
非谓语动词(分词/ 不定式/ 动名词)






I 动名词:(doing/ having done)通常作主语,宾语,表语,定语

动名词的被动式:being done/ having been done


Having a pair of good eyes is important for judging distances.(主语)

She loves talking with people.(宾语)

My job is teaching.(表语)

A sleeping car= a car for sleeping a walking stick=a stick for


(动名词短语作定语时,相当于 “ for “短语,可表用途)

This is called turning things upside down.这就是本末倒置(补语)

动名词的复合结构:“ 物主代词/名词所有格+动名词 ,可以做主语宾语表语(当动名



Do you mind my smoking here?

I can’t excuse her telling lies.



Tom ’s/ His marrying Kate made his parents very unhappy.

Tom ’ parents were unhappy with Tom’s/ his/ him/ Tom marrying Kate.



避免错过继续练, 否认完成就欣赏。


Consider, suggest/ advise, look forward to, excuse/ pardon, admit, delay/ put off, fancy(想

象、设想) ,avoid, miss, keep/ keep on, practice, deny, finish, enjoy/appreciate, forbid,

imagine, risk, can’t help, mind, allow/ permit, escape

此外,be used to, lead to, devote to, go back to, stick to, object to, get down to, pay

attention to, can ’t stand , give up, feel like, insist on, thank you for, apologize for, be

busy(in) , have difficulty ( in)


forget to do remember to do regret to do stop to do forget doing remember doing regret doing stop dong

mean to do go on to do can ’t help to do try to do

mean doing go on doing can ’ t help doing sth try doing

II 分词

1. 分词分为现在分词和过去分词,在句中做定语,状语,表语和宾语补足语

现在分词:doing 一表主动,二表正在进行;having done分词的动作先于主句的动作

过去分词:done 一表被动,二表完成

2. 分词作状语:现在分词和过去分词在句中可以做时间,原因,方式,伴随,条件,结果


Not receiving any letter from him, I gave him a call.

Bitten by a snake ,he was taken to hospital.

Though defeated, he didn’t lose heart.

He lay on the grass, looking into the sky.

He came running to tell me the good news.

Given more attention ,the trees would have grown better.


是主动关系,则选现在分词( doing/ having done),反之是被动关系用过去分词( done )

______( see) from the top of the mountain, our city looks very beautiful.

______(see) the beautiful sight, I felt happy at once.

______( finish) my homework, I went out to play football.


前需加自己的逻辑主语,这叫独立主格结构(absolute construction)

特点:1. 独立主格的逻辑主语与句子的主语不同,它独立存在。

2. 独立主格中的逻辑主语与其后的分词,形容词,副词,不定式,介


3. 独立主格结构一般有逗号与主句分开

Eg: All things considered, he is a clever boy in our class.

Weather permitting, we’ll go to the park tomorrow.

The guests seated, the professor began his lecture.

特殊的独立成分, 不看主被动 :Judging from his accent, he is from the South.

Considering your health, you’ d better have a rest.

To tell you the truth, I’ m a little tired.

With 的复合结构

With +名词或代词+宾语补足语( 现在分词,过去分词,不定式,形容词,副词,介词短


Eg: With his feet pointing at the door, he sat there.

I went out of the supermarket, with all the things bought.

With a lot of homework to do, I had to stay up.

He left the classroom, with the door open.

With everybody here, the professor began his lecture.

He came out of the library, with a large book under his arm.

紧缩结构: 在时间状语,条件状语,让步状语等从句中,如果主从句的主语一致,且从句中

含有be 动词,可以把主语和be 动词一起省掉。

When( you are) crossing the street ,you must be careful .

If( it is) left untreated, the illness will lead to blindness.


分词作定语有 –ing , being done, done 三种形式, 切忌一般不用 having done


I have never seen a more moving movie

The question being discussed now is difficult.

The question discussed yesterday was very difficult.

对比: The question to be discussed tomorrow is very difficult.

