

1. What is the location of the university where you have been working

toward (or have already received) your first university degree?



Hong Kong












Other Asian Country

Other European Country

Country not included in above list

Have not worked toward a degree

2. What best describes the institution where your highest degree was

(will be, if currently studying) attained?

Consistently ranked # 1 or # 2 in the country for my area of study

Nationally ranked as best in class for my area of study

Strong academically but not consistently ranked as best in class for

my area of study

Local or regional reputation for providing a quality education

Please indicate the institution where your highest degree was (will

be) attained:

3. Which of these did you do in school before reaching university

level? (Mark all that apply)

a. Receive recognition as one of the best students academically

(Please describe below)

b. President or leader of student government or other student group,

club, or organization

c. Participate in a performing arts organization (musical, theatrical,

dance, or other)

d. Head a committee to organize an event

e. Some other accomplishment (Please describe below)

If you selected a. above, please describe:

Asia Management Assessment Form

Page 2 of 12

Please indicate your academic standing during each period of education that applies to you.

Top 10% of Students Top 25% of Students Top 50% of Students Lower Half of Students I Do Not Know Does Not Apply

1 2 3 4 5 6



4. School Before University Level

5. First University Degree

6. Post Graduate Degree

7. Where have you typically ranked on standardized tests such as those used f or admittance into university or graduate programs, to measure achievement in school, or for employment selection?

Top 1%

Top 10% (but not top 1%)

Top 20% (but not top 10%)

Top 30% (but not top 20%)

Top 40% (but not top 30%)

Bottom 60%

Don 抰 know; can抰 estimate

Not applicable; have never taken this type of test before

8. Which of these did you do while working on your first degree as a universi ty student? (Mark all that apply)

Attended a university that accepts only the best students

Studied at more than one university

Studied outside your native country

Received recognition for academic achievement

Other special experience (Please describe below)

9. Which of these did you do while you were working on any degree? (Mark all that apply)

Head an important student committee

Achieve an outstanding result in athletics

Organize a student organization

Participate in a performing arts organization (musical, theatrical, dance, or other)

Win an election for a class position

Some other accomplishment (Please describe below)

Asia Management Assessment Form

Page 4 of 12

Please describe your participation and positions held in various organizatio ns, either within or separate from the university. (Mark all that apply)

Member (But Held No Position) President or Head Position Other Positio n

1 2 3



10. Sports Team

11. Student Organization

12. Professional Organization

13. Other Organization (Please describe below)

14. How many times in total were you president or leader of an organization , club, team, or committee while you were working on any university degree? Pl ease write the name and year for each group below.



Two Times

Three or More Times

Please write the name and year for each group below.

Chairman of graduated students union 2001-2002

vice chairman of students union1999-2000

minister of propaganda department of students union1998-1999


15. Please indicate how accurately this statement describes you. "You often s tart other people working together toward a goal."

Very accurately

Somewhat accurately

Not accurately

16. Which of these would bother you the most on a job?

Having to finish someone else抯 work

Getting work assigned at the last minute

Having to find and fix someone else抯 mistakes

Being taken off a job before it is finished

Receiving incomplete or inaccurate instructions

None of these would bother you

17. When do you do your best work?

When instructions are clear

When working alone

When there are no interruptions

When under pressure

When you really feel like working

Some other time (Please describe below)

18. Which do you like best on the job?

To work on one thing at a time

To work on two or three things at a time

To work on many things at a time

19. How would you rate your ability to get things done in an organization mai nly through your own effort, and without the support and involvement from othe r people?

Outstanding ability to do this ?among the very best

Very good ability to do this

Moderate ability to do this

Weak ability to do this

20. How do you feel about making difficult decisions?

You look forward to them

You don抰 mind them

You try to avoid them

You rarely make difficult decisions

21. Which one of the following attributes is your strongest?

High personal standards


Willingness to work hard

Concern for other people

Knowledge and experience

Something else (Please describe below)

22. Do you like to get things done quickly?




23. Do you enjoy selling things ?ideas, products, or project proposals?

Yes, very much

Yes, to some extent

No, not really

No, not at all

24. Compared to other people, and no matter what you have to sell ?an idea, p roduct, or project proposal, how would you rate your selling ability? Please m ark one and briefly explain in the space provided below why you chose that ans wer.

