Johor Bahru
新山主要的长途车站是Larkin,随时都有去吉隆坡的车,去马六甲也很方 便,但是去北马,要注意时间,一般一天会有两班车,早上一般,夜里一班,但票价远比从新加坡出发便宜。Larkin有很多柔佛州内 的交通线,如去Pontian,Mersing,Kota Tinggi等。常用路线有:
1.去Tioman岛,Larkin每天有两班车去Mersing码头,但是时间不是很好赶,所以可以先从Larkin坐66(227, 410)公交到Kota Tinggi,然后再转车到Mersing。
3.去Desaru,同样可以先到Kota Tinggi再转车去Desaru海滩。
新山机场叫Senai机场,离市区大概20公里,打车大约40马币,较常用的方法在Kotaraya车站旁的City Lounge乘坐机场专线,舒适,8个马币直达,约1个小时一班车;最省钱的坐法是从Larkin坐GML G1(或者333, 207)的车,只要3马币就可到机场,但车较破,路上会停很多站。新山航线不多,如JB飞 Kuching,KK,Miri等,也有飞Tawau,当然飞KL的也少不了,Penang的也有。
苏丹阿布峇卡皇宫,又称大王宫(Istana Besar),从新柔
皇宫于1866年正式完工。 皇宫就位于在柔佛海峡边的敦伊
士迈医生路(Jalan Tun Dr. Ismail),面向柔佛海县,
的地区就被称为巴西柏兰宜(Pasir Pelangi)。
柔佛古庙是位于在直律街(Jalan Trus)的一所华人庙宇,多年以来是新山华人的心灵与精神上支柱。古庙于1870年由港主陈旭年耗资兴修扩建,取名为柔佛古庙。古庙供奉五尊神明,包括潮帮的主神元天上帝外,左边是闽帮供奉的洪仙大帝,右边是客帮供奉的感天大帝,主神两边有武将华光大帝及赵大元师, 分别由广肇帮和琼帮供奉。庙内尚供奉观音娘娘,风雨圣者,速报爷,皇令爷及英烈神主牌等。现存古物最早的匾额上 书:“总握天枢”,于同治庚午(1870年)“潮州众治子敬立”。现存铜钟于1875年由“惹呀坡众弟子同敬”。此外,另有四幅匾额,即敬赠者为“福建众 弟子”(1873),“广肇府众”(1873),“客社众信”(1874)及“琼州府众”(1882),或可推断众神进庙时间。每年的农历正月二十一,柔 佛古庙将会举行一年一度的盛大游神仪式,柔佛人称之为古庙大游行。古庙里的五大神明将由五大籍贯护驾出游绕市区一圈,场面之浩大的情形是叫人难以想象的。 而新山华人坚持着一种观念说新山华人的农历新年是在游神之后才正式结束的。
金海湾Danga Bay
新山市最美丽的边境海岸线,绵延十多里长,距新山关口仅5公里,有完善的活动式娱乐设施、亲水乐园、金海购物广场、沙滩烧烤酒吧等,令人眼花撩乱的市集大卖场。还有多到吃不完的在地小吃、新鲜渔货搭配泰式马来拼盘、SPA古方养生馆、国际贸易展览馆、各式宴会餐厅等,还有一艘镇海之宝Danga Cruise 8(金海8号观光船)。
哥打丁宜(Kota Tinggi)
柔佛虽有数百年历史,但历史遗迹不多,反而以天然景观取胜,哥打丁宜(Kota Tinggi)便是个知名的瀑布游乐区,附近飞瀑流水,丛林密布,瀑布下方自然形成了一个天然的游泳池。到此戏水,不仅水凉沁心,还可享受山中幽静的生活,附近建有度假小木屋。
购物 (Shopping)
规模较大的有假日广场、彩虹广场和万客隆广场、巨人广场、依士加广场、家乐福广场。 新山城中坊(Johor Bahru City Square)
城市广场(Kota Raya) 八星广场 (Skudai Parade)
假日广场 (Holiday Plaza) 柏兰宜广场(Plaza Pelangi)
柏兰宜娱乐广场(Pelangi Leisure Mall) 圣淘沙广场(Plaza Sentosa)
安莎娜广场 (Plaza Angsana) 皇后广场(Plaza Tasek)
金海街 (Festive Street Mall) 金海广场(Danga City Mall)
Komtar 重建中 家乐福霸级市场(Carrefour)
柔佛再也花园 (Taman Johor Jaya) 五福城广场 (Sutera Mall)
柔佛再也花园 (Taman Johor Jaya)
彩虹花园 (Taman Pelangi)
淡杯 (Tampoi)
士古来 (Skudai)
龙寰镇 (U Mall)
柏临广场 (Perling Mall)
今日广场 (Today's Mall)
武吉英达 (Bukit Indah)
Aeon Tebrau City (Jusco日本)
By Bus – Take CW Link Bus no. 9B,
at the bus stop just opp Public Bank
. Will cost about RM$2.50.The bus
makes a stop at Hospital Sultan Ismail
and thereafter the next stop is AEON
Tebrau City.
