

1.比较级:句子表示两者之间的比较时用比较级,其标志词是than, much, a little , even和still等。

e.g. ① Her hair is much longer than mine. 她的头发比我的长多了。

② I'm a little older than you. 我比你大一点儿。

2.最高级:句子表示三者或多者的比较时用最高级,其标志词是表示范围的in…或of …介词短语。在句子中,形容词最高级前必须加the。

e.g. ① The boy is the tallest in our class. 这个男孩是我们班最高的。

② Which is the biggest, the sun, the moon or the earth?



3.原级:句中只有一者时用原级,其标志词是very, so, too, quite等。

e.g. His handwriting is very good.他的书法很好。 (一个人不作比较。)

★ 形容词比较级和最高级的构成:

1.一般在原级后加er 构成比较级,加est构成最高级。

e.g. small smaller smallest

young younger youngest

2.以不发音的字母e 结尾的形容词,直接加r 或st 构成比较级和最高级。 e.g. nice nicer nicest

late later latest

3.以辅音字母+y 结尾的形容词,变y为i ,再加er 或est, 构成比较级和最高级。 e.g. busy busier busiest

heavy heavier heaviest

4.在重读闭音节中,末尾只有一个辅音字母的形容词,要先双写这个辅音字母,再加er或est, 构成比较级和最高级。

e.g. hot hotter hottest

big bigger biggest


e.g. good (well) better best

bad (badly, ill) worse worst

many (much) more most

little less least

far farther farthest

或 further furthest

★ 副词的比较级和最高级:

1.以ly 结尾的副词,除early 变为 earlier 和 earliest 外, 其余一律在其前加more 和most。 如:carefully - more carefully - most carefully

2.规则变化直接加er 和 est 。 如:fast - faster-fastest


4.句子中,副词最高级前的the 可省略也可以不省略,但形容词最高级前面的the 绝对不能去掉。

e.g. Who runs (the) fastest, Tom, Jim or Mike?

初二英语下册语法复习(人教版)- 被动语态(一)




He opened the door.他打开了这扇门。(主动语态)

The door was opened.这扇门被打开了。(被动语态)








Tables can be made of stone.桌子可由石头制造。

Tables could be made of stone at that time. 那时桌子可由石头制造。(一般过去时) Can tables be made of stone? 桌子能用石头制造吗?(疑问句)






Tom killed him. → He was killed by Tom.


注意:They held a meeting yesterday. → A meeting was held by them yesterday.他们昨天开会了。



He sang a song. → A song was sung by him.



Jack told us the truth.杰克告诉了我们真相。

We were told the truth by Jack.

The truth was told (to) us by Jack.




① be动词

② ……起来(7个):look/seem/appear, feel(感觉,摸起来), sound, smell, taste e.g. She seems/appears happy. It smells terrible.

③ (逐渐)变得/变成:become, grow, get, turn, come, go

e.g. His wish has come true.

People often went hungry in the old days.

The tree is growing tall.

④ 保持:keep, stay

e.g. We must keep quiet in the reading room.


1、happen, take place, break out, belong to ,cost, take

2、不及物动词sell, wash, read , write, open, close, shut, lock, wear等,常用主动形式表示被动意义。

○1、An accident was happened yesterday.(×)昨天发生了一起事故。

An accident happened yesterday.

○2、The flower smells sweet.这花闻起来很香。

○3、The watch looks good.这表看起来很好。

○4、This book sells well.这本书畅销。

○5、The kind of cloth washes well. 这种布很容易洗。

○6、The article reads well. 这篇文章读起来很好。

○7、The supermarket opens at 8:00 in the morning. 超市在早上八点钟营业。

○8、The door won't close/shut. 这门关不上。

○9、The door locks easily. 这门容易锁。

○10、This material wears well (won't wear). 这种材料耐久(不耐久)


1.一般现在时(am/ is/ are +done)

