

姓名:____________ 班级:____________ 日期:__________ 分数:______________

一.Listen and number听单词,标序号。(10分)

二.Listen and circle 听一听,圈一圈。(10分)






三.Listen and number. 听句子,标序号。(8分)

四.Listen and colour.听音,涂色。(12分)

1. 2.

3. 4.

五.Fill in the blanks.填一填。(8分)

六.Listen and write.听一听,写一写。(6分)

七.Listen and draw.听音,画画。(12分)





5. 6.

八.Listen and match. 听对话,连线。(8分)

九.Listen and write. 听音,正确书写26个大写字母。(26分)


一 1.eye 2.leg 3.foot 4.mouth 5..ear 6.head 7.arm 8.nose 9.hand 10.body

二 1. T-shirt, skirt 2. shoes, socks 3. new dress, new pants

4. tall tree, short tree 5. blouse, shortsw W w.xK b 1. c om

三 1. I see with my eyes. 2. I smell with my nose.

3. I hear with my ears. 4. I eat with my mouth.

四.1. The eraser is red. 2. The pen is blue.

3. The chair is yellow. 4. The bed is pink.

六 1. blouse 2. shirt 3. pants 4. shoes 5. dress 6. socks

七 1. The marker is on the desk 2. The pen is under the chair.

3. The pencil is on the book. 4. The ruler is in the desk.

5. draw socks 6. draw a blackboard

八 1. May I have a ruler? Yes, here you are,x k b 1.c o m

2. Ahh…choo! Excuse me! Bless you!

3. I’m sorry! That’s all right

4. Nice to meet you! Nice to meet you!

九 26个英文字母按顺序念!(*只写大写字母*)


一 1.eye 2.leg 3.foot 4.mouth 5..ear 6.head 7.arm 8.nose 9.hand 10.body

二 1. T-shirt, skirt 2. shoes, socks 3. new dress, new pants

4. tall tree, short tree 5. blouse, shorts

三 1. I see with my eyes. 2. I smell with my nose.wwW .x kB 1.c Om

3. I hear with my ears. 4. I eat with my mouth.

四.1. The eraser is red. 2. The pen is blue.

3. The chair is yellow. 4. The bed is pink.

六 1. blouse 2. shirt 3. pants 4. shoes 5. dress 6. socks

七 1. The marker is on the desk 2. The pen is under the chair.

3. The pencil is on the book. 4. The ruler is in the desk.

5. draw socks 6. draw a blackboard

八 1. May I have a ruler? Yes, here you are,

2. Ahh…choo! Excuse me! Bless you!

3. I’m sorry! That’s all right

4. Nice to meet you! Nice to meet you!

九 26个英文字母按顺序念!(*只写大写字母*)


姓名:____________ 班级:____________ 日期:__________ 分数:______________

一.Listen and number听单词,标序号。(10分)

二.Listen and circle 听一听,圈一圈。(10分)






三.Listen and number. 听句子,标序号。(8分)

四.Listen and colour.听音,涂色。(12分)

1. 2.

3. 4.

五.Fill in the blanks.填一填。(8分)

六.Listen and write.听一听,写一写。(6分)

七.Listen and draw.听音,画画。(12分)





5. 6.

八.Listen and match. 听对话,连线。(8分)

九.Listen and write. 听音,正确书写26个大写字母。(26分)


一 1.eye 2.leg 3.foot 4.mouth 5..ear 6.head 7.arm 8.nose 9.hand 10.body

二 1. T-shirt, skirt 2. shoes, socks 3. new dress, new pants

4. tall tree, short tree 5. blouse, shortsw W w.xK b 1. c om

三 1. I see with my eyes. 2. I smell with my nose.

3. I hear with my ears. 4. I eat with my mouth.

四.1. The eraser is red. 2. The pen is blue.

3. The chair is yellow. 4. The bed is pink.

六 1. blouse 2. shirt 3. pants 4. shoes 5. dress 6. socks

七 1. The marker is on the desk 2. The pen is under the chair.

3. The pencil is on the book. 4. The ruler is in the desk.

5. draw socks 6. draw a blackboard

八 1. May I have a ruler? Yes, here you are,x k b 1.c o m

2. Ahh…choo! Excuse me! Bless you!

3. I’m sorry! That’s all right

4. Nice to meet you! Nice to meet you!

九 26个英文字母按顺序念!(*只写大写字母*)


一 1.eye 2.leg 3.foot 4.mouth 5..ear 6.head 7.arm 8.nose 9.hand 10.body

二 1. T-shirt, skirt 2. shoes, socks 3. new dress, new pants

4. tall tree, short tree 5. blouse, shorts

三 1. I see with my eyes. 2. I smell with my nose.wwW .x kB 1.c Om

3. I hear with my ears. 4. I eat with my mouth.

四.1. The eraser is red. 2. The pen is blue.

3. The chair is yellow. 4. The bed is pink.

六 1. blouse 2. shirt 3. pants 4. shoes 5. dress 6. socks

七 1. The marker is on the desk 2. The pen is under the chair.

3. The pencil is on the book. 4. The ruler is in the desk.

5. draw socks 6. draw a blackboard

八 1. May I have a ruler? Yes, here you are,

2. Ahh…choo! Excuse me! Bless you!

3. I’m sorry! That’s all right

4. Nice to meet you! Nice to meet you!

九 26个英文字母按顺序念!(*只写大写字母*)


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