KSL City Mall in Johor Bahru KSL is a brand new shopping mall in Johor Bahru . This mall is located at Taman Century near the old Holiday Plaza shopping mall. The nearest hotels is 11@Century Hotel which is just opposite this mall; and the Mutiara Hotel which is next to Holiday Plaza mall. Mutiara Hotel is a four star hotel with swimming pool and gym, whereas 11@ Century Hotel is a small boutique hotel.
Holiday Plaza Town taxis can be boarded from downtown, near the Causeway. Taxi fare goes with the meter reading and should be around RM5. Public bus service is available at the bus stop behind Komtar, Jalan Tun Razak. It is a five minute walk from the Immigration Complex upon arrival from Singapore. Bus number 51, 52, 211, 212 and 180 will bring you there. Bus fare costs RM0.50 (non-aircond) or RM0.70 (air-cond).
Pelangi Plaza Town taxis can be boarded from downtown, near the Causeway. Taxi fare goes with the meter reading and should be around RM5. Public bus service is available at the bus stop behind Komtar, Jalan Tun Razak. It is a five minute walk from the Immigration Complex upon arrival from Singapore. Bus number 39, 41, 42 will bring you there. Bus fare costs RM0.50 (non-aircond) or RM0.70 (air-cond).
Kotaraya Plaza Upon coming out of the Johor Bahru Immigration and Customs complex, look out for the central police station and walk towards it. Kotaraya complex is just behind the only Hindu temple in town. Ask the warm and friendly Malaysians for direction if you are lost. They will be glad to show you the way.
Lien Hoe Komplex (The Store, Taman Sentosa) Town taxis can be boarded from downtown, near the Causeway. Taxi fare goes with the meter reading and should be around RM6. Public bus service is available at the bus stop behind Komtar, Jalan Tun Razak, which is a five minute walk from the Immigration and Customs Ccmplex upon arrival from Singapore. Bus number 10A will bring you there. Bus fare costs RM0.60 (non-aircond) or RM0.80 (air-cond).
22, Jalan Dato Abdullah Tahir, 80300 Johor Bahru, Johor – 07-331-1588
Johor Bahru
新山主要的长途车站是Larkin,随时都有去吉隆坡的车,去马六甲也很方 便,但是去北马,要注意时间,一般一天会有两班车,早上一般,夜里一班,但票价远比从新加坡出发便宜。Larkin有很多柔佛州内 的交通线,如去Pontian,Mersing,Kota Tinggi等。常用路线有:
1.去Tioman岛,Larkin每天有两班车去Mersing码头,但是时间不是很好赶,所以可以先从Larkin坐66(227, 410)公交到Kota Tinggi,然后再转车到Mersing。
3.去Desaru,同样可以先到Kota Tinggi再转车去Desaru海滩。
新山机场叫Senai机场,离市区大概20公里,打车大约40马币,较常用的方法在Kotaraya车站旁的City Lounge乘坐机场专线,舒适,8个马币直达,约1个小时一班车;最省钱的坐法是从Larkin坐GML G1(或者333, 207)的车,只要3马币就可到机场,但车较破,路上会停很多站。新山航线不多,如JB飞 Kuching,KK,Miri等,也有飞Tawau,当然飞KL的也少不了,Penang的也有。
苏丹阿布峇卡皇宫,又称大王宫(Istana Besar),从新柔
皇宫于1866年正式完工。 皇宫就位于在柔佛海峡边的敦伊
士迈医生路(Jalan Tun Dr. Ismail),面向柔佛海县,
的地区就被称为巴西柏兰宜(Pasir Pelangi)。
柔佛古庙是位于在直律街(Jalan Trus)的一所华人庙宇,多年以来是新山华人的心灵与精神上支柱。古庙于1870年由港主陈旭年耗资兴修扩建,取名为柔佛古庙。古庙供奉五尊神明,包括潮帮的主神元天上帝外,左边是闽帮供奉的洪仙大帝,右边是客帮供奉的感天大帝,主神两边有武将华光大帝及赵大元师, 分别由广肇帮和琼帮供奉。庙内尚供奉观音娘娘,风雨圣者,速报爷,皇令爷及英烈神主牌等。现存古物最早的匾额上 书:“总握天枢”,于同治庚午(1870年)“潮州众治子敬立”。现存铜钟于1875年由“惹呀坡众弟子同敬”。此外,另有四幅匾额,即敬赠者为“福建众 弟子”(1873),“广肇府众”(1873),“客社众信”(1874)及“琼州府众”(1882),或可推断众神进庙时间。每年的农历正月二十一,柔 佛古庙将会举行一年一度的盛大游神仪式,柔佛人称之为古庙大游行。古庙里的五大神明将由五大籍贯护驾出游绕市区一圈,场面之浩大的情形是叫人难以想象的。 而新山华人坚持着一种观念说新山华人的农历新年是在游神之后才正式结束的。
