
Unit 7 Summer holiday plans

Unit 7 Summer holiday plans (Period 1)

Teaching contents教学内容: Story time

Teaching aims and learning objectives教学目标:

1 能听懂、会读、会说will, Disneyland, Ocean Park.

2 能听懂、会读、会说将来时句式will的一般疑问句和特殊疑问句 3 能正确理解并朗读文章内容,在教师的引导和帮助下尝试复述 4 能正确用将来时与他人交流讨论计划

Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty教学重难点: 1能正确理解并朗读文章内容,在教师的引导和帮助下尝试复述 2能正确用将来时与他人交流讨论计划 Preparation教学准备: PPt 板书图片

Teaching procedures教学过程: Step 1 Free talk

1 What day is it today? What date is it today? 2 What holiday is coming? Summer holiday is coming.

Do you like …? Why? What will you do? I will … …

Step 2 Presentation

1 The children are talking about their plans for the summer holiday. Listen and match: Where will they go for the summer holiday? (Read) Finish the exercise on Page70. Mike Beijing Yang Ling Hong Kong Su Hai London Liu Tao Taipei

Then show the picture of each city.

2 Group work: What else do you want to know about their plans? What questions do you have?

3 How to ask? Then read and find the sentence. Say the questions: a. Did … go to …?

b. How long will … stay there?

c. How will … go there? d. Who will go with…?

4 Work in pairs: Ask and answer Did … go to …?

Yes, … will. No, … won‟t. (won‟t = will not) How long will Mike stay in London? Mike will stay in London for a month. How will Yang Ling go to Beijing? Yang Ling will go to Beijing by train. Where will Su Hai go in Hong Kong?

Su Hai will go to Disneyland and Ocean Park.

(Read the names and show the pictures and the symbols.) Who will Liu Tao go with?

Liu Tao will go to Taipei with his parents. …

(The teacher write a table on the blackboard and do the blackboard-writing) The teacher can help the students and ask some questions.

Step 3 Reading 1 Listen and repeat.

2 Read the dialogue by themselves. 3 Read in groups 4 Act the dialogue.

Step 4 Consolidation

1 Mike is writing about their summer holiday plans. Let‟s help him. Look at the table on the blackboard and tell their plans. My family and I will visit …. We will stay there… Yang Ling … Su Yang … Liu Tao …

2 Let‟s help him complete his note.

Our summer holiday

My friends and I will be busy in the summer holiday. My family and I will visit grandma and grandpa in _______. We will stay there for ______.

Yang Ling‟s _________ live in Beijing. She will visit them this summer.

She will go there by _______.

Su Hai and her family will visit ________ and _________ in Hong Kong. Liu Tao will go to __________ with his parents. He will take some ______ and show them after the holiday.

3 Talk about your summer holiday plans. a. 学生自己写下自己的暑假计划。

b. 根据板书,提问同学,并作好记录。 c. 小组内汇报交流。 Homework

1. Listen and read the passage three times. 2. Recite the passage.

3. Write their summer plans.

Blackboard design板书设计:

Unit 7 Summer holiday plans Will … go to…? Where will … (do)…

Unit 7 Summer holiday plans (Period 2)

Teaching contents教学内容: Grammar time & Fun time

Teaching aims and learning objectives教学目标: 1 能听懂、会读、会说故事中出现的新词汇。

2 能听懂、会读、会说、会用“will”进行肯定句,一般疑问句和特殊疑问句的表达,并做相应的回答。

3 能理解并掌握Grammar time 中“will”的用法及规则,了解一般将来时的各种用法。 4 能完成Fun time 中的游戏。

Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty教学重难点: 1 对词汇和句型的学习与运用。

2 能理解并掌握Grammar time中的内容。

3 能关注一般将来时的用法,正确使用“will”句型

Preparation教学准备: ppt课件, Key word card

Teaching procedures教学过程: Step 1 Revision

1 Talking about Story time:

T: We have learnt some about summer holiday plans. Can you try to retell the story? S: Yes.

Ppt Mike will ___________________for a month. Yang Ling will ________________ by______. Su Hai will _______________with _____________. She will go to __________ and ___________,too. Liu Tao will _____________with ___________.

