied to the controller by either the application circuitry or the programmer circuitry.

Port Used for Output

No circuit changes are required if the application circuitry can tolerate the state changes

which occur at the port during programming. If the prior state of the application circuitry must be maintained during programming, a latch might be inserted between the controller and the application circuitry. The latch is enabled during programming, preserving the state of the application circuitry.

An Application Example

The AT89C51 application shown in Figure 1 is an implementation of a moving display. This

application was selected for its simplicity and ability to show graphically the results of in-circuit reprogramming. The text to be displayed is programmed into the controller as part of its firmware, and cannot be changed without reprogramming the device.

The displayed text is presented in one of two modes selected by the four-position DIP

switch. In the first mode, one character at a time enters the display from the right and moves quickly to the left through each element of the display to its final position in the assembled message. In the second mode, the message moves through the display, from right to left, with the display acting as a window onto the message. This mode is familiar as the method often used in displays of stock prices.

The output consists of four DL1414T, four-digit, 17-segment alphanumeric displays with

integral decoders and drivers. This yields 16 total display elements, each capable of displaying digits 0-9, the upper case alphabet, and some punctuation characters. The displayable character codes are ASCII 20H-5FH.

A power-on reset circuit and a 6-MHz crystal oscillator complete the application. Neither

external program memory nor external data memory is used.

Modifications to the Application to Support

In-Circuit Programming Figure 2 shows the application modified for in-circuit


It is assumed that the programmer, when inactive, will neither drive nor excessively load the

application. Since the application does not use external program memory, EA/VPP on the controller is connected to VCC. This meets the requirement for programming.

The reset circuit has been modified by the addition of twotransistors, which allow RST on

the controller to be forced high by the programmer.

PSEN and ALE/PROG, unused in the basic application, areunder the direct control of the programmer.

Programming requires programmer access to all of the four AT89C51 I/O ports, as

documented in the data sheet. The programmer is connected directly to those controller pins which are unused by the application, while access to pins used by the application requires special treatment, as explained in the following paragraphs.

The least significant four bits of the address generated by the programmer are multiplexed

onto port one of the controller with the data from the DIP switch. Note that the four resistors added at the switch are not required in the basic application, since the AT89C51 provides internal pull-ups on port one.

During the normal operation of the application, controller ports zero and two provide data

and control signals (respectively) to the displays. During programming and program verification, the programmer asserts control of port zero and part of port two. The programmer is connected to ports zero and two without buffering, since, when inactive, its presence does not affect the normal operation of the application.

A transparent latch has been added between port two of the controller and the display

control inputs. The latch holds the display control signals inactive during programming, which eliminates erratic operation of the displays due to programmer activity on ports zero and two. No isolation of

the display data inputs is required, since data applied to the inputs is ignored when the

control signals are inactive.

The AT89C51 reset circuit, input multiplexer and output latch are controlled by a single

signal generated by the programmer. During programming, reset is asserted, the multiplexer switches inputs, and the latch freezes the display control lines.

To ensure that the display control lines are in a known state before they are latched, an AT89C51 external interrupt is used to allow the programmer to signal the application before asserting reset. The application firmware responds to the interrupt by displaying a message and deactivating the display control lines.

After programming, when reset is deasserted, the controller ports are high as the latch

becomes transparent. Since the display control inputs are inactive high, the display contents are not disturbed until the new program writes the display. Although not essential to this application, it might be imperative in some applications that the state of the peripheral circuitry not be disturbed during programming.

The Programmer

The programmer (Figure 3) generates the addresses, data and control signals necessary to

program the AT89C51 embedded in the application.

The programmer circuitry consists of an AT89C51 and an RS-232 level translator. The

controller runs at 11.0592 MHz, which allows the serial port to operate at a number of standard baud rates. A Maxim MAX232 line driver/receiver produces RS-232 levels at the serial interface while requiring only a five volt supply.

Many of the signals generated by the programmer are connected directly, without buffering,

to the AT89C51 in the application. These signals, when inactive, are not threestated, but are pulled high. The AT89C51 has internal pull-ups of approximately three Kohms on ports one, two and three. Because port zero does not have internal pull-ups, external pull-ups of ten Kohms have been added to permit proper operation of program verification mode. The sample application operates correctly in this environment. If required for compatibility with an application, programmer signals may be buffered with three-state buffers similar to the 74xx125.

