
Fake commodities 假冒伪劣产

Now,a serious problem has been shown to the public.Fake commodities,which has a bad effct on for financial of society.

As we all know ,there have some aspects which cause production go bad. some reason are given to us .First ,businessmen in order to earn money bring in bad quality goods. second, stroekeepers place goods along time berore saleing,which result in goods change previous characters.

With the rapid development of our society ,in order to healthy and safety of people ,fake commodities must be forbidden. on one hand ,government should post regulations to the city where it can catch businessmen attention so that they are afraid of breaking the law. on the other hand,people who go shopping to pick out goods carefully and patiently .

4月8 号的 作文。第十四篇。


with the repaid development of our society as well as the progress of our science and technology , more and more fake commodities are arrears in the marketing . i think there are several reasons we should consider . firstly , many businessman bring bad goods to the market in order to earn more money . secondly , so many goods are placed too long time and then change their previous characters . thirdly , fake commodities generally are very cheaper and beautiful , the price are more easy to accepted than the really commodity for the consumer .

for the healthy and safety of people , the fake commodities must be forbid , i think we should take the following actions . firstly ,the government could public some regulations about fake commodities . secondly , when we found the fake commodities we could call the police .

fake commodities are bad for our healthy and our society so i hope all of us could do our best to resist them and then make our society a better place for us to live .

4月9号 题目 Intelligence---nature or nurture 我的作文 With the rapid development of society as well as the progress of science and technology. Individual intelligence play a important role in our own life. so people have different opinion towards

intelligence natural or nurture.

some people think intelligence is a reflection of our mind and it should be a concept of brain. first ,as we are born we also have natural it . second ,with our ages growing we can gain much more intelligence than before.

However, others are not agree with them. they are all believe that the environment which can have something good or bad effect on our brains, so that it can lead to intelligence increase or decrease.in brief, environment is a weight factor to our intelligence. In my opinion ,every coin has two sides. Both environment and nature can make a reflection to our intelligence increasing. so we must connect with two sides in order to our intelligence farther and better development.


题目 :Where there is a will , there is a way

With the rapid development of society as well as the progress of science and technology.The conpect of "here there is a will ,there is a way"has been changed more and more popular from person to person,and people reach a common agreement to the extent the meaning of this several words

first ,this several words make our succeed.All of us believe something can be settled with this,and it is a sense we can defeat someting we cannot before.

What more ,encouragement can be taken in from this several words.when we are working in ours daily life some terrible problems turned up in our eyes, many people can rember this several

words ,which can increase our encouragement so that we can settle something not convenient us .

In brief,this several words are important to us .With this several words carrying on ,more and more people have much confidence to their work .human development in mind result in the prograss of society.


first , those several words can help us to

success . all of us believe that with this belief we can defeat everything that we never defeat before . what's more , this belief could give us more encouragement when some terrible

problems occured in our daily life . the most

important thing i found that is when people stick in trouble , all of them are hold on this belief to overcome the difficulties .

briefly speaking , those several words are really important to us , with those several

words help , people have more conference to do their work , we all know that human

development in mind contribute to the

progress of our society .

Fake commodities 假冒伪劣产

Now,a serious problem has been shown to the public.Fake commodities,which has a bad effct on for financial of society.

As we all know ,there have some aspects which cause production go bad. some reason are given to us .First ,businessmen in order to earn money bring in bad quality goods. second, stroekeepers place goods along time berore saleing,which result in goods change previous characters.

With the rapid development of our society ,in order to healthy and safety of people ,fake commodities must be forbidden. on one hand ,government should post regulations to the city where it can catch businessmen attention so that they are afraid of breaking the law. on the other hand,people who go shopping to pick out goods carefully and patiently .

4月8 号的 作文。第十四篇。


with the repaid development of our society as well as the progress of our science and technology , more and more fake commodities are arrears in the marketing . i think there are several reasons we should consider . firstly , many businessman bring bad goods to the market in order to earn more money . secondly , so many goods are placed too long time and then change their previous characters . thirdly , fake commodities generally are very cheaper and beautiful , the price are more easy to accepted than the really commodity for the consumer .

for the healthy and safety of people , the fake commodities must be forbid , i think we should take the following actions . firstly ,the government could public some regulations about fake commodities . secondly , when we found the fake commodities we could call the police .

fake commodities are bad for our healthy and our society so i hope all of us could do our best to resist them and then make our society a better place for us to live .

4月9号 题目 Intelligence---nature or nurture 我的作文 With the rapid development of society as well as the progress of science and technology. Individual intelligence play a important role in our own life. so people have different opinion towards

intelligence natural or nurture.

some people think intelligence is a reflection of our mind and it should be a concept of brain. first ,as we are born we also have natural it . second ,with our ages growing we can gain much more intelligence than before.

However, others are not agree with them. they are all believe that the environment which can have something good or bad effect on our brains, so that it can lead to intelligence increase or decrease.in brief, environment is a weight factor to our intelligence. In my opinion ,every coin has two sides. Both environment and nature can make a reflection to our intelligence increasing. so we must connect with two sides in order to our intelligence farther and better development.


题目 :Where there is a will , there is a way

With the rapid development of society as well as the progress of science and technology.The conpect of "here there is a will ,there is a way"has been changed more and more popular from person to person,and people reach a common agreement to the extent the meaning of this several words

first ,this several words make our succeed.All of us believe something can be settled with this,and it is a sense we can defeat someting we cannot before.

What more ,encouragement can be taken in from this several words.when we are working in ours daily life some terrible problems turned up in our eyes, many people can rember this several

words ,which can increase our encouragement so that we can settle something not convenient us .

In brief,this several words are important to us .With this several words carrying on ,more and more people have much confidence to their work .human development in mind result in the prograss of society.


first , those several words can help us to

success . all of us believe that with this belief we can defeat everything that we never defeat before . what's more , this belief could give us more encouragement when some terrible

problems occured in our daily life . the most

important thing i found that is when people stick in trouble , all of them are hold on this belief to overcome the difficulties .

briefly speaking , those several words are really important to us , with those several

words help , people have more conference to do their work , we all know that human

development in mind contribute to the

progress of our society .


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