
Unit 1 : Section A

1. 得知······而不快/高兴/惊讶/痛心

to be annoyed/delighted/surprised/distressed to learn that…

2、和以前一样不了解某人 to understand sb. no better than at first (L. 4)

3. 执意陪伴着他 to impose her company upon him (L. 6)

4. 试图做某事 to press one’s attempt to do sth. (L. 6)

5. 就我而言 for my part (L. 9)

6. 没有给某人添麻烦 to give sb. no trouble (L. 11)

7. 为某事做一些安排 to plan somewhat for sth. (L. 12)

8. 让人吃惊 to be full of surprises (L. 17)

9. 料想;指望 to count upon (L. 18)

10. 认真对待某人/某事 to take sb./sth. seriously (L. 20)

11. 对······大惊小怪 to make a fuss about… (L. 20)

12. 某人最不希望的事情 the last thing sb. would desire or expect (L. 21)

13. (使)筋疲力尽 to run down (L. 24)

14. 明确感觉有必要做某事 the feeling of a distinct necessity to do sth. (L. 32)

15. 丝毫不曾怀疑······ without a suspicion/doubt that… (L. 35)

16. 反对某事 to object to sth. (L. 35)

17. 陶醉于······ to drink in… (L. 51)

18. 很想做某事 to be greatly tempted to do sth. (L. 57)

19. 没有抵挡住诱惑 to yield to the temptation (L. 58)

20. 从她家中离开 to be gone from under her roof (L. 24)

Test Yourself-----Multiple Choice

1. They are hoping to ____ the Japanese market with their latest product.

A) transmit B) plunge

C) penetrate D) filter

2. Both the labor and the management made a lot of ____ and at last they came to an agreement.

A) sessions B) recessions

C) concessions D) conferences

3. A lot of ants are always invading my kitchen. They are a thorough ____.

A) nuisance B) trouble

C) worry D) anxiety

4. Out of ____ revenge (复仇), he did his worst to blacken her character and ruin her reputation.

A) perfect B) total

C) sheer D) thorough

5. I’ve already had one holiday in Africa, and I’m not ____ on going there again.

A) willing B) ready

C) eager D) keen

6. To call the music of another music-culture “primitive” is ____ one’s own standards on a group that does not recognize them.

A) putting B) imposing

C) forcing D) emphasizing

7. She cooked the meat for a long time so as to make it ____ enough to eat.

A) mild B) slight

C) light D) tender

8. The manager needs an assistant that he can ____ to take care of problems in his absence.

A) count in B) count on

C) count up D) count out

9. We love peace, yet we are not the kind of people to ____ to any military threat.

A) yield B) apply

C) resort D) appeal

10. What I hate most is making a great ____ about such a simple matter.

A) confusion B) initiative

C) fuss D) bark

11. Paul said he would give me a piece of cake if I stayed here, but I didn’t give in to the ____.

A) intention B) appeal

C) temptation D) charm

12. The first thing Jim did when he got off the train was to look for a(n) ____ because he had too much luggage with him.

A) porter B) employee

C) servant D) assistant

12. The first thing Jim did when he got off the train was to look for a(n) ____ because he had too much luggage with him.

A) porter B) employee

C) servant D) assistant

14. Don’t joke with Linda; she takes everything far too ____.

A) carefully B) gravely

C) seriously D) critically

15. The car won’t start because the battery has ____.

A) run up B) run down

C) run over D) run off

16. If a man is easily taken in by emotional traps, he will not be able to make ____ judgments.

A) sensible B) sensitive

C) sentimental D) sensational

17. Parents have a legal ____ to ensure that their children are provided with efficient education suitable to their age.

A) instinct B) influence

C) sympathy D) obligation

18. Space scientists believe that the black hole is ____, and would draw everything, even light, toward its center.

A) vacant B) empty

C) bare D) hollow

19. Any electric products sold in this famous department store will be ____ for one year.

A) protected B) guaranteed

C) preserved D) ensured

20. The inquiry found that the innocent civilians had been ____ to inhumane treatment for too long.

A) subjected B) attached

C) related D) resisted

21. ____ your long service to this country, we have decided to give you this gold watch as an expression of our thanks.

A) By means of B) By nature of

C) By way of D) By virtue of

22. Material abundance has been the life blood which has ____ Americans in their basic beliefs and values.

A) contributed B) provided

C) sustained D) favored

23. The planet’s surface temperature is a 100 degrees below zero centigrade at night, so that butter put outside will not ____.

A) thaw B) dissolve

C) melt D) harden

24. The thieves ____ the waste paper all over the room while they were searching for the diamond ring.

A) spread B) scratched

C) burned D) scattered

25. Joe had many regrets when he ____ the years he spent abroad.

A) looked up to B) looked down on

C) looked back on D) looked forward to

26. Cultural ____ indicates that human beings hand their languages down from one generation to another.

A) transformation B) transaction

C) transport D) transmission

27. People go to the church to ____ God.

A) worship B) pray

C) respect D) admire

28. There are strict rules ____ the use of chemicals in food.

A) reforming B) relating

C) regulating D) registering

29. The homeless ____ from the flooded town were helped by the Red Cross.

A) scouts B) saints

C) beggars D) refugees


Unit 2

1. 使某人声名永驻 to give sb. permanent fame (L. 4)

2. 给予某人掌声和收益 to provide applause and profit where sb. is concerned (L.6)

3. 永久地离开了某地 to quit a place for good (L. 7)

4. 不幸的是 sad to say (L. 11)

5. 为······拍手喝彩 to clap for sth./sb. (L. 13)

6. 反抗/反感······ to revolt against/at/from sth./sb. (L. 13)

7. 绊倒某人; 使某人犯错误;使某人受挫 to trip sb. up (L. 14)

8. 把······对准······ to aim… at… (L. 14

9. 尽管如此;仍然 all the same (L. 14

10. 瞟某人/某物的眼神 one’s quick eye for sb./sth. (L. 18

11. 落魄,潦倒 to come down in the world (L. 29

12. 闻名世界 to achieve world fame (L. 31)

13. 有意做某事 to do sth. on purpose (L. 32)

14. 有一种要做······的欲望 to have the urge/a deep need to do sth.

15. 把······写成文字 to have… written into a script (L. 39)

16. 以沉重的代价换来的自知之明 painfully-bought self-knowledge (L. 49)

17. 进入,来到(某处)······ to find one’s way into… (L. 49)

18. 失去了对······的信心 to lose one’s faith in sb./sth. (L. 50

19. 与某人共同走进夕阳之中/与某人白头偕老 to walk into the sunset with sb. (L. 51

20. 发现某人是一个······ to find in sb. a man/woman of… (L. 54

Test Yourself-----Multiple Choice

1. Jack’s shirt was burned by ____ from the fire.

A) spots B) spills

C) sparks D) sprays

2. The wood was so rotten that, when we pulled, it ____ into fragments.

A) broke off B) broke away

C) broke up D) broke through

3. We shall have to ____ the meeting until next week, I’m afraid.

A) postpone B) conduct

C) replace D) last

4. To our ____, Geoffrey’s illness proved not to be as serious as we had feared.

A) entertainment B) judgment

C) relief D) relaxation

5. The working of the machine ____ that of the human brain.

A) compromises with B) competes with

C) communicates to D) corresponds to

6. The attack was the latest in a series of border ____ in that area.

A) accidents B) incidents

C) events D) occurrences

7. The children will not be allowed to come with us if they don’t ____ themselves better.

A) direct B) accustom

C) adjust D) behave

8. The oppressed peasants rose up in armed ____.

A) revolt B) rebel

C) chaos D) challenge

9. I had to shake him several times to ____ him from his sleep.

A) rouse B) stimulate

C) motivate D) prompt

10. Three days after the trial the prisoner was ____ secretly, and the body was buried under a tree inside the prison.

A) murdered B) convicted

C) executed D) punished

11. His skin was ____ from years of working outdoors.

A) elastic B) clumsy

C) coarse D) delicious

12. Three people were killed in a head-on ____ between a bus and a car.

A) collapse B) conflict

C) collision D) crush

13. Ruth has gone back to California ____. She will not return to the East.

A) for long B) before long

C) ever since D) for good

14. When the singer appeared, the audience started to ____ loudly.

A) claim B) crack

C) clap D) crash

15. I don’t know if you’ve heard, but there’s a ____ going around the office that Mr. Smith is leaving at the end of the month.

A) news B) rumor

C) saying D) proverb

16. I guess Jones didn’t have a chance to win the election. Almost all of the people in the city voted for his ____.

A) opponent B) candidate

C) colleague D) advocate

17. He was ____ of his friend’s reputation.

A) greedy B) controversial

C) competitive D) jealous

18. The newspaper uncovered a sex ____ involving several government officials.

A) shame B) conviction

C) rumor D) scandal

19. The dog waiting behind the gate looked so ____ that I did not dare to go in.

A) bold B) fierce

C) wild D) harmful

20. The workers there held a(n) ____ to call for better working and living conditions.

A) rally B) conjunction

C) episode D) riot

21. The protest march developed into a ____ when the police tried to stop it.

A) rebel B) strike

C) violation D) riot

22. He said he had ____ the performance of the new model and was surprised at what he had seen then.

A) endeavored B) demonstrated

C) witnessed D) judged

23. It is my ____ wish that you use this money to further your research.

A) intensive B) generous

C) earnest D) voluntary

24. He had been completely exhausted but felt considerably ____ after a meal and a rest.

A) renewed B) recreated

C) reshaped D) refreshed

25. In Britain today women ____ 44% of the workforce, and nearly half the mothers with children are in paid work.

A) make up B) build up

C) stand for D) conform to

26. The garden is ____ in a formal pattern.

A) laid up B) laid off

C) laid down D) laid out

27. There are several possible explanations for the greater job stability in Japan ____ the great job mobility in the United States.

