Part One The Land and the People of the Dreaming
I. The Land
1. The natural environment of Australia
The continent of Australia lies between equatorial South East Asia and the Antarctic. It is the largest island in the world, and is also the smallest, flattest and driest continent in the world.澳大利亚大陆在东南亚和南极之间,他是世界上最大的岛屿,最小最平最干的陆地
2. The distinctive features of the land:独特的地貌
the Great Dividing Range大分水岭and the Herat Barrier Reef. 赫拉特大堡礁
2. The distinctive animals of the land:独特的动物
the platypus(鸭嘴兽), the kangaroo, the koala, the wombat(毛鼻袋熊)
II. The Peoples
1. The Peoples of the Dreaming belong to over 500 different groups or nations with different languages and cultures but they were bound together by their belief in the Dreaming.人们属于超过500的有不同语言和文化的部族或国家,但是他们因为梦里的信念而紧密联系在一起
2. The “Dreamtime” is most often used to refer to the “time before time”, or “the time of the creation of all things”, while “Dreaming” refers to an individual’s or group’s set of beliefs or spirituality.人们经常说开天辟地时期指的是”时间之始”,或者是天地万物被创造出来的那个时间点.而“梦想”是个人或组织坚定神圣的信念
3. It is based on the central principle that people who live on the continent have special responsibilities to the land --- that the land owns them and that they hold it in trust as the home of their creator.
III. The Impact of Colonization。殖民的影响
1. The concept of Terra Nullius: the term is from Latin, which means a land that is owned by no one. The British declared the Australian continent Terra Nullius to justify their invasion of the indigenous people’s land 无主地的概念:这个术语来自拉丁语,意思是不属于某人的土地。英国人宣布澳大利亚的领地是无主地来为他们侵略土著人的土地辩护
2. The impact of colonization on the indigenous people殖民对土著人的影响
(1)the indigenous people were dispossessed of the land they had lived on for tens of thousands of years;土著人被剥夺他们已经居住了几万土地
(2)they were killed in violent skirmishes and massacres;他们在残忍的冲突和屠杀中被杀
(3)they contracted the diseases brought by the white settlers and as a result, their population fell drastically.他们感染定居白人带来的疾病,结果,他们的人口大幅下降
IV. The policies of segregation, exclusion and assimilation隔离,排除,同化的政策
1. By the mid-1800s the government of violence changed to policies of segregation and exclusion. 到18世纪中期,暴力政府颁布隔离和排除的政策
2. By the beginning of the 20th century the policy of protection had been replaced by the policy of assimilation.
It was founded on the belief that the white culture was progressive and superior while the indigenous culture was inferior.到20世纪初,保护政策代替了同化政策。它被认为相信白人文化是侵略的和优等的,而土著文化是次等的
3.The double loss of traditional culture and exclusion from mainstream Australian society and culture led to Aboriginal people being labeled as lazy, stupid and drunken and dirty. 来自澳大利
Part Two Religion in Australia Today今天澳大利亚的宗教
I. The Dreaming:
The Dreaming means that people do not own the land – the land owns the people who have responsibilities of guardianship towards it.梦想意味着人们不用拥有土地—土地拥有着人们,人们对它有守护的责任
II. Protestantism 新教
? It is the most dominant form of religion in modern Australian society. It was the religion of governing colonial class in Australia. 它是现代澳大利亚社会最主要的宗教形式
? It promotes values such as rationalism, individualism, hard work, worldly success and ascetics. 它提升理性主义,个人主义努力工作,世间的成功,禁欲的价值
? Though its values are paradoxical, they fit well with the principles of Capitalism, and support the development of capitalism.虽然它的价值观是自相矛盾的,他和资本主义的原则相适应,支持资本主义的发展
III. Cat holism 天主教
? Australian Cat holism was transported to the colony with the convicts. It has replaced the Anglicanism as the most demographic dominant religious group. 澳大利亚的天主教被罪犯传播到殖民地,他代替英国国教,成为数据统计的最主要的宗教组织