The AT89C51 in the programmer does not utilize external program or data memory, which

would require sacrificing needed I/O pins. This requires that program code and I/O buffers be kept small enough to fit in on-chip memory.

Remote Programming Over a Commercial

Telephone Line

The programmer and display application described previously are connected to a phone line

via a modem at a remote site. Using a personal computer with a modem, a user can upload a new program containing a new message, which is programmed into the AT89C51 embedded in the application. When programming is complete, the application executes the new program, which displays the new message.

Local Station

The local station in the test configuration consists of an IBM PC AT-class computer

connected to a Hayes-compatible, Prometheus 1200 baud modem. The modem was selected because it was inexpensive and available. A faster modem may be used if desired, although once the file transmission time is reduced below one minute, further reductions in transmission time do not further reduce connect time charges. A possible advantage to higher transmission speeds is the automatic error detection and correction available in some high speed modems.

Procomm Plus version 2.01, a commercial data communications package, is used to

configure the modem, set up communications parameters, and establish a link with the remote modem. Procomm Plus includes a macro language called ASPECT, which allows the user to write and compile scripts which implement custom file transfer protocols. A simple ASPECT script was written to read the contents of a program file and upload it to the remote programmer.

The file transfer protocol (FTP) implemented is a simple send-and-wait, packet-oriented

protocol. The transmit and receive modes of the FTP are illustrated by the flowcharts in figures 4 and 5, respectively. The transmitter sends each packet without flow control and waits for a response. The programmer (the receiver) reads and dissects the packet while calculating a checksum. If the calculated checksum is valid, the programmer acknowledges the packet by sending an ACK. If the checksum is in error, the programmer negatively acknowledges the packet by sending a NAK. Upon receipt of an ACK, the transmitter sends the next packet. If the

transmitter receives a NAK, it resends the same packet. Transmission proceeds in this manner until the entire file has been transferred.

The programmer might respond to a packet by sending a CAN, which indicates that a

non-recoverable error has occurred and that the transmitter should immediately abort the file transfer. If the programmer fails to respond to a packet within a limited period of time, the transmitter will resend the same packet. The transmitter will continue to resend the same packet until a valid response is received or until the allowed number of attempts is exceeded, at which time the file transfer is aborted. After each packet is received and validated by the programmer,

the data contained in the packet is programmed into the AT89C51 controller in the application.

After programming, the data is read back from the controller and verified against the

received packet data. Successful verification indicates successful programming, causing the programmer to send ACK to the transmitter. If programming fails, the programmer sends CAN to signal the transmitter to abort the file transfer.

The simplicity of the FTP reduces the amount of AT89C51 program memory used in the

programmer. The send-andwait nature of the FTP allows inter-packet delays due to AT89C51 program and erase times to be easily absorbed. Support for program verification is transparent, requiring no explicit command or result codes, or additional data transfers.

The files which are uploaded to the programmer are created with the tools in the Intel MCS-51 Software Development Package for the IBM PC. Included in the package are the MCS-51 Macro Assembler, MCS-51 Relocator and Linker, and a useful utility, OH. OH converts an absolute 8051 object file to an equivalent ASCII hexadecimal object file.

The records in the hex file produced by the OH utility serve, unchanged, as the packets in

the FTP described above; no service fields need to be added. The colon which begins each record serves as the packet signature field. The load address field serves as the packet sequence number.

A checksum is provided as the last field in each record. Since seven-bit ASCII coding is utilized, the eighth bit of each byte is available to be used for parity checking.

Because the AT89C51 in the programmer does not utilize external data memory, necessary

packet buffering must be done using internal RAM. Limited memory precludes the use of conventional FTPs which utilize packets of 128 bytes and larger. The hex packet format used in this application limits packet data fields to 16 or fewer entries, requiring little memory for buffering.

The ready availability of a utility for creating the packetized program file, combined with

small packet size and adequate error checking, makes the hex packet format a near ideal solution for this application. A disadvantage is the use of ASCII, which requires each program data byte to be expressed as two hex characters. This demands that nearly twice as many bytes be

transferred as might otherwise be required. This is not a severe limitation, however, since typical file transfer times are less than one minute. Overall, the simplicity of the custom FTP/hex packet format implementation outweighs the drawbacks.