A) contrary to B) in regard to

C) in contrast to D) with respect to

28. Gasoline is processed from ____ oil.

A) raw B) rough

C) crude D) tough

29. New York ____ second in the production of apples, producing 850,000,000 pounds this year.

A) ranked B) occupied

C) arranged D) classified

30. After reading the ____ of the play, the director made several changes.

A) scrape B) catalog

C) category D) script


Unit 3 : Section A

1. 渴望/盼望······ to long for…

2. 面临着······ to be faced with…

3. 向······榨取······ to bleed… for…

4. 竭力争取;大力招揽 to drum up

5. 私下,背地里 under the table

6. 向······屈服 to yield to…

7. 卷入/潜心于······ to get involved in…

8. 在心底 deep down

9. 愚弄某人 to make fools of sb.

10. 有权做某事 to be entitled to (do) sth.

11. 是做某事的暗示 to be the cue to do sth

12. 顶嘴 to talk back

13. 就某事训斥某人 to lecture sb. about sth

14. 四处走动 to get around

15. 拿到最低的报价 to get the cheapest bid

16. 逐渐脱离······ to make a gradual shift away from…

17. 突然脱离/摆脱 to jump off

18. 成为······的捍卫者 to act as a champion for…

19. 适宜于······; 同意参与······ to lend oneself to…

20. 证明/宣判某人有罪 to convict sb. of doing sth. wrong

Test Yourself-----Multiple Choice

1. We have had to raise our prices because of the increase in the cost of ____ materials.

A) primitive B) rough

C) original D) raw

2. The social security system provides ____ for retired citizens.

A) wages B) pensions

C) profits D) rewards

3. It is well-known that the retired workers in our country are ____ free medical care.

A) entitled to B) involved in

C) associated with D) assigned to

4. Although she was not very rich, she was quite ____ with her money.

A) noble B) flexible

C) liberal D) liable

5. He received a letter of thanks for his ____ of books to the Shakespeare library.

A) publication B) donation

C) acquisition D) quotation

6. The bus ran over the cliff because its ____ failed.

A) brakes B) controls

C) gears D) signals

7. Not long ago, a government official whom I know very well was ____ a bribery.

A) related to B) involved in

C) included in D) subjected to

8. They put in the highest ____ for the house.

A) currency B) proposal

C) bid D) purchase

9. A good hunting dog is ____ to every sound and movement in the field.

A) alert B) aware

C) cautious D) nervous

10. This diploma ____ that you have completed high school.

A) proves B) certifies

C) secures D) approves

11. He was accused of ____ vital secrets to the enemy.

A) leaking B) loosening

C) relieving D) issuing

12. Only the most sophisticated theories of modern physics can ____ this phenomenon.

A) account for B) count on

C) account of D) count for

13. At the end of his trial, he was ____ of murder.

A) convicted B) convinced

C) sentenced D) condemned

14. Most flowers will not ____ without sunshine.

A) cultivate B) boom

C) sustain D) thrive

15. The company has an employee ____ of everyone working for them.

A) profile B) acquaintance

C) administration D) acknowledgement

16. When Mary paid the bill, she was given a ____ for her money.

A) cheque B) ticket

C) receipt D) label

17. There is a whole ____ of bills waiting to be paid.

A) stock B) stack

C) number D) sequence

18. The members of the club ____ a plane to take them on holiday to France.

A) assembled B) dominated

C) monitored D) chartered

19. Frankfurt, Germany, is in one of the most ____ populated regions of Western Europe.

A) densely B) vastly

C) enormously D) largely

20. He’s well known in the ____ of foreign affairs.

A) settlement B) operation

C) realm D) scope

21. She ____ the sports page to find out who had won the game.

A) plunged B) perceived

C) sketched D) skimmed

22. The lighting of the Christmas tree was the ____ of the evening.

A) peak B) boom

C) summit D) highlight

23. We didn’t like the color of the curtains, and so we ____ them a beautiful dark green.

A) soaked B) sketched

C) dyed D) dipped

24. Bruce Stephen gripped the ____ wheel hard as the car bounced up and down.

A) stirring B) driving

C) steering D) rotating

25. Years of heavy burden and hard work made him ____ at his early forties.

A) lower B) lean

C) stoop D) bow

26. Niagara Falls is a great tourist ____, drawing millions of visitors every year.

A) attention B) attraction

C) appointment D) arrangement

27. He ____ for the day when he would see his hometown again.

A) desired B) counted

C) longed D) urged

28. The insurance company paid him $ 10,000 in ____ after his accident.

A) installment B) compensation

C) substitution D) commitment

29. The noise ____ until she couldn’t stand it any longer.

A) set up B) rang up

C) built up D) called up

30. They ____ for a progressive cause and died willingly.

A) bled B) wounded

C) devoted D) departed


Unit 4 : Section A

1. 提高生活水准 to boost living standards

2. 跨越经济发展诸阶段 to leap over whole stages of economic development

3. 有望做某事 to promise to do sth.

4. 使······与······相比拥有巨大的优势 to give… a huge advantage over…

5. 无法摆脱/战胜 to be stuck/overcome with…

6. 坚决进行(下去) to push ahead/forward (with)

7. 一个有争论的问题/看法问题/时间问题 a matter of debate/opinion/time/…

8. 急需······ to be desperate for sth./to do sth.

9. 估算成本/权衡意见/斟酌词句 to weigh costs/ideas/one’s words

10. 区分A与B to separate A from B

11. 陷入······ to be stuck in…

12. 把······投入/灌输······之中 to pump/pour sth. into…

13. 触及表面;略知皮毛 to scratch the surface of sth.

14. 进入(计算机)系统;登录 to log on to sth

15. 花费高价来换取某物 to accept/pay a high price tag for sth.

16. 整个(某个)地方 across the entire width and breadth of a place

17. 与······相比之下 as compared to

18. 在······之中成为时尚 to become the rage among…

19. 做出大胆的跃进 to make a bold leap

20. 名列前茅 to move ahead

21. 以一跃 in/with one jump/leap

Test Yourself-----Multiple Choice

1. The class remained ____ when the teacher asked a formidable question.

A) clumsy B) deaf

C) dumb D) still

2. The captured criminals were ____ in chains through the streets.

A) exhibited B) displayed

C) paraded D) revealed

3. As a summary, the long story was ____ into a few sentences.

A) condensed B) condemned

C) concealed D) concentrated

4. She took an ____ course in cooking before her marriage.

A) integral B) intentional

C) intensive D) intense

5. Deeply cursed with prison life, the prisoners became ____ for breakout.

A) discarded B) disappointed

C) intensive D) desperate

6. Being very hungry, she gave the two dishes a thorough ____.

A) script B) click

C) lick D) scrape

7. The problem with the country is how to lift its economy out of ____.

A) reservation B) recreation

C) reversion D) recession

8. Be careful with a cat. It may ____ you if you make it angry.

A) punch B) scrape

C) tear D) scratch

9. He ____ much of his time in learning the new language.

A) invested B) involved

C) invented D) integrated

10. The farmers were more anxious for rain than the people in the city because they had more at ____

A) danger B) stake

C) loss D) threat

11. The ____ on this apartment runs out in a year’s time.

A) treaty B) lease

C) agenda D) deadline

12. He has put his car entirely at our ____ for the holiday.

A) usage B) application

C) disposition D) disposal

13. The town planning commission said that their financial outlook for the next year was optimistic. They expected increased tax ____.

A) efficiency B) privileges

C) revenues D) validity

14. If you ____ in taking this attitude, we’ll have to ask you to leave.

A) persist B) insist

C) resist D) assist

15. The rest of the family had nearly reached the river, but Jane was ____ behind as usual.

A) declining B) delaying

C) lacking D) lagging

16. Communication is the process of ____ a message from a source to an audience via a channel.

A) transmitting B) submitting

C) transforming D) switching

17. The computer has become smaller and cheaper and ____ more available to a greater number of people.

A) yet B) hence

C) still D) nevertheless

18. Take one ____ of this cough-mixture three times a day.

A) therapy B) prescription

C) injection D) dose

19. John Smith is the New York Times ____ at Beijing.

A) resident B) correspondent

C) ambassador D) applicant

20. Today, many ____ products have replaced natural ones.

A) practical B) compound

C) raw D) synthetic

21. Improved consumer confidence is ____ to an economic recovery.

A) crucial B) competitive

C) acute D) satisfactory

22. It would be wise to ____ your property against storm damage.

A) ensure B) insure

C) integrate D) guarantee

23. The Main Street is the ____ stop for this bus route.

A) end B) closing

C) terminal D) concluding

24. Over a third of the population was estimated to have no ____ to the health service.

A) assessment B) assignment

C) exception D) access

25. Very few scientists ____ completely new answers to the world’s problems.

A) come up with B) come out

C) come round D) come up to

26. After she qualified as a lawyer, she decided to specialize ____ contract law.

A) on B) in

C) with D) of

27. A prime minister cannot expect to have much time to ____ to purely personal matters.

A) devote B) reserve

C) concentrate D) spare

28. The whole idea ____ from a casual remark.

A) evolved B) involved

C) generated D) adapted

29. There are not many teachers who are strong ____ of traditional methods in English teaching.

A) sponsors B) contributors

C) advocates D) performers

30. No longer are contributions to computer technology confined to any one country: ____ is this more true than in Europe.