? In the second half of the19th century, the Catholics from Ireland played an important role in establishing the working class culture in Australia and in creating unionism and the political party that represented the working class. 19世纪后半期,爱尔兰来的天主教在建立澳大利亚工人阶级文化和建立一个代表工人阶级的联合的政治团体起到重要作用
IV. Fundamentalism 基要主义运动
? It is basically a commitment to conservatism. It is often found in societies that are undergoing rapid changes, where Fundamentalists want to maintain or create what were the fundamental values of an earlier culture. 他基本上是一个保守主义的一个承诺,他经常被发现在快速发展的社会里,在那基要主义运动想要维持和建立一个早期文化的基础价值观
V. Anglicanism英国国教
? It was the religion of the British colonizers as well as the convicts and free settlers. It was the dominant religion in Australia throughout the 19th and most of the 20th centuries. It has lost its demographic supremacy to Catholicism.它是英国的殖民者,罪犯和自由移民的宗教,它是澳大利亚的主要宗教,贯穿19世纪,几乎20世纪,天主教使他失去他统计数字上的至高地位 VI. Secularism世俗主义
? There is a steady increase in the number of people who have no formal commitment to any religion. Most of the people do not attend church services regularly today.对任何宗教没有正式的忠诚人们在数字上有平稳的增长
? However, Australia still can be seen as a religious society, instead of a secular society, as over three quarters of the Australian population is associated with some form of religion.但是澳大利亚依然被看做是一个宗教国家,因为超过四分之三的澳大利亚人口和各种宗教的宗教有关系 Part Three From Penal Colony to “Free Migration”从流放地到自由移民
I. The beginning of the penal colony 流放地的开端
? 1. The first period of the colonization of Australia, lasting from 1788 to the 1830s, was based
largely on the “unfree” labor of the convicts. 澳大利亚第一阶段的殖民,从1788持续到1830年大多数都基于罪犯中的不免费的劳力
? New South Wales, Tasmania and Queensland were established as convict colonies; Victoria and South Australia, established in 1830s, were settled as “free”, or non-convict, colonies. 新南威尔士,斯塔玛尼亚岛,昆士兰州作为罪犯殖民地被建立;维多利亚州和南澳大利亚1830年建立,作为自由或没罪犯的殖民地
? Western Australia, established in 1828 as a free colony, turned to convict labor in 1850 and became a convict colony for 19 years until 1869.西澳大利亚1828年作为自由殖民地被建立,1850年转向罪犯劳动力,是罪犯殖民地直到19年后的1869年
? Convict partnerships were not the only form of family of this era. There were also “free” families of people who came over with the transported convicts, families of soldiers or administrators of the colony or people who arrived as “free settlers”. 那个时代,罪犯的合作关系不是家庭唯一的形式,也有自由家庭的人们和(运过来的罪犯士兵的家属或殖民地的行政官一起或作为自由定居者到来的)人来这作为自由定居者
II. From convict transportation to “free” migration
? 1. By the early 1820s there was pressure from the majority of the “free’ settlers in NSW to replace convict transportation with “free migration” and to establish a “free market” economy.18世纪20年代早期,有来自新南威尔士的自由定居者的压力,自由移民代替罪犯运输,并建立自由市场经济
2. The 1930s and 1840s formed the early years of the modern (non-convict) system of the Australian Political Economy.19世纪30年代和18世纪40年代建立早期澳大利亚政治经济的现代系统
3. Wakefield Scheme: 维克菲尔德方案
? It was devised by Edward Wakefield, a convict and theorist on colonization, to solve the problem of labor shortage in colonial Australia 它被爱德华 维克菲尔德设计,一个殖民地的囚犯和理论家,来解决殖民的澳大利亚劳工紧缺的问题
? His proposal on the development of colonial Australia was that land should not be freely and cheaply available. 他对于殖民地的澳大利亚的发展的方案是土地不应该以便宜和便宜的价钱得到
? It should be sold at surfeit price to ensure that only men of capital could afford it. The money earned from selling land should be used to assist selected migrants to Australia. 它应该以过量的价钱被卖,来确保只有有钱的人可已支付它,从卖土地挣来的钱应该用于帮助选定的澳大利亚移居者上
? Part Four Australia as a Liberal Democratic Society
