
Q1对外来词的定义 How do you define loanwords

Loanwords are words adopted by the speakers of one language from a different language (the source language). A loanword can also be called a borrowing. The abstract noun borrowing refers to the process of speakers adopting words from a source language into their native language. Loanword is a consequence of cultural contact between different languages. And you know nowadays language is of the great importance for people to communicate, and for the better communication and understanding, loanwords are coming along.

Q2外来词引进产生的意义 What influences the introduction of loanwords have on Chinese culture as well as the world

A, The cultural connotation of Chinese characters has been enlarged with the introduction of loanwords and it also makes our culture more rich and profound.

B, The economic and cultural exchange between China and other countries has reached a new high with the loanwords coming into being.

C, Loanwords have boosted the communication among different countries as well as the improvement of globalization.

Q3英汉中外来词的翻译方法 Several approaches you may take when you translate English into Chinese

Translation or Interpretation has been one of the accesses to communication and it is really an indispensable way for the loanwords merging into Chinese. Here are four main approaches just for your references, Transliteration, Semantic Translation, Combination of above two and mixture of both English and Chinese language.

Q4 在音译法中需要注意哪几点 What factors should be taken into consideration when speaking of Transliteration

Firstly, use common words for the better understanding to all kinds of people.

Secondly, don’t use ambiguous words.

Last but not the least, omit some minor consonants like McDonald, people translated it into 麦克唐纳 in the first place and became 麦当劳 afterwards.

Q5影响翻译的文化因素 List some examples , proving that cultural differences may affect English – Chinese translation

Let’s take 亚洲四小龙 for example, why do people say Four Asian tigers when they refer to 亚洲四小龙,yet not Four Asian Dragons , we all know dragon sounds more properly to Chinese people because dragon is one of Chinese mascots yet for America and Europe, it stands for devil. It is definitely not good for the world communication. So when it comes to translation, culture should be the top priority taken into account.

Q6列举一些经典的对外来词 list some classical loanwords

TOEFL for test of English as a foreign language, well, in Chinese, people like to call it 托福, because 托福in Chinese means it can bring good luck and also easy to read.

And like Coca Cola, Coca is the leaf of one plant and Cola is one kind of tree in Africa, Coca Cola in English just make us know the law materials of this beverage, but in China, we named it 可口

可乐, it totally can make us imagine the cool tasting and bring us the happy mood.

Q1对外来词的定义 How do you define loanwords

Loanwords are words adopted by the speakers of one language from a different language (the source language). A loanword can also be called a borrowing. The abstract noun borrowing refers to the process of speakers adopting words from a source language into their native language. Loanword is a consequence of cultural contact between different languages. And you know nowadays language is of the great importance for people to communicate, and for the better communication and understanding, loanwords are coming along.

Q2外来词引进产生的意义 What influences the introduction of loanwords have on Chinese culture as well as the world

A, The cultural connotation of Chinese characters has been enlarged with the introduction of loanwords and it also makes our culture more rich and profound.

B, The economic and cultural exchange between China and other countries has reached a new high with the loanwords coming into being.

C, Loanwords have boosted the communication among different countries as well as the improvement of globalization.

Q3英汉中外来词的翻译方法 Several approaches you may take when you translate English into Chinese

Translation or Interpretation has been one of the accesses to communication and it is really an indispensable way for the loanwords merging into Chinese. Here are four main approaches just for your references, Transliteration, Semantic Translation, Combination of above two and mixture of both English and Chinese language.

Q4 在音译法中需要注意哪几点 What factors should be taken into consideration when speaking of Transliteration

Firstly, use common words for the better understanding to all kinds of people.

Secondly, don’t use ambiguous words.

Last but not the least, omit some minor consonants like McDonald, people translated it into 麦克唐纳 in the first place and became 麦当劳 afterwards.

Q5影响翻译的文化因素 List some examples , proving that cultural differences may affect English – Chinese translation

Let’s take 亚洲四小龙 for example, why do people say Four Asian tigers when they refer to 亚洲四小龙,yet not Four Asian Dragons , we all know dragon sounds more properly to Chinese people because dragon is one of Chinese mascots yet for America and Europe, it stands for devil. It is definitely not good for the world communication. So when it comes to translation, culture should be the top priority taken into account.

Q6列举一些经典的对外来词 list some classical loanwords

TOEFL for test of English as a foreign language, well, in Chinese, people like to call it 托福, because 托福in Chinese means it can bring good luck and also easy to read.

And like Coca Cola, Coca is the leaf of one plant and Cola is one kind of tree in Africa, Coca Cola in English just make us know the law materials of this beverage, but in China, we named it 可口

可乐, it totally can make us imagine the cool tasting and bring us the happy mood.


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