A) hardly B) little

C) seldom D) nowhere


Unit 5 : Section A

1. 据最近的统计 by/according to recent count/statistics

2. 抛弃/驱逐某人 to cast out/throw out/expel sb

3. 是某人最有用的东西 to be a major commodity for sb.

4. 找出/搜寻出······ to seek/single out sth.

5. 动身;阐述 to set forth

6. 毫无疑问, ······ No doubt about it,…

7. (不)费神做某事 to (not) trouble / bother to do sth.

8. 放松; 伸出; 延长; 使满足需要 to stretch out

9. 充满整个房间 to fill up the whole room

10. 熬夜做某事 to stay up late to do sth

11. 一口气(地) at one sitting (go/stretch)/with one single effort /in one breath (move)

12. 一连串的······ a succession of sth

13. 聚塞;支持;倒车;阻止住;证实 to back up

14. 详细地说;唠叨不休 to talk at length

15. 跟某人争论某事 to argue with sb. over sth.

16. 在自身条件下发现一些优雅和乐趣

to find/discover some grace and pleasure in our condition

17. 把某人/物密封/封闭起来 to seal up sb. / sth

18. 不妨/还不如做某事 might / may as well do sth.

Test Yourself-----Multiple Choice

1. It took him several months to ____ the wild horse.

A) tend B) cultivate

D) tame

B) purpose C) breed A) choice 2. I don’t think it was an accident. He did it on ____.

C) intention D) design

3. The manager ____ the letter to his secretary, who wrote it down in short hand.

A) passed

C) dictated

A) humble B) copied D) declared B) harsh

D) wrecked

B) to the skin 4. He was of ____ birth; his parents had no money and lived poorly. C) wicked A) wet 5. On the way to school, there was no shelter from the rain, so the students were soaked ____.

C) on the skin

A) blocked

C) choked

wanted to do.”

A) supreme B) superficial

C) supplementary


A) judgment

C) justice

A) detail B) jury D) wrong B) extent

D) length D) superior 8. We might say that ____ has been done when a man’s innocence and guilt has been proved beyond D) over B) provoked D) stroked 6. The smoke from the burning building almost ____ the firemen and forced them to wear masks. 7. He smiled again with an air of ____ contentment and said, “It’s the first time I’ve ever done what I 9. He has given all the facts at great ____ so that you may judge for yourself. C) degree

A) for a long time 10. She hasn’t found an apartment yet; she’s staying with her aunt ____. B) for the first time

C) for the time being D) from time to time

11. On receiving sound waves, our eardrums ____ and cause minute electrical signals to be sent to the brain.

A) shiver

C) vibrate

A) superb

C) vigorous B) shake D) tremble B) organic D) rotten 12. Coal and petroleum are called ____ substances, because they are the remains of living things.

13. Preservatives (防腐剂) are added to bread to keep it from getting ____.

A) static

C) stable

A) booms B) stained D) stale B) nightmares

D) disadvantages 14. Here were cycles of industrial prosperity which always collapsed into industrial ____. C) depressions

15. All men or women, young or old, short or tall, should not ____ any form of discrimination, because sooner or later we are all likely to fall victim to this dangerous practice.

A) resist

C) undergo

A) resort

C) proceed

A) panel

C) court B) sustain D) tolerate 16. Generally, it is only when animals are trapped that they ____ to violence to escape. B) appeal D) incline 17. In the end, a ____ of six men and six women deliberated four days and found him guilty of murder. B) jury D) legislation

B) practical 18. Although his ____ ideas were difficult to understand, I managed to go through the whole book. A) abstract

C) concrete D) superficial

19. During a visit to the Forbidden City, she was heard to ____ “it’s so beautiful” three times.

A) have grasped B) have gripped

C) have claimed D) have exclaimed

B) bite 20. This meat is rather tough; you have to ____ it for a long time. A) chew

C) eat

D) swallow B) basis D) base B) in case D) so that 21. We cannot judge a person simply on the ____ of his education. A) condition C) principle A) only if C) now that 22. Don’t let the child play with scissors ______ he cuts himself.

23. I’d grown ____ of the place and it was difficult to leave.

A) considerate

C) attached

A) but

C) despite B) accustomed D) fond B) nevertheless 24. He had no qualifications; ____, he got the job. D) instead

B) fasten D) enclose B) strap 25. Don’t forget to ____ the letter before you post it. A) stick C) seal A) slip 26. The child got a ____ from his mother for being rude. C) snap D) slap

27. The bond of true affection had pulled us—six very different men from six very different

countries—across Antarctica; we proved in the end that we weren’t very different ____.

A) after all B) as usual

C) in particular

A) compatible

C) consistent D) for all B) equivalent D) uniform

B) tried on

D) tried with 28. The couple separated because they were not ____. 29. He made several interesting discoveries when he ____ a monkey recently. A) experimented on C) experimented with

Chinese medicine.

A) alter

C) range B) separate D) differ 30. Their specialities ____ from Chinese literature, history and philosophy to law, sciences, and traditional


Unit 6 : Section A

1. 在增长中 on the increase

2. 明确向某人表示;明确告知某人 to make it clear to sb. that…

3. 坚持原则 to stand by one’s principles

4. 有高尚的道德标准 to have high moral standards

5. 私下里;秘密地;在私生活里; 在家里 in private

6. 为方便讨论起见/为了政治目的 for discussion/political purposes

7. 正在调查中 under investigation

8. 因可能触犯商业法规 for possible violations of business laws

9. 资助某人做某事 to finance sb.’s efforts to do sth

10. 得到主要建筑合同 to secure major construction contracts

11. 给······ 施加压力/过分强调······ to put pressure/undue stress on...

12. 向某人捐款/汇款 to make donations/payments to sb

13. 加快······速度 to speed up the wheels/progress of…

14. 想出了办法 to hit upon/on the answer/solution

15. 暗中将某物塞入······ to slip sth. into/within…

16. 属于此类 to be included on this list

17. 设计一套法规 to devise a code of rules

18. 禁止各种类型的贿赂 to prohibit bribery in various forms/in all its forms

19. 达到; 等于; 实际上是 to amount to

20. 既确保自己的利益,又无愧道德良心 to square one’s interests with his moral conscience Test Yourself-----Multiple Choice

1. I said I would do it and I ____ my promise.

A) stand up to B) stand for

C) stand by D) stand up for

2. Mr. Morgan can be very sad ____, though in public he is extremely cheerful.

A) by oneself B) in person

D) as individual C) in private

A) separate 3. Color-blind people often find it difficult to ____ between blue and green. B) distinguish

C) compare

A) applies D) contrast 4. Keeping what belongs to another ____ to stealing. B) accounts

D) amounts C) attaches


A) distance

C) speed

A) static

B) rate D) motion B) sophisticated D) substantial 5. The time taken on your journey, together with your ____, will enable you to calculate how far you have 6. The newly-built Science Building seems ____ enough to last a hundred years. C) steady

7. Helen groups all people into two ____: those she likes and those she dislikes.

A) specimens B) categories

C) catalogs

A) hint

D) sectors B) code 8. Fry rejected the accepted ____ of behavior and married one of his servants. C) signal A) delicate D) advice B) disguised 9. We couldn’t see much because there was only a ____ light in the room.

C) depressed D) dim

10. The truck driver was proved ____ of the crime.

A) indifferent

C) innocent


A) resort

C) afford

A) portion B) grant D) entitle B) proportion B) independent D) inevitable 11. His argument does not suggest that mankind can ____ to be wasteful in the utilization of these 12. He takes a 10% ____ on all the sales he makes: if he sells goods worth $100 he gets $10.

C) concession

A) include

C) contain

A) banged D) commission

B) involve D) comprise B) bound D) banned 13. Putting in a new window will ____ cutting away part of the roof. 14. The authorities ____ tourists from visiting the secret factory. C) bonded


A) conditions

C) situations

A) go in for B) occasions D) environments B) hold on to 15. There are certain ____ on which you must interrupt people who are in the middle of doing 16. We had to ____ a lot of noise when the children were at home.

C) put up with D) keep pace with

17. The new regulation does not ____ until the first of March.

A) take into effect

C) put into effect B) get into effect D) go into effect

18. After dinner, the two men ____ into the study where they could talk freely.

A) retired B) restored

C) restrained D) resigned

19. Tom could not ____ the last problem on the arithmetic test.

A) fill out B) figure out

C) find out

D) filter out B) inevitably 20. Adam has a good position and will pay you back ____. A) lastly

C) eventually

A) can’t

C) wouldn’t D) equally B) shouldn’t D) mustn’t

B) must be attacked

D) would be attacked 21. The careless man received a ticket for speeding. He ____ have driven so fast. 22. While crossing the mountain area, all the men carried guns lest they ____ by wild animals. A) should be attacked C) had been attacked

A) having been lost B) losing

C) to be lost

A) whoever D) lost 24. They always give the vacant seats to ____ comes first. B) who

D) whom C) whomever 23. Anna was reading a piece of science fiction, completely ____ to the outside world.

25. He said that the driver must have had an accident; otherwise he ____ by then.

A) would have arrived B) should arrive

C) must have arrived D) would arrive

26. Such crimes may be so complex that months or years go by before anyone ____ them.

A) would have discovered B) discovered

C) will discover

A) worked

D) discovers 27. If I ____ harder at school, I would be sitting in a comfortable office now. B) had worked D) were working C) were to work

28. ____ much is known about what occurs during sleep, the precise function of sleep and its different stages remains largely in the realm of assumption.