? I. Difference as the central value of the Australian society澳大利亚社会不同的中心价值观
? Australians understand and conduct life upon a basic commitment to difference. The emphasis is upon the principle that there are different ways if thinking and knowing about the world: there is neither absolute truth nor one single way to run the country.澳大利亚人基于基本信念来理解和指导生活,走向不同世上没有绝对的真理,也没有唯一的方式来运作国家 II. The formation of Australian political system
1. The “ Washminster ” form of polity: 政府制度的政界形式
? It is a mixture of the U S. Washington system of government and the British Westminster system. This means that the political structure of the government is based on a Federation of State
with a three tier system of government. 它是美国华盛顿政府系统和英国议会系统的混合,它意味着政府的政治结构基于国家联邦的三层政府系统
2. The three-tier system of the Australian government澳大利亚政府的三层系统
? The Australian federation has three tiers in its government system: at the federal level, there are the Australian Parliament and the government. 澳大利亚联邦在其政府系统里有三个层,在联邦这层,有澳大利亚议会和政府
? In the second tier are the state governments and their legislatures. In the third tier are the local government bodies at the city, town and shire levels. 第二层是州政府州政府和其立法机关;第三层是城市,镇,郡级当地政府机构
3. The advantages of the pluralist form of government 政府兼职形式的优点
1) It enables the citizens to exercise their political right to choose their own government;它使市民能够实行他们的政治权利来选择他们自己的政府
2) It secures transparency and accountability of the government;它确保政府的透明度和责任
3) It provides for an alternative government which can competently take over the state affairs should any government collapse;它提供了一个可替换的政府,能胜任的接下州内事务?
4) The citizens can exert their power through major interest groups.市民可以通过主要的兴趣团体施加他们的力量
4. The Constitutional Crisis of 1975 1975年宪法危机
? It was caused by the dismissal of the Whitlam government by the Governor-General, which was elected by people.,人民选举产生的总督免职惠特拉姆政府导致的
? When the Senate refused to pass the Supply Bill granting money for the operation of the government, Sir John Kerr, the Governor- General dismissed the Whitlam government. 当参议院拒绝批准(同意给政府钱来支持其运作的)支援法案,约翰克尔先生,总督解散惠特拉姆政府
? This dismissal was generally interpreted as a flouting of the unmodified conventions of government and caused political and popular animosity.这次免职通常被诠释为政府不可改变的习惯的嘲弄,引起了政治上的和大众的憎恶
5.Whistle-blowers: 实名举报者
They are often experts in both senior and lower levels of bureaucracies. 他们通常对高级或低级水平的官僚制度很熟练They discover in their branch of the organization some problems of corruption and inefficiency and try to expose them.,他们发现在他们组织的分支内关于腐败和低效率的一些问题,并且试着解决他们
6.The relations between Ministers and Heads of Department: 部长和部门领导的关系
? Theoretically speaking, the public servants should be under the authority of the elected ministers 理论上讲大众公仆应该比选出来的部长权利低
? The Minister is responsible for making policies, and the Head of Department is responsible for implementing the policies. 部长对指定法案有责任,并且部门领导对政策执行负责
? As the Head of Department tends to be an expert specialist who has been working in the area for a long time, 因为部门领导试图成为已经工作在一个领域很长时间的专业专家, the minister is often in danger of being influenced by the administrative expertise of the Head of Department.部长经常有被部门领导的专业的行政知识影响的危险
7. Reasons for the increase of the government role in Australian political economy before 1980s: 在19世纪80年代之前,政府在经济上角色加重的原因
? 1) the expansion of education, health and social welfare services; 教育,健康社会,社会福
? 2) the introduction of social security programmes ;社会保险方案的引进
? 3) the increase in government regulations of business and finance and the supply of labor; 政府对商业,财政,劳动力供应上规范的加大
