
Today we need to go to the local coast road touring今天我们要去游览的地方滨海路

The coast road plain is a war preparednehighway,The eighties Deng Xiaoping comes to Dalian examination with daughter , the scenery discovering this highway is very beautiful, highway suggesting that the Dalian that time municipal government reforms this road becoming a tour, Now this road is long more than 30 kilometres , has being close to 20 spots run through the field of loafing about necessarily becoming the Dalian resident of a city and the all the countries in the world friend among them, coming to Dalian. 滨海路原是条战备公路,80年代邓-小-平携女儿来大连考察,发现这条公路的风景非常美丽,建议当时的大连市政府将这条路改造成为旅游公路,现在这条路长30多公里,有近20 个景点贯穿其中,成为大连市民和世界各国朋友来大连的必游之地。That this road is called the lover road , one aspect is that the sea , one aspect are a mountain , are symbolizing that exchanging solemn vows and pledges. 这条路又被称为情人路,一面是海,一面是山,象征着海誓山盟. Bin Hai Road stretches along Dalian's famous coastline and is a sightseeing must for visitors to the area. The 35-kilometer-long road borders Xing Hai Square in the west and Dong Hai Park in the east. One side of the road features mountainous areas covered with forests while the opposite side reveals the panoramic coastline and sea. Due to the clear, fresh air and the sea, locals have nicknamed the road the "natural oxygen bar." Tourist facilities dot the road, such as Bang Zhui Island, Hu Tan Paradise, Xiu Yue Hotel, Fu Jia Zhuang Outdoor Bathing Place and Hai Tian Bai Yun Hotel.

2/If you come to Dalian by plane, when your plane flies over the city, look down and you may find what looks like a dancing silk ribbon inlaid between the southern mountains and sea -- it''s the Binhai Road, otherwise known as the "Coastal Road". It offers a delightful sightseeing route and is one of the must see attractions of the town.

The coastline of Dalian stretches for 1906 km. Ten major scenic spots dot the Southern Seaside Scenic Area, in addition to 10 major bathing beaches -- All can be accessed by the Binhai Road. In 1988, the Area was ranked as one of the China''s Major Scenic Areas.

The road starts from Haizhiyun Square at its east and ends at Heishijiao at its west, the whole length extends 42.5 km. It is the best route for hiking and going for driving in town: on the mountain side grow thriving trees, flourishing flowers, and on the other the steep and rugged cliffs quicken one''s health and a vast expanse of calm, blue, or misty, rolling water delights one''s eyes. The air of the region is so fresh that tourists coming here apply the name of "natural oxygen bar" to it spontaneously.

Today we need to go to the local coast road touring今天我们要去游览的地方滨海路

The coast road plain is a war preparednehighway,The eighties Deng Xiaoping comes to Dalian examination with daughter , the scenery discovering this highway is very beautiful, highway suggesting that the Dalian that time municipal government reforms this road becoming a tour, Now this road is long more than 30 kilometres , has being close to 20 spots run through the field of loafing about necessarily becoming the Dalian resident of a city and the all the countries in the world friend among them, coming to Dalian. 滨海路原是条战备公路,80年代邓-小-平携女儿来大连考察,发现这条公路的风景非常美丽,建议当时的大连市政府将这条路改造成为旅游公路,现在这条路长30多公里,有近20 个景点贯穿其中,成为大连市民和世界各国朋友来大连的必游之地。That this road is called the lover road , one aspect is that the sea , one aspect are a mountain , are symbolizing that exchanging solemn vows and pledges. 这条路又被称为情人路,一面是海,一面是山,象征着海誓山盟. Bin Hai Road stretches along Dalian's famous coastline and is a sightseeing must for visitors to the area. The 35-kilometer-long road borders Xing Hai Square in the west and Dong Hai Park in the east. One side of the road features mountainous areas covered with forests while the opposite side reveals the panoramic coastline and sea. Due to the clear, fresh air and the sea, locals have nicknamed the road the "natural oxygen bar." Tourist facilities dot the road, such as Bang Zhui Island, Hu Tan Paradise, Xiu Yue Hotel, Fu Jia Zhuang Outdoor Bathing Place and Hai Tian Bai Yun Hotel.

2/If you come to Dalian by plane, when your plane flies over the city, look down and you may find what looks like a dancing silk ribbon inlaid between the southern mountains and sea -- it''s the Binhai Road, otherwise known as the "Coastal Road". It offers a delightful sightseeing route and is one of the must see attractions of the town.

The coastline of Dalian stretches for 1906 km. Ten major scenic spots dot the Southern Seaside Scenic Area, in addition to 10 major bathing beaches -- All can be accessed by the Binhai Road. In 1988, the Area was ranked as one of the China''s Major Scenic Areas.

The road starts from Haizhiyun Square at its east and ends at Heishijiao at its west, the whole length extends 42.5 km. It is the best route for hiking and going for driving in town: on the mountain side grow thriving trees, flourishing flowers, and on the other the steep and rugged cliffs quicken one''s health and a vast expanse of calm, blue, or misty, rolling water delights one''s eyes. The air of the region is so fresh that tourists coming here apply the name of "natural oxygen bar" to it spontaneously.


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