特殊: 沸腾的水 boiling water 正在下落的叶子 falling leaves

烧开了的水 boiled water 已经落下的叶子 fallen leaves

不定式作定语:1. 作定语的不定式如果是不及物动词,或不定式修饰的名词是不


The Browns have a comfortable house to live in.

注意:不定式修饰的名词如果是 time, place, way 时,其后的介

词习惯上省去。H e had no money and no place to live ( in )

2. 不定式作后置定语表将来( to do / to be done)

The question to be discussed tomorrow is very difficult.

3. 用来修饰被序数词,最高级或no, all, any 等限定的中心词,


She was the first woman to win the gold medal in the Olympic


She was the best man to do the job.

4. 被修饰的名词是抽象名词时用不定式(ability, chance, idea, fact,

excuse, promise, answer, reply , attempt, belief, way, reason,

moment , time等)

Eg: Do you have the ability to read and write in English?

分词作表语:有一些表情感的词,分别在后面加上ing / ed 形式 就变成了具有形容词功能


-ing 形式修饰物,译成“ 令人感到。。。”,-ed 形式修饰人,

译成“ 人感到。。。”

这样的词有( please, excite, surprise, puzzle, astonish, amaze, satisfy,

disappoint …)

It ’ surprising for her to win the gold medal. I’m surprised to hear the news.

The old man is _________ with his _________ son.( disappoint)

注意:指人的嗓音,表情等词, 要用-ed 形式修饰

He said to me in an excited voice.


1. see,watch, observe, look at, hear, listen to ,notice 等感官动词后有三

种形式:doing/ done / do 作宾语补足语

2. 使役动词let 后有两种情况:let sb do/ let sth be done

使役动词have 后有三种情况 have sb/ sth do/ done /doing

Have 当“有”讲时 have sth to do/ to be done

使役动词get 后有三种情况 get sb/ sth to do/ done/ doing

使役动词 make 后有两种情形 make sb/ sth do/ done

使役动词 send 后有两种情形 send sb to do/ doing

Leave 接宾语补足语时有下列情形:leave sb doing

Leave sth undone/unfinished/ unsettled

Leave sb to do (留下某人做某事,表将来)

leave sth to be done (留下某事要做)

分词的否定式在其前面加 not

III 不定式( to do )

1. 不定式的完成式:to have done 不定式的进行式:to be doing 不定式的被动式:to be


When he spoke of the book, I pretended to have finished reading it.

When my father came in, I pretended to be doing my homework.

The book happened to be lent when I came for it.

2. 不定式的否定式:not to do

3. 不定式可以作各种成分,除了谓语。






decide/ determine, learn, want, expect,/hope/ wish, refuse, manage, care, pretend, offer,

promise, choose, plan, agree, ask/ beg, help

此外,afford, strive, happen, wait, threaten等也要用不定式作宾语

Start/ begin to do 用于下面三种情况:

1. 在进行时后常用不定式结构。It was beginning to snow.

2. 在与表知觉,或表状态的动词连用时,常用不定式结构. She began to realize her


3. begin/ start 的主语是无生命的物时,常用不定式结构. The temperature will begin to



不定式作状语:1. 目的状语 译成“为了”,to do, in order to do, so as to do (不能放句首)

Eg: We have come to learn from you.

In order to make a study of kangaroo, he came to Australia.

2. 结果状语 , 表意外和惊讶,译成“结果却。。。’还有only to do


Eg: I went to the station hurriedly, only to find the train had left.

They said goodbye, never to meet again.

The glass doors have taken the place of the wooden ones at the e

ntrance, ____in the natural light during the day.

A.. to let B. letting C. let D. having let

3. 原因状语 (情感词后面的不定式)

Eg: I ’m glad to meet you.

She was surprised to hear the news.

不定式作宾语补足语:1.allow/ advise/ forbid/ permit sb to do

或者 + doing

Eg: You are not allowed to smoke here in the hall.

We don’t allow smoking in the hall.