English is spoken by lots of people in the world. 世界上的许多人都说英语。

Class meeting is held every Thursday. 每周四都举行班会。

The classroom is cleaned by the students every day. 学生们每天都打扫教室。

2.一般过去时(was/ were +done)

The cup was broken by the boy. 杯子被那个男孩打碎了。

He was saved at last. 他最终获救了。

My bike was stolen. 我的自行车被偷了。

3.一般将来时与过去将来时(will/ shall be +done; would/should be +done)

A speech will be given this afternoon. 今天下午有一个演讲。

A new road will be built next year. 明年要修一条新马路。

I thought thousands of people would be helped. 我认为将有数千人得到帮助。

4.现在进行时与过去进行时(am/ is/ are being +done; was/ were being +done)

The machine was being repaired at this time yesterday. 昨天这时,机器正在被修理。 The problem is being discussed now. 问题正在被讨论。

A bus is being pushed by the passengers. 路人正在推一辆公共汽车。

5.现在完成时(have/ has been + done)

Two hundred trees have been planted by now. 到现在为止,已经种了二百棵树了。 The book has been read many times by me. 这本书已经被我读了许多遍了。

6.过去完成时(had been+done)

They said they had been invited to the party. 他们说已经被邀请参加晚会了。

She found the house had been destroyed by the storm. 她发现房子已经被暴风雨摧毁。

He had been tortured by the illness for many years before he died.他在去世前已经被疾病折磨很多年了。

21) stop to do sth 与 stop doing sth

1. stop to do sth 意为

The students stop to listen to their teacher.


2. stop doing sth 意为

The students stopped talking. 学生们停止了谈话。

与它们相反的句式是:go on to do sth

和 go on doing sth

He finishes his homework and goes on to study English.


They went on playing games. 他们继续玩游戏。

forget doing/to do与remember doing/to do

1.forget to do忘记要去做某事(未做);forget doing忘记做过某事(已做)

The light in the office is still on. He forgot to turn it off.


He forgot turning the light off.

他忘记他已经关了灯了。( 已做过关灯的动作)

Don't forget to come tomorrow.

别忘了明天来。(to come动作未做)


---- The light in the office is still on.

---- Oh,I forgot___.

A. turning it off B. turn it off

C. to turn it off D. having turned it off

答案:C。由the light is still on 可知灯亮着,即关灯的动作没有发生,

因此用forget to do sth.而forget doing sth 表示灯已经关上了,而


2.remember to do记得去做某事(未做);

remember doing记得做过某事(已做)

Remember to go to the post office after school.


Don't you remember seeing the man before?


8) It's for sb.和 It's of sb.

1.for sb. 常用于表示事物的特征特点,表示客观形式的形容词,如:

easy, hard,difficult,interesting,impossible等:

It's very hard for him to study two languages.


2.of sb的句型一般用表示人物的性格,品德,表示主观感情或态度的形容词, 如:good, kind, nice, clever, foolish, right。

It's very nice of you to help me. 你来帮助我,你真是太好了。

3.for 与of 的辨别方法:


You are nice. (通顺,所以应用of)。

He is hard. (人是困难的,不通,因此应用for。)

25) Other及其用法

Other 及其相近的词(组),如 others, the other, the others, another,

any other 等,一直是中学生朋友们比较困扰的问题,平常的考试、作业中经常出错。下面是它们的一些用法:

1、other 指其余的人或物,所有格是 other's,复数形式是 others;the other


3、any other 指除去本身以外的

24) 表示时间的 in、on 与 at

in, on 与 at 都可以和表示时间的词(组)连用。

1. in 表示时间的一段或较长的时间。如:

in the morning 在上午 in May, 2004 在2004年五月

in a week 在一周之内(后)

It's Sunday, I can finish it in two days.


Rome was not built in a day. 罗马不是在一天内建起来的。

2. on 主要指在具体的一天。如:

on Sunday 在星期天 on May Day 在

on a hot afternoon 在一个炎热的下午

He arrived in Beijing on April 26,2004.