A) Because

C) For

B) Since D) While B) to be known D) having known

B) were ended

D) must be ended 29. Professor Wang, ____ for his informative lectures, was warmly received by his students. A) knowing C) known 30. It is high time that such practices ____. A) are ended C) be ended


Test Yourself-----Multiple Choice

1. A friendship may be ____, casual, situational or deep and lasting.

A) identical B) original

D) critical C) superficial

A) adjustment 2. The weatherman broadcasts the ____ in temperature twice a day. B) variation

C) variety D) modification

3. The teacher told the students in her conversation class to ____ their talk to the topic.

A) concern B) condense

D) confine

B) departing

D) decreasing C) concentrate A) descending 4. On turning the corner, we saw the road ____ steeply. C) depressing

A) traits

5. Many examples and extra grammatical information are among the special ____ of this dictionary. B) marks D) features B) displayed C) marks A) conveyed 6. When I ____ her with the evidence, the girl admitted that she was wrong.

C) confronted D) consulted

7. Millions of peasants have ____ to the cities.

A) migrated B) accelerated

C) illustrated

A) expose

C) exhaust D) integrated 8. They are trying to ____ the waste discharged by the factory for profit. B) exhibit D) exploit

B) looking out 9. The police are ____ the records of all those involved in the crime. A) looking into

C) looking after D) looking on

10. I suffered from mental__________ because of stress from my work.

A) fatigue

C) relief


A) advertise

C) reveal

A) issue B) exhibit D) demonstrate B) hand

D) question B) damage D) release 11. The car salesman took the customer for a drive in the new model in order to ____ its improved 12. On the evening in ____ he had been making all sorts of complicated calculations. C) concern

13. Proper clothes ____ for much in most professions, so the job applicant should take care to appear appropriately dressed in the interview.

A) count

C) impress

A) glanced B) value D) imply B) peered 14. She ____ through the mist, trying to find the right path.

C) gazed

A) implications

C) relations

A) by far D) scanned 15. To understand the ____ of a situation, we have to know something about that kind of situation. B) references D) findings 16. The show was ____ being a failure; it was a great success. B) far from

D) so far

B) complete C) far apart A) thorough

C) ultimate

difficult for them there.

A) priority B) discomfort

C) disadvantage

A) mission

C) delivery D) prejudice 19. Soon the pilot was sent on a bombing ____ over Germany. B) performance

D) tour B) ensured 17. That is our ____ proposal, and no other changes will be considered. D) extreme 18. The former mayor of the city was always holding a ____ against new immigrants and made life 20. They have ____ what I suspected long ago. A) assured

C) convinced

should have died D) confirmed 21. Investigators agreed that passengers on the airliner ____ at the very moment of the crash. A) B) must be dying

C) must have died D) ought to die

22. The residents, ____ had been damaged by the fire, were given help by the Red Cross.

A) all of their homes

A) all that

B) all their homes C) whose all homes D) all of whose homes B) all what D) that all B) being D) having 23. These people once had fame and fortune; now ____ is left to them is utter poverty. C) all which A) were C) to be 24. We left the meeting, there obviously ____ no point in staying.

25. The owner and editor of the newspaper ____ the conference.

A) were attending B) were to attend

C) is to attend

A) going

D) are to attend B) to go D) went 26. Who would you rather ____ with you, George or me? C) have gone

27. What a lovely party! It’s worth ____ all my life.

A) remembering B) to remember

C) to be remembered D) being remembered

28. Although a teenager, Fred could resist ______ what to do and what not to do.

A) being told

B) telling D) to tell C) to be told

29. There has been a great increase in retail sales, ______?

A) does there C) hasn’t there

B) isn’t there D) isn’t it B) so D) that 30. How is it ______ your roommate’s request and yours are identical? A) if C) what


9 Test Yourself-----Multiple Choice

1. My cases were too heavy, and the airline charged me $40 for ____ baggage.

A) extensive B) exclusive

C) extreme D) excess

2. To write it as I wanted, however, would ____ all the rules of formal composition I’d learned in school, and Mr. Fleagle would surely give it a failing grade.

A) obey B) regulate

D) make C) violate

A) Refined

C) Mild B) Moderate

D) Delicate B) dismissed

D) disappeared 3. ____ plants need to be protected from cold wind and frost. 4. When the bell rang, people walked out of their homes and ____ on the village square. A) assembled C) dissolved

A) plan

C) schedule

A) excessive

C) utter 5. The rain came almost on ____ because the crops were in bad need of it. B) arrangement D) purpose B) comprehensive D) overall

B) unique 6. Last year the company’s ____ profits amounted to six and a half million dollars. 7. This album (签名薄) is ____ as it was the only one signed by President. A) unusual

C) rare

D) singular B) developed D) careful 8. Mr. Smith bought the curtain with a(n) ____ pattern of flowers on it. A) detailed C) elaborate A) sustain 9. They lack sufficient resources to ____ their campaign for long. B) contain

C) retain D) attain

10. Many university courses are not really ____ to the needs of students or their future employers.

A) associated

C) geared B) related D) qualified

11. For all babies, breastfeeding is far ____ to bottlefeeding.

A) substantial

C) superb

A) Given B) superior D) significant B) If

D) On condition that 12. ____ normal weather, they will raise the output by another 10 percent. C) Even if

13. The football player reacted ____ the judge’s decision by withdrawing from the match.

A) on

B) to C) against


A) interval B) range

D) term

B) in the course of

D) in line with

B) content C) span A) in the light of C) in place D) by 14. The returns in the short ____ may be small, but over a number of years the investment will be well 15. His statement is ____ his previous attitude to the subject. 16. Young people are not ____ to stand and look at works of art; they want art they can participate in. A) conservative

C) confident D) generous

B) go back on

D) go into 17. The early pioneers had to ____ many hardships to settle on the new land. A) go along with C) go through

A) to stop

C) stop 18. Peter, who had been driving all day, suggested ____ at the next town. B) stopping D) having stopped

B) wears D) are worn B) in D) with 19. This kind of glasses manufactured by experienced craftsmen ____ comfortably. A) is worn C) wearing A) at C) of

A) attack

C) split

20. The director was critical ____ the way we were doing the work. 21. In a sudden ____ of anger, the man tore up everything within reach. B) burst D) blast B) for D) under 22. We take our skin for granted until it is burned ____ repair. A) beyond C) without

23. Being a pop star can be quite a hard life, with a lot of traveling ____ heavy schedules.

A) with regard to

C) in relation to

choice in religion.

A) peculiarly

C) vigorously B) indifferently D) inevitably B) as to D) owing to 24. William Penn, the founder of Pennsylvania, ____ defended the right of every citizen to freedom of

25. I hope all the precautions against air pollution, ____ suggested by the local government, will be seriously considered here.

A) while

C) after

the market. B) since D) as 26. Some people would like to do shopping on Sundays since they expect to pick up wonderful ____ in

A) batteries

C) baskets

source of food.

A) store

C) reserve B) bargains D) barrels 27. In previous times, when fresh meat was in short ____, pigeons were kept by many households as a B) provision D) supply

28. As Commander-in-Chief of the armed forces, I have directed that all measures ____ for our defense.

A) had been taken B) would be taken

C) be taken

A) ordering D) to be taken B) arranging 29. After the guests left, she spent half an hour ____ the sitting-room.

C) tidying up

A) to

C) at

Kry:DCDAC DBCAC BACDD BCBBC BADCD BDCCB D) clearing away D) in B) on 30. I was ____ the point of telephoning him when his letter arrived.

Unit 1 : Section A

1. 得知······而不快/高兴/惊讶/痛心

to be annoyed/delighted/surprised/distressed to learn that…

2、和以前一样不了解某人 to understand sb. no better than at first (L. 4)

3. 执意陪伴着他 to impose her company upon him (L. 6)

4. 试图做某事 to press one’s attempt to do sth. (L. 6)

5. 就我而言 for my part (L. 9)

6. 没有给某人添麻烦 to give sb. no trouble (L. 11)

7. 为某事做一些安排 to plan somewhat for sth. (L. 12)

8. 让人吃惊 to be full of surprises (L. 17)

9. 料想;指望 to count upon (L. 18)

10. 认真对待某人/某事 to take sb./sth. seriously (L. 20)

11. 对······大惊小怪 to make a fuss about… (L. 20)

12. 某人最不希望的事情 the last thing sb. would desire or expect (L. 21)

13. (使)筋疲力尽 to run down (L. 24)

14. 明确感觉有必要做某事 the feeling of a distinct necessity to do sth. (L. 32)

15. 丝毫不曾怀疑······ without a suspicion/doubt that… (L. 35)

16. 反对某事 to object to sth. (L. 35)

17. 陶醉于······ to drink in… (L. 51)

18. 很想做某事 to be greatly tempted to do sth. (L. 57)

19. 没有抵挡住诱惑 to yield to the temptation (L. 58)

20. 从她家中离开 to be gone from under her roof (L. 24)

Test Yourself-----Multiple Choice

1. They are hoping to ____ the Japanese market with their latest product.

A) transmit B) plunge

C) penetrate D) filter

2. Both the labor and the management made a lot of ____ and at last they came to an agreement.

A) sessions B) recessions

C) concessions D) conferences

3. A lot of ants are always invading my kitchen. They are a thorough ____.

A) nuisance B) trouble

C) worry D) anxiety

4. Out of ____ revenge (复仇), he did his worst to blacken her character and ruin her reputation.

A) perfect B) total

C) sheer D) thorough

5. I’ve already had one holiday in Africa, and I’m not ____ on going there again.

A) willing B) ready

C) eager D) keen

6. To call the music of another music-culture “primitive” is ____ one’s own standards on a group that does not recognize them.