Remote Station

The remote station in the test configuration consists of the display application and programmer circuits, described previously, connected to a Hayes-compatible, Prometheus 1200 baud modem. During normal operation, the application executes its internal program while the modem and programmer monitor the phone line for incoming calls.

After a call has been detected and a connection established, the programmer forces the application to suspend execution of its program. The new program is then downloaded and programmed into the AT89C51 embedded in the application. When programming is complete, the application is allowed to begin execution of its new program, and the programmer returns to monitoring the phone line for the next call.

The programmer powers up with its programming control outputs inactive, allowing the application to run normally. After configuring the modem to answer incoming calls, the programmer puts itself to sleep. The programmer will not disturb the application until a new program is to be downloaded.

The programmer controls the modem by sending ASCII command strings over the serial interface, to which the modem responds with Hayes-style ASCII numeric codes. The software is designed for use with Hayes-compatible modems, which includes the Prometheus ProModem 1200 used here.

The serial interface, through which the programmer connects to the modem, supports two handshaking signals, DTR and DSR. On power up, the programmer asserts DTR, to which the modem responds by asserting DSR. If the modem should fail to respond to any command, including the command to hang up, the programmer deasserts DTR, which forces the modem to drop the line.

The modem monitors the phone line while the programmer sleeps, waiting for an incoming call. When a call is detected, the modem answers and attempts to establish communication with the caller. If a connection is established, the modem sends a code to the programmer, waking it up. The programmer verifies the connect code and begins polling for a valid packet header.

Incoming packets must arrive fewer than thirty seconds apart, or the modem drops the line (hangs up) and the programmer returns to sleep, waiting for the next call. If the caller hangs up, the thirty second period must expire before another call will be answered. Calls incoming during the reset delay period are ignored.

If a valid packet header is received prior to the expiration of the reset delay period, the

programmer will attempt to read and validate the incoming packet. At any time during packet reception, an invalid character, parity error or timeout during character reception will cause the partial packet to be declared invalid and discarded.

Two packet types are defined: data and end-of-file. A data packet contains five fields in addition to the packet header, one of which is a variable length data field. The data field contains program data to be written into the AT89C51 controller in the application. The load address field contains the address at which the data is to be written. The end-of-file packet contains the same fields as the data packet, except that the data field is empty. This packet type has special meaning to the programmer, as explained below.

Any packet which contains an invalid record type, record length or checksum is invalid. Program data accumulated during the processing of an invalid packet is discarded. The programmer sends a NAK to the transmitter to signal reception of an invalid packet and resumes polling for a valid packet header.

Receipt of the first valid data packet causes the programmer to interrupt the application controller. The controller responds to the interrupt by abandoning execution of its usual program and displaying a message indicating that programming is taking place. If this is the first valid data packet since power was applied or an end-of-file packet was received, the programmer asserts the control signals necessary to erase the program memory in the application controller. The programmer then places the controller in programming mode.

The first and subsequent valid data packets are dissected as they are received and the data which they contain is programmed into the application controller at the address indicated in the packet load address field. After programming, the data is read back from the controller and verified against the received packet data. Successful verification indicates that programming was successful, causing the programmer to send ACK to the transmitter. The programmer then resumes polling for a valid packet header, subject to the thirty second reset delay.

If programming fails, the programmer sends CAN to signal the transmitter to abort the file transfer. The modem drops the line and the programmer returns to sleep, waiting for the next call. The application controller is left in programming mode, preventing it from executing the incomplete or invalid program which it contains.

It is important to note that invalid packets are NEVER programmed into the application controller. To do so would require that the program memory in the controller be completely erased before the error could be corrected, causing the non-recoverable loss of all previous program data.

Upon receipt of an end-of-file packet, the programmer returns its control outputs to the inactive, power on state, allowing the application controller to begin execution of the new

program. The programmer then resumes polling for a valid packet header, subject to the thirty second reset delay.

If a valid packet is received prior to the expiration of the thirty second delay, another programming cycle begins, which can only be terminated by the reception of a valid end-of-file packet.

If the reset delay expires prior to the reception of a valid end-of-file packet, the modem will drop the line and the programmer will return to sleep, waiting for the next call. In this case, the application controller is left in programming mode, preventing it from executing its program. To return the application to normal operation, another call must be received, and a valid program file uploaded, terminated by an end-of-file packet.