? 4) the introduction of a more complex system of justice and law and order.更为复杂的司法,法律,命令系统的介绍
8. Political economic changes in the shift to economic rationalism在经济理性主义改变的政策经济改变
1) financial regulations;经济规范 2) the privatization and corpora ionization of public service;公共服务的个人化和公司化 3) the end of centralized wage fixing system;集中工资固定系统的终结 4) cuts in the size of the public sector and the sale of public assets 削减公共部门的规格和公共资产的销售
Part Five From Racism to Multiculturalism 从种族主义到多元文化
I. Ethnicity and inequality 种族划分和不平等
1. In mid-19th century migrants were predominantly British, and those who benefited from assisted migration were almost all from Britain. 19世纪中期气门主要是英国人和那些从帮助移民上得到好处的人也绝大多数是来自英国
2. By the 1870s, the Chinese constituted the third largest group in Australia, after the British (including the Irish) and Germans. Chinese migrants were subjected to racism at many levels. (target of physical attacks) 到18世纪70年代,中国人构成澳大利亚第三大群体,在英国和德国之后。中国移民在很多层面上服从种族主义
3. Pacific Islanders experienced a different history of racism in Australia. 太平洋的岛民在澳大利亚经历了种族主义的一个不同的历史, They were kidnapped by the “Blackbirder’s” and sold as indentured laborers to work in the sugar industry.他们被黑奴船拐卖并作为契约劳力被卖,在制糖工厂来工作
? The Pacific Island Laborers Act of 1901 was part of institutional discrimination – the White Australia Policy. 1901年太平洋岛屿劳工法案是制度上歧视的一部分----白色的澳大利亚政策
? 4. The White Australia Policy: it was officially adopted by the Commonwealth of Australia in 1901, 白色的澳大利亚政策;在1901年被澳大利亚联邦官方采用, in the Immigration Restriction Act. It was made to stop Chinese and other non-British migrants from entering and settling down in Australia.在这个殖民限制的法案里,他被制定为禁止中国和其他非英国移民来进入和定居澳大利亚
? This was mainly achieved through a dictation test in a European language. The White Australia Policy was officially abolished in 1973. 他基本上通过一个欧洲语言的听写测试。白色的澳大利亚政策在1973年被官方废止
II. Multiculturalism from 1973 1973年以后的多元文化
? 1. It was adopted in 1973. It was comprised of three areas of policy:(1) Cultural Identity, which means the right to express and share one’s cultural heritage; 它于1973年被官方废止,它包含政策的三个领域:(1)文化身份,它意味着表达和分享一个人文化遗产的权力(2)Social Justice, the right to equal treatment and opportunities; (2)社会公平,平等对待和机会的权利,(3)and Economic Efficiency, the need to maintain and develop the skills of all Australians regardless of their backgrounds.(3)经济效益,所有澳大利亚人提高和维持技术
? 2. Freedom Rides 自由乘车
? In the mid-1960s, an aboriginal university student led a group of white university students to the outback of Australia to demonstrate against racial segregation.19世纪60年代中期土著大学学生带领白人学校学生来澳大利亚内地来抗议种族隔离
? Their activities helped to raise the public awareness of racism and segregation in Australian society, and demonstrated the need for social change他们的活动帮助提高澳大利亚社会公众对种族主义和隔离的关注,证明社会变革的需要
Part One The Country and its People
I. The Canadian Identity 加拿大的定义
1. With an area of nearly 10 million square kilometers, Canada is the second largest country in the world. 拥有接近1000万平方公里的土地,加拿大是世界上第二大国家, It has a population of 31.9 million, and 10 provinces and 3 territories. It was founded in 1867他拥有319万的人口,十个省和三个地区 1867年被发现
2. The first clue as to what makes Canada special is the two official languages of English and French.让加拿大不同的第一个因素就是,两个官方语言:英语和法语
3. Canada is a former colony that traces its history to “the Old Country” --- Great Britain, which gave Canada its political institutions, its territory, its laws, and even its Royal family.加拿大是一个早期殖民地,他有古老国家---英国的痕迹,他给了加拿大政治体系,领土,法律甚至皇室家族