A) putting B) imposing

C) forcing D) emphasizing

7. She cooked the meat for a long time so as to make it ____ enough to eat.

A) mild B) slight

C) light D) tender

8. The manager needs an assistant that he can ____ to take care of problems in his absence.

A) count in B) count on

C) count up D) count out

9. We love peace, yet we are not the kind of people to ____ to any military threat.

A) yield B) apply

C) resort D) appeal

10. What I hate most is making a great ____ about such a simple matter.

A) confusion B) initiative

C) fuss D) bark

11. Paul said he would give me a piece of cake if I stayed here, but I didn’t give in to the ____.

A) intention B) appeal

C) temptation D) charm

12. The first thing Jim did when he got off the train was to look for a(n) ____ because he had too much luggage with him.

A) porter B) employee

C) servant D) assistant

12. The first thing Jim did when he got off the train was to look for a(n) ____ because he had too much luggage with him.

A) porter B) employee

C) servant D) assistant

14. Don’t joke with Linda; she takes everything far too ____.

A) carefully B) gravely

C) seriously D) critically

15. The car won’t start because the battery has ____.

A) run up B) run down

C) run over D) run off

16. If a man is easily taken in by emotional traps, he will not be able to make ____ judgments.

A) sensible B) sensitive

C) sentimental D) sensational

17. Parents have a legal ____ to ensure that their children are provided with efficient education suitable to their age.

A) instinct B) influence

C) sympathy D) obligation

18. Space scientists believe that the black hole is ____, and would draw everything, even light, toward its center.

A) vacant B) empty

C) bare D) hollow

19. Any electric products sold in this famous department store will be ____ for one year.

A) protected B) guaranteed

C) preserved D) ensured

20. The inquiry found that the innocent civilians had been ____ to inhumane treatment for too long.

A) subjected B) attached

C) related D) resisted

21. ____ your long service to this country, we have decided to give you this gold watch as an expression of our thanks.

A) By means of B) By nature of

C) By way of D) By virtue of

22. Material abundance has been the life blood which has ____ Americans in their basic beliefs and values.

A) contributed B) provided

C) sustained D) favored

23. The planet’s surface temperature is a 100 degrees below zero centigrade at night, so that butter put outside will not ____.

A) thaw B) dissolve

C) melt D) harden

24. The thieves ____ the waste paper all over the room while they were searching for the diamond ring.

A) spread B) scratched

C) burned D) scattered

25. Joe had many regrets when he ____ the years he spent abroad.

A) looked up to B) looked down on

C) looked back on D) looked forward to

26. Cultural ____ indicates that human beings hand their languages down from one generation to another.

A) transformation B) transaction

C) transport D) transmission

27. People go to the church to ____ God.

A) worship B) pray

C) respect D) admire

28. There are strict rules ____ the use of chemicals in food.

A) reforming B) relating

C) regulating D) registering

29. The homeless ____ from the flooded town were helped by the Red Cross.

A) scouts B) saints

C) beggars D) refugees


Unit 2

1. 使某人声名永驻 to give sb. permanent fame (L. 4)

2. 给予某人掌声和收益 to provide applause and profit where sb. is concerned (L.6)

3. 永久地离开了某地 to quit a place for good (L. 7)

4. 不幸的是 sad to say (L. 11)

5. 为······拍手喝彩 to clap for sth./sb. (L. 13)

6. 反抗/反感······ to revolt against/at/from sth./sb. (L. 13)

7. 绊倒某人; 使某人犯错误;使某人受挫 to trip sb. up (L. 14)

8. 把······对准······ to aim… at… (L. 14

9. 尽管如此;仍然 all the same (L. 14

10. 瞟某人/某物的眼神 one’s quick eye for sb./sth. (L. 18

11. 落魄,潦倒 to come down in the world (L. 29

12. 闻名世界 to achieve world fame (L. 31)

13. 有意做某事 to do sth. on purpose (L. 32)

14. 有一种要做······的欲望 to have the urge/a deep need to do sth.

15. 把······写成文字 to have… written into a script (L. 39)

16. 以沉重的代价换来的自知之明 painfully-bought self-knowledge (L. 49)

17. 进入,来到(某处)······ to find one’s way into… (L. 49)

18. 失去了对······的信心 to lose one’s faith in sb./sth. (L. 50

19. 与某人共同走进夕阳之中/与某人白头偕老 to walk into the sunset with sb. (L. 51

20. 发现某人是一个······ to find in sb. a man/woman of… (L. 54

Test Yourself-----Multiple Choice

1. Jack’s shirt was burned by ____ from the fire.

A) spots B) spills

C) sparks D) sprays

2. The wood was so rotten that, when we pulled, it ____ into fragments.

A) broke off B) broke away

C) broke up D) broke through

3. We shall have to ____ the meeting until next week, I’m afraid.

A) postpone B) conduct

C) replace D) last

4. To our ____, Geoffrey’s illness proved not to be as serious as we had feared.

A) entertainment B) judgment

C) relief D) relaxation

5. The working of the machine ____ that of the human brain.

A) compromises with B) competes with

C) communicates to D) corresponds to

6. The attack was the latest in a series of border ____ in that area.

A) accidents B) incidents

C) events D) occurrences

7. The children will not be allowed to come with us if they don’t ____ themselves better.

A) direct B) accustom

C) adjust D) behave

8. The oppressed peasants rose up in armed ____.

A) revolt B) rebel

C) chaos D) challenge

9. I had to shake him several times to ____ him from his sleep.

A) rouse B) stimulate

C) motivate D) prompt

10. Three days after the trial the prisoner was ____ secretly, and the body was buried under a tree inside the prison.

A) murdered B) convicted

C) executed D) punished

11. His skin was ____ from years of working outdoors.

A) elastic B) clumsy

C) coarse D) delicious

12. Three people were killed in a head-on ____ between a bus and a car.

A) collapse B) conflict

C) collision D) crush

13. Ruth has gone back to California ____. She will not return to the East.

A) for long B) before long

C) ever since D) for good

14. When the singer appeared, the audience started to ____ loudly.

A) claim B) crack

C) clap D) crash

15. I don’t know if you’ve heard, but there’s a ____ going around the office that Mr. Smith is leaving at the end of the month.

A) news B) rumor

C) saying D) proverb

16. I guess Jones didn’t have a chance to win the election. Almost all of the people in the city voted for his ____.

A) opponent B) candidate

C) colleague D) advocate

17. He was ____ of his friend’s reputation.

A) greedy B) controversial

C) competitive D) jealous

18. The newspaper uncovered a sex ____ involving several government officials.

A) shame B) conviction

C) rumor D) scandal

19. The dog waiting behind the gate looked so ____ that I did not dare to go in.

A) bold B) fierce

C) wild D) harmful

20. The workers there held a(n) ____ to call for better working and living conditions.

A) rally B) conjunction

C) episode D) riot

21. The protest march developed into a ____ when the police tried to stop it.

A) rebel B) strike

C) violation D) riot

22. He said he had ____ the performance of the new model and was surprised at what he had seen then.

A) endeavored B) demonstrated

C) witnessed D) judged

23. It is my ____ wish that you use this money to further your research.

A) intensive B) generous

C) earnest D) voluntary

24. He had been completely exhausted but felt considerably ____ after a meal and a rest.

A) renewed B) recreated

C) reshaped D) refreshed

25. In Britain today women ____ 44% of the workforce, and nearly half the mothers with children are in paid work.

A) make up B) build up

C) stand for D) conform to

26. The garden is ____ in a formal pattern.

A) laid up B) laid off

C) laid down D) laid out

27. There are several possible explanations for the greater job stability in Japan ____ the great job mobility in the United States.

A) contrary to B) in regard to

C) in contrast to D) with respect to

28. Gasoline is processed from ____ oil.

A) raw B) rough

C) crude D) tough

29. New York ____ second in the production of apples, producing 850,000,000 pounds this year.

A) ranked B) occupied

C) arranged D) classified

30. After reading the ____ of the play, the director made several changes.

A) scrape B) catalog

C) category D) script


Unit 3 : Section A

1. 渴望/盼望······ to long for…

2. 面临着······ to be faced with…

3. 向······榨取······ to bleed… for…

4. 竭力争取;大力招揽 to drum up

5. 私下,背地里 under the table

6. 向······屈服 to yield to…

7. 卷入/潜心于······ to get involved in…

8. 在心底 deep down

9. 愚弄某人 to make fools of sb.

10. 有权做某事 to be entitled to (do) sth.