本应用指南说明了Atmel AT89C51是可在线可编程的微控制器。它为电路编程提出了相应的例子,程序的修改需要在线编程的支持。这类显示方法在应用程序中的AT89C51单片机可通过电话线远程控制。该应用指南所描述的电路只支持5v电压下编程。此应用软件可以到Atmel进行下载。




RST在编程期间必须为高电平。应该提供一种方法使得电路通入电源以后,使RST代替主要的复位电路起到复位的作用 。


ALE/ PROG在编程过程中输出低电平,在正常运行期间绝不能使用。

在编程过程中,AT89C51的I / O端口是用于模式应用程序,地址和数据选择的,可能需要该控制器从应用的电路隔离。如何做到这一点取决于应用程序。


在编程过程中,控制器必须与应用电路的信号来源隔离。带有三个输出状态的缓冲区会在应用程序之间插入电路和控制器,同时在编程时缓冲区输出三种状态。一个多路复用器可用于信号源之间进行选择,适用于任何一方的应用电路或编程控制器电路的信号。 输出端口







可显示字符的ASCII 码,范围为20H-5FH。上电复位电路和一个6 MHz的晶体振荡器完成应用软件程序。无论外部程序存储器或外部数据存储器都时可用的。


据推测,编程器在休眠时,既不会驱动,也不会加载应用程序。由于应用程序不使用外部程序存储器,EA/VPP脚接VCC电源。复位电路被两种转换器改变状态,此转换器允许编程时RST接高电平。在基本应用时未使用的PSEN和ALE/ PROG,是被程序员直接控制的。

编程器的编程需要获得所有数据表中记录的AT89C51的I / O端口。编程器是与那些应用程序未使用的控制器的引脚相连的,而这些应用程序的引脚需要最低有效位的四所产生的地址是可获得的,如下段所述。

由编程器生成的最小的四位地址是与DIP转换的数据在控制器的端口多路复用的 请注意,加在开关上的四个电阻在基本应用中并不是必须的,因为AT89C51的端口上提供一个内部上拉电阻。







程序控制器生成的地址,数据和控制信号,对嵌入到程序中的AT89C51有重要作用。 程序控制器电路由一个AT89C51和一个RS - 232电平转换器组成。该控制器运行在11.0592兆HZ,此频率允许串口运行在一个标准波特率下。一个MAXIM MAX232线路驱动器/接收器产生RS - 232水平,而只需要5伏的电源系统。



AT89C51的程序不使用外部程序或数据存储器,这需要牺牲所需要的I / O引脚。这就要求程序代码和I / O缓冲区保持足够小以适合片上存储器。





Procomm Plus版本2.01,是一个商业数据通信软件包,用于配置调制解调器,建立通讯设置参数,并建立与远程调制解调器的链接。 Procomm Plus包括所谓的宏语言方面,它允许用户编写实现自定义的文件传输协议的脚本。一个简单的脚本编写用来读取一个程序文件的内容,并上传到远程编程器 。








上传到程序控制器的文件是用英特尔MCS- 51软件开发包来创建的。在包中包括了MCS - 51宏汇编,MCS - 51单片机Relocator和连接器,以及一个有用的工具,OH。OH将8051绝对目标文件转换为为等效的ASCII十六进制目标文件。





















院 系: 自动化工程学院电子工程系

专 业:

班 级:

姓 名:






毕业设计(论文) 译文及原稿 51单片机在编程电路中的应用 AT89C51 In-Circuit Programming www.atmel.com/dyn/resources/prod_documents/doc0287.pdf

AT89C51 In-Circuit Programming

This application note illustrates the in-circuit programmability of the Atmel AT89C51 Flash-based microcontroller. Guidelines for the addition of in-circuit programmability to AT89C51 applications are presented along with an application example and the modifications to it required to support in-circuit programming. A method is then shown by which the AT89C51 microcontroller in the application can be reprogrammed remotely, over a commercial telephone line. The circuitry described in this application note supports five volt programming only, requiring the use of an AT89C51-XX-5. The standard AT89C51 requires 12 volts for programming. The software for this application may be obtained by downloading from Atmel’s General Considerations

Circuitry added to support AT89C51 incircuit programming should appear transparent to the application when programming is not taking place.