金海湾Danga Bay
新山市最美丽的边境海岸线,绵延十多里长,距新山关口仅5公里,有完善的活动式娱乐设施、亲水乐园、金海购物广场、沙滩烧烤酒吧等,令人眼花撩乱的市集大卖场。还有多到吃不完的在地小吃、新鲜渔货搭配泰式马来拼盘、SPA古方养生馆、国际贸易展览馆、各式宴会餐厅等,还有一艘镇海之宝Danga Cruise 8(金海8号观光船)。
哥打丁宜(Kota Tinggi)
柔佛虽有数百年历史,但历史遗迹不多,反而以天然景观取胜,哥打丁宜(Kota Tinggi)便是个知名的瀑布游乐区,附近飞瀑流水,丛林密布,瀑布下方自然形成了一个天然的游泳池。到此戏水,不仅水凉沁心,还可享受山中幽静的生活,附近建有度假小木屋。
购物 (Shopping)
规模较大的有假日广场、彩虹广场和万客隆广场、巨人广场、依士加广场、家乐福广场。 新山城中坊(Johor Bahru City Square)
城市广场(Kota Raya) 八星广场 (Skudai Parade)
假日广场 (Holiday Plaza) 柏兰宜广场(Plaza Pelangi)
柏兰宜娱乐广场(Pelangi Leisure Mall) 圣淘沙广场(Plaza Sentosa)
安莎娜广场 (Plaza Angsana) 皇后广场(Plaza Tasek)
金海街 (Festive Street Mall) 金海广场(Danga City Mall)
Komtar 重建中 家乐福霸级市场(Carrefour)
柔佛再也花园 (Taman Johor Jaya) 五福城广场 (Sutera Mall)
柔佛再也花园 (Taman Johor Jaya)
彩虹花园 (Taman Pelangi)
淡杯 (Tampoi)
士古来 (Skudai)
龙寰镇 (U Mall)
柏临广场 (Perling Mall)
今日广场 (Today's Mall)
武吉英达 (Bukit Indah)
Aeon Tebrau City (Jusco日本)
By Bus – Take CW Link Bus no. 9B,
at the bus stop just opp Public Bank
. Will cost about RM$2.50.The bus
makes a stop at Hospital Sultan Ismail
and thereafter the next stop is AEON
Tebrau City.
KSL City Mall in Johor Bahru KSL is a brand new shopping mall in Johor Bahru . This mall is located at Taman Century near the old Holiday Plaza shopping mall. The nearest hotels is 11@Century Hotel which is just opposite this mall; and the Mutiara Hotel which is next to Holiday Plaza mall. Mutiara Hotel is a four star hotel with swimming pool and gym, whereas 11@ Century Hotel is a small boutique hotel.
Holiday Plaza Town taxis can be boarded from downtown, near the Causeway. Taxi fare goes with the meter reading and should be around RM5. Public bus service is available at the bus stop behind Komtar, Jalan Tun Razak. It is a five minute walk from the Immigration Complex upon arrival from Singapore. Bus number 51, 52, 211, 212 and 180 will bring you there. Bus fare costs RM0.50 (non-aircond) or RM0.70 (air-cond).
Pelangi Plaza Town taxis can be boarded from downtown, near the Causeway. Taxi fare goes with the meter reading and should be around RM5. Public bus service is available at the bus stop behind Komtar, Jalan Tun Razak. It is a five minute walk from the Immigration Complex upon arrival from Singapore. Bus number 39, 41, 42 will bring you there. Bus fare costs RM0.50 (non-aircond) or RM0.70 (air-cond).
Kotaraya Plaza Upon coming out of the Johor Bahru Immigration and Customs complex, look out for the central police station and walk towards it. Kotaraya complex is just behind the only Hindu temple in town. Ask the warm and friendly Malaysians for direction if you are lost. They will be glad to show you the way.
Lien Hoe Komplex (The Store, Taman Sentosa) Town taxis can be boarded from downtown, near the Causeway. Taxi fare goes with the meter reading and should be around RM6. Public bus service is available at the bus stop behind Komtar, Jalan Tun Razak, which is a five minute walk from the Immigration and Customs Ccmplex upon arrival from Singapore. Bus number 10A will bring you there. Bus fare costs RM0.60 (non-aircond) or RM0.80 (air-cond).
22, Jalan Dato Abdullah Tahir, 80300 Johor Bahru, Johor – 07-331-1588