11. 是做某事的暗示 to be the cue to do sth

12. 顶嘴 to talk back

13. 就某事训斥某人 to lecture sb. about sth

14. 四处走动 to get around

15. 拿到最低的报价 to get the cheapest bid

16. 逐渐脱离······ to make a gradual shift away from…

17. 突然脱离/摆脱 to jump off

18. 成为······的捍卫者 to act as a champion for…

19. 适宜于······; 同意参与······ to lend oneself to…

20. 证明/宣判某人有罪 to convict sb. of doing sth. wrong

Test Yourself-----Multiple Choice

1. We have had to raise our prices because of the increase in the cost of ____ materials.

A) primitive B) rough

C) original D) raw

2. The social security system provides ____ for retired citizens.

A) wages B) pensions

C) profits D) rewards

3. It is well-known that the retired workers in our country are ____ free medical care.

A) entitled to B) involved in

C) associated with D) assigned to

4. Although she was not very rich, she was quite ____ with her money.

A) noble B) flexible

C) liberal D) liable

5. He received a letter of thanks for his ____ of books to the Shakespeare library.

A) publication B) donation

C) acquisition D) quotation

6. The bus ran over the cliff because its ____ failed.

A) brakes B) controls

C) gears D) signals

7. Not long ago, a government official whom I know very well was ____ a bribery.

A) related to B) involved in

C) included in D) subjected to

8. They put in the highest ____ for the house.

A) currency B) proposal

C) bid D) purchase

9. A good hunting dog is ____ to every sound and movement in the field.

A) alert B) aware

C) cautious D) nervous

10. This diploma ____ that you have completed high school.

A) proves B) certifies

C) secures D) approves

11. He was accused of ____ vital secrets to the enemy.

A) leaking B) loosening

C) relieving D) issuing

12. Only the most sophisticated theories of modern physics can ____ this phenomenon.

A) account for B) count on

C) account of D) count for

13. At the end of his trial, he was ____ of murder.

A) convicted B) convinced

C) sentenced D) condemned

14. Most flowers will not ____ without sunshine.

A) cultivate B) boom

C) sustain D) thrive

15. The company has an employee ____ of everyone working for them.

A) profile B) acquaintance

C) administration D) acknowledgement

16. When Mary paid the bill, she was given a ____ for her money.

A) cheque B) ticket

C) receipt D) label

17. There is a whole ____ of bills waiting to be paid.

A) stock B) stack

C) number D) sequence

18. The members of the club ____ a plane to take them on holiday to France.

A) assembled B) dominated

C) monitored D) chartered

19. Frankfurt, Germany, is in one of the most ____ populated regions of Western Europe.

A) densely B) vastly

C) enormously D) largely

20. He’s well known in the ____ of foreign affairs.

A) settlement B) operation

C) realm D) scope

21. She ____ the sports page to find out who had won the game.

A) plunged B) perceived

C) sketched D) skimmed

22. The lighting of the Christmas tree was the ____ of the evening.

A) peak B) boom

C) summit D) highlight

23. We didn’t like the color of the curtains, and so we ____ them a beautiful dark green.

A) soaked B) sketched

C) dyed D) dipped

24. Bruce Stephen gripped the ____ wheel hard as the car bounced up and down.

A) stirring B) driving

C) steering D) rotating

25. Years of heavy burden and hard work made him ____ at his early forties.

A) lower B) lean

C) stoop D) bow

26. Niagara Falls is a great tourist ____, drawing millions of visitors every year.

A) attention B) attraction

C) appointment D) arrangement

27. He ____ for the day when he would see his hometown again.

A) desired B) counted

C) longed D) urged

28. The insurance company paid him $ 10,000 in ____ after his accident.

A) installment B) compensation

C) substitution D) commitment

29. The noise ____ until she couldn’t stand it any longer.

A) set up B) rang up

C) built up D) called up

30. They ____ for a progressive cause and died willingly.

A) bled B) wounded

C) devoted D) departed


Unit 4 : Section A

1. 提高生活水准 to boost living standards

2. 跨越经济发展诸阶段 to leap over whole stages of economic development

3. 有望做某事 to promise to do sth.

4. 使······与······相比拥有巨大的优势 to give… a huge advantage over…

5. 无法摆脱/战胜 to be stuck/overcome with…

6. 坚决进行(下去) to push ahead/forward (with)

7. 一个有争论的问题/看法问题/时间问题 a matter of debate/opinion/time/…

8. 急需······ to be desperate for sth./to do sth.

9. 估算成本/权衡意见/斟酌词句 to weigh costs/ideas/one’s words

10. 区分A与B to separate A from B

11. 陷入······ to be stuck in…

12. 把······投入/灌输······之中 to pump/pour sth. into…

13. 触及表面;略知皮毛 to scratch the surface of sth.

14. 进入(计算机)系统;登录 to log on to sth

15. 花费高价来换取某物 to accept/pay a high price tag for sth.

16. 整个(某个)地方 across the entire width and breadth of a place

17. 与······相比之下 as compared to

18. 在······之中成为时尚 to become the rage among…

19. 做出大胆的跃进 to make a bold leap

20. 名列前茅 to move ahead

21. 以一跃 in/with one jump/leap

Test Yourself-----Multiple Choice

1. The class remained ____ when the teacher asked a formidable question.

A) clumsy B) deaf

C) dumb D) still

2. The captured criminals were ____ in chains through the streets.

A) exhibited B) displayed

C) paraded D) revealed

3. As a summary, the long story was ____ into a few sentences.

A) condensed B) condemned

C) concealed D) concentrated

4. She took an ____ course in cooking before her marriage.

A) integral B) intentional

C) intensive D) intense

5. Deeply cursed with prison life, the prisoners became ____ for breakout.

A) discarded B) disappointed

C) intensive D) desperate

6. Being very hungry, she gave the two dishes a thorough ____.

A) script B) click

C) lick D) scrape

7. The problem with the country is how to lift its economy out of ____.

A) reservation B) recreation

C) reversion D) recession

8. Be careful with a cat. It may ____ you if you make it angry.

A) punch B) scrape

C) tear D) scratch

9. He ____ much of his time in learning the new language.

A) invested B) involved

C) invented D) integrated

10. The farmers were more anxious for rain than the people in the city because they had more at ____

A) danger B) stake

C) loss D) threat

11. The ____ on this apartment runs out in a year’s time.

A) treaty B) lease

C) agenda D) deadline

12. He has put his car entirely at our ____ for the holiday.

A) usage B) application

C) disposition D) disposal

13. The town planning commission said that their financial outlook for the next year was optimistic. They expected increased tax ____.

A) efficiency B) privileges

C) revenues D) validity

14. If you ____ in taking this attitude, we’ll have to ask you to leave.

A) persist B) insist

C) resist D) assist

15. The rest of the family had nearly reached the river, but Jane was ____ behind as usual.

A) declining B) delaying

C) lacking D) lagging

16. Communication is the process of ____ a message from a source to an audience via a channel.

A) transmitting B) submitting

C) transforming D) switching

17. The computer has become smaller and cheaper and ____ more available to a greater number of people.

A) yet B) hence

C) still D) nevertheless

18. Take one ____ of this cough-mixture three times a day.

A) therapy B) prescription

C) injection D) dose

19. John Smith is the New York Times ____ at Beijing.

A) resident B) correspondent

C) ambassador D) applicant

20. Today, many ____ products have replaced natural ones.

A) practical B) compound

C) raw D) synthetic

21. Improved consumer confidence is ____ to an economic recovery.

A) crucial B) competitive

C) acute D) satisfactory

22. It would be wise to ____ your property against storm damage.

A) ensure B) insure

C) integrate D) guarantee

23. The Main Street is the ____ stop for this bus route.

A) end B) closing

C) terminal D) concluding

24. Over a third of the population was estimated to have no ____ to the health service.

A) assessment B) assignment

C) exception D) access

25. Very few scientists ____ completely new answers to the world’s problems.

A) come up with B) come out

C) come round D) come up to

26. After she qualified as a lawyer, she decided to specialize ____ contract law.

A) on B) in

C) with D) of

27. A prime minister cannot expect to have much time to ____ to purely personal matters.

A) devote B) reserve

C) concentrate D) spare

28. The whole idea ____ from a casual remark.

A) evolved B) involved

C) generated D) adapted

29. There are not many teachers who are strong ____ of traditional methods in English teaching.

A) sponsors B) contributors

C) advocates D) performers

30. No longer are contributions to computer technology confined to any one country: ____ is this more true than in Europe.

A) hardly B) little

C) seldom D) nowhere


Unit 5 : Section A

1. 据最近的统计 by/according to recent count/statistics

2. 抛弃/驱逐某人 to cast out/throw out/expel sb

3. 是某人最有用的东西 to be a major commodity for sb.

4. 找出/搜寻出······ to seek/single out sth.

5. 动身;阐述 to set forth

6. 毫无疑问, ······ No doubt about it,…

7. (不)费神做某事 to (not) trouble / bother to do sth.

8. 放松; 伸出; 延长; 使满足需要 to stretch out

9. 充满整个房间 to fill up the whole room

10. 熬夜做某事 to stay up late to do sth

11. 一口气(地) at one sitting (go/stretch)/with one single effort /in one breath (move)

12. 一连串的······ a succession of sth

13. 聚塞;支持;倒车;阻止住;证实 to back up

14. 详细地说;唠叨不休 to talk at length

15. 跟某人争论某事 to argue with sb. over sth.

16. 在自身条件下发现一些优雅和乐趣

to find/discover some grace and pleasure in our condition

17. 把某人/物密封/封闭起来 to seal up sb. / sth

18. 不妨/还不如做某事 might / may as well do sth.

Test Yourself-----Multiple Choice

1. It took him several months to ____ the wild horse.

A) tend B) cultivate

D) tame

B) purpose C) breed A) choice 2. I don’t think it was an accident. He did it on ____.

C) intention D) design

3. The manager ____ the letter to his secretary, who wrote it down in short hand.

A) passed

C) dictated

A) humble B) copied D) declared B) harsh

D) wrecked

B) to the skin 4. He was of ____ birth; his parents had no money and lived poorly. C) wicked A) wet 5. On the way to school, there was no shelter from the rain, so the students were soaked ____.

C) on the skin

A) blocked

C) choked

wanted to do.”

