The success of Augustus owed much to the character of Roman theorizing about the state. The Romans did not produce ambitious blueprints1the construction of idea__l__states,suchas__2__to the Greeks. With very few exceptions ,Roman theorists ignored ,or rejected__3__valueless ,intellectual exercises like Plato‘sRepublic,in__4__the relationship of the individual to the state was__5__out painstakingly without reference to__6__states or individuals. The closest the Roman came to the Greek model was Cicero’sDe Re Publica,andeven here Cicero had Rome clearly in __7__.Roman thought about the state was concrete ,even when it__8__religious and moral concepts. The first ruler of Rome,Romulus,was__9__to have received authority from the gods,specificallyfrom Jupiter ,the“guarantor”ofRome. All constitutional__10__wasa method of conferring and administering the__11__.Very clearly it was believed that only the assembly of the__12__,thefamily heads who formed the original senate,__13__thereligious character necessary to exercise authority,becauseits original function was to__14__thegods. Being practical as well as exclusive,the senators moved__15__todivide the authority,holdingthat their consuls,orchief officials,would possess it on__16__months,andlater extending its possession to lower officials.__17__theimportant achievement was to create the idea of continuing__18__authorityembodied only temporarily in certain upper-class individuals and conferred only__19__themass of
the people concurred. The system grew with enormous __20__,asnew offices and assemblies were created and almost none discarded.Geng duo yuan xiao wan zheng kao bo ying yu zhen ti ji qi jie xi qing lian xi quan guo mian fei zi xun dian hua:si ling ling liu liu ba liu jiu qi ba ,huo jia zi xun qq:qi qi er liu qi ba wu san qi.
1.[A]with [B]for [C]in [D]to
2. [A]tempted [B]attracted [C]appealed [D]transferred
3. [A]on [B]for [C]as [D]about
4. [A]which [B]that [C]what [D]it
5. [A]turned [B]worked [C]brought [D]made
6. [A]special [B]specific [C]peculiar [D]particular
7. [A]existence [B]store [C]reality [D]mind
8. [A]abandoned [B]caught [C]separated [D]involved
9. [A]told [B]held [C]suggested [D]advised
10. [A]tendency [B]procedure [C]development [D]relation
11. [A]authority [B]power [C]control [D]ruling
12. [A]officers [B]men [C]administrators [D]fathers
13. [A]possessed [B]claimed [C]assured [D]enforced
14. [A]confirm [B]confer [C]consult [D]consider
15. [A]over [B]along [C]on [D]about
16. [A]alternate [B]different [C]varied [D]several
17. [A]And [B]So [C]Or [D]But
18. [A]state [B]country [C]people [D]national
19. [A]as [B]when [C]if [D]so
20. [A]dimension [B]complexity [C]exercise [D]function 答案
1. B 2. C 3. C 4. A 5. B 6. D 7.D 8.D 9. B 10. C
11. A 12. D 13.A 14.C 15. C 16. A 17. D 18. A 19. B 20. B 总体分析
All Sumerian cities recognized a number of gods in common,including the sky god,thelord of storms,andthe morning and evening star.__1__theSumerian worshipped the goddess of fertility,love,and war,shewas evidently lower__2__statusthan the male gods,indicating that in a more urbanized society the__3__thatthe peoples of previous times had paid to the earth mother goddess had__4__.The gods seemed hopelessly violent and __5__,andone‘slife a period of slavery at their easy will. The epic poem The Creation emphasizes that__6__werecreated to enable the gods to__7__up working. Each city moreover had its own god,whowas considered to__8__the temple literally and who was in theory the owner of all property within the city.__9__thepriests who interpreted the will of the god and controlled the__10__of the economic produce of the city were favored__11__their supernatural and material functions __12__.When,after 3,000B. C.,growing warfare among the cities made military leadership__13__,the head of the army who became king assumed a(n)__14__positionbetween the god,whoseagent he was,andthe priestly class,whomhe had both to use and to __15__.Thus king and priests represented the upper class in a hierarchical society.__16__themwere the scribes,thesecular attendants of the
temple,who__17__everyaspect of the city’seconomic life and who developed a rough judicial system.__18__thetemple officials,society was divided among an elite or__19__group of large landowners and military leaders;a mixed group of merchants,artisans,and craftsmen,free peasants who__20__the majority of the population;and slaves.
