

Part I Dialogue Completion

1-5 BABAC 6-10 DBCDC 11-15 ADBDB

Part II Reading Comprehension (40 points)

16-20 BCDDA 21-25 ADACB 26-30 BCACC 31-35 ABCBD

Part III Vocabulary and Structure (20 points)

36-40 ACDAB 41-45 ACDAB 46-50 BABAD 51-55 BCBBA 56-60 CBADB

61-65 ABADB 66-70 DCABC 71-75 ADDBC

Part IV Cloze (10 points)

76-80 CCBCD 81-85 CBAAA

It is hard to succeed without confidence

Confidence is very important to a person's success. To be exact, it is the base of success. We cannot succeed without it no matter who you are and where you are.

If a person wants to succeed ,he must have self-confidence .Because he will find his goal and strength if he has confidence. In this case, he won't lose his way to his success. Confidence means that you believe that you can make it. That is a kind of strength and faith. It can guide you to your goal. Only with your confidence can you succeed.

Therefore, in our daily life, we cannot lose our confidence if we want to succeed. Remember to encourage ourselves to go on when we lose confidence. We can also write down some confident and inspiring words where we can find easily in order to remind us to be confident on the way to our dreams. All in all, we almost could do everything better when we have confidence.


Part I Dialogue Completion

1-5 BABAC 6-10 DBCDC 11-15 ADBDB

Part II Reading Comprehension (40 points)

16-20 BCDDA 21-25 ADACB 26-30 BCACC 31-35 ABCBD

Part III Vocabulary and Structure (20 points)

36-40 ACDAB 41-45 ACDAB 46-50 BABAD 51-55 BCBBA 56-60 CBADB

61-65 ABADB 66-70 DCABC 71-75 ADDBC

Part IV Cloze (10 points)

76-80 CCBCD 81-85 CBAAA

It is hard to succeed without confidence

Confidence is very important to a person's success. To be exact, it is the base of success. We cannot succeed without it no matter who you are and where you are.

If a person wants to succeed ,he must have self-confidence .Because he will find his goal and strength if he has confidence. In this case, he won't lose his way to his success. Confidence means that you believe that you can make it. That is a kind of strength and faith. It can guide you to your goal. Only with your confidence can you succeed.

Therefore, in our daily life, we cannot lose our confidence if we want to succeed. Remember to encourage ourselves to go on when we lose confidence. We can also write down some confident and inspiring words where we can find easily in order to remind us to be confident on the way to our dreams. All in all, we almost could do everything better when we have confidence.


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