4. Now Canada’s policy is to actively encourage immigration and assist different cultures to maintain their distinctive languages and identities, .现在加拿大的政策很活跃的鼓励移民和帮助不同文化来维持他们各自的语言和特点which means that the forging of a “Canadian” identity that applies to everyone continues to be a major challenge,这就意味着建立加拿大特征对每一个人来说都是一个主要的挑战
II. The North region 北方地区
1. Most of the inhabitants in the north are aboriginal peoples.大多数定居在北方的人是土著人
2. The traditional economy in the north was based on hunting and trapping animals for food and pelts, 北方的传统经济基于打猎和套动物来获取食物和皮毛but now oil and gas deposits are also being developed.,但现在石油和天然气的储存也被提高
III. Prairies大草原
They are called the “breadbasket” of Canada because the land is well-suited to farming, .他们被称作加拿大的古物生产地,应为土地非常适于耕种and wheat is one of the biggest agricultural crops in this area. 小麦是这一地区最主要的农业谷物, The prairies are also rich in energy resources,大草原在自然资源上也很丰富
IV. Central Canada 加拿大中心
1. Central Canada, consisting of Ontario and Quebec, 加拿大中心由安大略湖和魁北克构成 are the parts of the country that were first settled in the early 1600s,是国家的一部分,与16世纪早期首先被建立
2. They are the industrial heartland of the country and are also the most densely populated provinces. 他们是这个国家工业的核心地带,也是人口最密集的省份They have the largest cities like Toronto and Montreal.,他们有最大的城市像多伦多和蒙特利尔
Part Two The Government and Politics of Canada 加拿大政府和政策
? Canada’s political system reflects the two major foreign influences on the historical development of the country: 加拿大的政策系统反应了在这个国家历史发展上的两个主要的外国影响因素, its legacy as a former colony of Britain, and the powerful influence exerted by the US.他作为以前英国的殖民地的遗物和他被美国进入的强有力的影响
? Canadians chose to found a nation based on “peace, order and good government”. 加拿大人选择建立一个基于“平等,秩序和好的政府” In other words, for Canadians, the well-being and liberty of individuals must sometimes be sacrificed for the greater good of the community.换句话说,对加拿大人,个体的安宁和自由有时必须为更好的社会牺牲
? Canadians have liked living in a society which allows a high degree of tolerance of different values and customs as long as the overall good of the community is not disturbed by them.加拿大人喜欢生活在一个允许对不同价值观和习俗高度包含力的社会,只要社会总体的好处不被他们打搅
? Structures of government政府的结构
1. Canada’s system of government is based on the British system of parliamentary democracy. 加拿大的政府系统基于英国的议会制民主系统。 Canada is a monarchy. The official head of state is the Queen, but she is represented by a Governor-General加拿大是君主政体国家的官方首领是女王,但她被一个总督代表.The Canadian parliament is divided into the House of Commons and the Senate.,加拿大的议会分为平民院和参议院The members of the House of Commons (about 300 seats) are elected, ,平民院的成员是被选举出来的whereas the senators are appointed by the Governor-General, who acts upon the recommendation of the Prime minister.,而参议院的成员被总督任命,表现在对首相的建议上
2. The Party that wins the most seats in the House of Commons forms the Government, and the party leader becomes Prime Minister. 在平民院赢得多数席位的政党组成政府,并且它的部分领导变成首相The Cabinet, chosen by the Prime Minister, is made up of senior MPs from the governing party.,内阁,被首相选择,组成主要的来自政府政党的议员
Part Three The Canadian Mosaic马赛克
1. Canada is a nation of immigrants. When Canada is described as a mosaic, it means that the immigrant groups do not have to throw off their old customs, languages and traditions. 加拿大是一个移民国家,当他被描绘为马赛克时,这意味着移民群体不一定要抛弃他们过去的习俗,语言和传统。 There is no particular concept of an overarching Canadian identity.没有一个首要的加拿大特点这一概念
2. Multiculturalism has caused something of a problem in that Canadians often feel they lack a “national identity”. 多文化主义已经引起一些问题,因为加拿大人经常觉得他们缺少一个“国家特点”
