一、 日本
(一) 历史概况
从一万年前到公元三世纪,经历了绳文时代和弥生时代,当时虽然小国林立,但逐渐的也被统一。 公元四世纪,天皇统一了日本。公元十二世纪末武士取得政权,直到十九世纪,进入了幕府时代。公元十七世纪初,幕府拒绝与外国交流,进入锁国时期。直到商人的经济力量压倒了武士后,武士所支配的政治体制,也就开始瓦解。一八五三年日本藉着美国贝利提督来日之契机,打开锁国时代的封闭政策,开始了通商贸易。这也将幕府逼到穷途未路的地步,终于促使幕府于一八六七年让出了政权。
(二) 日本目前主要政党及其理念和地位
目前参加国会活动的主要政党有自民党、民主党、公明党、自由党 、日本共产党、社民党、保守党等。
3、公明党: 1964年11月成立,其母体为宗教团体创价学会。1970年6月实行政教分离,93年8月参加非自民联合政权。该党基
4、自由党: 1998年1月成立,绝大多数成员来自原新进党。该党属保守政党,内外政策与自民党十分接近,主张实现小政府,建立自由、公平、透明的社会,使日本成为与大国平起平坐的“普通国家”。
7、保守党: 2000年4月由自由党26名成员脱党组成。该党主张要体现“保守主义”的真正含义,维护国家、社会的安定及和谐。
2、《日本经济新闻》12日报道,日本本田汽车公司将投资300亿日元(1美元约合110日元)在中国广州新建发动机工厂。 本田与广州汽车工业集团合资的“广州本田”此次将在广州市内新建产能为20万台发动机的工厂,计划2009年开始生产。工厂投产后,本田在中国的发动机产能将增加四成。
Korean History
Korea is a modern nation with a history of over 5,000 years. Korean history is thought to have begun with the settlement of the peninsula by Tungusic tribes, who spoke a Ural-Altaic language, followed shamanic religion, and had a paleolithic culture, about 3000 BC. Tangun, a legendary figure, is said to have established the first Korean "kingdom" of Choson in 2333 BC. The introduction of bronze tools from China and the
establishment of Chinese military colonies in Korea in 108 BC led to the sinicization of Korea and the rapid development of agriculture.
Three Kingdoms
Meanwhile, three loosely organized Korean tribal federations, which emerged in the 3d century BC, were transformed into kingdoms. The founding of the kingdoms of Silla in 57 BC, of Koguryo in 37 BC, and of Paekche in 18 BC (traditional dates) marked the beginning of the Three Kingdoms period in Korean history. Koguryo, initially based in southern Manchuria,
expanded southward and in ¥ 313 overthrew Lolang (Lo-lang),
the last Chinese stronghold in Korea.
During this period, the influence of Confucianism, Daoism
(Taoism), and other forms of Chinese culture increased in Korea. Buddhism also grew, particularly in Paekche and Silla. Silla expelled (562) the JapaneseÑwho had established a foothold on the coast in the 4th centuryÑand between 660 and 668 destroyed both Paekche and Koguryo with Chinese help. Having unified Korea, Silla became a highly centralized state in which Buddhism and the arts flourished.
In the 9th century, however, serious provincial rebellions broke out, and in 936 the kingdom was finally overthrown by rebels who had established the Koryo dynasty, with its capital at Kaesong, in 918.
Under the Koryo dynasty power was initially wielded by
civilian administrators, and the political, social, economic, and educational systems of Korea became increasingly sinicized. In 1170 the military seized control and suppressed Buddhism. By
the end of the 12th century a military family, the Ch'oe, ruled the country, but opposition to it mounted, especially after the
Mongols began their invasions in 1231. In 1258 the Ch'oe were deposed, and their civilian successor submitted to the Mongols.