Top 10%

Top 25%

Top 50%

Bottom 50%

Do not know

Please explain your answer briefly:

25. How effective are you in changing the thinking of a group you are working with?

Extremely effective

Very effective

Somewhat effective

Not very effective

26. Are you usually satisfied to let someone else take the lead in group acti vities?




27. Compared to other people in general, how would you rate your leadership a bility? Please briefly explain in the space provided why you chose that answer .

Top 10%

Top 25%

Top 50%

Bottom 50%

Do not know

Please explain your answer briefly:

Here are factors people sometimes think about in making career choices. Please read through the list and indicate how important each one is to you personall y.

Highly Important Somewhat Important Not Important

1 2 3



28. Having an opportunity for fast advancement to a position of great respons ibility.

29. Working for an established company that offers long term employment.

30. Being able to make your own decisions without needing approvals.

31. Receiving a very high starting salary.

32. Having responsibility for projects all the way from conception to ultimat e success or failure.

33. Working in an organization which highly values ethical behavior toward cu stomers and employees.

34. Being able to directly apply your knowledge of subjects learned at univer sity.

35. Being able to receive extra compensation directly tied to your business s uccess.

36. Having a boss whose success will be measured by how well he or she develo ps people.

37. Receiving training that increases your capability and value to an organiz ation.

38. Working with other talented people who are dedicated to their organizatio n 抯 long term success.

39. Receiving good employee benefits, i.e., medical coverage, retirement pens ion, etc.

40. Being able to travel abroad for training or business.

41. Listed below are the factors you rated on the previous screen. Please rev iew the list and tell us which two of them are most important to you personall y. Mark the responses of the two most important.

Having an opportunity for fast advancement to a position of great respons


Working for an established company that offers long term employment. Being able to make your own decisions without needing approvals.

Receiving a very high starting salary.

Having responsibility for projects all the way from conception to ultimate suc cess or failure.

Working in an organization which highly values ethical behavior toward custome rs and employees.

Being able to directly apply your knowledge of subjects learned at university.

Being able to receive extra compensation directly tied to your business succes s.

Having a boss whose success will be measured by how well he or she develops pe ople.

Receiving training that increases your capability and value to an organization .

Working with other talented people who are dedicated to their organization's l ong term success.

Receiving good employee benefits, i.e., medical coverage, retirement pension, etc.

Being able to travel abroad for training or business.

Please indicate which of the factors below could importantly affect how you mi ght feel about your work location.

Highly Important Somewhat Important Not Important

1 2 3

42. Being close to other family members.

43. Being close to where you live now.

44. Being in a particular city where you want to live.

45. The factors below often affect how people feel about their job. Please re ad and then mark the one you believe would have the largest effect on how happ

y you would be.

The amount of time you must give to your work.

The amount of pay and other benefits you receive.

The quality of relationships you have with others at work.

The type of assignments you have to work on.

The amount of freedom you have to make decisions.

46. The factors below often affect how people feel about their job. Please re ad and then mark the one you believe would have the smallest effect on how hap py you would be.

The amount of time you must give to your work.

The amount of pay and other benefits you receive.

The quality of relationships you have with others at work.

The type of assignments you have to work on.

The amount of freedom you have to make decisions.

Indicate whether you agree or disagree with each of these statements.

Agree Disagree

1 2



47. I enjoy solving puzzles.

48. I enjoy long, involved conversations.

49. I am detail-oriented.

50. When others present ideas, I am most interested in immediately useful ide as.

51. I find it relatively easy to learn games of strategy.

Which word or phrase in each pair best describes you?


Constructive Harmonious


Orderly Random


Unpredictable Stable


Persevere Acknowledge limits


Disciplined Restless


Conceptual Factual


Changes circumstances Adapts to circumstances


Creative Habitual


Quiet Energetic


Challenges rules Respects tradition


Open-minded Skeptical


Conventional Impractical


Risk-averse Thrill-seeking


Typical Atypical


1. What is the location of the university where you have been working

toward (or have already received) your first university degree?