2 Play a game. Talk about the holiday places.

T: OK, now I‟ll show you some pictures. Try to say the names of them as quickly as you can. 大本钟,巴黎铁塔,富士山,万里长城,101大楼, 维多利亚港,自由女神像, 教学四个单词,并板书。

3 将四个单词的图片放在ppt上,并在下面放上几个人物的图片,Sam Bobby Tina Miss Li T:If you want to talk about the holiday plans with the others, what questions can you ask? S1: Will you go to…? S2: where will you go?

S3:what will you do there? S4: how long will you stay there? S5: when will you go there?

T: If you want to ask the third person you can use he/ she.

Step 2 Grammar time 1 将学生说的句型板书.

T: how can you answer “will you go …?” S: yes, I will. No, I will not. 2 practice

T: there are some pictures here. Can you talk about the pictures with your partner.


Step 3 Fun time 1 Play the game

T: now, we know something about their holiday plans. This time, think it over. Where will you go? You can use this sentence: I will…

T: are you ready.? Try to say your sentences. I „d like some of you to introduce your plans. Try to remember them. Make a model.

S1: I will go to Hong Kong.

T: I will go to Xiamen. He will go to Hong Kong. Understand? (请十个小朋友示范,淘汰说错的同学,最终答对的同学获胜。) 2 play this game in four. Step 4 Consolidation 1 do a survey.

2 try to introduce your friends‟ plans in groups. Step 5 Homework

1 introduce your friends‟ plans to your parents. 2 write your holiday plan.

3 play the game with your friends. 4 Finish the exercise book.

Blackboard design板书设计:

Unit 7 Summer holiday plans(Period 3)

Teaching contents教学内容:

Sound time, Cartoon time & Culture time

Teaching aims and learning objectives教学目标:

1 通过阅读Cartoon time, 欣赏其中的幽默,了解谈论假期计划的语言; 2 掌握字母oy在单词中的发音;

3 通过Culture time 了解世界各地的著名景点.

Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty教学重难点: 1 掌握字母J在单词中的发音;

2 了解西方人在圣诞节时的一些其他习俗;

Preparation教学准备: 电脑,投影,头饰。

Teaching procedures教学过程: Step 1 Free talk and warm up 1 Free talk

T: Hello, boys and girls. S: Hello, Miss/ Mr… T: What day is it today? What‟s the date today? S: It‟s …

T: Do you like traveling? . S: …

2 Warm up

T: Mike and his friends like traveling, too. They want to travel some interesting places in summer holiday. Where will they go? S: …

(Mike will go to London.

Yang Ling will go to visit her aunt and uncle in Beijing. Liu Tao will go to Taipei.

Su Hai will go to Disneyland and Ocean Park in Hong Kong.) T: Where will you go in the summer holiday? S: …

Step 2 Culture time

1. T: Today, let me introduce some interesting places to you. 2. Picture1

T: Uluru. It‟s a large sandstone rock formation. You‟ll find Uluru in Australia. 3. Picture 2

The Grand Canyon. It is a steep-sided canyon carved by the Colorado River. It is contained within and managed by Grand Canyon National Park. You‟ll find the Grand Canyon in the US. 4. Picture3

Buckingham Palace. It‟s a large townhouse built for the Duke of Buckingham in 1703.It has been a focus for the British people. 5. Picture4

Niagara Falls. It‟s the collective name for three waterfalls that straddle the international border between Canada and the US. You‟ll fine Niagara Falls in Canada.

6. T: We knew four interesting places. If you have enough money and time, which one will choose to visit? Why? S: …

Step 3 Cartoon time

1. Bobby likes traveling. He has a travel book.(Teach: a travel book) Look, he is reading the travel book. What does Bobby say? 2. Listen and answer.

Bobby: I want to be a traveller and travel around the world. (Teach: traveller)

3. Watch and answer

T: What‟s Bobby‟s travel plans? Let‟s watch the cartoon and answer this question. (Watch the cartoon)

T: Please answer this question. First,… Next, … Then,…

S: First, he‟ll go to the UK. Next, he‟ll go to the US. Then, he‟ll go to the Australia. T: Good job. Bobby has a good plan. But how will they get to the UK? S: By taxi.

T: Is that possible? S: No.

T: How can they get there? S: By plane. 4. Reading time.

(1) Read after the computer. (2) Read in pairs.

(3) Ask 3-4pairs to read.

5. Show time.

(1) Work in pairs. One is Sam, another is Bobby. (2) Act the dialogue. 6. Task

(1) T: Bobby has a travel book. Look, we have one, too.