EA/VPP must be held high during programming. In applications which do not utilize external program memory, this pin may be permanently strapped to VCC. Applications utilizing external program memory require that this pin be held low during normal operation.

RST must be held active during programming. A means must be provided for overriding the

application reset circuit, which typically asserts RST only briefly after power is applied.

PSEN must be held low during programming, but must not be driven during normal


ALE/PROG is pulsed low during programming, but must not be driven during normal


During programming, AT89C51 I/O ports are used for the application of mode select,

addresses and data, possibly requiring that the controller be isolated from the application circuitry. How this is done is application dependent and will be addressed here only in general terms.

Port Used for Input

During programming, the controller must be isolated from signals sourced by the

application circuitry. A buffer with threestate outputs might be inserted between the application circuitry and the controller, with the buffer outputs three-stated when programming is enabled. Alternately, a multiplexer might be used to select between signal sources, with signals applied to the controller by either the application circuitry or the programmer circuitry.

Port Used for Output

No circuit changes are required if the application circuitry can tolerate the state changes

which occur at the port during programming. If the prior state of the application circuitry must be maintained during programming, a latch might be inserted between the controller and the application circuitry. The latch is enabled during programming, preserving the state of the application circuitry.

An Application Example

The AT89C51 application shown in Figure 1 is an implementation of a moving display. This

application was selected for its simplicity and ability to show graphically the results of in-circuit reprogramming. The text to be displayed is programmed into the controller as part of its firmware, and cannot be changed without reprogramming the device.

The displayed text is presented in one of two modes selected by the four-position DIP

switch. In the first mode, one character at a time enters the display from the right and moves quickly to the left through each element of the display to its final position in the assembled message. In the second mode, the message moves through the display, from right to left, with the display acting as a window onto the message. This mode is familiar as the method often used in displays of stock prices.

The output consists of four DL1414T, four-digit, 17-segment alphanumeric displays with

integral decoders and drivers. This yields 16 total display elements, each capable of displaying digits 0-9, the upper case alphabet, and some punctuation characters. The displayable character codes are ASCII 20H-5FH.

A power-on reset circuit and a 6-MHz crystal oscillator complete the application. Neither

external program memory nor external data memory is used.

Modifications to the Application to Support

In-Circuit Programming Figure 2 shows the application modified for in-circuit


It is assumed that the programmer, when inactive, will neither drive nor excessively load the

application. Since the application does not use external program memory, EA/VPP on the controller is connected to VCC. This meets the requirement for programming.

The reset circuit has been modified by the addition of twotransistors, which allow RST on

the controller to be forced high by the programmer.

PSEN and ALE/PROG, unused in the basic application, areunder the direct control of the programmer.

Programming requires programmer access to all of the four AT89C51 I/O ports, as

documented in the data sheet. The programmer is connected directly to those controller pins which are unused by the application, while access to pins used by the application requires special treatment, as explained in the following paragraphs.

The least significant four bits of the address generated by the programmer are multiplexed

onto port one of the controller with the data from the DIP switch. Note that the four resistors added at the switch are not required in the basic application, since the AT89C51 provides internal pull-ups on port one.

During the normal operation of the application, controller ports zero and two provide data

and control signals (respectively) to the displays. During programming and program verification, the programmer asserts control of port zero and part of port two. The programmer is connected to ports zero and two without buffering, since, when inactive, its presence does not affect the normal operation of the application.

A transparent latch has been added between port two of the controller and the display

control inputs. The latch holds the display control signals inactive during programming, which eliminates erratic operation of the displays due to programmer activity on ports zero and two. No isolation of

the display data inputs is required, since data applied to the inputs is ignored when the

control signals are inactive.

The AT89C51 reset circuit, input multiplexer and output latch are controlled by a single

signal generated by the programmer. During programming, reset is asserted, the multiplexer switches inputs, and the latch freezes the display control lines.

To ensure that the display control lines are in a known state before they are latched, an AT89C51 external interrupt is used to allow the programmer to signal the application before asserting reset. The application firmware responds to the interrupt by displaying a message and deactivating the display control lines.

After programming, when reset is deasserted, the controller ports are high as the latch

becomes transparent. Since the display control inputs are inactive high, the display contents are not disturbed until the new program writes the display. Although not essential to this application, it might be imperative in some applications that the state of the peripheral circuitry not be disturbed during programming.

