
We all have to pay the bills, but sometimes the office is literally the last place in the universe you want to be. The reasons can run the gamut. Employees can sometimes be led to creative extremes to find a way to take a day off.


In CareerBuilder's annual survey, 29 percent of workers admitted to playing hooky this year, their top reasons is calling in sick. But some employees like to get more creative. Here are 14 of the strangest excuses employers said they heard:


1. Employee's 12-year-old daughter stole his car and he had no other way to work. Employee didn't want to report it to the police.

1. 12岁的女儿偷了某员工的车,所以他没法来上班,因为他不想闹到警局去。

2. Employee said bats got in her hair.

2. 女员工说有蝙蝠钻到她头发里了。

3. Employee said a refrigerator fell on him.

3. 被冰箱砸到。

4. Employee said a deer bit him during hunting season.

4. 员工说在狩猎季节被鹿袭击了。

5. Employee ate too much at a party.

5. 在派对上吃太多。

6. Employee fell out of bed and broke his nose.

6. 从床上摔下来,摔到了鼻子。

7. Employee got a cold from a puppy.

7. 被小狗传染感冒。

8. Employee's child stuck a mintup his nose and had to go to the ER to remove it.

8. 儿子被硬币卡住了鼻子,要去急诊室把硬币取出来。

9. Employee hurt his back chasing a beaver.

9. 在追海狸的时候弄伤了背。

10. Employee got his toe caught in a vent cover.

10. 被通气孔的盖子卡伤了脚趾头。

11. Employee had a headache after going to too many garage sales.

11. 在去旧货市场血拼之后头痛。

12. Employee's brother-in-law was kidnapped by a drug cartelwhile in Mexico.

12. 姐夫被墨西哥贩毒集团绑架。

13. Employee drank anti-freeze by mistake and had to go to the hospital.

13. 误饮防冻剂入院。

14. Employee was at a bowling alley and a bucket filled with water (due to a leak) crashed through the ceiling and hit her on the head.

14. 在保龄球馆被装满水的桶(因为漏水)砸到头。

We all have to pay the bills, but sometimes the office is literally the last place in the universe you want to be. The reasons can run the gamut. Employees can sometimes be led to creative extremes to find a way to take a day off.


In CareerBuilder's annual survey, 29 percent of workers admitted to playing hooky this year, their top reasons is calling in sick. But some employees like to get more creative. Here are 14 of the strangest excuses employers said they heard:


1. Employee's 12-year-old daughter stole his car and he had no other way to work. Employee didn't want to report it to the police.

1. 12岁的女儿偷了某员工的车,所以他没法来上班,因为他不想闹到警局去。

2. Employee said bats got in her hair.

2. 女员工说有蝙蝠钻到她头发里了。

3. Employee said a refrigerator fell on him.

3. 被冰箱砸到。

4. Employee said a deer bit him during hunting season.

4. 员工说在狩猎季节被鹿袭击了。

5. Employee ate too much at a party.

5. 在派对上吃太多。

6. Employee fell out of bed and broke his nose.

6. 从床上摔下来,摔到了鼻子。

7. Employee got a cold from a puppy.

7. 被小狗传染感冒。

8. Employee's child stuck a mintup his nose and had to go to the ER to remove it.

8. 儿子被硬币卡住了鼻子,要去急诊室把硬币取出来。

9. Employee hurt his back chasing a beaver.

9. 在追海狸的时候弄伤了背。

10. Employee got his toe caught in a vent cover.

10. 被通气孔的盖子卡伤了脚趾头。

11. Employee had a headache after going to too many garage sales.

11. 在去旧货市场血拼之后头痛。

12. Employee's brother-in-law was kidnapped by a drug cartelwhile in Mexico.

12. 姐夫被墨西哥贩毒集团绑架。

13. Employee drank anti-freeze by mistake and had to go to the hospital.

13. 误饮防冻剂入院。

14. Employee was at a bowling alley and a bucket filled with water (due to a leak) crashed through the ceiling and hit her on the head.

14. 在保龄球馆被装满水的桶(因为漏水)砸到头。


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