
中古生界in Mesozoic-Paleozoic

中、晚元古代the Middle to Late Proterozoic times

下元古Lower Proterozoic Era

太古代The Archaean

上震旦统Upper Sinian



早燕山early Yanshanian

晚燕山-早喜山late Yanshanian-early Himalayan

晚喜山late Himalayan


构造运动tectonic movement

构造演化剖面Tectonic evolution profile

构造组合与复合structure assemblages and compound

构造期tectonic periods、次tectonic times、幕tectonic episodes

构造格局the Structural framework

对冲构造格局Structure of ramp

扬子板块the Yangtze Plate,中扬子区middle Yangtze region

形成与演化Formation and Evolution

盆山耦合basin-mountain coupling

陆内造山intra-continental orogeny

构造变形期structural deformation stage

多期变形改造Multiple Deformations

构造变形、变位Tectonic deformation and displacement

构造演化阶段The tectonics evolution stages of

构造体系structural systems

构造单元Structural Units

构造单元划分division of tectonic units

次级构造单元secondary Structural Units

构造形成机制Structural formation mechanism


沉积盖层sedimentary cover

滑脱层系detachment system

滑脱推覆构造体系decollement nappe structure system

浅变质岩层Low-grade metamorphic rocks

深变质岩层high-grade metamorphic rocks

拆离面detachment surfaces

主要分布mainly distribute

推覆体锋带和中带in the middle and front zone of nappe

挤压收缩型构造compressional shrinkage tectonics

叠瓦状构造imbricate structure

对/背冲构造ramp/Back thrust





地堑rift valley

半地堑h alfgraben



古潜山buried hill

扭动型构造Torsion tectonics

压扭构造Compressive-torsional structure

左行走滑right-lateral Strike-slip

花状断层Flower fault

正、负花状构造positive and negative flower structure

岩浆岩侵入Magmatic Intrusion

控断层the control faults

地震剖面seismic profile

平衡剖面技术balanced cross-section technique

构造组合Tectonic assemblages

典型的构造组合的演化过程Tectonic Evolution for typical structure assemblages 推覆体根带in the root zone of nappe

推覆体中带in the middle zone of nappe

推覆体锋带in the front zone of nappe

对冲带内对冲-走滑-断阶构造组合形成过程Formation for structure assemblages on ramp—strike-slip —steps-broken in ramp zone, 叠瓦逆冲-竹劈-断阶典型构造组合形成过程Formation for structure assemblages on imbricate-thrust—bamboo-split —steps-broken in ramp zone。 背斜圈闭anticlinal trap

反向逆冲Back flushing

伸展回滑slipped back

复合构造structure compound

油气勘探领域in the Field of Gas Exploration.

中古生界in Mesozoic-Paleozoic

中、晚元古代the Middle to Late Proterozoic times

下元古Lower Proterozoic Era

太古代The Archaean

上震旦统Upper Sinian



早燕山early Yanshanian

晚燕山-早喜山late Yanshanian-early Himalayan

晚喜山late Himalayan


构造运动tectonic movement

构造演化剖面Tectonic evolution profile

构造组合与复合structure assemblages and compound

构造期tectonic periods、次tectonic times、幕tectonic episodes

构造格局the Structural framework

对冲构造格局Structure of ramp

扬子板块the Yangtze Plate,中扬子区middle Yangtze region

形成与演化Formation and Evolution

盆山耦合basin-mountain coupling

陆内造山intra-continental orogeny

构造变形期structural deformation stage

多期变形改造Multiple Deformations

构造变形、变位Tectonic deformation and displacement

构造演化阶段The tectonics evolution stages of

构造体系structural systems

构造单元Structural Units

构造单元划分division of tectonic units

次级构造单元secondary Structural Units

构造形成机制Structural formation mechanism


沉积盖层sedimentary cover

滑脱层系detachment system

滑脱推覆构造体系decollement nappe structure system

浅变质岩层Low-grade metamorphic rocks

深变质岩层high-grade metamorphic rocks

拆离面detachment surfaces

主要分布mainly distribute

推覆体锋带和中带in the middle and front zone of nappe

挤压收缩型构造compressional shrinkage tectonics

叠瓦状构造imbricate structure

对/背冲构造ramp/Back thrust





地堑rift valley

半地堑h alfgraben



古潜山buried hill

扭动型构造Torsion tectonics

压扭构造Compressive-torsional structure

左行走滑right-lateral Strike-slip

花状断层Flower fault

正、负花状构造positive and negative flower structure

岩浆岩侵入Magmatic Intrusion

控断层the control faults

地震剖面seismic profile

平衡剖面技术balanced cross-section technique

构造组合Tectonic assemblages

典型的构造组合的演化过程Tectonic Evolution for typical structure assemblages 推覆体根带in the root zone of nappe

推覆体中带in the middle zone of nappe

推覆体锋带in the front zone of nappe

对冲带内对冲-走滑-断阶构造组合形成过程Formation for structure assemblages on ramp—strike-slip —steps-broken in ramp zone, 叠瓦逆冲-竹劈-断阶典型构造组合形成过程Formation for structure assemblages on imbricate-thrust—bamboo-split —steps-broken in ramp zone。 背斜圈闭anticlinal trap

反向逆冲Back flushing

伸展回滑slipped back

复合构造structure compound

油气勘探领域in the Field of Gas Exploration.


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