1. [A]Unless [B]As [C]Lest [D]Although
2. [A]on [B]in [C]with [D]about
3. [A]worship [B]reverence [C]admiration [D]gratitude
4. [A]vanished [B]recovered [C]declined [D]attained
5. [A]unpredictable[B]unforgivable[C]unlimited [D]unlikely
6. [A]creatures [B]animals [C]men [D]mortals
7. [A]use [B]turn [C]give [D]back
8. [A]inhabit [B]live [C]reside [D]lodge
9. [A]Hence [B]Thereafter [C]Somehow [D]Incidentally
11. [A]as [B]for [C]under [D]of
12. [A]along [B]anyway [C]afterwards [D]alike
13. [A]additional [B]vital [C]singular [D]exceptional
14. [A]alternative [B]secondary [C]intermediate[D][A]introduction[B]transaction [C]distribution[D]fundamental
15. [A]pacify [B]tempt [C]suppress [D]manipulate
16. [A]Beside [B]Beyond [C]Below [D]Before
17. [A]supervised [B]held [C]managed [D]presided
18. [A]Around [B]Under [C]Above [D]Outside
19. [A]leading [B]noble [C]controlling [D]principal
20. [A]consist [B]compose [C]compile [D]consume
1. D 2. B 3. B 4. C 5. A 6. D 7.C 8.A 9. A 10. C
11. B 12. D 13.B 14.C 15. A 16. C 17. A 18. D 19. B 20. B 总体分析
Valentine‘sDay may come from the ancient Roman feast of Lupercalia. __1__the fierce wolves roamed nearby,theold Romans called __2__the god Lupercus to help them. A festival in his __3__was held on February 15th. On the eve of the festival the __4__of the girls were written on __5__of paper and placed in jars. Each young man __6__a slip. The girl whose name was __7__was to be his sweetheart for the year.
Legend __8__it that the holiday became Valentine‘sDay __9__a Roman priest named Valentine. Emperor Claudius II __10__the Roman soldiers NOT to marry or become engaged. Claudius felt married soldiers would __11__stay home than fight. When Valentine __12__the Emperor and secretly married the young couples,hewas put to death on February 14th,the __13__of Lupercalia. After his death,Valentine became a __14__.Christian priests moved the holiday from the 15th to the 14th—Valentine’sDay. Now the holiday honors Valentine __15__of Lupercus.
Valentine‘sDay has become a major __16__of love and romance in the modern world. The ancient god Cupid and his __17__into a lover’sheart may still be used to __18__falling in love or being in love. But we also use cards and gifts,suchas flowers or jewelry,
to do this. __19__to give flower to a wife or sweetheart on Valentine‘sDay can sometimes be as __20__as forgetting a birthday or a wedding anniversary.
1.[A]While [B]When [C]Though [D]Unless
2.[A]upon [B]back [C]off [D]away
3.[A]honor [B]belief [C]hand [D]way
4.[A]problems [B]secrets [C]names [D]intentions
5.[A]rolls [B]piles [C]works [D]slips
6.[A]cast [B]caught [C]drew [D]found
7.[A]given [B]chosen [C]elected [D]delivered
8.[A]tells [B]means [C]makes [D]has
9.[A]after [B]since [C]as [D]from
10.[A]ordered [B]pleaded [C]envisioned [D]believed
11.[A]other [B]simply [C]rather [D]all
12.[A]disliked [B]defied [C]defeated [D]dishonored
13.[A]celebration [B]arrangement [C]feast [D]eve
14.[A]goat [B]saint [C]model [D]weapon
15.[A]because [B]made [C]instead [D]learnt
16.[A]part [B]representative[C]judgement [D]symbol
17.[A]story [B]wander [C]arrow [D]play
18.[A]portray [B]require [C]demand [D]alert
19.[A]Keeping [B]Disapproving[C]Supporting [D]Forgetting
20.[A]constructive [B]damaging [C]reinforcing [D]retorting 答案
1.B 2.A 3.A 4.C 5.D 6.C 7.B 8.D 9.A 10.A
11.C 12.B 13.D 14.B 15.C 16.D 17.C 18.A 19D. 20.B
Driving through snowstorm on icy roads for long distances is a
most nerve-racking experience. It is a paradox that the snow,coming__1__gently,blowinggleefully in a high wind,allthe while __2__down a treacherous carpet,freezesthe windows,__3__the view. The might of automated man is__4__. The horses,thepowerful electrical systems,thedeep-tread tires,allgo __5__nothing. One minute the road feels __6__,andthe next the driver is sliding over it,lightas a__7__,ina panic,wonderingwhat the heavy trailer trucks coming up__8__therear are going to do. The trucks are like __9__when you have to pass them,notat sixty or seventy __10__you do when the road is dry,butat twenty-five and thirty. __11__their engines sound unnaturally loud. Snow,slushand__12__of ice spray from beneath the wheels,obscurethe windshield,andrattle __13__yourcar. Beneath the wheels there is plenty of __14__for you to slide and get mashed to a pulp. Inch __15__inch you move up,pastthe rear wheels,thecenter wheels,thecab,thefront wheels,all__16__tooslowly by. Straight ahead you continue,__17__to cut over sharply would send you into a slip ,__18__infront of the vehicle. At last ,there is__19__enough,andyou creep back over,infront of the truck now,but__20__thesound of its engine still thundering in your ears.
