
1. 搜索引擎: 百度

结果: 《MATLAB使用详解》 著作者: 董霖

出版社: 科学出版社

总结方法:非纸质资源可通过搜索引擎(百度文档)和专业图书网站等来搜索,来查看相关图书的信息。纸质资源可以通过OPAC系统来查询,找到相关图书,可以直接去图书馆借到并查看纸质资源。 二.

检索工具: 万方数字化期刊 检索词: 数控加工技术 整体叶轮 多轴

首关键词: 数控加工技术 结果: 2238 条 中选太多,结果纷杂,与期望值相去甚

远。应进一步增加关键字,以增加精准度。 次关键字: 整体叶轮

结果:13 条 较精确,可以逐条查看

终关键字: 多轴 结果: 2条 所得为最终结果,极为精确,达到期望。

  


[期刊论文] 《风机技术》年1期陈德存Chen Dechun

本文详细介绍TUG NX6.0软件对叶轮加工的全过程以及加工过程中的注意事项,为同类


关键词:UG NX6.0 整体叶轮 多轴加工

 



 叶轮加工是当今多轴联动数控加工最常见的实例,也是数控加工的难点之一.本文从实

际出发,使用UG/CAM五坐标编程系统对整体式叶轮进行数控编程,采用插值方式对刀轴 矢量进行匀化处理,采用SWARF方法对叶片进行精加工,同时合...

关键词:UG 整体叶轮 多轴加工


检索工具 中国学术期刊网(CNKI) 时间 从2004-1-1到2004-12-31

文献来源 南京航空航天大学学报 主题 数控铣削 文献类型 学术论文


1. Gong Huajun Design and implementation of gust alleviation control system for

1990 报告

2. Bir G S;Chopra I 1985 报告

3. Azuma A;Saito S [外文期刊] 1982(01) DOI:10.4050/JAHS.27.58 期刊文章

4. Norman D C;Hynes R J;Gaangsas D 1992 论文集

5. Xiao Yelun;Jin Changjiang 1992 学位论

6. Woods-Vedeler J A;Pototzky A S;Hoadley S T [外文期刊] 1995(01) DOI:10.2514/3.46685 期刊文章 7. Sarathy S;Murthy U R 1993 期刊文章

8. Yang Yidong;Gao Lixin software using C language 1990(04) 专著

9. Chen R T N;Lebacqz J V;Aiken E W He-licopter mathematical models and control law

1988 报告

10. Taylor R B;Zwicke P E;Gold P Analytical design and evaluation of active control system

1980 期刊文章


three dimensional “three dimensional”

结果对比:搜索广度不同,第一个关键词结果显示最多,可选范围更广。 “design system” “design system”

11597 records in Compendex & Inspec for 1969-2011 4504 records in Compendex & Inspec for 1969-2011

538750 records in Compendex & Inspec for 1969-2011

3D 374827 records in Compendex & Inspec for 1969-2011

473344 records in Compendex & Inspec for 1969-2011

策略式 three dimensional and “design system”

609 records in Compendex & Inspec for 1969-2011



[1**********]130 Accession number:

Three-dimensional highway alignment design system Title:

using stereoscopy of aerial photographs and computer




Author affiliation:


Miyagi University , 1-1 Gakuen, Taiwa-cho, Kurokawa-gun, Miyagi

981-3298, Japan

Makanae, K. Corresponding author:

Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Computing in Civil Source title:

and Building Engineering

Abbreviated source title: Proc. Int. Conf. Comput. Civ. Build. Eng.


Volume: Monograph title: P roceedings of the 8th International Conference on Computing in Civil

and Building Engineering


Issue date: 2000

Publication year: 1497-1502

Pages: English


ISBN-13: Conference article (CA)

Document type: 8th International Conference on Computing in Civil and Building Conference name:

American Society of Civil Engineers, 1801 Alexander Graham Bell Publisher:

Drive, Reston, VA 20191-4400, United States

Conference code:


August 14, 2000 - August 16, 2000

Conference date:

Stanford, CA, United states

Conference location:

A three-dimensional alignment design system in the virtual space Abstract:

recreated by stereoscopy of aerial photographs is developed. In order to define the three-dimensional alignment in the virtual space, B-spline curves are applied. Definition of a highway alignment as a three-dimensional alignment enables the direct acquisition of digital three-dimensional model and the real-time assessment of the design. 2004 ASCE.

