




Personal Statement

From very early on and lasting till the very moment now, chemical changes around the world are miracle with perpetual charms and infinite mystery for me. The first time I saw a chemist in white on TV changing a bottle of colorless liquid to red in a flash, I was hugely fascinated by chemistry. After entering university, this fascination led me to a more wonderful world--Chemical Engineering. I have been wondering how those chemical reactions conducted in small laboratories are applied to large-scale modern industrial production effectively. How the construction and operation of plants can be perfectly achieved under the guidance of chemical engineers. What the role chemical engineering has played in solutions to problems of energy, environment and food, etc. In order to quench my thirst, I hope to be one member of the field who can understand, exploit and utilize chemical changes more economically and feasibly in different industries. After serious consideration and evaluation, I finally made up my mind that a PhD degree of Chemical Engineering in your university can best help me achieve my goal.

Since I enrolled in Southwest University, majoring in pharmaceutical engineering, I exerted great efforts to each course I have chosen, especially those closely related with chemical engineering, such as General Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, Analytical Chemical, Principles of Chemistry, Separation Engineering, and Engineering Drawing and so on. My active participation in these courses has armed me with the fundamentals, as well as reinforced my understandings and broadened my visions of this field. Besides, I gradually found my interest grew into fervor, and my strength in mathematics and physics developed into ready sources of power in my study. Furthermore, in my spare time, I also ventured more in-depth reading, like Unit Operations of Chemical Engineering and Elements of Chemical Engineering. The deeper I learnt, the more enthusiasm I generated and the stronger I wanted to search for answers to many unsolved problems in chemical engineering.

However, I am quite clear that only rigid knowledge from books is far from sufficient to be a qualified chemical engineer, who has to possess the passion and patience to work in chemistry laboratories, critical and creative ability required for scientific research, and skillful combination of experimental techniques and theoretical thinking. Therefore, I have consciously prepared for this goal during my college life. In the freshman year, I shot the valuable opportunity to take part in the research project of “The Degradation of Industrial Pollution by High-salt Tolerant Microorganism”. Before conducting the experiment formally, I had to prepare LB culture medium. Then to inoculate thalli, which would be cultivated in the incubator. After careful preparation, I finally selected two kinds of bacteria and one kind of fungi through UV and chromatography. With adequate preparation, I began to test whether they could degrade nitrobenzene, phenol and the like, widely found in industrial wastewater. My days in the laboratory have witnessed my diligence, talents and passion in research.

Unlike my team players who failed to select microbes or to cultivate them smoothly, after constant experiments, I had discovered that the three different microorganisms were very capable in degradation, which has thoroughly proved that the innovation of this experiment-- microorganism degradation under high-salt environment, a very fresh direction, was feasible and meaningful. This finding has bestowed me a great sense of achievement. After this research project, I harvested a

great many of precious skills, for example, quickly absorbing new concepts and applying onto the experiments. Wrapping up the experiment report, I also found my research ability improved greatly in terms of flexibly conducting literature review on unfamiliar concepts and critically analyzing and comparing literature findings. More importantly, I also recognized the importance of being meticulous to details and managing lab time efficiently. These favorable qualities I have been fostered, I believe, will be very conductive to my further study at your program.

To strengthen my scientific fundamentals and enhance my practical ability, I took as many experiments as possible. However, I know though my undergraduate studies have prepared me in fundamentals, my research agenda seems to be still lacking in many aspects, like … ….. After careful review of your program, I have been attracted by your academically inspiring atmosphere, knowledgeable professors and advanced facility. In Illinois Institute of Technology, I believe, I will make substantial creative contributions to the field of chemical engineering and achieve my dream as an excellent chemical engineer.

After careful review your program, I have been attracted by your emphasis on a diversity of research projects to address local and global challenges. In University at Buffalo State University of New York, I believe, I will be highly motivated, and make myself into the fullest play to produce outstanding works in the field of chemical engineering and achieve my dream as an excellent chemical engineer.

After careful review your program, I have been attracted by your wide range of research opportunities covering essentially the entire field of chemical engineering. In addition, your externally-funded research programs with grants from agencies as the National Science Foundation have appealed to me most. In Virginia Tech, I believe, I will be provided sufficient opportunities to conduct various experiments to horn my skills, which will be a giant move of my career path.