3. at 表示时间的一点或比较短的时间。如:

at 8:00 在八点 at noon 在中午

I always get up at 6:00 every morning. 我总是每天早晨六点起床。

It's always warm at this time of year. 每年的这个时候总是暖和的。

37) a lot of(lots of)与many,much

1.a lot of意为


I have a lot of friends in China. 我在中国有很多朋友。

The old man has lots of money. 那位老人有很多的钱。


Do you have many beautiful skirts? 你有很多漂亮的裙子吗?


There is much water in the lake. 湖里有大量的水。

4.a lot of(=lots of)用在肯定句中,而many,much不受限制。如果将一个含有a lot of(=lots of)的肯定句改为否定句或疑问句,要将它们改为many或much。如: We can see a lot of birds in the tree.

---We can't see many birds in the tree. 我们在树上看不到很多鸟儿。

He wants lots of soda.

---Does he want much soda? 他需要许多汽水吗?

35) how many与how much

1.how many表示

---How many people are in your family? 你家里有几个人?

We have seven classes every day.

---How many classes do you have every day? 你们每天上几节课?

2.how much也是表示

There is some milk in the bottle.

---How much milk is there in the bottle? 瓶子里有多少牛奶?

3.how much还可以对价格提问,表示

The yellow T-shirt is only 35 yuan.

---How much is the yellow T-shirt? 那件黄色的T恤衫多少钱?

36) with的几个用法


Can you go to the park with me? 你能和我一起去公园吗?


Don't write with the red pen. 不要用那支红色的钢笔写字。


Climate varies with the time of the year.气候随着时令的不同而不同。


The girl with long hair is my classmate. 长头发的女孩是我的同学。


They were angry with hard work. 他们因为艰难的工作而生气。


play with 与......一起玩

be angry with 对......生气

talk with 与......交谈

get on well with与......相处融洽

32) same与different


We are in the same class. 我们在同一个班级。

结构:the same as 与......一样 如:

His mark is the same as mine. 他的分数和我的分数一样。


We are in different classes. 我们在不同的班级。

结构:be different from 与......不同 如:

This sweater is different from that one. 这件毛衣与那一件不同。

different的名词形式为difference, 复数形式为differences。

30) exercise的一些用法


David exercises every morning. 大卫每天早晨进行锻炼。


Swimming exercises the whole body. 游泳能使身体得到全面的锻炼。


It's good to do eye exercises every day.


Please do more exercise from now on. 从今以后请多做运动吧。

I have lots of homework to do tonight. 今晚我有很多的作业要做。



29) sometime,sometimes,some time与some times

记忆:sometimes(有时)some times(好几次)sometime(某一次)some time(一段) 口诀:分开是一段,相连为某时。分开s是倍次,相连s为有时



We'll go to Beijing sometime next month.




3.some time是名词词组,指一段时间(一些时间或若干时间)。如:

It took him some time to finish the book.她花了一些时间去完成作业。

4.some times指

He met the woman some times last month. 上个月他见过那妇女几次。

41) need的用法


Do you need to stay at home? 你要呆在家里吗?


---Must he leave now? 他必须离开吗?

---No, he needn't. 不,他不必。



He needs to go.

He doesn't need to go.

Does he need to go?

Yes, he does./No, he doesn't.


He needn't go.

Need he go?

Yes, he need./No, he needn't.

42) decide的几种句式

1.decide to do sth 决定去做某事

They decide to fly kite on weekend. 他们决定在周末去放风筝。

2.decide on doing sth 决定做某事

They decide on flying kites. 他们决定放风筝。

3.decide on sth 就某事决定......

