
教学内容 教学课时

Unit8 At Christmas (Story time) 共 3 课时 第 1 课时

教材版本 课 型

译林版 新授


1. 能听懂、会读、会说、会写词汇:buy, next, put, look, early. 2. 能听懂、会读、会说、会写句型与日常交际用语:First/Next/Then/Finally. 3. 能听懂、 会读、 会说词汇: Christmas, present, Christmas tree, Father Christmas, pretty, thing, Christmas Eve, stocking, wait for, finally, Christmas Day, turkey, pudding, all, have a good time. 4. 能灵活运用 Buy,put 等动词及短语描述圣诞节的有关活动和习俗。 1. 词汇:buy, next, put, look, early. 2. 句型:First/Next/Then/Finally 一系列表示先后顺序的副词结构。 1. First/Next/Then/Finally 一系列表示先后顺序的副词结构。 2. 能灵活运用 Buy,put 等动词及短语描述圣诞节的有关活动和习俗。 多媒体课件 教 学 过 程 修注栏

教学重点 教学难点 教学准备


Listen to the song 课 前的 歌曲 导入 吸 引学 生的 注意 力, 为学生营造快 乐的学习氛围。

PPT: Play some songs about Christmas. (We wish you a Merry Christmas) Ss: Try to sing together. Step2 Ss: … T: When do people usually sing it, do you know? Ss: … T: Yes. They sing it at Christmas. 引出课题:At Christmas 2. learning aims: T: Today we will learn a story about Christmas. And these are your learning aims. I hope you can read, understand and act this story. And you can use first, second, then and finally to talk about Christmas. Step3 Presentation Free talk

1. T: Do you like this song?

1. T: At Christmas, people usually sing the Christmas songs. Do you know anything else about Christmas? Let’s play a game together. magic eyes. What can you see in the pictures? Please hands up an tell me. Let’s see who has the magic eyes. S1: … S2: … PPT: 出示模糊图片或者动图: Christmas tree, present, Father Christmas, stocking, turkey, pudding (学生说到那个词就点触发器,这个图片变成清晰的。老师手拿单词卡片教授这个 自己看图, 尝试回 答问题, 初步感知 课文。

词汇,教完贴在黑板上) 2. T: Now I know you can say several things about Christmas. But what people do at Christmas, do you know? You can say like this, at Christmas, people… For example: at Christmas, people make nice cards. S3: … S4: … Step4 Story time 可 以鼓 励学 生多 提一些关于 First — — Next — — Then —— Finally 的问题, 检测学生 的理解情况。

【自主学习】 1. Watch and order T: I think you know what people do at Christmas. What about our friend Mike and his family? What do they do? Here are four pictures. Let’s watch the video and put them in the correct order. PPT: 图 a 图c 图b 图d

First 图—— Next 图—— Then 图—— Finally 图 T: OK, we watched the story just now. Mike and his family have a lot of fun in the story. (简单点一下 have a lot

of fun 的意思)They do many interesting things. What do they do at first? Do you get it? Which is the first one? Ss: … T: Oh, you’re right. And which picture is the next one? Ss: … T: Great! And what do they do then? Ss:… T: Yes, cool. What do they do finally? SS:… T: Of course. Your answers are all right. You did a good job. 【当堂检测】 2. Listen and match: 1) T: Now we know the orders of pictures. And look, here are some sentences of the pictures. Let’s listen to this story and match the pictures with the right sentences. PPT 呈现,学生用练习纸连线 图 first 图 next 图 then 图 finally 语篇 语篇 语篇 语篇

