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观赏南瓜病毒病抗性鉴定及抗源材料筛选 作者:付洪冰 赵银萍


摘要:以观赏南瓜品种迷彩果(Cucurbita pepo L. var. kintoga Mak.cv.Micaiguo)为研究对象,采用苗期人工接种方法,研究了接种时期、接种量、培养温度、接种方法等因素对观赏南瓜病毒病发病情况的影响,确定观赏南瓜病毒病苗期抗性鉴定的最适条件。结果表明,接种时期为1片真叶期、接种量为1 mg/L、培养温度为30 ℃、接种方法为汁液摩擦接种法时可获得最高的病情指数,接种效果最佳;采用上述最佳接种条件对11个观赏南瓜品种进行了苗期病毒病抗性鉴定,筛选出了高抗品种太阳果(C. pepo var. kintoga cv. Taiyangguo)、抗病品种红栗瓜(Cucurbita maxima Duch. cv. Hongligua)和大铃铛(C. pepo var. kintoga cv. Dalingdang )3份抗源材料。


中图分类号:S642.1;S432.4+2;S432.2 文献标识码:A 文章编号:0439-8114(2013)12-2836-03

Resistance Identification and Selection of Resistant Materials Against Virus Disease of Ornamental Pumpkin

FU Hong-bing,ZHAO Yin-ping

(Department of Life Sciences, Xi’an University of Arts and Science, Xi’an 710065, China)

Abstract: Taking ornamental pumpkin variety Cucurbita pepo L. var. kintoga Mak. cv. Micaiguo as research material, effects of inoculation period, inoculum density, inoculation temperature and inoculation methods on the incidence of ornamental pumpkin virus disease were studied by artificial inoculation at seedling stage to obtain the optimal conditions for resistance identification of ornamental pumpkin against virus disease. The results showed that the highest disease index and best inoculation effect of virus disease could be obtained if vaccination was at one-leaf period; inoculum density was 1 mg/L; inoculation temperature was 30 ℃; and inoculation method was juice friction inoculation. Using the inoculation conditions, seedling resistance

identification of 11 ornamental pumpkin varieties against virus disease was conducted. As a result, 3 resistant materials against virus disease were screened out, among which C. pepo var. kintoga cv. Taiyangguo was identified as high resistance; while C. maxima Duch. cv. Hongligua and C. pepo var. kintoga cv. Dalingdang were identified as disease-resistant varieties.

龙源期刊网 http://www.qikan.com.cn

观赏南瓜病毒病抗性鉴定及抗源材料筛选 作者:付洪冰 赵银萍


摘要:以观赏南瓜品种迷彩果(Cucurbita pepo L. var. kintoga Mak.cv.Micaiguo)为研究对象,采用苗期人工接种方法,研究了接种时期、接种量、培养温度、接种方法等因素对观赏南瓜病毒病发病情况的影响,确定观赏南瓜病毒病苗期抗性鉴定的最适条件。结果表明,接种时期为1片真叶期、接种量为1 mg/L、培养温度为30 ℃、接种方法为汁液摩擦接种法时可获得最高的病情指数,接种效果最佳;采用上述最佳接种条件对11个观赏南瓜品种进行了苗期病毒病抗性鉴定,筛选出了高抗品种太阳果(C. pepo var. kintoga cv. Taiyangguo)、抗病品种红栗瓜(Cucurbita maxima Duch. cv. Hongligua)和大铃铛(C. pepo var. kintoga cv. Dalingdang )3份抗源材料。


中图分类号:S642.1;S432.4+2;S432.2 文献标识码:A 文章编号:0439-8114(2013)12-2836-03

Resistance Identification and Selection of Resistant Materials Against Virus Disease of Ornamental Pumpkin

FU Hong-bing,ZHAO Yin-ping

(Department of Life Sciences, Xi’an University of Arts and Science, Xi’an 710065, China)

Abstract: Taking ornamental pumpkin variety Cucurbita pepo L. var. kintoga Mak. cv. Micaiguo as research material, effects of inoculation period, inoculum density, inoculation temperature and inoculation methods on the incidence of ornamental pumpkin virus disease were studied by artificial inoculation at seedling stage to obtain the optimal conditions for resistance identification of ornamental pumpkin against virus disease. The results showed that the highest disease index and best inoculation effect of virus disease could be obtained if vaccination was at one-leaf period; inoculum density was 1 mg/L; inoculation temperature was 30 ℃; and inoculation method was juice friction inoculation. Using the inoculation conditions, seedling resistance

identification of 11 ornamental pumpkin varieties against virus disease was conducted. As a result, 3 resistant materials against virus disease were screened out, among which C. pepo var. kintoga cv. Taiyangguo was identified as high resistance; while C. maxima Duch. cv. Hongligua and C. pepo var. kintoga cv. Dalingdang were identified as disease-resistant varieties.


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