1. [A]up [B]off [C]down [D]on
2. [A]lies [B]lays [C]settles [D]sends
3. [A]blocks [B]strikes [C]puffs [D]cancels
4. [A]muted [B]discovered [C]doubled [D]undervalued
5. [A]for [B]with [C]into [D]from
6. [A]comfortable [B]weak [C]risky [D]firm
7. [A]loaf [B]feather [C]leaf [D]fog
8. [A]beneath [B]from [C]under [D]beyond
9. [A]dwarfs [B]giants [C]patients [D]princesses
10. [A]what [B]since [C]as [D]that
11. [A]So [B]But [C]Or [D]Then
12. [A]flakes [B]flocks [C]chips [D]cakes
13. [A]onto [B]against [C]off [D]along
14. [A]snow [B]earth [C]room [D]ice
15. [A]by [B]after [C]for [D]with
16. [A]climbing [B]crawling [C]winding [D]sliding
17. [A]meanwhile [B]unless [C]whereas [D]for
18. [A]sheer [B]mostly [C]rarely [D]right
19. [A]might [B]distance [C]air [D]power
20. [A]with [B]like [C]inside [D]upon
1.C 2.B 3.A 4.A 5.A 6.D 7.B 8.C 9.B 10.C
11.D 12.C 13.C 14.C 15.A 16.D 17.D 18.D 19.B 20.A
The success of Augustus owed much to the character of Roman theorizing about the state. The Romans did not produce ambitious blueprints1the construction of idea__l__states,suchas__2__to the Greeks. With very few exceptions ,Roman theorists ignored ,or rejected__3__valueless ,intellectual exercises like Plato‘sRepublic,in__4__the relationship of the individual to the state was__5__out painstakingly without reference to__6__states or individuals. The closest the Roman came to the Greek model was Cicero’sDe Re Publica,andeven here Cicero had Rome clearly in __7__.Roman thought about the state was concrete ,even when it__8__religious and moral concepts. The first ruler of Rome,Romulus,was__9__to have received authority from the gods,specificallyfrom Jupiter ,the“guarantor”ofRome. All constitutional__10__wasa method of conferring and administering the__11__.Very clearly it was believed that only the assembly of the__12__,thefamily heads who formed the original senate,__13__thereligious character necessary to exercise authority,becauseits original function was to__14__thegods. Being practical as well as exclusive,the senators moved__15__todivide the authority,holdingthat their consuls,orchief officials,would possess it on__16__months,andlater extending its possession to lower officials.__17__theimportant achievement was to create the idea of continuing__18__authorityembodied only temporarily in certain upper-class individuals and conferred only__19__themass of
the people concurred. The system grew with enormous __20__,asnew offices and assemblies were created and almost none discarded.Geng duo yuan xiao wan zheng kao bo ying yu zhen ti ji qi jie xi qing lian xi quan guo mian fei zi xun dian hua:si ling ling liu liu ba liu jiu qi ba ,huo jia zi xun qq:qi qi er liu qi ba wu san qi.