7 Number of references:

Main heading:

- - - Controlled terms:


- Photographic

- - -

Aerial photographs - B-spline curves - Design systems - Direct Uncontrolled terms:

- -


- -

Mathematical Statistics - Numerical Methods - Classification code:

Combinatorial Techniques








Theory - Engineering Graphics - Imaging



Photography - Computer Applications - Machine Tools, General - Machine Components - Mechanical Devices - Structural Design, General - Highway Systems

DOI: 1 0.1061/40513(279)195

Database: C ompendex

Compilation and indexing terms, 2011 Elsevier Inc.

六. 引言:

FLOW control approaches that use synthetic jets have become an important tool for the aerodynamicist. Synthetic jets utilize alternating suction and blowing through a slot or hole to create a boundary condition with zero net mass flux but with momentum transfer to the flow. The synthetic jet is so named because the farfield flowresembles a jet profile that has been “synthesized” from the

surrounding flow. The near field, however, is characterized by a disturbance

with time-varying oscillatory flow, a transpiration boundary condition near the exit of the synthetic jet, and an oscillatory

moving boundary internal to the jet device. Many practical applications of this technology have been demonstrated in laboratory experiments, including jet vectoring, control of separation, enhanced mixing, reduction of wall skin friction, and virtual aeroshaping. With increased use of synthetic jets comes an increasing need for reliable computational tools capable of predicting their effects.

还可以用EI搜索或者SCI搜索 或者用搜索引擎Google先搜索作者 然后再搜索他的文章 实在不行就上“百度知道”高分提问。或者进入相关的贴吧和论坛进行讨论

1. 搜索引擎: 百度

结果: 《MATLAB使用详解》 著作者: 董霖

出版社: 科学出版社

总结方法:非纸质资源可通过搜索引擎(百度文档)和专业图书网站等来搜索,来查看相关图书的信息。纸质资源可以通过OPAC系统来查询,找到相关图书,可以直接去图书馆借到并查看纸质资源。 二.

检索工具: 万方数字化期刊 检索词: 数控加工技术 整体叶轮 多轴

首关键词: 数控加工技术 结果: 2238 条 中选太多,结果纷杂,与期望值相去甚

远。应进一步增加关键字,以增加精准度。 次关键字: 整体叶轮

结果:13 条 较精确,可以逐条查看

终关键字: 多轴 结果: 2条 所得为最终结果,极为精确,达到期望。

  


[期刊论文] 《风机技术》年1期陈德存Chen Dechun

本文详细介绍TUG NX6.0软件对叶轮加工的全过程以及加工过程中的注意事项,为同类


关键词:UG NX6.0 整体叶轮 多轴加工

 



 叶轮加工是当今多轴联动数控加工最常见的实例,也是数控加工的难点之一.本文从实

际出发,使用UG/CAM五坐标编程系统对整体式叶轮进行数控编程,采用插值方式对刀轴 矢量进行匀化处理,采用SWARF方法对叶片进行精加工,同时合...

关键词:UG 整体叶轮 多轴加工


检索工具 中国学术期刊网(CNKI) 时间 从2004-1-1到2004-12-31

文献来源 南京航空航天大学学报 主题 数控铣削 文献类型 学术论文


1. Gong Huajun Design and implementation of gust alleviation control system for

1990 报告

2. Bir G S;Chopra I 1985 报告

3. Azuma A;Saito S [外文期刊] 1982(01) DOI:10.4050/JAHS.27.58 期刊文章

4. Norman D C;Hynes R J;Gaangsas D 1992 论文集

5. Xiao Yelun;Jin Changjiang 1992 学位论

6. Woods-Vedeler J A;Pototzky A S;Hoadley S T [外文期刊] 1995(01) DOI:10.2514/3.46685 期刊文章 7. Sarathy S;Murthy U R 1993 期刊文章

8. Yang Yidong;Gao Lixin software using C language 1990(04) 专著

9. Chen R T N;Lebacqz J V;Aiken E W He-licopter mathematical models and control law

1988 报告

10. Taylor R B;Zwicke P E;Gold P Analytical design and evaluation of active control system

1980 期刊文章


three dimensional “three dimensional”