Betty decided on the red skirt. 贝蒂选定了那条红裙子。

4. decide的名词形式为decision,

结构:make a decision,意为

He has made a decision. 他已经做一个决定了。

初三英语复习初二u25练习 姓名__________

1. what was jim doing ________the teacher came in?

a.while b.and c.when d.but

2. the apples looks very ___________.

a. well b.nicely c.good d.cheaply

3._________kind the girl is! a..what b.what a c.how d.how a

4.i _________a pen on my way __________yesterday.

a. was losing ,to home b.lost,to home c.was losing ,home d.lost,home

5.when the bell rang ,the students went into the classroom __________they could. a. quietly b.as quite as c.as quickly as d.as quick as

6.i ___________in the park when i saw a new bag on the ground.

a.walked b.took a walk c.was walking d.am walking

7.______________are you driving faster than usual? it’s late.

a.where b.why c.how d.what

8.please write about ___________last week.

a.what happened to him b.what he happened c.he happened what d.what did he happen

9.look! the little boy is __________the plate like a driver.

a.watching b.turning c.flying d.throwing

10.if you make a lot of noise ,i can’t sleep well .would you please keep quiet? _______________

a.it doesn’t matter b.you’re welcome c.thank you d.i’m sorry

11.how nice the dress is !you look _________today.

a.health b.happily c.beautiful d..tired

12.it’s warmer today ,you’d better ____________your thick sweater .

a.put on b.take off c.to put on d.to take off

13.while the girls _________supper ,their father came home .

a.are having b.had c.was having d.were having

14.___________liming learning russian last night?

a.did b.were c.was d.is

15.look,our books are on the floor ,please ______________.

a.pick it up b.pick up it c.pick them up d.pick up them

16.you can borrow this book ,but please give it back to me as___________as you can. a.soon b.quick c.quicker d.quickest

17.as usual ,miss gao came in __________on her face .

a. smiled b.of a smile c.with a smile d.has a smile

18.mr li hit the motorbike ,___________.

a.it doesn’t matter b.thank you c.that’s nothing d.i’m sorry to hear that

19.jim _________go home until he finishes his work tomorrow.

a. didn’t b.doesn’t c.won’t d.don’t

20.let’s move the bag away, or _________ an accident. -------ok, hurry up.

a.there may causes b.it maybe c.there maybe d.it may cause


1.比较级:句子表示两者之间的比较时用比较级,其标志词是than, much, a little , even和still等。

e.g. ① Her hair is much longer than mine. 她的头发比我的长多了。

② I'm a little older than you. 我比你大一点儿。

2.最高级:句子表示三者或多者的比较时用最高级,其标志词是表示范围的in…或of …介词短语。在句子中,形容词最高级前必须加the。

e.g. ① The boy is the tallest in our class. 这个男孩是我们班最高的。

② Which is the biggest, the sun, the moon or the earth?



3.原级:句中只有一者时用原级,其标志词是very, so, too, quite等。

e.g. His handwriting is very good.他的书法很好。 (一个人不作比较。)

★ 形容词比较级和最高级的构成:

1.一般在原级后加er 构成比较级,加est构成最高级。

e.g. small smaller smallest

young younger youngest

2.以不发音的字母e 结尾的形容词,直接加r 或st 构成比较级和最高级。 e.g. nice nicer nicest

late later latest

3.以辅音字母+y 结尾的形容词,变y为i ,再加er 或est, 构成比较级和最高级。 e.g. busy busier busiest

heavy heavier heaviest

4.在重读闭音节中,末尾只有一个辅音字母的形容词,要先双写这个辅音字母,再加er或est, 构成比较级和最高级。

e.g. hot hotter hottest

big bigger biggest


e.g. good (well) better best

bad (badly, ill) worse worst

many (much) more most

little less least

far farther farthest

或 further furthest

★ 副词的比较级和最高级:

1.以ly 结尾的副词,除early 变为 earlier 和 earliest 外, 其余一律在其前加more 和most。 如:carefully - more carefully - most carefully

2.规则变化直接加er 和 est 。 如:fast - faster-fastest


4.句子中,副词最高级前的the 可省略也可以不省略,但形容词最高级前面的the 绝对不能去掉。

e.g. Who runs (the) fastest, Tom, Jim or Mike?