The Programmer

The programmer (Figure 3) generates the addresses, data and control signals necessary to

program the AT89C51 embedded in the application.

The programmer circuitry consists of an AT89C51 and an RS-232 level translator. The

controller runs at 11.0592 MHz, which allows the serial port to operate at a number of standard baud rates. A Maxim MAX232 line driver/receiver produces RS-232 levels at the serial interface while requiring only a five volt supply.

Many of the signals generated by the programmer are connected directly, without buffering,

to the AT89C51 in the application. These signals, when inactive, are not threestated, but are pulled high. The AT89C51 has internal pull-ups of approximately three Kohms on ports one, two and three. Because port zero does not have internal pull-ups, external pull-ups of ten Kohms have been added to permit proper operation of program verification mode. The sample application operates correctly in this environment. If required for compatibility with an application, programmer signals may be buffered with three-state buffers similar to the 74xx125.

The AT89C51 in the programmer does not utilize external program or data memory, which

would require sacrificing needed I/O pins. This requires that program code and I/O buffers be kept small enough to fit in on-chip memory.

Remote Programming Over a Commercial

Telephone Line

The programmer and display application described previously are connected to a phone line

via a modem at a remote site. Using a personal computer with a modem, a user can upload a new program containing a new message, which is programmed into the AT89C51 embedded in the application. When programming is complete, the application executes the new program, which displays the new message.

Local Station

The local station in the test configuration consists of an IBM PC AT-class computer

connected to a Hayes-compatible, Prometheus 1200 baud modem. The modem was selected because it was inexpensive and available. A faster modem may be used if desired, although once the file transmission time is reduced below one minute, further reductions in transmission time do not further reduce connect time charges. A possible advantage to higher transmission speeds is the automatic error detection and correction available in some high speed modems.

Procomm Plus version 2.01, a commercial data communications package, is used to

configure the modem, set up communications parameters, and establish a link with the remote modem. Procomm Plus includes a macro language called ASPECT, which allows the user to write and compile scripts which implement custom file transfer protocols. A simple ASPECT script was written to read the contents of a program file and upload it to the remote programmer.

The file transfer protocol (FTP) implemented is a simple send-and-wait, packet-oriented

protocol. The transmit and receive modes of the FTP are illustrated by the flowcharts in figures 4 and 5, respectively. The transmitter sends each packet without flow control and waits for a response. The programmer (the receiver) reads and dissects the packet while calculating a checksum. If the calculated checksum is valid, the programmer acknowledges the packet by sending an ACK. If the checksum is in error, the programmer negatively acknowledges the packet by sending a NAK. Upon receipt of an ACK, the transmitter sends the next packet. If the

transmitter receives a NAK, it resends the same packet. Transmission proceeds in this manner until the entire file has been transferred.

The programmer might respond to a packet by sending a CAN, which indicates that a

non-recoverable error has occurred and that the transmitter should immediately abort the file transfer. If the programmer fails to respond to a packet within a limited period of time, the transmitter will resend the same packet. The transmitter will continue to resend the same packet until a valid response is received or until the allowed number of attempts is exceeded, at which time the file transfer is aborted. After each packet is received and validated by the programmer,

the data contained in the packet is programmed into the AT89C51 controller in the application.

After programming, the data is read back from the controller and verified against the

received packet data. Successful verification indicates successful programming, causing the programmer to send ACK to the transmitter. If programming fails, the programmer sends CAN to signal the transmitter to abort the file transfer.

The simplicity of the FTP reduces the amount of AT89C51 program memory used in the

programmer. The send-andwait nature of the FTP allows inter-packet delays due to AT89C51 program and erase times to be easily absorbed. Support for program verification is transparent, requiring no explicit command or result codes, or additional data transfers.

The files which are uploaded to the programmer are created with the tools in the Intel MCS-51 Software Development Package for the IBM PC. Included in the package are the MCS-51 Macro Assembler, MCS-51 Relocator and Linker, and a useful utility, OH. OH converts an absolute 8051 object file to an equivalent ASCII hexadecimal object file.

The records in the hex file produced by the OH utility serve, unchanged, as the packets in

the FTP described above; no service fields need to be added. The colon which begins each record serves as the packet signature field. The load address field serves as the packet sequence number.