结果对比:搜索广度不同,第一个关键词结果显示最多,可选范围更广。 “design system” “design system”

11597 records in Compendex & Inspec for 1969-2011 4504 records in Compendex & Inspec for 1969-2011

538750 records in Compendex & Inspec for 1969-2011

3D 374827 records in Compendex & Inspec for 1969-2011

473344 records in Compendex & Inspec for 1969-2011

策略式 three dimensional and “design system”

609 records in Compendex & Inspec for 1969-2011



[1**********]130 Accession number:

Three-dimensional highway alignment design system Title:

using stereoscopy of aerial photographs and computer




Author affiliation:


Miyagi University , 1-1 Gakuen, Taiwa-cho, Kurokawa-gun, Miyagi

981-3298, Japan

Makanae, K. Corresponding author:

Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Computing in Civil Source title:

and Building Engineering

Abbreviated source title: Proc. Int. Conf. Comput. Civ. Build. Eng.


Volume: Monograph title: P roceedings of the 8th International Conference on Computing in Civil

and Building Engineering


Issue date: 2000

Publication year: 1497-1502

Pages: English


ISBN-13: Conference article (CA)

Document type: 8th International Conference on Computing in Civil and Building Conference name:

American Society of Civil Engineers, 1801 Alexander Graham Bell Publisher:

Drive, Reston, VA 20191-4400, United States

Conference code:


August 14, 2000 - August 16, 2000

Conference date:

Stanford, CA, United states

Conference location:

A three-dimensional alignment design system in the virtual space Abstract:

recreated by stereoscopy of aerial photographs is developed. In order to define the three-dimensional alignment in the virtual space, B-spline curves are applied. Definition of a highway alignment as a three-dimensional alignment enables the direct acquisition of digital three-dimensional model and the real-time assessment of the design. 2004 ASCE.

7 Number of references:

Main heading:

- - - Controlled terms:


- Photographic

- - -

Aerial photographs - B-spline curves - Design systems - Direct Uncontrolled terms:

- -


- -

Mathematical Statistics - Numerical Methods - Classification code:

Combinatorial Techniques








Theory - Engineering Graphics - Imaging



Photography - Computer Applications - Machine Tools, General - Machine Components - Mechanical Devices - Structural Design, General - Highway Systems

DOI: 1 0.1061/40513(279)195

Database: C ompendex

Compilation and indexing terms, 2011 Elsevier Inc.

六. 引言:

FLOW control approaches that use synthetic jets have become an important tool for the aerodynamicist. Synthetic jets utilize alternating suction and blowing through a slot or hole to create a boundary condition with zero net mass flux but with momentum transfer to the flow. The synthetic jet is so named because the farfield flowresembles a jet profile that has been “synthesized” from the

surrounding flow. The near field, however, is characterized by a disturbance

with time-varying oscillatory flow, a transpiration boundary condition near the exit of the synthetic jet, and an oscillatory

moving boundary internal to the jet device. Many practical applications of this technology have been demonstrated in laboratory experiments, including jet vectoring, control of separation, enhanced mixing, reduction of wall skin friction, and virtual aeroshaping. With increased use of synthetic jets comes an increasing need for reliable computational tools capable of predicting their effects.

还可以用EI搜索或者SCI搜索 或者用搜索引擎Google先搜索作者 然后再搜索他的文章 实在不行就上“百度知道”高分提问。或者进入相关的贴吧和论坛进行讨论


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