3. This patchwork quilt of different nationalities and communities is central to what Canada is: a multicultural, bilingual country where efforts are made to protect, promote and celebrate the ways of the different kinds of people who live there.这个不同国家和团体拼凑的被子是加拿大的中心,一个多文化,双语言国家,一个努力保护,提高,住在这的不同种人得方式 The First Nations
1. The First Nations are the native tribes of aboriginal people who lived in Canada before the European explorers settled. 第一批国家是土著人的当地部落,他们在欧洲探险者定居在加拿大前就住在那了, They were officially referred to as “the First nations” since 1980s because they are the original inhabitants of the country.他们在19世纪80年代后被官方成为第一批国家,因为他们是这个国家最初的居民
2. The Inuit: the Inuit used to be called the Eskimo. 伊特人,过去被叫做爱斯基摩人They are a group of aboriginal people who lived in far north, in the harsh conditions of the arctic climate by hunting seals, whales and other polar animals,他们居住在遥远的北方的土著居民,在严酷的北极气候下,靠猎杀海豹,鲸鱼,和其他极地动物
3. The Metis: they are another group of aboriginal people who emerged when French fur traders married Indian women. 他们是另一种土著人,出现在法国皮毛商人和一点女人结婚后。 In appearance and lifestyle, their children inherited characteristics from both their European and aboriginal backgrounds在表现和生活状态上,他们的孩子遗传了他们欧洲和土著背景的特点
4. The aboriginal peoples are still, as a group, Canada’s poorest inhabitants, with low income, short life expectancy, high infant mortality rate, high vulnerability to diseases like TB, highest suicide rate土著人仍然,作为一个团体,加拿大最穷的居民,低收入,短的生活前景,高婴儿死亡率,对于像TB这样的疾病的高脆弱,高自杀率
III. Immigration
1. Immigration meant importing labor, and even today immigration policy is based on who the country needs to help it prosper. 移民意味着进口劳工,甚至现在的移民政策基于这个国容家需要谁,来帮助它繁荣Immigration policy has traditionally followed the demand of the changing Canadian labor market.,移民政策传统性的跟着这个改变这的国家的劳动市场的需要
2. Another characteristic is that it accepts more readily groups who will more easily fit into the Canadian society. 另一个特点是他接受更容易的团体,那些更容易适应加拿大社会的人These make Canada look hard-headed rather than humanitarian.,这个使得加拿大看起来,而不是人道
3. Immigration Act of 1976: it encouraged Asian immigration, offering passports to those with capital and/or entrepreneurial skills. 1976年移民行动:它鼓励亚洲移民,提供护照给那些有资产,或技术Would-be immigrants with more than $250000 (Cdn) to invest in businesses that will create jobs and wealth were welcomed to settle in Canada.。未来的移民带着250000加币来投资商业,这将增加就业和财富将被欢迎地来固定在加拿大
IV. French Canadians in Quebec魁北克的法裔加拿大人
1. In recent years, many French Canadians feel they should separate from the rest of Canada and become an independent state since they think that their linguistic and cultural heritage is threatened, and that they have been economically dominated by English Canada.最近几年,许多法裔加拿大觉得他们应该从加拿大其他地区分离开来,并且成为一个独立的国家,自从他们认为他们的语言和文化遗产被威胁了,并且他们在经济上已经英裔加拿大人控制了
2. Quebec is a mainly French-speaking province, where French speakers comprise 83% of the population.魁北克是主要的说法语的州,在那说法语的人组成83%的人口
Part Four The Canadian Economy大致看书(简答)
Three factors influencing Canadian economy
? Canada’s physical geography: rich natural resources, the huge size and small population;
? The US has a much more powerful economy and a larger market, so trade has naturally developed across the Can-Am border;
? Canadian federal government has constantly intervened in the development of the country’s resources and infrastructure to try to manage it, rather than allowing market force to play a role. II. The division of Canadian industries
1. Natural resources (primary industries), including agriculture, fishing, forestry and mining, accounted for 10% of Canada’s GDP (1990).
2. Manufacturing (secondary industries), including manufacturing, construction, rtansport and communications, made up 36% of GDP.
