

1.is 2.am 3.are 4.not 5.us 6.will 7.would 二、缩写

1.that is 2.what is 3.who is 4.I am 5.they are

6.let us 7.can not 8.I will 9.does not 10.could not

11.she is 12.he is 13.It is 14.we are 15.you are 16.do not 17.did not 18. is not 9.I would 20. have not 三、扩写

1.let’s 2.we’re 3.It’s 4.that’s 5.they’re

6.didn’t 7.don’t 8.haven’t 9.what’s 10.can’t

11.who’s 12.doesn’t 13.I’d 14.she’s 15.I’m 16.he’s 17.I’ll


1.is 2.am 3.are 4.not 5.us 6.will 7.would 二、缩写

1.that is 2.what is 3.who is 4.I am 5.they are

6.let us 7.can not 8.I will 9.does not 10.could not

11.she is 12.he is 13.It is 14.we are 15.you are 16.do not 17.did not 18. is not 9.I would 20. have not 三、扩写

1.let’s 2.we’re 3.It’s 4.that’s 5.they’re

6.didn’t 7.don’t 8.haven’t 9.what’s 10.can’t

11.who’s 12.doesn’t 13.I’d 14.she’s 15.I’m 16.he’s 17.I’ll


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  • 论文参考文献著录规则
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  • 4.[缩写]教学设计
  • <缩写>教学设计 邹城市北宿镇鑫星小学 冯勇 习作要求 缩写是把内容复杂.篇幅较长的文章压缩,而能保留其主要内容,使人一目了然. 缩写之前,要把文章多读几遍,读懂内容,抓住要点:再根据文章的主要内容,想清楚哪些内容必须保留,哪些内容可以删减,并考虑怎样连缀成文.对需要保留的内容,不要照搬 ...

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