
Dear Sir,

My college requires me to go back for graduation thesis oral defense and deal with other graduation issues, so may I please ask for a leave on 20th,21st,24th,27th May? Thank you for your understanding in advance.


Dear Mr. / Mrs.,

Because I will have to return to to my university for my dissertation reply and some other things related to my graduation, I want to ask you for a leave on May 20,21 24 to 27.

Sicerely hope you can give me the permission as soon as possible.

Best wishes.

Sincerely Yours,

Xiao Wang

Dear Mr. xx-x:

How are you? I am xx-x, I want you to pardon me for this disturbtion. On May 20th, 21st, 24th, and 27th. I have to go back to school for the Graduation Paperwork Debate. Also I have many other stuff about graduate that I have to do. I hope you can excuse and permit for my asking for leave.



注: 不错,读大学已经开始工作。

Dear Mr./Mrs., 你上司的姓最好放在此。

There is a very important procein which I have to return to school for graduation thesis defense and other pa-pe-r work before the graduation. I would like to request that you excuse me from work on 20th, 21st; and from 24th to 27th in May.

I hope you will oblige and grant me the requested leave.

Thank you very much for your consideration.

Yours sincerely,


邮件题目写“Leave application”,可以的话可以加日期


Dear Sir,

Can I please ask for a leave on 8th June morning because I have something emergent to deal with and I need to go back to school to handle it, could you please grant it?

Thank you in advance.

Dear Sir,

My college requires me to go back for graduation thesis oral defense and deal with other graduation issues, so may I please ask for a leave on 20th,21st,24th,27th May? Thank you for your understanding in advance.


Dear Mr. / Mrs.,

Because I will have to return to to my university for my dissertation reply and some other things related to my graduation, I want to ask you for a leave on May 20,21 24 to 27.

Sicerely hope you can give me the permission as soon as possible.

Best wishes.

Sincerely Yours,

Xiao Wang

Dear Mr. xx-x:

How are you? I am xx-x, I want you to pardon me for this disturbtion. On May 20th, 21st, 24th, and 27th. I have to go back to school for the Graduation Paperwork Debate. Also I have many other stuff about graduate that I have to do. I hope you can excuse and permit for my asking for leave.



注: 不错,读大学已经开始工作。

Dear Mr./Mrs., 你上司的姓最好放在此。

There is a very important procein which I have to return to school for graduation thesis defense and other pa-pe-r work before the graduation. I would like to request that you excuse me from work on 20th, 21st; and from 24th to 27th in May.

I hope you will oblige and grant me the requested leave.

Thank you very much for your consideration.

Yours sincerely,


邮件题目写“Leave application”,可以的话可以加日期


Dear Sir,

Can I please ask for a leave on 8th June morning because I have something emergent to deal with and I need to go back to school to handle it, could you please grant it?

Thank you in advance.


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