3. Service (tertiary) industries, including trade, finance, services and public administration, accounted for nearly 54% of GDP.
V. Natural resources
1. Canada is rich in natural resources: oil, gas, coal, uranium for nuclear power, and water for hydroelectricity.
V. Agriculture
1. 88% of the Canadian landmass is unsuitable for farming, and throughout the country, soil is poor, the growing season is short and the climate is harsh. Despite these, agriculture remains important to Canadian economy.
2. In recent years, Canadian agriculture has been faced with challenges. Agricultural exports have dropped sharply, and it has become cheaper in many cases to import foodstuffs rather than to produce such items domestically.
VI. Manufacturing industries
Canada is mainly an exporter of raw resources and an importer of manufactured goods. But it does have a variety of industries manufacturing products such as paper, technological equipment, automobiles, food, clothing and other goods.
Part Five Canada’s International Relations
Political geography
? Perhaps the major influence on Canada’s participation in the international system is its geography: the world’s longest coastline, vast territory, small population.
? Canada lies between two superpowers --- Russia and the US. Because of its military vulnerability, Canadian policy-makers have had a great interest in promoting peacr and cooperation among nations.
II. Canada-US relations
1. They are two of the most open and interconnected socieites in the world. The sovereignty of the two countries is less formal and concrete.
2. They share a long, undefended border, and they participated in the same military alliance, most notably, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization.
3. They also share long term interests in their economy. And to facilitate economic integration, the two countries established the North American Free Trade Agreement
III. Overseas development programs
1. Canada was a colony, and therefore, it feels that to some extent, it can empathize with the problems countries face when they try to break away from their imperial past and become independent. ( much wealth was taken to Britain)
2. Canada’s economy has been heavily based on the export of raw materials like forestry products, fish, oil and grain. This means that economic well-being has been at the mercy of fluctuating world commodity prices over which Canada has little control.
3. . Canada has been very dominated by the US economy, so shares similar concerns with smaller economies which run the risk of being swallowed up by bigger ones.
4. Canadian policy-makers believe that the best way to ensure its security is to promote peace and security in the international system, so it’s no surprise that it feels it has a special commitment to helping the Third World.
Part One The Land and the People of the Dreaming
I. The Land
1. The natural environment of Australia
The continent of Australia lies between equatorial South East Asia and the Antarctic. It is the largest island in the world, and is also the smallest, flattest and driest continent in the world.澳大利亚大陆在东南亚和南极之间,他是世界上最大的岛屿,最小最平最干的陆地
2. The distinctive features of the land:独特的地貌
the Great Dividing Range大分水岭and the Herat Barrier Reef. 赫拉特大堡礁
2. The distinctive animals of the land:独特的动物
the platypus(鸭嘴兽), the kangaroo, the koala, the wombat(毛鼻袋熊)
II. The Peoples
1. The Peoples of the Dreaming belong to over 500 different groups or nations with different languages and cultures but they were bound together by their belief in the Dreaming.人们属于超过500的有不同语言和文化的部族或国家,但是他们因为梦里的信念而紧密联系在一起
2. The “Dreamtime” is most often used to refer to the “time before time”, or “the time of the creation of all things”, while “Dreaming” refers to an individual’s or group’s set of beliefs or spirituality.人们经常说开天辟地时期指的是”时间之始”,或者是天地万物被创造出来的那个时间点.而“梦想”是个人或组织坚定神圣的信念
3. It is based on the central principle that people who live on the continent have special responsibilities to the land --- that the land owns them and that they hold it in trust as the home of their creator.