A) supreme B) superficial

C) supplementary


A) judgment

C) justice

A) detail B) jury D) wrong B) extent

D) length D) superior 8. We might say that ____ has been done when a man’s innocence and guilt has been proved beyond D) over B) provoked D) stroked 6. The smoke from the burning building almost ____ the firemen and forced them to wear masks. 7. He smiled again with an air of ____ contentment and said, “It’s the first time I’ve ever done what I 9. He has given all the facts at great ____ so that you may judge for yourself. C) degree

A) for a long time 10. She hasn’t found an apartment yet; she’s staying with her aunt ____. B) for the first time

C) for the time being D) from time to time

11. On receiving sound waves, our eardrums ____ and cause minute electrical signals to be sent to the brain.

A) shiver

C) vibrate

A) superb

C) vigorous B) shake D) tremble B) organic D) rotten 12. Coal and petroleum are called ____ substances, because they are the remains of living things.

13. Preservatives (防腐剂) are added to bread to keep it from getting ____.

A) static

C) stable

A) booms B) stained D) stale B) nightmares

D) disadvantages 14. Here were cycles of industrial prosperity which always collapsed into industrial ____. C) depressions

15. All men or women, young or old, short or tall, should not ____ any form of discrimination, because sooner or later we are all likely to fall victim to this dangerous practice.

A) resist

C) undergo

A) resort

C) proceed

A) panel

C) court B) sustain D) tolerate 16. Generally, it is only when animals are trapped that they ____ to violence to escape. B) appeal D) incline 17. In the end, a ____ of six men and six women deliberated four days and found him guilty of murder. B) jury D) legislation

B) practical 18. Although his ____ ideas were difficult to understand, I managed to go through the whole book. A) abstract

C) concrete D) superficial

19. During a visit to the Forbidden City, she was heard to ____ “it’s so beautiful” three times.

A) have grasped B) have gripped

C) have claimed D) have exclaimed

B) bite 20. This meat is rather tough; you have to ____ it for a long time. A) chew

C) eat

D) swallow B) basis D) base B) in case D) so that 21. We cannot judge a person simply on the ____ of his education. A) condition C) principle A) only if C) now that 22. Don’t let the child play with scissors ______ he cuts himself.

23. I’d grown ____ of the place and it was difficult to leave.

A) considerate

C) attached

A) but

C) despite B) accustomed D) fond B) nevertheless 24. He had no qualifications; ____, he got the job. D) instead

B) fasten D) enclose B) strap 25. Don’t forget to ____ the letter before you post it. A) stick C) seal A) slip 26. The child got a ____ from his mother for being rude. C) snap D) slap

27. The bond of true affection had pulled us—six very different men from six very different

countries—across Antarctica; we proved in the end that we weren’t very different ____.

A) after all B) as usual

C) in particular

A) compatible

C) consistent D) for all B) equivalent D) uniform

B) tried on

D) tried with 28. The couple separated because they were not ____. 29. He made several interesting discoveries when he ____ a monkey recently. A) experimented on C) experimented with

Chinese medicine.

A) alter

C) range B) separate D) differ 30. Their specialities ____ from Chinese literature, history and philosophy to law, sciences, and traditional


Unit 6 : Section A

1. 在增长中 on the increase

2. 明确向某人表示;明确告知某人 to make it clear to sb. that…

3. 坚持原则 to stand by one’s principles

4. 有高尚的道德标准 to have high moral standards

5. 私下里;秘密地;在私生活里; 在家里 in private

6. 为方便讨论起见/为了政治目的 for discussion/political purposes

7. 正在调查中 under investigation

8. 因可能触犯商业法规 for possible violations of business laws

9. 资助某人做某事 to finance sb.’s efforts to do sth

10. 得到主要建筑合同 to secure major construction contracts

11. 给······ 施加压力/过分强调······ to put pressure/undue stress on...

12. 向某人捐款/汇款 to make donations/payments to sb

13. 加快······速度 to speed up the wheels/progress of…

14. 想出了办法 to hit upon/on the answer/solution

15. 暗中将某物塞入······ to slip sth. into/within…

16. 属于此类 to be included on this list

17. 设计一套法规 to devise a code of rules

18. 禁止各种类型的贿赂 to prohibit bribery in various forms/in all its forms

19. 达到; 等于; 实际上是 to amount to

20. 既确保自己的利益,又无愧道德良心 to square one’s interests with his moral conscience Test Yourself-----Multiple Choice

1. I said I would do it and I ____ my promise.

A) stand up to B) stand for

C) stand by D) stand up for

2. Mr. Morgan can be very sad ____, though in public he is extremely cheerful.

A) by oneself B) in person

D) as individual C) in private

A) separate 3. Color-blind people often find it difficult to ____ between blue and green. B) distinguish

C) compare

A) applies D) contrast 4. Keeping what belongs to another ____ to stealing. B) accounts

D) amounts C) attaches


A) distance

C) speed

A) static

B) rate D) motion B) sophisticated D) substantial 5. The time taken on your journey, together with your ____, will enable you to calculate how far you have 6. The newly-built Science Building seems ____ enough to last a hundred years. C) steady

7. Helen groups all people into two ____: those she likes and those she dislikes.

A) specimens B) categories

C) catalogs

A) hint

D) sectors B) code 8. Fry rejected the accepted ____ of behavior and married one of his servants. C) signal A) delicate D) advice B) disguised 9. We couldn’t see much because there was only a ____ light in the room.

C) depressed D) dim

10. The truck driver was proved ____ of the crime.

A) indifferent

C) innocent


A) resort

C) afford

A) portion B) grant D) entitle B) proportion B) independent D) inevitable 11. His argument does not suggest that mankind can ____ to be wasteful in the utilization of these 12. He takes a 10% ____ on all the sales he makes: if he sells goods worth $100 he gets $10.

C) concession

A) include

C) contain

A) banged D) commission

B) involve D) comprise B) bound D) banned 13. Putting in a new window will ____ cutting away part of the roof. 14. The authorities ____ tourists from visiting the secret factory. C) bonded


A) conditions

C) situations

A) go in for B) occasions D) environments B) hold on to 15. There are certain ____ on which you must interrupt people who are in the middle of doing 16. We had to ____ a lot of noise when the children were at home.

C) put up with D) keep pace with

17. The new regulation does not ____ until the first of March.

A) take into effect

C) put into effect B) get into effect D) go into effect

18. After dinner, the two men ____ into the study where they could talk freely.

A) retired B) restored

C) restrained D) resigned

19. Tom could not ____ the last problem on the arithmetic test.

A) fill out B) figure out

C) find out

D) filter out B) inevitably 20. Adam has a good position and will pay you back ____. A) lastly

C) eventually

A) can’t

C) wouldn’t D) equally B) shouldn’t D) mustn’t

B) must be attacked

D) would be attacked 21. The careless man received a ticket for speeding. He ____ have driven so fast. 22. While crossing the mountain area, all the men carried guns lest they ____ by wild animals. A) should be attacked C) had been attacked

A) having been lost B) losing

C) to be lost

A) whoever D) lost 24. They always give the vacant seats to ____ comes first. B) who

D) whom C) whomever 23. Anna was reading a piece of science fiction, completely ____ to the outside world.

25. He said that the driver must have had an accident; otherwise he ____ by then.

A) would have arrived B) should arrive

C) must have arrived D) would arrive

26. Such crimes may be so complex that months or years go by before anyone ____ them.

A) would have discovered B) discovered

C) will discover

A) worked

D) discovers 27. If I ____ harder at school, I would be sitting in a comfortable office now. B) had worked D) were working C) were to work

28. ____ much is known about what occurs during sleep, the precise function of sleep and its different stages remains largely in the realm of assumption.

A) Because

C) For

B) Since D) While B) to be known D) having known

B) were ended

D) must be ended 29. Professor Wang, ____ for his informative lectures, was warmly received by his students. A) knowing C) known 30. It is high time that such practices ____. A) are ended C) be ended


Test Yourself-----Multiple Choice

1. A friendship may be ____, casual, situational or deep and lasting.

A) identical B) original

D) critical C) superficial

A) adjustment 2. The weatherman broadcasts the ____ in temperature twice a day. B) variation

C) variety D) modification

3. The teacher told the students in her conversation class to ____ their talk to the topic.

A) concern B) condense

D) confine

B) departing

D) decreasing C) concentrate A) descending 4. On turning the corner, we saw the road ____ steeply. C) depressing

A) traits

5. Many examples and extra grammatical information are among the special ____ of this dictionary. B) marks D) features B) displayed C) marks A) conveyed 6. When I ____ her with the evidence, the girl admitted that she was wrong.

C) confronted D) consulted

7. Millions of peasants have ____ to the cities.

A) migrated B) accelerated

C) illustrated

A) expose

C) exhaust D) integrated 8. They are trying to ____ the waste discharged by the factory for profit. B) exhibit D) exploit

B) looking out 9. The police are ____ the records of all those involved in the crime. A) looking into

C) looking after D) looking on

10. I suffered from mental__________ because of stress from my work.

A) fatigue

C) relief


A) advertise

C) reveal

A) issue B) exhibit D) demonstrate B) hand

D) question B) damage D) release 11. The car salesman took the customer for a drive in the new model in order to ____ its improved 12. On the evening in ____ he had been making all sorts of complicated calculations. C) concern

13. Proper clothes ____ for much in most professions, so the job applicant should take care to appear appropriately dressed in the interview.

A) count

C) impress

A) glanced B) value D) imply B) peered 14. She ____ through the mist, trying to find the right path.

C) gazed

A) implications

C) relations

A) by far D) scanned 15. To understand the ____ of a situation, we have to know something about that kind of situation. B) references D) findings 16. The show was ____ being a failure; it was a great success. B) far from

D) so far

B) complete C) far apart A) thorough

C) ultimate

difficult for them there.