T: Now, let’s check the answer. First, … Next, … Then,… Finally, …

【设计意图】重视听力训练,培养学生的听力习惯并形成技能。首先,培养他们注 意听英语的良好习惯。 2) 一幅图一幅图分开处理: (板书注意画格子) T: First, what do they do? S: … T: 板书 first 图 buy presents, see Father Christmas T: Next, what do they do? S: … T: 板书:Next 图 put… on… T: Then, what do they do? S: … T: 板书:Then 图 wait for, open presents T: Finally, what do they do? S: … T: 板书:Finally 图 have dinner, eat 【设计意图】能够让学生通过板书就能回忆起课文的大概内容,既能在学生表演时 为学生提供思路,又可为教师的课后小结打下铺垫。 3. Read after the tape T: Now, we know what they do at first, what they do finally. Next, let’s read after the tape sentence by sentence. Ss: Read after the tape. 【小组合作】 4. Read in groups T: You can read after the tape. Now, I hope you can read in groups.You can choose your own way to read it. 5. Read together T: OK. Do you finish your reading? We know what they do at first, what they do finally. But what do they do before Christmas/on Christmas Eve/ on Christmas Day? Let’s read it together. Please hold your books and read loudly. 6. Retell the story T: You read very well. You can read fluently and loudly. Can you try to retell it? Try to tell me this story without your books. Ok? Here are some sentences for you. Ss: 7.Act the dialogue T: Yes, this is the whole story... I think this is an interesting story. Don’t you think so? So here comes this task: Act the story. First, I’ll act with some of you. (手拿头饰说 I’ll be put… under…

Helen) (手拿头饰问 Who wants to be Mike/Mike’s father/ Mike’s mother/ Mike’s little brother?) (手拿圣诞帽问 And who wants to be Father Christmas?) 师生示范表演一轮后 T: Oh, we act very well I think. Here are some presents for you. Now, six students a group and prepare in groups. Ss: Prepare and act. 【巩固提高】 Step5 Consolidation

1. Oh, You are good at acting! And you finish this task very well. And now comes another task: Interview Mike’s family. Look, this is the Smile English club. And their project of November is research what people do at

Christmas. The members of this club are interviewing people in the street now. Look! This is… He is interviewing someone now. (放视频) 2. Oh, look he meets Mike and his family. Please help him to finish this interview. T: Look, If I am Tommy. And some of you are Mike’s family. How do we do the interview? (拿头饰问,Who wants to be …?) Look carefully! 师生共同示范 T: Now you can prepare in groups. 3. We know what Mike and his family do at Christmas. What do people do at Christmas? Let’s open our books. Please read the sentences and match. 【设计意图】采取形式多样的方法去巩固,为学生学会如何学习和逐步形成有效的 学习策略起到示范和引导作用。 Step6 Homework

1. Listen and try to recite Story time. 2. Copy Story time once. Unit8 At Christmas First, … Next, … Then, … Finally, …



教学内容 教学课时

Unit8 At Christmas (Story time) 共 3 课时 第 1 课时

教材版本 课 型

译林版 新授


1. 能听懂、会读、会说、会写词汇:buy, next, put, look, early. 2. 能听懂、会读、会说、会写句型与日常交际用语:First/Next/Then/Finally. 3. 能听懂、 会读、 会说词汇: Christmas, present, Christmas tree, Father Christmas, pretty, thing, Christmas Eve, stocking, wait for, finally, Christmas Day, turkey, pudding, all, have a good time. 4. 能灵活运用 Buy,put 等动词及短语描述圣诞节的有关活动和习俗。 1. 词汇:buy, next, put, look, early. 2. 句型:First/Next/Then/Finally 一系列表示先后顺序的副词结构。 1. First/Next/Then/Finally 一系列表示先后顺序的副词结构。 2. 能灵活运用 Buy,put 等动词及短语描述圣诞节的有关活动和习俗。 多媒体课件 教 学 过 程 修注栏

教学重点 教学难点 教学准备


Listen to the song 课 前的 歌曲 导入 吸 引学 生的 注意 力, 为学生营造快 乐的学习氛围。

PPT: Play some songs about Christmas. (We wish you a Merry Christmas) Ss: Try to sing together. Step2 Ss: … T: When do people usually sing it, do you know? Ss: … T: Yes. They sing it at Christmas. 引出课题:At Christmas 2. learning aims: T: Today we will learn a story about Christmas. And these are your learning aims. I hope you can read, understand and act this story. And you can use first, second, then and finally to talk about Christmas. Step3 Presentation Free talk

1. T: Do you like this song?

1. T: At Christmas, people usually sing the Christmas songs. Do you know anything else about Christmas? Let’s play a game together. magic eyes. What can you see in the pictures? Please hands up an tell me. Let’s see who has the magic eyes. S1: … S2: … PPT: 出示模糊图片或者动图: Christmas tree, present, Father Christmas, stocking, turkey, pudding (学生说到那个词就点触发器,这个图片变成清晰的。老师手拿单词卡片教授这个 自己看图, 尝试回 答问题, 初步感知 课文。