A checksum is provided as the last field in each record. Since seven-bit ASCII coding is utilized, the eighth bit of each byte is available to be used for parity checking.

Because the AT89C51 in the programmer does not utilize external data memory, necessary

packet buffering must be done using internal RAM. Limited memory precludes the use of conventional FTPs which utilize packets of 128 bytes and larger. The hex packet format used in this application limits packet data fields to 16 or fewer entries, requiring little memory for buffering.

The ready availability of a utility for creating the packetized program file, combined with

small packet size and adequate error checking, makes the hex packet format a near ideal solution for this application. A disadvantage is the use of ASCII, which requires each program data byte to be expressed as two hex characters. This demands that nearly twice as many bytes be

transferred as might otherwise be required. This is not a severe limitation, however, since typical file transfer times are less than one minute. Overall, the simplicity of the custom FTP/hex packet format implementation outweighs the drawbacks.

Remote Station

The remote station in the test configuration consists of the display application and programmer circuits, described previously, connected to a Hayes-compatible, Prometheus 1200 baud modem. During normal operation, the application executes its internal program while the modem and programmer monitor the phone line for incoming calls.

After a call has been detected and a connection established, the programmer forces the application to suspend execution of its program. The new program is then downloaded and programmed into the AT89C51 embedded in the application. When programming is complete, the application is allowed to begin execution of its new program, and the programmer returns to monitoring the phone line for the next call.

The programmer powers up with its programming control outputs inactive, allowing the application to run normally. After configuring the modem to answer incoming calls, the programmer puts itself to sleep. The programmer will not disturb the application until a new program is to be downloaded.

The programmer controls the modem by sending ASCII command strings over the serial interface, to which the modem responds with Hayes-style ASCII numeric codes. The software is designed for use with Hayes-compatible modems, which includes the Prometheus ProModem 1200 used here.

The serial interface, through which the programmer connects to the modem, supports two handshaking signals, DTR and DSR. On power up, the programmer asserts DTR, to which the modem responds by asserting DSR. If the modem should fail to respond to any command, including the command to hang up, the programmer deasserts DTR, which forces the modem to drop the line.

The modem monitors the phone line while the programmer sleeps, waiting for an incoming call. When a call is detected, the modem answers and attempts to establish communication with the caller. If a connection is established, the modem sends a code to the programmer, waking it up. The programmer verifies the connect code and begins polling for a valid packet header.

Incoming packets must arrive fewer than thirty seconds apart, or the modem drops the line (hangs up) and the programmer returns to sleep, waiting for the next call. If the caller hangs up, the thirty second period must expire before another call will be answered. Calls incoming during the reset delay period are ignored.

If a valid packet header is received prior to the expiration of the reset delay period, the

programmer will attempt to read and validate the incoming packet. At any time during packet reception, an invalid character, parity error or timeout during character reception will cause the partial packet to be declared invalid and discarded.

Two packet types are defined: data and end-of-file. A data packet contains five fields in addition to the packet header, one of which is a variable length data field. The data field contains program data to be written into the AT89C51 controller in the application. The load address field contains the address at which the data is to be written. The end-of-file packet contains the same fields as the data packet, except that the data field is empty. This packet type has special meaning to the programmer, as explained below.

Any packet which contains an invalid record type, record length or checksum is invalid. Program data accumulated during the processing of an invalid packet is discarded. The programmer sends a NAK to the transmitter to signal reception of an invalid packet and resumes polling for a valid packet header.

Receipt of the first valid data packet causes the programmer to interrupt the application controller. The controller responds to the interrupt by abandoning execution of its usual program and displaying a message indicating that programming is taking place. If this is the first valid data packet since power was applied or an end-of-file packet was received, the programmer asserts the control signals necessary to erase the program memory in the application controller. The programmer then places the controller in programming mode.

The first and subsequent valid data packets are dissected as they are received and the data which they contain is programmed into the application controller at the address indicated in the packet load address field. After programming, the data is read back from the controller and verified against the received packet data. Successful verification indicates that programming was successful, causing the programmer to send ACK to the transmitter. The programmer then resumes polling for a valid packet header, subject to the thirty second reset delay.