I want to be a traveler, too. I want to travel around the world. Do you want to know where I want to go? First, I want to go to the UK. Because I will visit Buckingham Palace. Then, I will go to Canada to visit Niagara Falls.

Do you want to travel around the world? Where do you want to go? Talk your plans with your partners. (2) Talk in pairs.(Talk in pairs and try to take some notes of your partner‟s plans.) (3) What‟s his/her plans?(Try to tell us something about your partner‟s plans.)

Step 4 Sound time

1. T: Boys and girls, you have you own plans. I think you‟ll be so full of joy when you can go with your plans. (PPT: so full of joy)

2. Look at this picture. What is the little boy doing? S: He is playing with his toy.

T: Yes, he‟s so full of joy.(Watch the cartoon/ Listen to the radio.)

3. Look at these words “boy, toy, joy”. Do you know how to pronounce “oy”? S:…

T: It‟s pronounced “oi”

4. Let‟s read the three words together. 5. Let‟s read the sentences. 6. Can you read these words? roy destroy enjoy coyness 7. Let‟s do some seercise.

Step 5 Homework

1. 和同伴讨论假期计划。

2. 用含有oy的单词造句5个,写在作业本上。

Blackboard design板书设计:

Unit 7 Summer holiday plans

Uluru Australia

The Grand Canyon The US Buckingham Palace The UK Niagara Falls Canada

What are your plans?


Unit 7 Summer holiday plans (Period 4)

Teaching contents教学内容: Checkout time and ticking time

Teaching aims and learning objectives教学目标: 1 能正确、流利、生动地讲故事Summer holiday plans. 2 了解字母oy在单词中的发音。

3 能正确并顺利地运用本课的将来时的词、句讨论某件事。 4 能谈论自己和他人的假期(旅行)计划及出行方式。 5 能了解一些世界上的大的城市,包括名胜古迹,著名景观。

Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty教学重难点: 1 综合复习本单元的词句,熟练掌握。

2 在综合复习的基础上能正确谈论假期计划和出行方式并能完成相应的短文写作。



Teaching procedures教学过程: Step 1 Warming-up

T: We have learned something about holiday plans. And we knew the many places of many counties. We can talk about our holiday plans.

Step 2 Presentation 1Sound time

1) T: In this lesson, we will have a check. Let‟s look at the learning aims of sound time. Try to say the chant fluently and correctly.

2) Look at these words, what‟s the letter “oy” pronounced?

3) Can you name some words with the same sound?If you can write three words, you will get three stars.

4) Listen and spell. I say a word, please spell the word.If you can spell the word, you will get three stars.

5) Students say some new words.


2 Check story time 1) Look and say

Give some pictures of some great cities in the world, as quick as you can. 2)Think and say. Mike…

Yang Ling… Su Yang… Liu Tao…

3 Do a survey.Work in pairs.

a Where will you go for the summer holiday? b How will you go there?

c Where will you go for the summer holiday? d How long will you stay there? eWhat will you do there?

4 Try to say

T: Where will you go for the summer holiday?On holiday, we can do many interesting things. What are your plans for the summer holiday?Now, here‟re some pictures about places. Please talk in the group of four.

5 Think and write

Talk about your friends‟ and your holiday plans and write them.

T: You have done very well, now try to tell your plan with these sentences, please talk in the group of four, and then tell your plan to us fluently, correctly and vividly. At last, please write your plan on the page 76.

My summer holiday plans

This summer, I will go to _______________________. I will go there by___________________. I will go there in/on____________________. I will stay there for____________________. I will do many things there.

I will have a wonderful summer holiday!

6 Do a report

T: What are your friends‟ plans for the summer holiday? Let‟s do a survey. Introduce your friend and your plans.

Will you...? ...

What will you do for the summer holiday?

I‟ll ...

My friends and I have different plans for the summer holiday.

I‟ll .../He‟ll.../She‟ll...


Step 3 Consolidation

Think and say

Work in pairs

T: What will you do before travelling?

I will …

a book hotels…

b look for a map…

c take some pills…

d collect some information…



1. 和你的朋友谈一谈你了解的西方大城市。

2. 写一写你和你的朋友的假期旅行计划。

Blackboard design板书设计:

Summer holiday plans

Where will you go for the summer holiday?

How will you go there?

Where will you go for the summer holiday?

How long will you stay there?

What will you do there?