初二英语下册语法复习(人教版)- 被动语态(一)




He opened the door.他打开了这扇门。(主动语态)

The door was opened.这扇门被打开了。(被动语态)








Tables can be made of stone.桌子可由石头制造。

Tables could be made of stone at that time. 那时桌子可由石头制造。(一般过去时) Can tables be made of stone? 桌子能用石头制造吗?(疑问句)






Tom killed him. → He was killed by Tom.


注意:They held a meeting yesterday. → A meeting was held by them yesterday.他们昨天开会了。



He sang a song. → A song was sung by him.



Jack told us the truth.杰克告诉了我们真相。

We were told the truth by Jack.

The truth was told (to) us by Jack.




① be动词

② ……起来(7个):look/seem/appear, feel(感觉,摸起来), sound, smell, taste e.g. She seems/appears happy. It smells terrible.

③ (逐渐)变得/变成:become, grow, get, turn, come, go

e.g. His wish has come true.

People often went hungry in the old days.

The tree is growing tall.

④ 保持:keep, stay

e.g. We must keep quiet in the reading room.


1、happen, take place, break out, belong to ,cost, take

2、不及物动词sell, wash, read , write, open, close, shut, lock, wear等,常用主动形式表示被动意义。

○1、An accident was happened yesterday.(×)昨天发生了一起事故。

An accident happened yesterday.

○2、The flower smells sweet.这花闻起来很香。

○3、The watch looks good.这表看起来很好。

○4、This book sells well.这本书畅销。

○5、The kind of cloth washes well. 这种布很容易洗。

○6、The article reads well. 这篇文章读起来很好。

○7、The supermarket opens at 8:00 in the morning. 超市在早上八点钟营业。

○8、The door won't close/shut. 这门关不上。

○9、The door locks easily. 这门容易锁。

○10、This material wears well (won't wear). 这种材料耐久(不耐久)


1.一般现在时(am/ is/ are +done)

English is spoken by lots of people in the world. 世界上的许多人都说英语。

Class meeting is held every Thursday. 每周四都举行班会。

The classroom is cleaned by the students every day. 学生们每天都打扫教室。

2.一般过去时(was/ were +done)

The cup was broken by the boy. 杯子被那个男孩打碎了。

He was saved at last. 他最终获救了。

My bike was stolen. 我的自行车被偷了。

3.一般将来时与过去将来时(will/ shall be +done; would/should be +done)

A speech will be given this afternoon. 今天下午有一个演讲。

A new road will be built next year. 明年要修一条新马路。

I thought thousands of people would be helped. 我认为将有数千人得到帮助。

4.现在进行时与过去进行时(am/ is/ are being +done; was/ were being +done)

The machine was being repaired at this time yesterday. 昨天这时,机器正在被修理。 The problem is being discussed now. 问题正在被讨论。

A bus is being pushed by the passengers. 路人正在推一辆公共汽车。

5.现在完成时(have/ has been + done)

Two hundred trees have been planted by now. 到现在为止,已经种了二百棵树了。 The book has been read many times by me. 这本书已经被我读了许多遍了。

6.过去完成时(had been+done)

They said they had been invited to the party. 他们说已经被邀请参加晚会了。

She found the house had been destroyed by the storm. 她发现房子已经被暴风雨摧毁。

He had been tortured by the illness for many years before he died.他在去世前已经被疾病折磨很多年了。

21) stop to do sth 与 stop doing sth

1. stop to do sth 意为

The students stop to listen to their teacher.


2. stop doing sth 意为

The students stopped talking. 学生们停止了谈话。

与它们相反的句式是:go on to do sth

和 go on doing sth

He finishes his homework and goes on to study English.


They went on playing games. 他们继续玩游戏。

forget doing/to do与remember doing/to do

1.forget to do忘记要去做某事(未做);forget doing忘记做过某事(已做)

The light in the office is still on. He forgot to turn it off.


He forgot turning the light off.

他忘记他已经关了灯了。( 已做过关灯的动作)

Don't forget to come tomorrow.