A relatively peaceful period of Koryo rule under Mongol suzerainty followed. The invention (1234) of a new printing system with movable type allowed the ready dissemination of Buddhist and Confucian writings, and Korean potters
manufactured high-quality green Koryo ware (see Korean art). A revolt against Mongol rule in 1356 brought another period of disorder. Finally, in 1392, the Koryo king was overthrown by the Joseon Dynasty, aided by the new Ming dynasty in China, to whom the Yi swore allegiance.
The Joseon Dynasty, which established a new capital at
Hanyang (now Seoul), rejected Buddhism and established Ju Xi (Chu Hsi) Confucianism as a national orthodoxy. It also
improved relations with its Chinese overlords and brought about economic and social reforms. A well-functioning Confucian
bureaucracy, an orderly social structure, rapid development of the educational system accompanied by the publication of many books, and the growth of science and technology seemed to promise a bright future. The adoption of the Korean writing system, called hangul, by King Sejong (r. 1418-50) in 1443 marked the high point in cultural development.
From the early 16th century, however, growing factionalism among scholars, mismanagement of state affairs by officials, court intrigues and power struggles, usurpation of power and privileges by the landed gentry, decline of foreign trade, and increasing tax burdens brought about political instability as well as economic decline and social upheavals. A reform school known as Silhak arose among scholars and officials, but Confucian conservatism prevented change.
The devastating but unsuccessful invasions (1592-98) by the Japanese under Hideyoshi and the wars of conquest (1627-37) by the Manchu worsened the internal situation. Vassalage to the Manchu, who went on to overthrow the Ming and establish the Qing (Ch'ing) dynasty in China, fostered Korean antiforeign sentiments. The state of the nation continued to deteriorate as
rebellions and peasant uprisings erupted.
Contact with the West and Japan
Roman Catholicism was brought to Korea from China in the 17th century, and what was called Western Learning developed.
A new native religion called Tonghak (Eastern Learning) arose in 1860 and won the support of the underprivileged and mistreated peasantry. Persecution of the Christians and the destruction of a U.S. merchant ship in 1866 helped provoke Western assaults by the French in 1866 and the United States in 1871.
The Koreans resisted these attacks, but in 1876 the Japanese took advantage of the governmental disruption within Korea to force a commercial treaty on the Yi. Six years later Korea, the "hermit kingdom," also opened its doors to the Western nations, beginning with a treaty with the United States.
After the opening of Korea rivalries developedÑparticularly among China, Japan, and RussiaÑfor predominance of influence over the weak Korean state. In 1894 followers of Tonghak
revolted against the government, and China sent troops to
suppress the rebellion. Japan also sent troops to Korea. The First Sino-Japanese War ensued (1894-95), and victorious Japan established hegemony over the nominally independent Korea. After defeating the Russians in the Russo-Japanese War
(1904-05), Japan was strong enough to force Korea to become a protectorate. After some Korean resistance Japan formally annexed the country in 1910.
Modern History
During the Japanese colonial period (1905-45) the Koreans endured political suppression, economic exploitation, and social and educational discrimination, in addition to attempts to
Japanize their culture. The so-called March movement of 1919 mounted massive demonstrations against colonial rule and was brutally suppressed. Subsequent independence movements were similarly treated. In the meantime Korea became an important economic and military base for Japan's continental expansion.
The Japanese surrender to the Allies in 1945 liberated Korea from Japan, but the country was divided along the 38th parallel
of latitude between the U.S. and Soviet occupation forces. In November 1947 the United Nations adopted a resolution to set up a unified independent Korean government, but the UN commission responsible was able to hold elections only in the southern (U.S.) zone. On Aug. 15, 1948, the Republic of Korea was inaugurated, ending U.S. military rule in the South. In North Korea the Communists established their own regime and inaugurated the Democratic People's Republic of Korea in September 1948. Thus the temporary military demarcation line became the boundary between two Korean states. Since the devastating Korean War (1950-53), which resulted from a North Korean invasion of the South, there has been only an uneasy truce along the line.