Unit 7 Summer holiday plans

Unit 7 Summer holiday plans (Period 1)

Teaching contents教学内容: Story time

Teaching aims and learning objectives教学目标:

1 能听懂、会读、会说will, Disneyland, Ocean Park.

2 能听懂、会读、会说将来时句式will的一般疑问句和特殊疑问句 3 能正确理解并朗读文章内容,在教师的引导和帮助下尝试复述 4 能正确用将来时与他人交流讨论计划

Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty教学重难点: 1能正确理解并朗读文章内容,在教师的引导和帮助下尝试复述 2能正确用将来时与他人交流讨论计划 Preparation教学准备: PPt 板书图片

Teaching procedures教学过程: Step 1 Free talk

1 What day is it today? What date is it today? 2 What holiday is coming? Summer holiday is coming.

Do you like …? Why? What will you do? I will … …

Step 2 Presentation

1 The children are talking about their plans for the summer holiday. Listen and match: Where will they go for the summer holiday? (Read) Finish the exercise on Page70. Mike Beijing Yang Ling Hong Kong Su Hai London Liu Tao Taipei

Then show the picture of each city.

2 Group work: What else do you want to know about their plans? What questions do you have?

3 How to ask? Then read and find the sentence. Say the questions: a. Did … go to …?

b. How long will … stay there?

c. How will … go there? d. Who will go with…?

4 Work in pairs: Ask and answer Did … go to …?

Yes, … will. No, … won‟t. (won‟t = will not) How long will Mike stay in London? Mike will stay in London for a month. How will Yang Ling go to Beijing? Yang Ling will go to Beijing by train. Where will Su Hai go in Hong Kong?

Su Hai will go to Disneyland and Ocean Park.

(Read the names and show the pictures and the symbols.) Who will Liu Tao go with?

Liu Tao will go to Taipei with his parents. …

(The teacher write a table on the blackboard and do the blackboard-writing) The teacher can help the students and ask some questions.

Step 3 Reading 1 Listen and repeat.

2 Read the dialogue by themselves. 3 Read in groups 4 Act the dialogue.

Step 4 Consolidation

1 Mike is writing about their summer holiday plans. Let‟s help him. Look at the table on the blackboard and tell their plans. My family and I will visit …. We will stay there… Yang Ling … Su Yang … Liu Tao …

2 Let‟s help him complete his note.

Our summer holiday

My friends and I will be busy in the summer holiday. My family and I will visit grandma and grandpa in _______. We will stay there for ______.

Yang Ling‟s _________ live in Beijing. She will visit them this summer.

She will go there by _______.

Su Hai and her family will visit ________ and _________ in Hong Kong. Liu Tao will go to __________ with his parents. He will take some ______ and show them after the holiday.

3 Talk about your summer holiday plans. a. 学生自己写下自己的暑假计划。

b. 根据板书,提问同学,并作好记录。 c. 小组内汇报交流。 Homework

1. Listen and read the passage three times. 2. Recite the passage.

3. Write their summer plans.

Blackboard design板书设计:

Unit 7 Summer holiday plans Will … go to…? Where will … (do)…

Unit 7 Summer holiday plans (Period 2)

Teaching contents教学内容: Grammar time & Fun time

Teaching aims and learning objectives教学目标: 1 能听懂、会读、会说故事中出现的新词汇。

2 能听懂、会读、会说、会用“will”进行肯定句,一般疑问句和特殊疑问句的表达,并做相应的回答。

3 能理解并掌握Grammar time 中“will”的用法及规则,了解一般将来时的各种用法。 4 能完成Fun time 中的游戏。

Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty教学重难点: 1 对词汇和句型的学习与运用。

2 能理解并掌握Grammar time中的内容。

3 能关注一般将来时的用法,正确使用“will”句型

Preparation教学准备: ppt课件, Key word card

Teaching procedures教学过程: Step 1 Revision

1 Talking about Story time:

T: We have learnt some about summer holiday plans. Can you try to retell the story? S: Yes.

Ppt Mike will ___________________for a month. Yang Ling will ________________ by______. Su Hai will _______________with _____________. She will go to __________ and ___________,too. Liu Tao will _____________with ___________.