词汇,教完贴在黑板上) 2. T: Now I know you can say several things about Christmas. But what people do at Christmas, do you know? You can say like this, at Christmas, people… For example: at Christmas, people make nice cards. S3: … S4: … Step4 Story time 可 以鼓 励学 生多 提一些关于 First — — Next — — Then —— Finally 的问题, 检测学生 的理解情况。

【自主学习】 1. Watch and order T: I think you know what people do at Christmas. What about our friend Mike and his family? What do they do? Here are four pictures. Let’s watch the video and put them in the correct order. PPT: 图 a 图c 图b 图d

First 图—— Next 图—— Then 图—— Finally 图 T: OK, we watched the story just now. Mike and his family have a lot of fun in the story. (简单点一下 have a lot

of fun 的意思)They do many interesting things. What do they do at first? Do you get it? Which is the first one? Ss: … T: Oh, you’re right. And which picture is the next one? Ss: … T: Great! And what do they do then? Ss:… T: Yes, cool. What do they do finally? SS:… T: Of course. Your answers are all right. You did a good job. 【当堂检测】 2. Listen and match: 1) T: Now we know the orders of pictures. And look, here are some sentences of the pictures. Let’s listen to this story and match the pictures with the right sentences. PPT 呈现,学生用练习纸连线 图 first 图 next 图 then 图 finally 语篇 语篇 语篇 语篇

T: Now, let’s check the answer. First, … Next, … Then,… Finally, …

【设计意图】重视听力训练,培养学生的听力习惯并形成技能。首先,培养他们注 意听英语的良好习惯。 2) 一幅图一幅图分开处理: (板书注意画格子) T: First, what do they do? S: … T: 板书 first 图 buy presents, see Father Christmas T: Next, what do they do? S: … T: 板书:Next 图 put… on… T: Then, what do they do? S: … T: 板书:Then 图 wait for, open presents T: Finally, what do they do? S: … T: 板书:Finally 图 have dinner, eat 【设计意图】能够让学生通过板书就能回忆起课文的大概内容,既能在学生表演时 为学生提供思路,又可为教师的课后小结打下铺垫。 3. Read after the tape T: Now, we know what they do at first, what they do finally. Next, let’s read after the tape sentence by sentence. Ss: Read after the tape. 【小组合作】 4. Read in groups T: You can read after the tape. Now, I hope you can read in groups.You can choose your own way to read it. 5. Read together T: OK. Do you finish your reading? We know what they do at first, what they do finally. But what do they do before Christmas/on Christmas Eve/ on Christmas Day? Let’s read it together. Please hold your books and read loudly. 6. Retell the story T: You read very well. You can read fluently and loudly. Can you try to retell it? Try to tell me this story without your books. Ok? Here are some sentences for you. Ss: 7.Act the dialogue T: Yes, this is the whole story... I think this is an interesting story. Don’t you think so? So here comes this task: Act the story. First, I’ll act with some of you. (手拿头饰说 I’ll be put… under…

Helen) (手拿头饰问 Who wants to be Mike/Mike’s father/ Mike’s mother/ Mike’s little brother?) (手拿圣诞帽问 And who wants to be Father Christmas?) 师生示范表演一轮后 T: Oh, we act very well I think. Here are some presents for you. Now, six students a group and prepare in groups. Ss: Prepare and act. 【巩固提高】 Step5 Consolidation

1. Oh, You are good at acting! And you finish this task very well. And now comes another task: Interview Mike’s family. Look, this is the Smile English club. And their project of November is research what people do at

Christmas. The members of this club are interviewing people in the street now. Look! This is… He is interviewing someone now. (放视频) 2. Oh, look he meets Mike and his family. Please help him to finish this interview. T: Look, If I am Tommy. And some of you are Mike’s family. How do we do the interview? (拿头饰问,Who wants to be …?) Look carefully! 师生共同示范 T: Now you can prepare in groups. 3. We know what Mike and his family do at Christmas. What do people do at Christmas? Let’s open our books. Please read the sentences and match. 【设计意图】采取形式多样的方法去巩固,为学生学会如何学习和逐步形成有效的 学习策略起到示范和引导作用。 Step6 Homework

1. Listen and try to recite Story time. 2. Copy Story time once. Unit8 At Christmas First, … Next, … Then, … Finally, …




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