A) priority B) discomfort

C) disadvantage

A) mission

C) delivery D) prejudice 19. Soon the pilot was sent on a bombing ____ over Germany. B) performance

D) tour B) ensured 17. That is our ____ proposal, and no other changes will be considered. D) extreme 18. The former mayor of the city was always holding a ____ against new immigrants and made life 20. They have ____ what I suspected long ago. A) assured

C) convinced

should have died D) confirmed 21. Investigators agreed that passengers on the airliner ____ at the very moment of the crash. A) B) must be dying

C) must have died D) ought to die

22. The residents, ____ had been damaged by the fire, were given help by the Red Cross.

A) all of their homes

A) all that

B) all their homes C) whose all homes D) all of whose homes B) all what D) that all B) being D) having 23. These people once had fame and fortune; now ____ is left to them is utter poverty. C) all which A) were C) to be 24. We left the meeting, there obviously ____ no point in staying.

25. The owner and editor of the newspaper ____ the conference.

A) were attending B) were to attend

C) is to attend

A) going

D) are to attend B) to go D) went 26. Who would you rather ____ with you, George or me? C) have gone

27. What a lovely party! It’s worth ____ all my life.

A) remembering B) to remember

C) to be remembered D) being remembered

28. Although a teenager, Fred could resist ______ what to do and what not to do.

A) being told

B) telling D) to tell C) to be told

29. There has been a great increase in retail sales, ______?

A) does there C) hasn’t there

B) isn’t there D) isn’t it B) so D) that 30. How is it ______ your roommate’s request and yours are identical? A) if C) what


9 Test Yourself-----Multiple Choice

1. My cases were too heavy, and the airline charged me $40 for ____ baggage.

A) extensive B) exclusive

C) extreme D) excess

2. To write it as I wanted, however, would ____ all the rules of formal composition I’d learned in school, and Mr. Fleagle would surely give it a failing grade.

A) obey B) regulate

D) make C) violate

A) Refined

C) Mild B) Moderate

D) Delicate B) dismissed

D) disappeared 3. ____ plants need to be protected from cold wind and frost. 4. When the bell rang, people walked out of their homes and ____ on the village square. A) assembled C) dissolved

A) plan

C) schedule

A) excessive

C) utter 5. The rain came almost on ____ because the crops were in bad need of it. B) arrangement D) purpose B) comprehensive D) overall

B) unique 6. Last year the company’s ____ profits amounted to six and a half million dollars. 7. This album (签名薄) is ____ as it was the only one signed by President. A) unusual

C) rare

D) singular B) developed D) careful 8. Mr. Smith bought the curtain with a(n) ____ pattern of flowers on it. A) detailed C) elaborate A) sustain 9. They lack sufficient resources to ____ their campaign for long. B) contain

C) retain D) attain

10. Many university courses are not really ____ to the needs of students or their future employers.

A) associated

C) geared B) related D) qualified

11. For all babies, breastfeeding is far ____ to bottlefeeding.

A) substantial

C) superb

A) Given B) superior D) significant B) If

D) On condition that 12. ____ normal weather, they will raise the output by another 10 percent. C) Even if

13. The football player reacted ____ the judge’s decision by withdrawing from the match.

A) on

B) to C) against


A) interval B) range

D) term

B) in the course of

D) in line with

B) content C) span A) in the light of C) in place D) by 14. The returns in the short ____ may be small, but over a number of years the investment will be well 15. His statement is ____ his previous attitude to the subject. 16. Young people are not ____ to stand and look at works of art; they want art they can participate in. A) conservative

C) confident D) generous

B) go back on

D) go into 17. The early pioneers had to ____ many hardships to settle on the new land. A) go along with C) go through

A) to stop

C) stop 18. Peter, who had been driving all day, suggested ____ at the next town. B) stopping D) having stopped

B) wears D) are worn B) in D) with 19. This kind of glasses manufactured by experienced craftsmen ____ comfortably. A) is worn C) wearing A) at C) of

A) attack

C) split

20. The director was critical ____ the way we were doing the work. 21. In a sudden ____ of anger, the man tore up everything within reach. B) burst D) blast B) for D) under 22. We take our skin for granted until it is burned ____ repair. A) beyond C) without

23. Being a pop star can be quite a hard life, with a lot of traveling ____ heavy schedules.

A) with regard to

C) in relation to

choice in religion.

A) peculiarly

C) vigorously B) indifferently D) inevitably B) as to D) owing to 24. William Penn, the founder of Pennsylvania, ____ defended the right of every citizen to freedom of

25. I hope all the precautions against air pollution, ____ suggested by the local government, will be seriously considered here.

A) while

C) after

the market. B) since D) as 26. Some people would like to do shopping on Sundays since they expect to pick up wonderful ____ in

A) batteries

C) baskets

source of food.

A) store

C) reserve B) bargains D) barrels 27. In previous times, when fresh meat was in short ____, pigeons were kept by many households as a B) provision D) supply

28. As Commander-in-Chief of the armed forces, I have directed that all measures ____ for our defense.

A) had been taken B) would be taken

C) be taken

A) ordering D) to be taken B) arranging 29. After the guests left, she spent half an hour ____ the sitting-room.

C) tidying up

A) to

C) at

Kry:DCDAC DBCAC BACDD BCBBC BADCD BDCCB D) clearing away D) in B) on 30. I was ____ the point of telephoning him when his letter arrived.


  • 英语故事在学前儿童英语教育中的作用
  • 英语故事在学前儿童英语教学中的作用 摘要:根据学前儿童学习语言有直接性.无意识的特点,在学前儿童英语教学过程中英语故事.儿歌.游戏等多种教学形式被幼儿教师广泛的应用在实际的教学工作中,由于篇幅和资源的限制,本文主要介绍英语故事在学前英语教学中的作用.英语故事因其具有可理解性.趣味性和足够的语言输入量 ...

  • 新航道英语培训高校市场调查报告
  • 新航道英语培训高校市场调查报告 调查背景:随着时代的发展,以及我国迈向国际化的步伐越来越快,英语作 为一门国际通用语言已经越来越受到人们的重视.人们对于英语培训的重视 和日益多元化的需求让英语培训市场成为一个不容忽视的.巨大的教育市 场.基于对英语培训市场这块诱人的奶酪的关注,对诸如新航道这样的在竞 ...

  • 物流专业英语教材选择分析_段凤华
  • 2012年第2期(总第248期) FORUM ON CONTEMPORARY EDUCATION NO.2,2012General ,No ,248 物流专业英语教材选择分析* 段凤华 [摘要]拥有良好的物流专业英语知识基础和应用能力,是物流专业学生具备较高 专业素质的重要表现.选择和使用合适的物流 ...

  • 英语词典哪个好?怎样选择适合你的英语词典?
  • 英语词典哪个好?怎样选择适合你的英语词典? 语言学习,首先要从字词开始,相信很多同学在学习英语的过程中,都会面临单词不认识,意思不理解的情况,因此查词典的工作必不可少.选择一本有针对性并且适合自己的词典对于我们的英语学习来说至关重要.那么我们应该怎样选择适合自己的词典呢?本文就简单分享一下关于英语词 ...

  • 英语选修课_电影赏析
  • 教育教学 英语选修课--电影赏析 乔 艳(辽宁工程技术大学 辽宁・阜新 123000) 摘 要: 大学教改已经进行了很多年了,大学英语的教育也有了很多的方向和思路,目前大学英语教育的方式有基本课堂教育,选修课英语教育,英语角活动等.其中影视英语选修课已经走进了很多大学的英语课堂.即为选修课,就有学生 ...

  • 貌似不靠谱的英语学习
  • 貌似不靠谱的英语学习 在我女儿所有的英语老师眼中,她算得上无需老师反复叮嘱.英语基础比较扎实.考试成绩也还不错的学生.下面我想与大家分享一下她貌似不靠谱的英语学习经历,希望对尊敬的英语同仁和遭受英语万般虐待的学生能够有所启发. 首先声明,我并没有拿自己的孩子做试验,也绝不可能拿她做试验.也就是根据自 ...

  • 大学英语意义学习情况调查问卷
  • 大学英语意义学习情况调查问卷 同学们,你们好!为了了解你们的英语学习情况,请填写下面的问卷.你的回答只反映你 的英语学习观念和策略使用情况,没有好坏对错之分.请记住在填写时,要根据自己的实 际想法和做法,而不是其他人或理想中的想法和做法.谢谢合作! 一.英语学习观念 下面是人们对外语学习的一些看法, ...

  • [综合英语]考试大纲
  • <综合英语>考试大纲 一.考试对象 英语专业本科插班生 二.考试目的 <综合英语>课程考试旨在考察学生在掌握该课程已学知识的基础上,注重考察学生对于基本知识的理解.掌握.记忆和熟练运用英语的能力.本门课程考核要求由低到高共分为"记忆"."判断&q ...

  • 少儿英语1
  • 学英语 幼儿比大学生厉害 牙牙学语的幼儿园小朋友也开始上英语兴趣班,还能够用英语绘声绘色地讲童话故事.在南京花样繁多的辅导班中,家长选择英语培训班的频率是最高的.让学龄前孩子接触英语已经在南京家长中流行起来,甚至有早教机构也采取全英语教学,难道这只是家长的虚荣心作怪?幼儿该不该学英语?几岁开始学比较 ...

  • 最适合学英语的50部英语动画片
  • 最适合学英语的 50 部英语动画片 精选最适合学英语的优质影片,高清画面和音质,电影纯正英文学习效果显著,中 英文字幕任意选择,方便跟读模仿,轻松有效提高英语. 50 部英语动画片,每一部都是精挑细选的精彩高质量动画片,没有混杂真人的纯正动画片, 每一部都值得你反复观看:(详情) 50 部英语动画片 ...