1.[A]with [B]for [C]in [D]to
2. [A]tempted [B]attracted [C]appealed [D]transferred
3. [A]on [B]for [C]as [D]about
4. [A]which [B]that [C]what [D]it
5. [A]turned [B]worked [C]brought [D]made
6. [A]special [B]specific [C]peculiar [D]particular
7. [A]existence [B]store [C]reality [D]mind
8. [A]abandoned [B]caught [C]separated [D]involved
9. [A]told [B]held [C]suggested [D]advised
10. [A]tendency [B]procedure [C]development [D]relation
11. [A]authority [B]power [C]control [D]ruling
12. [A]officers [B]men [C]administrators [D]fathers
13. [A]possessed [B]claimed [C]assured [D]enforced
14. [A]confirm [B]confer [C]consult [D]consider
15. [A]over [B]along [C]on [D]about
16. [A]alternate [B]different [C]varied [D]several
17. [A]And [B]So [C]Or [D]But
18. [A]state [B]country [C]people [D]national
19. [A]as [B]when [C]if [D]so
20. [A]dimension [B]complexity [C]exercise [D]function 答案
1. B 2. C 3. C 4. A 5. B 6. D 7.D 8.D 9. B 10. C
11. A 12. D 13.A 14.C 15. C 16. A 17. D 18. A 19. B 20. B 总体分析
All Sumerian cities recognized a number of gods in common,including the sky god,thelord of storms,andthe morning and evening star.__1__theSumerian worshipped the goddess of fertility,love,and war,shewas evidently lower__2__statusthan the male gods,indicating that in a more urbanized society the__3__thatthe peoples of previous times had paid to the earth mother goddess had__4__.The gods seemed hopelessly violent and __5__,andone‘slife a period of slavery at their easy will. The epic poem The Creation emphasizes that__6__werecreated to enable the gods to__7__up working. Each city moreover had its own god,whowas considered to__8__the temple literally and who was in theory the owner of all property within the city.__9__thepriests who interpreted the will of the god and controlled the__10__of the economic produce of the city were favored__11__their supernatural and material functions __12__.When,after 3,000B. C.,growing warfare among the cities made military leadership__13__,the head of the army who became king assumed a(n)__14__positionbetween the god,whoseagent he was,andthe priestly class,whomhe had both to use and to __15__.Thus king and priests represented the upper class in a hierarchical society.__16__themwere the scribes,thesecular attendants of the
temple,who__17__everyaspect of the city’seconomic life and who developed a rough judicial system.__18__thetemple officials,society was divided among an elite or__19__group of large landowners and military leaders;a mixed group of merchants,artisans,and craftsmen,free peasants who__20__the majority of the population;and slaves.
1. [A]Unless [B]As [C]Lest [D]Although
2. [A]on [B]in [C]with [D]about
3. [A]worship [B]reverence [C]admiration [D]gratitude
4. [A]vanished [B]recovered [C]declined [D]attained
5. [A]unpredictable[B]unforgivable[C]unlimited [D]unlikely
6. [A]creatures [B]animals [C]men [D]mortals
7. [A]use [B]turn [C]give [D]back
8. [A]inhabit [B]live [C]reside [D]lodge
9. [A]Hence [B]Thereafter [C]Somehow [D]Incidentally
11. [A]as [B]for [C]under [D]of
12. [A]along [B]anyway [C]afterwards [D]alike
13. [A]additional [B]vital [C]singular [D]exceptional
14. [A]alternative [B]secondary [C]intermediate[D][A]introduction[B]transaction [C]distribution[D]fundamental
15. [A]pacify [B]tempt [C]suppress [D]manipulate
16. [A]Beside [B]Beyond [C]Below [D]Before
17. [A]supervised [B]held [C]managed [D]presided
18. [A]Around [B]Under [C]Above [D]Outside
19. [A]leading [B]noble [C]controlling [D]principal
20. [A]consist [B]compose [C]compile [D]consume
1. D 2. B 3. B 4. C 5. A 6. D 7.C 8.A 9. A 10. C
11. B 12. D 13.B 14.C 15. A 16. C 17. A 18. D 19. B 20. B 总体分析
Valentine‘sDay may come from the ancient Roman feast of Lupercalia. __1__the fierce wolves roamed nearby,theold Romans called __2__the god Lupercus to help them. A festival in his __3__was held on February 15th. On the eve of the festival the __4__of the girls were written on __5__of paper and placed in jars. Each young man __6__a slip. The girl whose name was __7__was to be his sweetheart for the year.
Legend __8__it that the holiday became Valentine‘sDay __9__a Roman priest named Valentine. Emperor Claudius II __10__the Roman soldiers NOT to marry or become engaged. Claudius felt married soldiers would __11__stay home than fight. When Valentine __12__the Emperor and secretly married the young couples,hewas put to death on February 14th,the __13__of Lupercalia. After his death,Valentine became a __14__.Christian priests moved the holiday from the 15th to the 14th—Valentine’sDay. Now the holiday honors Valentine __15__of Lupercus.
