


除尘设备:发泡条, 复合圈, 皮膜.

印染设备:高温圈, 耐碱垫片, 刮刀板.

建筑材料:门窗封条, 垫块, 灯用封条.

汽车零件:皮膜防尘罩, 密封条, 密封圈.

包装机械:弹心球, 密封垫, 高温条, 硅橡板.

管道工程:排水口密封圈, 管子垫片, 垫圈, 卡箍圈.

机械机电:各种电机垫片, 大小水泵, 畜电池, 水泥机械, 袜厂.

民用电器:太阳能热水器, 电饭煲, 空调, 浴霸.

机械仪器:啤洒没备, 印铁, 纺织, 制革, 望远镜, 用胶条球.

欢迎来图供样. 通力合作, 共创辉煌.

Our company is speciality in producing different rubber products and various kinds of mould.For example foaming , silicone rubber, rubber and plastic,NBR, ,FPM(FKM),EPDM,PTC,PIBI,AR,rubber used for food and so on.

Here is some introductions about the products and the use in other industry:

Dust-cleaning apparatus : foaming strip,composite ring,membrane dermalis

Dyeing equip : high temperature strip,alkali-resisting spacer,drawknife board

Building materials : seat pad,door and windows sealing,lamp sealing

Automobile parts : membrane dust cover,sealing ring,sealing strip

Packing machinery : sealing qasket,high strip,silicone boardt,rubber ball

Pipework : waterspout seal ring,tube spacer,qasket,clamp ring, Cement Machine,parts for socks production

Civil machine: solar water heater,electric cooker,air-condition,bathroom heater

Machine instrument : XV-III,metal decorating,weave,process hides,telescope,rubber strip ball Welcome to provide the drawing to us , we will do our best to turn out the products you want.

Our company has a long history and we are located on the beautiful bank of Qiantang River, with just 60km to Hangzhou Xiaoshan Airport and 80km to Shanghai.

We are a specialized manufacturer of silicone rubber, butyl nitrile rubber, natural rubber, EPDM rubber products, mixed rubber products and custom-made parts. Our mission is "to undertake special bomb-ring rubber specifications parts production". "Good service and quality products, reasonable prices" is our tenet and we sincerely welcome new and old customers to come to visit us.

Over the years, we have been consistently adhering to the principle of "credit first, sincere and trustworthy", and we constantly improve the management mechanism. Our motto is "form a network marketing model, emphasizing customer-and market-oriented, and continuously expand the business scope of services our customers to long-term, stable, win-win partnership".

If you have any requirement for different kinds of rubber products, or need further information, please contact our trade staff members for more information. We are ardent to establish business relations with you.

Dear Sir ,

Nice to contact you! We got your purchasing information from the Alibaba.com.Here writing to you with expectation of establishing business relationship.

We are a specialized manufacturer of silicone rubber, butyl nitrile rubber, natural rubber, EPDM rubber products, mixed rubber products and custom-made parts.Please view the pictures in the attached enclosure.Something may meet your needs in producing O-ring,spacer,or other rubber products.Please enter our Web page to get more details:www.cfsx.cn.If something is attracting,please let us know ,then we should send you the price sheet.

We sincerely hope you can send us drawing or some messages about the products you need and establish bussiness relationship with you.

Best regards!

Yours sincerely

Yuezhong Wang

Haining Co.Ltd

silicone rings:

1.Material:100% silicone.

2.Size and color:No limit.

3.Low price with high Quality

Silicone rings

1:made of 100%silicon material.

2:health rubber silicone ring.

3:environmentally friendly product ideal for promotional gifts.

4:our product have enjoyed popularity in the world market for it s excellent quality and prod low price for many years,we are convinced that our products will no doubt help you expand your market.



除尘设备:发泡条, 复合圈, 皮膜.

印染设备:高温圈, 耐碱垫片, 刮刀板.

建筑材料:门窗封条, 垫块, 灯用封条.

汽车零件:皮膜防尘罩, 密封条, 密封圈.

包装机械:弹心球, 密封垫, 高温条, 硅橡板.

管道工程:排水口密封圈, 管子垫片, 垫圈, 卡箍圈.

机械机电:各种电机垫片, 大小水泵, 畜电池, 水泥机械, 袜厂.

民用电器:太阳能热水器, 电饭煲, 空调, 浴霸.

机械仪器:啤洒没备, 印铁, 纺织, 制革, 望远镜, 用胶条球.

欢迎来图供样. 通力合作, 共创辉煌.

Our company is speciality in producing different rubber products and various kinds of mould.For example foaming , silicone rubber, rubber and plastic,NBR, ,FPM(FKM),EPDM,PTC,PIBI,AR,rubber used for food and so on.

Here is some introductions about the products and the use in other industry:

Dust-cleaning apparatus : foaming strip,composite ring,membrane dermalis

Dyeing equip : high temperature strip,alkali-resisting spacer,drawknife board

Building materials : seat pad,door and windows sealing,lamp sealing

Automobile parts : membrane dust cover,sealing ring,sealing strip

Packing machinery : sealing qasket,high strip,silicone boardt,rubber ball

Pipework : waterspout seal ring,tube spacer,qasket,clamp ring, Cement Machine,parts for socks production

Civil machine: solar water heater,electric cooker,air-condition,bathroom heater

Machine instrument : XV-III,metal decorating,weave,process hides,telescope,rubber strip ball Welcome to provide the drawing to us , we will do our best to turn out the products you want.

Our company has a long history and we are located on the beautiful bank of Qiantang River, with just 60km to Hangzhou Xiaoshan Airport and 80km to Shanghai.

We are a specialized manufacturer of silicone rubber, butyl nitrile rubber, natural rubber, EPDM rubber products, mixed rubber products and custom-made parts. Our mission is "to undertake special bomb-ring rubber specifications parts production". "Good service and quality products, reasonable prices" is our tenet and we sincerely welcome new and old customers to come to visit us.

Over the years, we have been consistently adhering to the principle of "credit first, sincere and trustworthy", and we constantly improve the management mechanism. Our motto is "form a network marketing model, emphasizing customer-and market-oriented, and continuously expand the business scope of services our customers to long-term, stable, win-win partnership".

If you have any requirement for different kinds of rubber products, or need further information, please contact our trade staff members for more information. We are ardent to establish business relations with you.

Dear Sir ,

Nice to contact you! We got your purchasing information from the Alibaba.com.Here writing to you with expectation of establishing business relationship.

We are a specialized manufacturer of silicone rubber, butyl nitrile rubber, natural rubber, EPDM rubber products, mixed rubber products and custom-made parts.Please view the pictures in the attached enclosure.Something may meet your needs in producing O-ring,spacer,or other rubber products.Please enter our Web page to get more details:www.cfsx.cn.If something is attracting,please let us know ,then we should send you the price sheet.

We sincerely hope you can send us drawing or some messages about the products you need and establish bussiness relationship with you.

Best regards!

Yours sincerely

Yuezhong Wang

Haining Co.Ltd

silicone rings:

1.Material:100% silicone.

2.Size and color:No limit.

3.Low price with high Quality

Silicone rings

1:made of 100%silicon material.

2:health rubber silicone ring.

3:environmentally friendly product ideal for promotional gifts.

4:our product have enjoyed popularity in the world market for it s excellent quality and prod low price for many years,we are convinced that our products will no doubt help you expand your market.


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