If programming fails, the programmer sends CAN to signal the transmitter to abort the file transfer. The modem drops the line and the programmer returns to sleep, waiting for the next call. The application controller is left in programming mode, preventing it from executing the incomplete or invalid program which it contains.

It is important to note that invalid packets are NEVER programmed into the application controller. To do so would require that the program memory in the controller be completely erased before the error could be corrected, causing the non-recoverable loss of all previous program data.

Upon receipt of an end-of-file packet, the programmer returns its control outputs to the inactive, power on state, allowing the application controller to begin execution of the new

program. The programmer then resumes polling for a valid packet header, subject to the thirty second reset delay.

If a valid packet is received prior to the expiration of the thirty second delay, another programming cycle begins, which can only be terminated by the reception of a valid end-of-file packet.

If the reset delay expires prior to the reception of a valid end-of-file packet, the modem will drop the line and the programmer will return to sleep, waiting for the next call. In this case, the application controller is left in programming mode, preventing it from executing its program. To return the application to normal operation, another call must be received, and a valid program file uploaded, terminated by an end-of-file packet.


本应用指南说明了Atmel AT89C51是可在线可编程的微控制器。它为电路编程提出了相应的例子,程序的修改需要在线编程的支持。这类显示方法在应用程序中的AT89C51单片机可通过电话线远程控制。该应用指南所描述的电路只支持5v电压下编程。此应用软件可以到Atmel进行下载。




RST在编程期间必须为高电平。应该提供一种方法使得电路通入电源以后,使RST代替主要的复位电路起到复位的作用 。


ALE/ PROG在编程过程中输出低电平,在正常运行期间绝不能使用。

在编程过程中,AT89C51的I / O端口是用于模式应用程序,地址和数据选择的,可能需要该控制器从应用的电路隔离。如何做到这一点取决于应用程序。


在编程过程中,控制器必须与应用电路的信号来源隔离。带有三个输出状态的缓冲区会在应用程序之间插入电路和控制器,同时在编程时缓冲区输出三种状态。一个多路复用器可用于信号源之间进行选择,适用于任何一方的应用电路或编程控制器电路的信号。 输出端口







可显示字符的ASCII 码,范围为20H-5FH。上电复位电路和一个6 MHz的晶体振荡器完成应用软件程序。无论外部程序存储器或外部数据存储器都时可用的。


据推测,编程器在休眠时,既不会驱动,也不会加载应用程序。由于应用程序不使用外部程序存储器,EA/VPP脚接VCC电源。复位电路被两种转换器改变状态,此转换器允许编程时RST接高电平。在基本应用时未使用的PSEN和ALE/ PROG,是被程序员直接控制的。

编程器的编程需要获得所有数据表中记录的AT89C51的I / O端口。编程器是与那些应用程序未使用的控制器的引脚相连的,而这些应用程序的引脚需要最低有效位的四所产生的地址是可获得的,如下段所述。

由编程器生成的最小的四位地址是与DIP转换的数据在控制器的端口多路复用的 请注意,加在开关上的四个电阻在基本应用中并不是必须的,因为AT89C51的端口上提供一个内部上拉电阻。







程序控制器生成的地址,数据和控制信号,对嵌入到程序中的AT89C51有重要作用。 程序控制器电路由一个AT89C51和一个RS - 232电平转换器组成。该控制器运行在11.0592兆HZ,此频率允许串口运行在一个标准波特率下。一个MAXIM MAX232线路驱动器/接收器产生RS - 232水平,而只需要5伏的电源系统。



AT89C51的程序不使用外部程序或数据存储器,这需要牺牲所需要的I / O引脚。这就要求程序代码和I / O缓冲区保持足够小以适合片上存储器。





Procomm Plus版本2.01,是一个商业数据通信软件包,用于配置调制解调器,建立通讯设置参数,并建立与远程调制解调器的链接。 Procomm Plus包括所谓的宏语言方面,它允许用户编写实现自定义的文件传输协议的脚本。一个简单的脚本编写用来读取一个程序文件的内容,并上传到远程编程器 。








上传到程序控制器的文件是用英特尔MCS- 51软件开发包来创建的。在包中包括了MCS - 51宏汇编,MCS - 51单片机Relocator和连接器,以及一个有用的工具,OH。OH将8051绝对目标文件转换为为等效的ASCII十六进制目标文件。





















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