

一、 祝愿、祝贺和应答 (Good wishes, congratulations and responses)

1.- Well done and congratulations to you.

- Thanks very much.

2.- I hope you'll succeed in everything.

- So do I.

3.- I wish you success.

- Thank you.

4.- We send you our best wishes.

- Thank you very much.

5.- Happy new year !

6.- A merry Christmas to you.

- Thank you.

7.- I hope you'll have a good time.

- Thank you.

8.- Happy birthday!

3.- Will you go dancing with us?

- Of course. I'll be glad to.

4.- Will you come to our English Evening?

- Yes, thank you.

5.- Would you please give us a talk on English Learning?

- OK. When?

6.- You and your friends must come over to my house and see mooncakes.

- OK. Thank you very much.

三、表示同意和不同意 (Expressing agreement and disagreement)

1. - I think the shop is closed at this time of day.

- No, I think it's open.

2. - I think foreign languages are more interesting than science. - I really can't agree with you. I prefer science.

3. - I think I shall read a book instead.


4. strange stories.

3.- I'm sorry to give you so much trouble.

- No trouble at all.

4.- I'm soory. I lost the key to your bike.

- It doesn't matter.

5.- Sorry to have kept you waiting for a long time.

- It doesn't matter.

6.- You haven't paid for it yet.

- Oh, I'm really very sorry.

五、劝告和建议 (Advice and suggestions)

1. - The park isn't far from here. Shall we walk there?

- OK.

2 .- You'd better close the windows. It's cold in the room. - All right.

3.- If you are not better by then, I'll take you to see the doctor.

- OK. Thank you very much.

- Yes, I will. Thanks.


- OK. Let's catch a bus.

六、 打电话 ()

1.- Hello!

3.- No. 5 Middle School.

- Mr Green, please.

- I'm sorry. Mr Green is not in.

- When will he be back?

- About six this afternoon.

- All right. I'll ring again then.

- Very well.

3. - Hello!

- Hello, Ham Mei. Could I borrow your Chinese-English

Dictionary please?

- Sorry! It's not a very good line. Could you speak more


- Could I borrow your Chinese-English dictionary?

- Sure. I'll bring it to you tomorrow.

- Thank you. Goodbye.

七、請求允許和应答 () 1.- Please let me help you.

- No, thanks. I can carry it.

2.- Can I see your licence, please?

- OK.

3.- May I call you James?

- Of course, if you wish.

(Offers and responses)

- Oh yes, thank you.

2.- Let me help you with the bags.

- Well, I can manage all right. Thanks just the same.

3.- Can we help you?

- I want to go to hospital. But I can't. My leg hurts.

4.- Must I clean the classroom now?

- Oh, you needn't.

5.- Would you like a cup of tea?

- Yes, please.

6.- What can I do for you?

- I'd like to have an English-English dictionary.

九、问路和应答 (Asking the way and responses)

1. - Excuse me. Where is the washroom, please?

- Oh, it's over there.

- Look! It's on the other side of the road.

3. - How far is the post office, please?

- Only a few kilometers.

5. supermarket?

十、购物 (

3. - Could I buy half a kilo oranges?

- Certainly. Here you are.

4. - Will you please show me that radio?

- Certainly.

5. - How much is the radio?

- Ninety yuan.

6. - Good morning, sir. May I help you?

- Yes, I'd like to buy a sweather.

十一、谈论天氣 (Talking about the weather)

1. - It's a fine day for a walk.

- Yes, the air is nice and clean.

2. - Oh dear! It's very cold today.

- Yes, you need to wear warmer clothes.

3. - What's the weather like today?

- It's fine.

4. - What's the weather like in your country now?

- It's very hot.

5. - Lovely weather, isn't it?

- Yes, isn't it?

The northwest.

十二、时间或日期和应答 ()

- Let me see. It's five to ten.

5. - Excuse me. Have you got the time?

- Yes, it's six twenty.

6. - Excuse me. Could you tell me the time?

- Oh sorry, I don't have my watch with me.

十三、約会 (Making appointments)

1. - Are you free next Wednesday evening? I want to go to the

cinema with you?

- Yes, I'd like to.

2. - When shall we meet, this evening or tomorrow evening? - I don't mind. Either time is OK.

3. - Are you free later today?

- Sorry, I'm free every day except today.

4. - Are you able to come tomorrow morning?

- I think so.

5. - Are you free this afternoon?

- Oh no. Will this evening be all right?

十四、 禁止和警告 (

- OK. Thank you.

- Oh, thank you.

6. - You can't walk your dog in the park.

- Oh, I'm sorry. I'll never do it again.

十五、看病 (Seeing the doctor)

1. - I'm feeling tired, doctor.

- Have a good rest and then you'll feel better.

2. - How are you feeling today?

- I'm feeling even worse.

3. - Doctor, she is not feeling well.

- Nothing serious, I hope.

4. - Doctor, do I have to take the medicine before or after meals? - Three times a day after meals.

5. - What's the matter?

- I've got a headache.

6. - What's your trouble?

- I've had a pain in my stomach since morning.

十六、XXIX. Language difficulties (语言困难)

say it again?

- OK.

- Sorry, I can't follow you.

- All right.

- OK.


- Yes, I do.


