
六年级英语集体备课活动记录 (初稿)

教学 内容 Book 8 Module3 Famous People Unit8 Robin Hood ( I ) 本单元的教学内容是运用过去时来描述历史上的著名人物。 学生学习了 Unit 7,已经对介绍名人有了初步的认识。在此基础上,通过学习本课,进一步掌握介绍 教材 分析 名人、描写人物外貌和性格的知识,同时帮助学生更加熟悉一般过去时动词过去式 的变化和有关句型的运用。

在学习了 Unit7 的基础上,学生对介绍名人已经有了一定的认识,但本课涉及 到外国名人罗宾汉,大部分学生了解得不多,学生可通过上网、阅读等途径来增加 教学 对象 分析 这方面的知识。学生虽然已经接触过一般过去时,但对其用法不能很好地掌握,老 师必须在课堂上多创设情景,设置多样化的口头练习来使学生达到正确、灵活运用 的目的。

(1) 、语言知识 词汇 “四会”掌握 clever, brave, forest, the poor, rich, the rich, “三会”掌握 century 句型 In the 14th century people began to talk about his stories. 教学 目标 He was a clever and brave man. He took from the rich and gave to the poor. (2)语言技能 1)能正确流利地朗读对话,部分学生能表演。 2)能运用所学的语言知识谈论 Robin Hood 及其他名人。 (3)情感态度 通过学习侠盗罗宾汉的故事, 教育学生学习他身上的勇敢和乐于助人的优秀品质。

(4)学习策略 1)课前布置好学生预习课文,以降低课文学习的难度。 2)组织学生积极进行小组合作学习,培养团队合作能力。 3)利用图片、课件、小组合作等来调动学生的学习积极性。 (5)文化意识 通过比较中外文化名人的学习,拓展学生的知识面。

教学 重难 点 教学 准备

(1)重点:本课“四会”单词的学习和一般过去时的用法 (2)难点:熟练介绍名人的生平

自制课件、相关图片、录音机 教 与 学 活 动 修 改

一. Leading-in 1. Sing a song 2. Free talk What are you doing? Who’s your hero /heroine? Did you read a book /see a cartoon about Robin Hood? Can you say something about him? … 二. Presentation and practice 1. Show pictures, introduce Robin Hood, present the new words 2. Write down the words and the sentences He was a clever and brave man. He lived in the forest with his friend. He took from the rich and gave to the poor. … 3. Present the dialogue (CAI) 4.Ask and answer the questions What’s Sally doing?

Who’s Robin Hood? Are there a lot/many stories about him? When did the people begin to talk about his stories? (century) Do you like him, why? … 5. Read the dialogue and play a game P1 P2:Robin Hood(猜拳) P(win): He was/lived/took… 6. Act out the dialogue 三. Development 1. Learn the poem 1)Listen and understand the poem (new words: nobody, ’cos=because, wood, full of) 2)Chain dr

ills(针对诗中第二段难上口的句子) P1:’Cos P2:’Cos he P3:’Cos he stayed in P4:’Cos he stayed in a wood P5:’Cos he stayed in a wood full of trees! 2. Talk about the other famous persons 四.Homework. a) Listen, read and act out the dialogue b) Recite the poem c) Copy the new words and the phrases. d) Write something about Robin Hood(选做)

Unit 8 Robin Hood 板 书 设 计 He was an English hero. He was a clever and brave man. He lived in the forest with his friend. He took from the rich and gave to the poor.

新 单 词

六年级英语集体备课活动记录 (初稿)

教学 内容 Book 8 Module3 Famous People Unit8 Robin Hood ( I ) 本单元的教学内容是运用过去时来描述历史上的著名人物。 学生学习了 Unit 7,已经对介绍名人有了初步的认识。在此基础上,通过学习本课,进一步掌握介绍 教材 分析 名人、描写人物外貌和性格的知识,同时帮助学生更加熟悉一般过去时动词过去式 的变化和有关句型的运用。

在学习了 Unit7 的基础上,学生对介绍名人已经有了一定的认识,但本课涉及 到外国名人罗宾汉,大部分学生了解得不多,学生可通过上网、阅读等途径来增加 教学 对象 分析 这方面的知识。学生虽然已经接触过一般过去时,但对其用法不能很好地掌握,老 师必须在课堂上多创设情景,设置多样化的口头练习来使学生达到正确、灵活运用 的目的。

(1) 、语言知识 词汇 “四会”掌握 clever, brave, forest, the poor, rich, the rich, “三会”掌握 century 句型 In the 14th century people began to talk about his stories. 教学 目标 He was a clever and brave man. He took from the rich and gave to the poor. (2)语言技能 1)能正确流利地朗读对话,部分学生能表演。 2)能运用所学的语言知识谈论 Robin Hood 及其他名人。 (3)情感态度 通过学习侠盗罗宾汉的故事, 教育学生学习他身上的勇敢和乐于助人的优秀品质。

(4)学习策略 1)课前布置好学生预习课文,以降低课文学习的难度。 2)组织学生积极进行小组合作学习,培养团队合作能力。 3)利用图片、课件、小组合作等来调动学生的学习积极性。 (5)文化意识 通过比较中外文化名人的学习,拓展学生的知识面。

教学 重难 点 教学 准备

(1)重点:本课“四会”单词的学习和一般过去时的用法 (2)难点:熟练介绍名人的生平

自制课件、相关图片、录音机 教 与 学 活 动 修 改

一. Leading-in 1. Sing a song 2. Free talk What are you doing? Who’s your hero /heroine? Did you read a book /see a cartoon about Robin Hood? Can you say something about him? … 二. Presentation and practice 1. Show pictures, introduce Robin Hood, present the new words 2. Write down the words and the sentences He was a clever and brave man. He lived in the forest with his friend. He took from the rich and gave to the poor. … 3. Present the dialogue (CAI) 4.Ask and answer the questions What’s Sally doing?

Who’s Robin Hood? Are there a lot/many stories about him? When did the people begin to talk about his stories? (century) Do you like him, why? … 5. Read the dialogue and play a game P1 P2:Robin Hood(猜拳) P(win): He was/lived/took… 6. Act out the dialogue 三. Development 1. Learn the poem 1)Listen and understand the poem (new words: nobody, ’cos=because, wood, full of) 2)Chain dr

ills(针对诗中第二段难上口的句子) P1:’Cos P2:’Cos he P3:’Cos he stayed in P4:’Cos he stayed in a wood P5:’Cos he stayed in a wood full of trees! 2. Talk about the other famous persons 四.Homework. a) Listen, read and act out the dialogue b) Recite the poem c) Copy the new words and the phrases. d) Write something about Robin Hood(选做)

Unit 8 Robin Hood 板 书 设 计 He was an English hero. He was a clever and brave man. He lived in the forest with his friend. He took from the rich and gave to the poor.

新 单 词


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