Hong Kong












Other Asian Country

Other European Country

Country not included in above list

Have not worked toward a degree

2. What best describes the institution where your highest degree was

(will be, if currently studying) attained?

Consistently ranked # 1 or # 2 in the country for my area of study

Nationally ranked as best in class for my area of study

Strong academically but not consistently ranked as best in class for

my area of study

Local or regional reputation for providing a quality education

Please indicate the institution where your highest degree was (will

be) attained:

3. Which of these did you do in school before reaching university

level? (Mark all that apply)

a. Receive recognition as one of the best students academically

(Please describe below)

b. President or leader of student government or other student group,

club, or organization

c. Participate in a performing arts organization (musical, theatrical,

dance, or other)

d. Head a committee to organize an event

e. Some other accomplishment (Please describe below)

If you selected a. above, please describe:

Asia Management Assessment Form

Page 2 of 12

Please indicate your academic standing during each period of education that applies to you.

Top 10% of Students Top 25% of Students Top 50% of Students Lower Half of Students I Do Not Know Does Not Apply

1 2 3 4 5 6



4. School Before University Level

5. First University Degree

6. Post Graduate Degree

7. Where have you typically ranked on standardized tests such as those used f or admittance into university or graduate programs, to measure achievement in school, or for employment selection?

Top 1%

Top 10% (but not top 1%)

Top 20% (but not top 10%)

Top 30% (but not top 20%)

Top 40% (but not top 30%)

Bottom 60%

Don 抰 know; can抰 estimate

Not applicable; have never taken this type of test before

8. Which of these did you do while working on your first degree as a universi ty student? (Mark all that apply)

Attended a university that accepts only the best students

Studied at more than one university

Studied outside your native country

Received recognition for academic achievement

Other special experience (Please describe below)

9. Which of these did you do while you were working on any degree? (Mark all that apply)

Head an important student committee

Achieve an outstanding result in athletics

Organize a student organization

Participate in a performing arts organization (musical, theatrical, dance, or other)

Win an election for a class position

Some other accomplishment (Please describe below)

Asia Management Assessment Form

Page 4 of 12

Please describe your participation and positions held in various organizatio ns, either within or separate from the university. (Mark all that apply)

Member (But Held No Position) President or Head Position Other Positio n

1 2 3



10. Sports Team

11. Student Organization

12. Professional Organization

13. Other Organization (Please describe below)

14. How many times in total were you president or leader of an organization , club, team, or committee while you were working on any university degree? Pl ease write the name and year for each group below.



Two Times

Three or More Times

Please write the name and year for each group below.

Chairman of graduated students union 2001-2002

vice chairman of students union1999-2000

minister of propaganda department of students union1998-1999


15. Please indicate how accurately this statement describes you. "You often s tart other people working together toward a goal."

Very accurately

Somewhat accurately

Not accurately

16. Which of these would bother you the most on a job?

Having to finish someone else抯 work

Getting work assigned at the last minute

Having to find and fix someone else抯 mistakes

Being taken off a job before it is finished

Receiving incomplete or inaccurate instructions

None of these would bother you

17. When do you do your best work?

When instructions are clear

When working alone

When there are no interruptions

When under pressure

When you really feel like working

Some other time (Please describe below)

18. Which do you like best on the job?

To work on one thing at a time

To work on two or three things at a time

To work on many things at a time

19. How would you rate your ability to get things done in an organization mai nly through your own effort, and without the support and involvement from othe r people?

Outstanding ability to do this ?among the very best

Very good ability to do this

Moderate ability to do this

Weak ability to do this

20. How do you feel about making difficult decisions?

You look forward to them

You don抰 mind them

You try to avoid them

You rarely make difficult decisions

21. Which one of the following attributes is your strongest?

High personal standards


Willingness to work hard

Concern for other people

Knowledge and experience

Something else (Please describe below)

22. Do you like to get things done quickly?




23. Do you enjoy selling things ?ideas, products, or project proposals?

Yes, very much

Yes, to some extent

No, not really

No, not at all

24. Compared to other people, and no matter what you have to sell ?an idea, p roduct, or project proposal, how would you rate your selling ability? Please m ark one and briefly explain in the space provided below why you chose that ans wer.