一、 祝愿、祝贺和应答 (Good wishes, congratulations and responses)

1.- Well done and congratulations to you.

- Thanks very much.

2.- I hope you'll succeed in everything.

- So do I.

3.- I wish you success.

- Thank you.

4.- We send you our best wishes.

- Thank you very much.

5.- Happy new year !

6.- A merry Christmas to you.

- Thank you.

7.- I hope you'll have a good time.

- Thank you.

8.- Happy birthday!

3.- Will you go dancing with us?

- Of course. I'll be glad to.

4.- Will you come to our English Evening?

- Yes, thank you.

5.- Would you please give us a talk on English Learning?

- OK. When?

6.- You and your friends must come over to my house and see mooncakes.

- OK. Thank you very much.

三、表示同意和不同意 (Expressing agreement and disagreement)

1. - I think the shop is closed at this time of day.

- No, I think it's open.

2. - I think foreign languages are more interesting than science. - I really can't agree with you. I prefer science.

3. - I think I shall read a book instead.


4. strange stories.

3.- I'm sorry to give you so much trouble.

- No trouble at all.

4.- I'm soory. I lost the key to your bike.

- It doesn't matter.

5.- Sorry to have kept you waiting for a long time.

- It doesn't matter.

6.- You haven't paid for it yet.

- Oh, I'm really very sorry.

五、劝告和建议 (Advice and suggestions)

1. - The park isn't far from here. Shall we walk there?

- OK.

2 .- You'd better close the windows. It's cold in the room. - All right.

3.- If you are not better by then, I'll take you to see the doctor.

- OK. Thank you very much.

- Yes, I will. Thanks.


- OK. Let's catch a bus.

六、 打电话 ()

1.- Hello!

3.- No. 5 Middle School.

- Mr Green, please.

- I'm sorry. Mr Green is not in.

- When will he be back?

- About six this afternoon.

- All right. I'll ring again then.

- Very well.

3. - Hello!

- Hello, Ham Mei. Could I borrow your Chinese-English

Dictionary please?

- Sorry! It's not a very good line. Could you speak more


- Could I borrow your Chinese-English dictionary?

- Sure. I'll bring it to you tomorrow.

- Thank you. Goodbye.

七、請求允許和应答 () 1.- Please let me help you.

- No, thanks. I can carry it.

2.- Can I see your licence, please?

- OK.

3.- May I call you James?

- Of course, if you wish.

(Offers and responses)

- Oh yes, thank you.

2.- Let me help you with the bags.

- Well, I can manage all right. Thanks just the same.

3.- Can we help you?

- I want to go to hospital. But I can't. My leg hurts.

4.- Must I clean the classroom now?

- Oh, you needn't.

5.- Would you like a cup of tea?

- Yes, please.

6.- What can I do for you?

- I'd like to have an English-English dictionary.

九、问路和应答 (Asking the way and responses)

1. - Excuse me. Where is the washroom, please?

- Oh, it's over there.

- Look! It's on the other side of the road.

3. - How far is the post office, please?

- Only a few kilometers.

5. supermarket?

十、购物 (

3. - Could I buy half a kilo oranges?

- Certainly. Here you are.

4. - Will you please show me that radio?

- Certainly.

5. - How much is the radio?

- Ninety yuan.

6. - Good morning, sir. May I help you?

- Yes, I'd like to buy a sweather.

十一、谈论天氣 (Talking about the weather)

1. - It's a fine day for a walk.

- Yes, the air is nice and clean.

2. - Oh dear! It's very cold today.

- Yes, you need to wear warmer clothes.

3. - What's the weather like today?

- It's fine.

4. - What's the weather like in your country now?

- It's very hot.

5. - Lovely weather, isn't it?

- Yes, isn't it?

The northwest.

十二、时间或日期和应答 ()

- Let me see. It's five to ten.

5. - Excuse me. Have you got the time?

- Yes, it's six twenty.

6. - Excuse me. Could you tell me the time?

- Oh sorry, I don't have my watch with me.

十三、約会 (Making appointments)

1. - Are you free next Wednesday evening? I want to go to the

cinema with you?

- Yes, I'd like to.

2. - When shall we meet, this evening or tomorrow evening? - I don't mind. Either time is OK.

3. - Are you free later today?

- Sorry, I'm free every day except today.

4. - Are you able to come tomorrow morning?

- I think so.

5. - Are you free this afternoon?

- Oh no. Will this evening be all right?

十四、 禁止和警告 (

- OK. Thank you.

- Oh, thank you.

6. - You can't walk your dog in the park.

- Oh, I'm sorry. I'll never do it again.

十五、看病 (Seeing the doctor)

1. - I'm feeling tired, doctor.

- Have a good rest and then you'll feel better.

2. - How are you feeling today?

- I'm feeling even worse.

3. - Doctor, she is not feeling well.

- Nothing serious, I hope.

4. - Doctor, do I have to take the medicine before or after meals? - Three times a day after meals.

5. - What's the matter?

- I've got a headache.

6. - What's your trouble?

- I've had a pain in my stomach since morning.

十六、XXIX. Language difficulties (语言困难)

say it again?

- OK.

- Sorry, I can't follow you.

- All right.

- OK.


- Yes, I do.


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