别忘了明天来。(to come动作未做)


---- The light in the office is still on.

---- Oh,I forgot___.

A. turning it off B. turn it off

C. to turn it off D. having turned it off

答案:C。由the light is still on 可知灯亮着,即关灯的动作没有发生,

因此用forget to do sth.而forget doing sth 表示灯已经关上了,而


2.remember to do记得去做某事(未做);

remember doing记得做过某事(已做)

Remember to go to the post office after school.


Don't you remember seeing the man before?


8) It's for sb.和 It's of sb.

1.for sb. 常用于表示事物的特征特点,表示客观形式的形容词,如:

easy, hard,difficult,interesting,impossible等:

It's very hard for him to study two languages.


2.of sb的句型一般用表示人物的性格,品德,表示主观感情或态度的形容词, 如:good, kind, nice, clever, foolish, right。

It's very nice of you to help me. 你来帮助我,你真是太好了。

3.for 与of 的辨别方法:


You are nice. (通顺,所以应用of)。

He is hard. (人是困难的,不通,因此应用for。)

25) Other及其用法

Other 及其相近的词(组),如 others, the other, the others, another,

any other 等,一直是中学生朋友们比较困扰的问题,平常的考试、作业中经常出错。下面是它们的一些用法:

1、other 指其余的人或物,所有格是 other's,复数形式是 others;the other


3、any other 指除去本身以外的

24) 表示时间的 in、on 与 at

in, on 与 at 都可以和表示时间的词(组)连用。

1. in 表示时间的一段或较长的时间。如:

in the morning 在上午 in May, 2004 在2004年五月

in a week 在一周之内(后)

It's Sunday, I can finish it in two days.


Rome was not built in a day. 罗马不是在一天内建起来的。

2. on 主要指在具体的一天。如:

on Sunday 在星期天 on May Day 在

on a hot afternoon 在一个炎热的下午

He arrived in Beijing on April 26,2004.


3. at 表示时间的一点或比较短的时间。如:

at 8:00 在八点 at noon 在中午

I always get up at 6:00 every morning. 我总是每天早晨六点起床。

It's always warm at this time of year. 每年的这个时候总是暖和的。

37) a lot of(lots of)与many,much

1.a lot of意为


I have a lot of friends in China. 我在中国有很多朋友。

The old man has lots of money. 那位老人有很多的钱。


Do you have many beautiful skirts? 你有很多漂亮的裙子吗?


There is much water in the lake. 湖里有大量的水。

4.a lot of(=lots of)用在肯定句中,而many,much不受限制。如果将一个含有a lot of(=lots of)的肯定句改为否定句或疑问句,要将它们改为many或much。如: We can see a lot of birds in the tree.

---We can't see many birds in the tree. 我们在树上看不到很多鸟儿。

He wants lots of soda.

---Does he want much soda? 他需要许多汽水吗?

35) how many与how much

1.how many表示

---How many people are in your family? 你家里有几个人?

We have seven classes every day.

---How many classes do you have every day? 你们每天上几节课?

2.how much也是表示

There is some milk in the bottle.

---How much milk is there in the bottle? 瓶子里有多少牛奶?

3.how much还可以对价格提问,表示

The yellow T-shirt is only 35 yuan.

---How much is the yellow T-shirt? 那件黄色的T恤衫多少钱?

36) with的几个用法


Can you go to the park with me? 你能和我一起去公园吗?


Don't write with the red pen. 不要用那支红色的钢笔写字。


Climate varies with the time of the year.气候随着时令的不同而不同。


The girl with long hair is my classmate. 长头发的女孩是我的同学。


They were angry with hard work. 他们因为艰难的工作而生气。


play with 与......一起玩

be angry with 对......生气

talk with 与......交谈

get on well with与......相处融洽

32) same与different


We are in the same class. 我们在同一个班级。

结构:the same as 与......一样 如:

His mark is the same as mine. 他的分数和我的分数一样。


We are in different classes. 我们在不同的班级。

结构:be different from 与......不同 如:

This sweater is different from that one. 这件毛衣与那一件不同。

different的名词形式为difference, 复数形式为differences。

30) exercise的一些用法


David exercises every morning. 大卫每天早晨进行锻炼。


Swimming exercises the whole body. 游泳能使身体得到全面的锻炼。


It's good to do eye exercises every day.