Personal Statement

From very early on and lasting till the very moment now, chemical changes around the world are miracle with perpetual charms and infinite mystery for me. The first time I saw a chemist in white on TV changing a bottle of colorless liquid to red in a flash, I was hugely fascinated by chemistry. After entering university, this fascination led me to a more wonderful world--Chemical Engineering. I have been wondering how those chemical reactions conducted in small laboratories are applied to large-scale modern industrial production effectively. How the construction and operation of plants can be perfectly achieved under the guidance of chemical engineers. What the role chemical engineering has played in solutions to problems of energy, environment and food, etc. In order to quench my thirst, I hope to be one member of the field who can understand, exploit and utilize chemical changes more economically and feasibly in different industries. After serious consideration and evaluation, I finally made up my mind that a PhD degree of Chemical Engineering in your university can best help me achieve my goal.

Since I enrolled in Southwest University, majoring in pharmaceutical engineering, I exerted great efforts to each course I have chosen, especially those closely related with chemical engineering, such as General Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, Analytical Chemical, Principles of Chemistry, Separation Engineering, and Engineering Drawing and so on. My active participation in these courses has armed me with the fundamentals, as well as reinforced my understandings and broadened my visions of this field. Besides, I gradually found my interest grew into fervor, and my strength in mathematics and physics developed into ready sources of power in my study. Furthermore, in my spare time, I also ventured more in-depth reading, like Unit Operations of Chemical Engineering and Elements of Chemical Engineering. The deeper I learnt, the more enthusiasm I generated and the stronger I wanted to search for answers to many unsolved problems in chemical engineering.

However, I am quite clear that only rigid knowledge from books is far from sufficient to be a qualified chemical engineer, who has to possess the passion and patience to work in chemistry laboratories, critical and creative ability required for scientific research, and skillful combination of experimental techniques and theoretical thinking. Therefore, I have consciously prepared for this goal during my college life. In the freshman year, I shot the valuable opportunity to take part in the research project of “The Degradation of Industrial Pollution by High-salt Tolerant Microorganism”. Before conducting the experiment formally, I had to prepare LB culture medium. Then to inoculate thalli, which would be cultivated in the incubator. After careful preparation, I finally selected two kinds of bacteria and one kind of fungi through UV and chromatography. With adequate preparation, I began to test whether they could degrade nitrobenzene, phenol and the like, widely found in industrial wastewater. My days in the laboratory have witnessed my diligence, talents and passion in research.

Unlike my team players who failed to select microbes or to cultivate them smoothly, after constant experiments, I had discovered that the three different microorganisms were very capable in degradation, which has thoroughly proved that the innovation of this experiment-- microorganism degradation under high-salt environment, a very fresh direction, was feasible and meaningful. This finding has bestowed me a great sense of achievement. After this research project, I harvested a

great many of precious skills, for example, quickly absorbing new concepts and applying onto the experiments. Wrapping up the experiment report, I also found my research ability improved greatly in terms of flexibly conducting literature review on unfamiliar concepts and critically analyzing and comparing literature findings. More importantly, I also recognized the importance of being meticulous to details and managing lab time efficiently. These favorable qualities I have been fostered, I believe, will be very conductive to my further study at your program.

To strengthen my scientific fundamentals and enhance my practical ability, I took as many experiments as possible. However, I know though my undergraduate studies have prepared me in fundamentals, my research agenda seems to be still lacking in many aspects, like … ….. After careful review of your program, I have been attracted by your academically inspiring atmosphere, knowledgeable professors and advanced facility. In Illinois Institute of Technology, I believe, I will make substantial creative contributions to the field of chemical engineering and achieve my dream as an excellent chemical engineer.

After careful review your program, I have been attracted by your emphasis on a diversity of research projects to address local and global challenges. In University at Buffalo State University of New York, I believe, I will be highly motivated, and make myself into the fullest play to produce outstanding works in the field of chemical engineering and achieve my dream as an excellent chemical engineer.

After careful review your program, I have been attracted by your wide range of research opportunities covering essentially the entire field of chemical engineering. In addition, your externally-funded research programs with grants from agencies as the National Science Foundation have appealed to me most. In Virginia Tech, I believe, I will be provided sufficient opportunities to conduct various experiments to horn my skills, which will be a giant move of my career path.


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