Top 10%

Top 25%

Top 50%

Bottom 50%

Do not know

Please explain your answer briefly:

25. How effective are you in changing the thinking of a group you are working with?

Extremely effective

Very effective

Somewhat effective

Not very effective

26. Are you usually satisfied to let someone else take the lead in group acti vities?




27. Compared to other people in general, how would you rate your leadership a bility? Please briefly explain in the space provided why you chose that answer .

Top 10%

Top 25%

Top 50%

Bottom 50%

Do not know

Please explain your answer briefly:

Here are factors people sometimes think about in making career choices. Please read through the list and indicate how important each one is to you personall y.

Highly Important Somewhat Important Not Important

1 2 3



28. Having an opportunity for fast advancement to a position of great respons ibility.

29. Working for an established company that offers long term employment.

30. Being able to make your own decisions without needing approvals.

31. Receiving a very high starting salary.

32. Having responsibility for projects all the way from conception to ultimat e success or failure.

33. Working in an organization which highly values ethical behavior toward cu stomers and employees.

34. Being able to directly apply your knowledge of subjects learned at univer sity.

35. Being able to receive extra compensation directly tied to your business s uccess.

36. Having a boss whose success will be measured by how well he or she develo ps people.

37. Receiving training that increases your capability and value to an organiz ation.

38. Working with other talented people who are dedicated to their organizatio n 抯 long term success.

39. Receiving good employee benefits, i.e., medical coverage, retirement pens ion, etc.

40. Being able to travel abroad for training or business.

41. Listed below are the factors you rated on the previous screen. Please rev iew the list and tell us which two of them are most important to you personall y. Mark the responses of the two most important.

Having an opportunity for fast advancement to a position of great respons


Working for an established company that offers long term employment. Being able to make your own decisions without needing approvals.

Receiving a very high starting salary.

Having responsibility for projects all the way from conception to ultimate suc cess or failure.

Working in an organization which highly values ethical behavior toward custome rs and employees.

Being able to directly apply your knowledge of subjects learned at university.

Being able to receive extra compensation directly tied to your business succes s.

Having a boss whose success will be measured by how well he or she develops pe ople.

Receiving training that increases your capability and value to an organization .

Working with other talented people who are dedicated to their organization's l ong term success.

Receiving good employee benefits, i.e., medical coverage, retirement pension, etc.

Being able to travel abroad for training or business.

Please indicate which of the factors below could importantly affect how you mi ght feel about your work location.

Highly Important Somewhat Important Not Important

1 2 3

42. Being close to other family members.

43. Being close to where you live now.

44. Being in a particular city where you want to live.

45. The factors below often affect how people feel about their job. Please re ad and then mark the one you believe would have the largest effect on how happ

y you would be.

The amount of time you must give to your work.

The amount of pay and other benefits you receive.

The quality of relationships you have with others at work.

The type of assignments you have to work on.

The amount of freedom you have to make decisions.

46. The factors below often affect how people feel about their job. Please re ad and then mark the one you believe would have the smallest effect on how hap py you would be.

The amount of time you must give to your work.

The amount of pay and other benefits you receive.

The quality of relationships you have with others at work.

The type of assignments you have to work on.

The amount of freedom you have to make decisions.

Indicate whether you agree or disagree with each of these statements.

Agree Disagree

1 2



47. I enjoy solving puzzles.

48. I enjoy long, involved conversations.

49. I am detail-oriented.

50. When others present ideas, I am most interested in immediately useful ide as.

51. I find it relatively easy to learn games of strategy.

Which word or phrase in each pair best describes you?


Constructive Harmonious


Orderly Random


Unpredictable Stable


Persevere Acknowledge limits


Disciplined Restless


Conceptual Factual


Changes circumstances Adapts to circumstances


Creative Habitual


Quiet Energetic


Challenges rules Respects tradition


Open-minded Skeptical


Conventional Impractical


Risk-averse Thrill-seeking


Typical Atypical


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