Please do more exercise from now on. 从今以后请多做运动吧。

I have lots of homework to do tonight. 今晚我有很多的作业要做。



29) sometime,sometimes,some time与some times

记忆:sometimes(有时)some times(好几次)sometime(某一次)some time(一段) 口诀:分开是一段,相连为某时。分开s是倍次,相连s为有时



We'll go to Beijing sometime next month.




3.some time是名词词组,指一段时间(一些时间或若干时间)。如:

It took him some time to finish the book.她花了一些时间去完成作业。

4.some times指

He met the woman some times last month. 上个月他见过那妇女几次。

41) need的用法


Do you need to stay at home? 你要呆在家里吗?


---Must he leave now? 他必须离开吗?

---No, he needn't. 不,他不必。



He needs to go.

He doesn't need to go.

Does he need to go?

Yes, he does./No, he doesn't.


He needn't go.

Need he go?

Yes, he need./No, he needn't.

42) decide的几种句式

1.decide to do sth 决定去做某事

They decide to fly kite on weekend. 他们决定在周末去放风筝。

2.decide on doing sth 决定做某事

They decide on flying kites. 他们决定放风筝。

3.decide on sth 就某事决定......

Betty decided on the red skirt. 贝蒂选定了那条红裙子。

4. decide的名词形式为decision,

结构:make a decision,意为

He has made a decision. 他已经做一个决定了。

初三英语复习初二u25练习 姓名__________

1. what was jim doing ________the teacher came in?

a.while b.and c.when d.but

2. the apples looks very ___________.

a. well b.nicely c.good d.cheaply

3._________kind the girl is! a..what b.what a c.how d.how a

4.i _________a pen on my way __________yesterday.

a. was losing ,to home b.lost,to home c.was losing ,home d.lost,home

5.when the bell rang ,the students went into the classroom __________they could. a. quietly b.as quite as c.as quickly as d.as quick as

6.i ___________in the park when i saw a new bag on the ground.

a.walked b.took a walk c.was walking d.am walking

7.______________are you driving faster than usual? it’s late.

a.where b.why c.how d.what

8.please write about ___________last week.

a.what happened to him b.what he happened c.he happened what d.what did he happen

9.look! the little boy is __________the plate like a driver.

a.watching b.turning c.flying d.throwing

10.if you make a lot of noise ,i can’t sleep well .would you please keep quiet? _______________

a.it doesn’t matter b.you’re welcome c.thank you d.i’m sorry

11.how nice the dress is !you look _________today.

a.health b.happily c.beautiful d..tired

12.it’s warmer today ,you’d better ____________your thick sweater .

a.put on b.take off c.to put on d.to take off

13.while the girls _________supper ,their father came home .

a.are having b.had c.was having d.were having

14.___________liming learning russian last night?

a.did b.were c.was d.is

15.look,our books are on the floor ,please ______________.

a.pick it up b.pick up it c.pick them up d.pick up them

16.you can borrow this book ,but please give it back to me as___________as you can. a.soon b.quick c.quicker d.quickest

17.as usual ,miss gao came in __________on her face .

a. smiled b.of a smile c.with a smile d.has a smile

18.mr li hit the motorbike ,___________.

a.it doesn’t matter b.thank you c.that’s nothing d.i’m sorry to hear that

19.jim _________go home until he finishes his work tomorrow.

a. didn’t b.doesn’t c.won’t d.don’t

20.let’s move the bag away, or _________ an accident. -------ok, hurry up.

a.there may causes b.it maybe c.there maybe d.it may cause


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