一、 日本
(一) 历史概况
从一万年前到公元三世纪,经历了绳文时代和弥生时代,当时虽然小国林立,但逐渐的也被统一。 公元四世纪,天皇统一了日本。公元十二世纪末武士取得政权,直到十九世纪,进入了幕府时代。公元十七世纪初,幕府拒绝与外国交流,进入锁国时期。直到商人的经济力量压倒了武士后,武士所支配的政治体制,也就开始瓦解。一八五三年日本藉着美国贝利提督来日之契机,打开锁国时代的封闭政策,开始了通商贸易。这也将幕府逼到穷途未路的地步,终于促使幕府于一八六七年让出了政权。
(二) 日本目前主要政党及其理念和地位
目前参加国会活动的主要政党有自民党、民主党、公明党、自由党 、日本共产党、社民党、保守党等。
3、公明党: 1964年11月成立,其母体为宗教团体创价学会。1970年6月实行政教分离,93年8月参加非自民联合政权。该党基
4、自由党: 1998年1月成立,绝大多数成员来自原新进党。该党属保守政党,内外政策与自民党十分接近,主张实现小政府,建立自由、公平、透明的社会,使日本成为与大国平起平坐的“普通国家”。
7、保守党: 2000年4月由自由党26名成员脱党组成。该党主张要体现“保守主义”的真正含义,维护国家、社会的安定及和谐。
2、《日本经济新闻》12日报道,日本本田汽车公司将投资300亿日元(1美元约合110日元)在中国广州新建发动机工厂。 本田与广州汽车工业集团合资的“广州本田”此次将在广州市内新建产能为20万台发动机的工厂,计划2009年开始生产。工厂投产后,本田在中国的发动机产能将增加四成。
Korean History
Korea is a modern nation with a history of over 5,000 years. Korean history is thought to have begun with the settlement of the peninsula by Tungusic tribes, who spoke a Ural-Altaic language, followed shamanic religion, and had a paleolithic culture, about 3000 BC. Tangun, a legendary figure, is said to have established the first Korean "kingdom" of Choson in 2333 BC. The introduction of bronze tools from China and the
establishment of Chinese military colonies in Korea in 108 BC led to the sinicization of Korea and the rapid development of agriculture.
Three Kingdoms
Meanwhile, three loosely organized Korean tribal federations, which emerged in the 3d century BC, were transformed into kingdoms. The founding of the kingdoms of Silla in 57 BC, of Koguryo in 37 BC, and of Paekche in 18 BC (traditional dates) marked the beginning of the Three Kingdoms period in Korean history. Koguryo, initially based in southern Manchuria,
expanded southward and in ¥ 313 overthrew Lolang (Lo-lang),
the last Chinese stronghold in Korea.
During this period, the influence of Confucianism, Daoism
(Taoism), and other forms of Chinese culture increased in Korea. Buddhism also grew, particularly in Paekche and Silla. Silla expelled (562) the JapaneseÑwho had established a foothold on the coast in the 4th centuryÑand between 660 and 668 destroyed both Paekche and Koguryo with Chinese help. Having unified Korea, Silla became a highly centralized state in which Buddhism and the arts flourished.
In the 9th century, however, serious provincial rebellions broke out, and in 936 the kingdom was finally overthrown by rebels who had established the Koryo dynasty, with its capital at Kaesong, in 918.
Under the Koryo dynasty power was initially wielded by
civilian administrators, and the political, social, economic, and educational systems of Korea became increasingly sinicized. In 1170 the military seized control and suppressed Buddhism. By
the end of the 12th century a military family, the Ch'oe, ruled the country, but opposition to it mounted, especially after the
Mongols began their invasions in 1231. In 1258 the Ch'oe were deposed, and their civilian successor submitted to the Mongols.