2 Play a game. Talk about the holiday places.

T: OK, now I‟ll show you some pictures. Try to say the names of them as quickly as you can. 大本钟,巴黎铁塔,富士山,万里长城,101大楼, 维多利亚港,自由女神像, 教学四个单词,并板书。

3 将四个单词的图片放在ppt上,并在下面放上几个人物的图片,Sam Bobby Tina Miss Li T:If you want to talk about the holiday plans with the others, what questions can you ask? S1: Will you go to…? S2: where will you go?

S3:what will you do there? S4: how long will you stay there? S5: when will you go there?

T: If you want to ask the third person you can use he/ she.

Step 2 Grammar time 1 将学生说的句型板书.

T: how can you answer “will you go …?” S: yes, I will. No, I will not. 2 practice

T: there are some pictures here. Can you talk about the pictures with your partner.


Step 3 Fun time 1 Play the game

T: now, we know something about their holiday plans. This time, think it over. Where will you go? You can use this sentence: I will…

T: are you ready.? Try to say your sentences. I „d like some of you to introduce your plans. Try to remember them. Make a model.

S1: I will go to Hong Kong.

T: I will go to Xiamen. He will go to Hong Kong. Understand? (请十个小朋友示范,淘汰说错的同学,最终答对的同学获胜。) 2 play this game in four. Step 4 Consolidation 1 do a survey.

2 try to introduce your friends‟ plans in groups. Step 5 Homework

1 introduce your friends‟ plans to your parents. 2 write your holiday plan.

3 play the game with your friends. 4 Finish the exercise book.

Blackboard design板书设计:

Unit 7 Summer holiday plans(Period 3)

Teaching contents教学内容:

Sound time, Cartoon time & Culture time

Teaching aims and learning objectives教学目标:

1 通过阅读Cartoon time, 欣赏其中的幽默,了解谈论假期计划的语言; 2 掌握字母oy在单词中的发音;

3 通过Culture time 了解世界各地的著名景点.

Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty教学重难点: 1 掌握字母J在单词中的发音;

2 了解西方人在圣诞节时的一些其他习俗;

Preparation教学准备: 电脑,投影,头饰。

Teaching procedures教学过程: Step 1 Free talk and warm up 1 Free talk

T: Hello, boys and girls. S: Hello, Miss/ Mr… T: What day is it today? What‟s the date today? S: It‟s …

T: Do you like traveling? . S: …

2 Warm up

T: Mike and his friends like traveling, too. They want to travel some interesting places in summer holiday. Where will they go? S: …

(Mike will go to London.

Yang Ling will go to visit her aunt and uncle in Beijing. Liu Tao will go to Taipei.

Su Hai will go to Disneyland and Ocean Park in Hong Kong.) T: Where will you go in the summer holiday? S: …

Step 2 Culture time

1. T: Today, let me introduce some interesting places to you. 2. Picture1

T: Uluru. It‟s a large sandstone rock formation. You‟ll find Uluru in Australia. 3. Picture 2

The Grand Canyon. It is a steep-sided canyon carved by the Colorado River. It is contained within and managed by Grand Canyon National Park. You‟ll find the Grand Canyon in the US. 4. Picture3

Buckingham Palace. It‟s a large townhouse built for the Duke of Buckingham in 1703.It has been a focus for the British people. 5. Picture4

Niagara Falls. It‟s the collective name for three waterfalls that straddle the international border between Canada and the US. You‟ll fine Niagara Falls in Canada.

6. T: We knew four interesting places. If you have enough money and time, which one will choose to visit? Why? S: …

Step 3 Cartoon time

1. Bobby likes traveling. He has a travel book.(Teach: a travel book) Look, he is reading the travel book. What does Bobby say? 2. Listen and answer.

Bobby: I want to be a traveller and travel around the world. (Teach: traveller)

3. Watch and answer

T: What‟s Bobby‟s travel plans? Let‟s watch the cartoon and answer this question. (Watch the cartoon)

T: Please answer this question. First,… Next, … Then,…

S: First, he‟ll go to the UK. Next, he‟ll go to the US. Then, he‟ll go to the Australia. T: Good job. Bobby has a good plan. But how will they get to the UK? S: By taxi.

T: Is that possible? S: No.

T: How can they get there? S: By plane. 4. Reading time.

(1) Read after the computer. (2) Read in pairs.

(3) Ask 3-4pairs to read.

5. Show time.

(1) Work in pairs. One is Sam, another is Bobby. (2) Act the dialogue. 6. Task

(1) T: Bobby has a travel book. Look, we have one, too.