Valentine‘sDay has become a major __16__of love and romance in the modern world. The ancient god Cupid and his __17__into a lover’sheart may still be used to __18__falling in love or being in love. But we also use cards and gifts,suchas flowers or jewelry,
to do this. __19__to give flower to a wife or sweetheart on Valentine‘sDay can sometimes be as __20__as forgetting a birthday or a wedding anniversary.
1.[A]While [B]When [C]Though [D]Unless
2.[A]upon [B]back [C]off [D]away
3.[A]honor [B]belief [C]hand [D]way
4.[A]problems [B]secrets [C]names [D]intentions
5.[A]rolls [B]piles [C]works [D]slips
6.[A]cast [B]caught [C]drew [D]found
7.[A]given [B]chosen [C]elected [D]delivered
8.[A]tells [B]means [C]makes [D]has
9.[A]after [B]since [C]as [D]from
10.[A]ordered [B]pleaded [C]envisioned [D]believed
11.[A]other [B]simply [C]rather [D]all
12.[A]disliked [B]defied [C]defeated [D]dishonored
13.[A]celebration [B]arrangement [C]feast [D]eve
14.[A]goat [B]saint [C]model [D]weapon
15.[A]because [B]made [C]instead [D]learnt
16.[A]part [B]representative[C]judgement [D]symbol
17.[A]story [B]wander [C]arrow [D]play
18.[A]portray [B]require [C]demand [D]alert
19.[A]Keeping [B]Disapproving[C]Supporting [D]Forgetting
20.[A]constructive [B]damaging [C]reinforcing [D]retorting 答案
1.B 2.A 3.A 4.C 5.D 6.C 7.B 8.D 9.A 10.A
11.C 12.B 13.D 14.B 15.C 16.D 17.C 18.A 19D. 20.B
Driving through snowstorm on icy roads for long distances is a
most nerve-racking experience. It is a paradox that the snow,coming__1__gently,blowinggleefully in a high wind,allthe while __2__down a treacherous carpet,freezesthe windows,__3__the view. The might of automated man is__4__. The horses,thepowerful electrical systems,thedeep-tread tires,allgo __5__nothing. One minute the road feels __6__,andthe next the driver is sliding over it,lightas a__7__,ina panic,wonderingwhat the heavy trailer trucks coming up__8__therear are going to do. The trucks are like __9__when you have to pass them,notat sixty or seventy __10__you do when the road is dry,butat twenty-five and thirty. __11__their engines sound unnaturally loud. Snow,slushand__12__of ice spray from beneath the wheels,obscurethe windshield,andrattle __13__yourcar. Beneath the wheels there is plenty of __14__for you to slide and get mashed to a pulp. Inch __15__inch you move up,pastthe rear wheels,thecenter wheels,thecab,thefront wheels,all__16__tooslowly by. Straight ahead you continue,__17__to cut over sharply would send you into a slip ,__18__infront of the vehicle. At last ,there is__19__enough,andyou creep back over,infront of the truck now,but__20__thesound of its engine still thundering in your ears.
1. [A]up [B]off [C]down [D]on
2. [A]lies [B]lays [C]settles [D]sends
3. [A]blocks [B]strikes [C]puffs [D]cancels
4. [A]muted [B]discovered [C]doubled [D]undervalued
5. [A]for [B]with [C]into [D]from
6. [A]comfortable [B]weak [C]risky [D]firm
7. [A]loaf [B]feather [C]leaf [D]fog
8. [A]beneath [B]from [C]under [D]beyond
9. [A]dwarfs [B]giants [C]patients [D]princesses
10. [A]what [B]since [C]as [D]that
11. [A]So [B]But [C]Or [D]Then
12. [A]flakes [B]flocks [C]chips [D]cakes
13. [A]onto [B]against [C]off [D]along
14. [A]snow [B]earth [C]room [D]ice
15. [A]by [B]after [C]for [D]with
16. [A]climbing [B]crawling [C]winding [D]sliding
17. [A]meanwhile [B]unless [C]whereas [D]for
18. [A]sheer [B]mostly [C]rarely [D]right
19. [A]might [B]distance [C]air [D]power
20. [A]with [B]like [C]inside [D]upon
1.C 2.B 3.A 4.A 5.A 6.D 7.B 8.C 9.B 10.C
11.D 12.C 13.C 14.C 15.A 16.D 17.D 18.D 19.B 20.A