2. make, have, let, see, notice, watch, look at, observe, hear, listen

to, feel, smell sb do

不定式的省略:1. 当几个动词不定式作为并列成分出现在句子中时,只在第一个不定

式前加上to, 其它不定式前的to 均可省略

At any moment he expected to hear the creature , feel it knock him

to the ground, smell it breath------meet breath.

2. 当感官动词 hear, listen to, feel, see等或是使役动词 make, have, let


3. 下列短语中,要加无to 不定式: can not help but… can not but…can

but … might/may as well… had better do… would rather do

4. 当两个或两个以上的动词不定式由but, except, and, or than等连接


We had nothing to do except read newspapers.

It ’s easier to persuade people than force them.

5. 用来诠释do 的含意的不定式表语可以用不带to 的不定式

All that I can do is wait.

不定式的疑难结构:1. 疑问词+ 不定式结构常用在tell, teach, wonder, show, ask,

forget, discuss, remember, learn, find out等动词后,相当于名


She wondered what to do next.

2. It is + adj. + of/ for sb to do

3. 跟在主系表结构后的不定式表示的动作与主语之间存在动宾关

系时,用主动表被动。 sb/ sth + be+ difficult/hard/


ossible to do.

The chair is very comfortable to sit on.

The apples are difficult to reach.

4. 某些动词不定式与be 连用时,构成固定结构 be to blame(该

受责备的)/be to seek(寻找)/ be to let(出租)

非谓语动词(分词/ 不定式/ 动名词)






I 动名词:(doing/ having done)通常作主语,宾语,表语,定语

动名词的被动式:being done/ having been done


Having a pair of good eyes is important for judging distances.(主语)

She loves talking with people.(宾语)

My job is teaching.(表语)

A sleeping car= a car for sleeping a walking stick=a stick for


(动名词短语作定语时,相当于 “ for “短语,可表用途)

This is called turning things upside down.这就是本末倒置(补语)

动名词的复合结构:“ 物主代词/名词所有格+动名词 ,可以做主语宾语表语(当动名



Do you mind my smoking here?

I can’t excuse her telling lies.



Tom ’s/ His marrying Kate made his parents very unhappy.

Tom ’ parents were unhappy with Tom’s/ his/ him/ Tom marrying Kate.



避免错过继续练, 否认完成就欣赏。


Consider, suggest/ advise, look forward to, excuse/ pardon, admit, delay/ put off, fancy(想

象、设想) ,avoid, miss, keep/ keep on, practice, deny, finish, enjoy/appreciate, forbid,

imagine, risk, can’t help, mind, allow/ permit, escape

此外,be used to, lead to, devote to, go back to, stick to, object to, get down to, pay

attention to, can ’t stand , give up, feel like, insist on, thank you for, apologize for, be

busy(in) , have difficulty ( in)


forget to do remember to do regret to do stop to do forget doing remember doing regret doing stop dong

mean to do go on to do can ’t help to do try to do

mean doing go on doing can ’ t help doing sth try doing

II 分词

1. 分词分为现在分词和过去分词,在句中做定语,状语,表语和宾语补足语

现在分词:doing 一表主动,二表正在进行;having done分词的动作先于主句的动作

过去分词:done 一表被动,二表完成

2. 分词作状语:现在分词和过去分词在句中可以做时间,原因,方式,伴随,条件,结果


Not receiving any letter from him, I gave him a call.

Bitten by a snake ,he was taken to hospital.

Though defeated, he didn’t lose heart.

He lay on the grass, looking into the sky.

He came running to tell me the good news.

Given more attention ,the trees would have grown better.


是主动关系,则选现在分词( doing/ having done),反之是被动关系用过去分词( done )

______( see) from the top of the mountain, our city looks very beautiful.

______(see) the beautiful sight, I felt happy at once.

______( finish) my homework, I went out to play football.


前需加自己的逻辑主语,这叫独立主格结构(absolute construction)

特点:1. 独立主格的逻辑主语与句子的主语不同,它独立存在。

2. 独立主格中的逻辑主语与其后的分词,形容词,副词,不定式,介


3. 独立主格结构一般有逗号与主句分开

Eg: All things considered, he is a clever boy in our class.