I want to be a traveler, too. I want to travel around the world. Do you want to know where I want to go? First, I want to go to the UK. Because I will visit Buckingham Palace. Then, I will go to Canada to visit Niagara Falls.

Do you want to travel around the world? Where do you want to go? Talk your plans with your partners. (2) Talk in pairs.(Talk in pairs and try to take some notes of your partner‟s plans.) (3) What‟s his/her plans?(Try to tell us something about your partner‟s plans.)

Step 4 Sound time

1. T: Boys and girls, you have you own plans. I think you‟ll be so full of joy when you can go with your plans. (PPT: so full of joy)

2. Look at this picture. What is the little boy doing? S: He is playing with his toy.

T: Yes, he‟s so full of joy.(Watch the cartoon/ Listen to the radio.)

3. Look at these words “boy, toy, joy”. Do you know how to pronounce “oy”? S:…

T: It‟s pronounced “oi”

4. Let‟s read the three words together. 5. Let‟s read the sentences. 6. Can you read these words? roy destroy enjoy coyness 7. Let‟s do some seercise.

Step 5 Homework

1. 和同伴讨论假期计划。

2. 用含有oy的单词造句5个,写在作业本上。

Blackboard design板书设计:

Unit 7 Summer holiday plans

Uluru Australia

The Grand Canyon The US Buckingham Palace The UK Niagara Falls Canada

What are your plans?


Unit 7 Summer holiday plans (Period 4)

Teaching contents教学内容: Checkout time and ticking time

Teaching aims and learning objectives教学目标: 1 能正确、流利、生动地讲故事Summer holiday plans. 2 了解字母oy在单词中的发音。

3 能正确并顺利地运用本课的将来时的词、句讨论某件事。 4 能谈论自己和他人的假期(旅行)计划及出行方式。 5 能了解一些世界上的大的城市,包括名胜古迹,著名景观。

Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty教学重难点: 1 综合复习本单元的词句,熟练掌握。

2 在综合复习的基础上能正确谈论假期计划和出行方式并能完成相应的短文写作。



Teaching procedures教学过程: Step 1 Warming-up

T: We have learned something about holiday plans. And we knew the many places of many counties. We can talk about our holiday plans.

Step 2 Presentation 1Sound time

1) T: In this lesson, we will have a check. Let‟s look at the learning aims of sound time. Try to say the chant fluently and correctly.

2) Look at these words, what‟s the letter “oy” pronounced?

3) Can you name some words with the same sound?If you can write three words, you will get three stars.

4) Listen and spell. I say a word, please spell the word.If you can spell the word, you will get three stars.

5) Students say some new words.


2 Check story time 1) Look and say

Give some pictures of some great cities in the world, as quick as you can. 2)Think and say. Mike…

Yang Ling… Su Yang… Liu Tao…

3 Do a survey.Work in pairs.

a Where will you go for the summer holiday? b How will you go there?

c Where will you go for the summer holiday? d How long will you stay there? eWhat will you do there?

4 Try to say

T: Where will you go for the summer holiday?On holiday, we can do many interesting things. What are your plans for the summer holiday?Now, here‟re some pictures about places. Please talk in the group of four.

5 Think and write

Talk about your friends‟ and your holiday plans and write them.

T: You have done very well, now try to tell your plan with these sentences, please talk in the group of four, and then tell your plan to us fluently, correctly and vividly. At last, please write your plan on the page 76.

My summer holiday plans

This summer, I will go to _______________________. I will go there by___________________. I will go there in/on____________________. I will stay there for____________________. I will do many things there.

I will have a wonderful summer holiday!

6 Do a report

T: What are your friends‟ plans for the summer holiday? Let‟s do a survey. Introduce your friend and your plans.

Will you...? ...

What will you do for the summer holiday?

I‟ll ...

My friends and I have different plans for the summer holiday.

I‟ll .../He‟ll.../She‟ll...


Step 3 Consolidation

Think and say

Work in pairs

T: What will you do before travelling?

I will …

a book hotels…

b look for a map…

c take some pills…

d collect some information…



1. 和你的朋友谈一谈你了解的西方大城市。

2. 写一写你和你的朋友的假期旅行计划。

Blackboard design板书设计:

Summer holiday plans

Where will you go for the summer holiday?

How will you go there?

Where will you go for the summer holiday?

How long will you stay there?

What will you do there?


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