A relatively peaceful period of Koryo rule under Mongol suzerainty followed. The invention (1234) of a new printing system with movable type allowed the ready dissemination of Buddhist and Confucian writings, and Korean potters
manufactured high-quality green Koryo ware (see Korean art). A revolt against Mongol rule in 1356 brought another period of disorder. Finally, in 1392, the Koryo king was overthrown by the Joseon Dynasty, aided by the new Ming dynasty in China, to whom the Yi swore allegiance.
The Joseon Dynasty, which established a new capital at
Hanyang (now Seoul), rejected Buddhism and established Ju Xi (Chu Hsi) Confucianism as a national orthodoxy. It also
improved relations with its Chinese overlords and brought about economic and social reforms. A well-functioning Confucian
bureaucracy, an orderly social structure, rapid development of the educational system accompanied by the publication of many books, and the growth of science and technology seemed to promise a bright future. The adoption of the Korean writing system, called hangul, by King Sejong (r. 1418-50) in 1443 marked the high point in cultural development.
From the early 16th century, however, growing factionalism among scholars, mismanagement of state affairs by officials, court intrigues and power struggles, usurpation of power and privileges by the landed gentry, decline of foreign trade, and increasing tax burdens brought about political instability as well as economic decline and social upheavals. A reform school known as Silhak arose among scholars and officials, but Confucian conservatism prevented change.
The devastating but unsuccessful invasions (1592-98) by the Japanese under Hideyoshi and the wars of conquest (1627-37) by the Manchu worsened the internal situation. Vassalage to the Manchu, who went on to overthrow the Ming and establish the Qing (Ch'ing) dynasty in China, fostered Korean antiforeign sentiments. The state of the nation continued to deteriorate as
rebellions and peasant uprisings erupted.
Contact with the West and Japan
Roman Catholicism was brought to Korea from China in the 17th century, and what was called Western Learning developed.
A new native religion called Tonghak (Eastern Learning) arose in 1860 and won the support of the underprivileged and mistreated peasantry. Persecution of the Christians and the destruction of a U.S. merchant ship in 1866 helped provoke Western assaults by the French in 1866 and the United States in 1871.
The Koreans resisted these attacks, but in 1876 the Japanese took advantage of the governmental disruption within Korea to force a commercial treaty on the Yi. Six years later Korea, the "hermit kingdom," also opened its doors to the Western nations, beginning with a treaty with the United States.
After the opening of Korea rivalries developedÑparticularly among China, Japan, and RussiaÑfor predominance of influence over the weak Korean state. In 1894 followers of Tonghak
revolted against the government, and China sent troops to
suppress the rebellion. Japan also sent troops to Korea. The First Sino-Japanese War ensued (1894-95), and victorious Japan established hegemony over the nominally independent Korea. After defeating the Russians in the Russo-Japanese War
(1904-05), Japan was strong enough to force Korea to become a protectorate. After some Korean resistance Japan formally annexed the country in 1910.
Modern History
During the Japanese colonial period (1905-45) the Koreans endured political suppression, economic exploitation, and social and educational discrimination, in addition to attempts to
Japanize their culture. The so-called March movement of 1919 mounted massive demonstrations against colonial rule and was brutally suppressed. Subsequent independence movements were similarly treated. In the meantime Korea became an important economic and military base for Japan's continental expansion.
The Japanese surrender to the Allies in 1945 liberated Korea from Japan, but the country was divided along the 38th parallel
of latitude between the U.S. and Soviet occupation forces. In November 1947 the United Nations adopted a resolution to set up a unified independent Korean government, but the UN commission responsible was able to hold elections only in the southern (U.S.) zone. On Aug. 15, 1948, the Republic of Korea was inaugurated, ending U.S. military rule in the South. In North Korea the Communists established their own regime and inaugurated the Democratic People's Republic of Korea in September 1948. Thus the temporary military demarcation line became the boundary between two Korean states. Since the devastating Korean War (1950-53), which resulted from a North Korean invasion of the South, there has been only an uneasy truce along the line.