Weather permitting, we’ll go to the park tomorrow.

The guests seated, the professor began his lecture.

特殊的独立成分, 不看主被动 :Judging from his accent, he is from the South.

Considering your health, you’ d better have a rest.

To tell you the truth, I’ m a little tired.

With 的复合结构

With +名词或代词+宾语补足语( 现在分词,过去分词,不定式,形容词,副词,介词短


Eg: With his feet pointing at the door, he sat there.

I went out of the supermarket, with all the things bought.

With a lot of homework to do, I had to stay up.

He left the classroom, with the door open.

With everybody here, the professor began his lecture.

He came out of the library, with a large book under his arm.

紧缩结构: 在时间状语,条件状语,让步状语等从句中,如果主从句的主语一致,且从句中

含有be 动词,可以把主语和be 动词一起省掉。

When( you are) crossing the street ,you must be careful .

If( it is) left untreated, the illness will lead to blindness.


分词作定语有 –ing , being done, done 三种形式, 切忌一般不用 having done


I have never seen a more moving movie

The question being discussed now is difficult.

The question discussed yesterday was very difficult.

对比: The question to be discussed tomorrow is very difficult.

特殊: 沸腾的水 boiling water 正在下落的叶子 falling leaves

烧开了的水 boiled water 已经落下的叶子 fallen leaves

不定式作定语:1. 作定语的不定式如果是不及物动词,或不定式修饰的名词是不


The Browns have a comfortable house to live in.

注意:不定式修饰的名词如果是 time, place, way 时,其后的介

词习惯上省去。H e had no money and no place to live ( in )

2. 不定式作后置定语表将来( to do / to be done)

The question to be discussed tomorrow is very difficult.

3. 用来修饰被序数词,最高级或no, all, any 等限定的中心词,


She was the first woman to win the gold medal in the Olympic


She was the best man to do the job.

4. 被修饰的名词是抽象名词时用不定式(ability, chance, idea, fact,

excuse, promise, answer, reply , attempt, belief, way, reason,

moment , time等)

Eg: Do you have the ability to read and write in English?

分词作表语:有一些表情感的词,分别在后面加上ing / ed 形式 就变成了具有形容词功能


-ing 形式修饰物,译成“ 令人感到。。。”,-ed 形式修饰人,

译成“ 人感到。。。”

这样的词有( please, excite, surprise, puzzle, astonish, amaze, satisfy,

disappoint …)

It ’ surprising for her to win the gold medal. I’m surprised to hear the news.

The old man is _________ with his _________ son.( disappoint)

注意:指人的嗓音,表情等词, 要用-ed 形式修饰

He said to me in an excited voice.


1. see,watch, observe, look at, hear, listen to ,notice 等感官动词后有三

种形式:doing/ done / do 作宾语补足语

2. 使役动词let 后有两种情况:let sb do/ let sth be done

使役动词have 后有三种情况 have sb/ sth do/ done /doing

Have 当“有”讲时 have sth to do/ to be done

使役动词get 后有三种情况 get sb/ sth to do/ done/ doing

使役动词 make 后有两种情形 make sb/ sth do/ done

使役动词 send 后有两种情形 send sb to do/ doing

Leave 接宾语补足语时有下列情形:leave sb doing

Leave sth undone/unfinished/ unsettled

Leave sb to do (留下某人做某事,表将来)

leave sth to be done (留下某事要做)

分词的否定式在其前面加 not

III 不定式( to do )

1. 不定式的完成式:to have done 不定式的进行式:to be doing 不定式的被动式:to be


When he spoke of the book, I pretended to have finished reading it.

When my father came in, I pretended to be doing my homework.

The book happened to be lent when I came for it.

2. 不定式的否定式:not to do

3. 不定式可以作各种成分,除了谓语。






decide/ determine, learn, want, expect,/hope/ wish, refuse, manage, care, pretend, offer,

promise, choose, plan, agree, ask/ beg, help

此外,afford, strive, happen, wait, threaten等也要用不定式作宾语

Start/ begin to do 用于下面三种情况:

1. 在进行时后常用不定式结构。It was beginning to snow.

2. 在与表知觉,或表状态的动词连用时,常用不定式结构. She began to realize her


3. begin/ start 的主语是无生命的物时,常用不定式结构. The temperature will begin to



不定式作状语:1. 目的状语 译成“为了”,to do, in order to do, so as to do (不能放句首)

Eg: We have come to learn from you.

In order to make a study of kangaroo, he came to Australia.

2. 结果状语 , 表意外和惊讶,译成“结果却。。。’还有only to do


Eg: I went to the station hurriedly, only to find the train had left.

They said goodbye, never to meet again.

The glass doors have taken the place of the wooden ones at the e

ntrance, ____in the natural light during the day.

A.. to let B. letting C. let D. having let

3. 原因状语 (情感词后面的不定式)

Eg: I ’m glad to meet you.

She was surprised to hear the news.

不定式作宾语补足语:1.allow/ advise/ forbid/ permit sb to do

或者 + doing

Eg: You are not allowed to smoke here in the hall.

We don’t allow smoking in the hall.

2. make, have, let, see, notice, watch, look at, observe, hear, listen

to, feel, smell sb do

不定式的省略:1. 当几个动词不定式作为并列成分出现在句子中时,只在第一个不定

式前加上to, 其它不定式前的to 均可省略

At any moment he expected to hear the creature , feel it knock him

to the ground, smell it breath------meet breath.

2. 当感官动词 hear, listen to, feel, see等或是使役动词 make, have, let


3. 下列短语中,要加无to 不定式: can not help but… can not but…can

but … might/may as well… had better do… would rather do

4. 当两个或两个以上的动词不定式由but, except, and, or than等连接


We had nothing to do except read newspapers.

It ’s easier to persuade people than force them.

5. 用来诠释do 的含意的不定式表语可以用不带to 的不定式

All that I can do is wait.

不定式的疑难结构:1. 疑问词+ 不定式结构常用在tell, teach, wonder, show, ask,

forget, discuss, remember, learn, find out等动词后,相当于名


She wondered what to do next.

2. It is + adj. + of/ for sb to do

3. 跟在主系表结构后的不定式表示的动作与主语之间存在动宾关

系时,用主动表被动。 sb/ sth + be+ difficult/hard/


ossible to do.

The chair is very comfortable to sit on.

The apples are difficult to reach.

4. 某些动词不定式与be 连用时,构成固定结构 be to blame(该

受责备的)/be to seek(寻找)/ be to let(出租)


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  • 英语单词 形象记忆法
  • 英语单词 形象记忆法 1.确定目标.根据自己的实际情况和近期内的需要,确定需要背诵的 单词范围和时限.如果是想考四级,就把目标确定在四级单词上.否则,如果好高骛远的话,会因为单词的孤军深入(缺乏阅读.语法.作文等配套训练)而损兵折将,导致记忆大量流失. 2.选择适当的单词表(3000词左右为宜).这 ...

  • 幼儿园课程改革
  • 幼儿园课程与管理改革 一 课程设置 首先请幼儿教师根据自己教学特色在常规教学基础之上形成自己特色,上报课堂实施设想,根据实际进行采纳整改. 其次,设想如下课程: 1 逻辑数学 教师根据课堂教学内容设计好前后相关联的有关知识,形成一条知识锁链,由浅入深进行学习从而达到对幼儿的逻辑思维能力的培养. 2 ...

  • 李阳英语:英语单词形象记忆法
  • 李阳英语:英语单词形象记忆法 英语单词形象记忆法的基本原理是:将字母和常用字母的组合形象化,例如,字母O 形象化为"洞.圆.零"等,而常见字母组合OO 可以形象化为"眼睛.看见".这种形象化后的表示称为形象代码,常用的形象代码就组成了一个形象代码表.大多数单词 ...