III. The Impact of Colonization。殖民的影响
1. The concept of Terra Nullius: the term is from Latin, which means a land that is owned by no one. The British declared the Australian continent Terra Nullius to justify their invasion of the indigenous people’s land 无主地的概念:这个术语来自拉丁语,意思是不属于某人的土地。英国人宣布澳大利亚的领地是无主地来为他们侵略土著人的土地辩护
2. The impact of colonization on the indigenous people殖民对土著人的影响
(1)the indigenous people were dispossessed of the land they had lived on for tens of thousands of years;土著人被剥夺他们已经居住了几万土地
(2)they were killed in violent skirmishes and massacres;他们在残忍的冲突和屠杀中被杀
(3)they contracted the diseases brought by the white settlers and as a result, their population fell drastically.他们感染定居白人带来的疾病,结果,他们的人口大幅下降
IV. The policies of segregation, exclusion and assimilation隔离,排除,同化的政策
1. By the mid-1800s the government of violence changed to policies of segregation and exclusion. 到18世纪中期,暴力政府颁布隔离和排除的政策
2. By the beginning of the 20th century the policy of protection had been replaced by the policy of assimilation.
It was founded on the belief that the white culture was progressive and superior while the indigenous culture was inferior.到20世纪初,保护政策代替了同化政策。它被认为相信白人文化是侵略的和优等的,而土著文化是次等的
3.The double loss of traditional culture and exclusion from mainstream Australian society and culture led to Aboriginal people being labeled as lazy, stupid and drunken and dirty. 来自澳大利
Part Two Religion in Australia Today今天澳大利亚的宗教
I. The Dreaming:
The Dreaming means that people do not own the land – the land owns the people who have responsibilities of guardianship towards it.梦想意味着人们不用拥有土地—土地拥有着人们,人们对它有守护的责任
II. Protestantism 新教
? It is the most dominant form of religion in modern Australian society. It was the religion of governing colonial class in Australia. 它是现代澳大利亚社会最主要的宗教形式
? It promotes values such as rationalism, individualism, hard work, worldly success and ascetics. 它提升理性主义,个人主义努力工作,世间的成功,禁欲的价值
? Though its values are paradoxical, they fit well with the principles of Capitalism, and support the development of capitalism.虽然它的价值观是自相矛盾的,他和资本主义的原则相适应,支持资本主义的发展
III. Cat holism 天主教
? Australian Cat holism was transported to the colony with the convicts. It has replaced the Anglicanism as the most demographic dominant religious group. 澳大利亚的天主教被罪犯传播到殖民地,他代替英国国教,成为数据统计的最主要的宗教组织
? In the second half of the19th century, the Catholics from Ireland played an important role in establishing the working class culture in Australia and in creating unionism and the political party that represented the working class. 19世纪后半期,爱尔兰来的天主教在建立澳大利亚工人阶级文化和建立一个代表工人阶级的联合的政治团体起到重要作用
IV. Fundamentalism 基要主义运动
? It is basically a commitment to conservatism. It is often found in societies that are undergoing rapid changes, where Fundamentalists want to maintain or create what were the fundamental values of an earlier culture. 他基本上是一个保守主义的一个承诺,他经常被发现在快速发展的社会里,在那基要主义运动想要维持和建立一个早期文化的基础价值观
V. Anglicanism英国国教
? It was the religion of the British colonizers as well as the convicts and free settlers. It was the dominant religion in Australia throughout the 19th and most of the 20th centuries. It has lost its demographic supremacy to Catholicism.它是英国的殖民者,罪犯和自由移民的宗教,它是澳大利亚的主要宗教,贯穿19世纪,几乎20世纪,天主教使他失去他统计数字上的至高地位 VI. Secularism世俗主义
? There is a steady increase in the number of people who have no formal commitment to any religion. Most of the people do not attend church services regularly today.对任何宗教没有正式的忠诚人们在数字上有平稳的增长
? However, Australia still can be seen as a religious society, instead of a secular society, as over three quarters of the Australian population is associated with some form of religion.但是澳大利亚依然被看做是一个宗教国家,因为超过四分之三的澳大利亚人口和各种宗教的宗教有关系 Part Three From Penal Colony to “Free Migration”从流放地到自由移民
I. The beginning of the penal colony 流放地的开端
? 1. The first period of the colonization of Australia, lasting from 1788 to the 1830s, was based
largely on the “unfree” labor of the convicts. 澳大利亚第一阶段的殖民,从1788持续到1830年大多数都基于罪犯中的不免费的劳力
? New South Wales, Tasmania and Queensland were established as convict colonies; Victoria and South Australia, established in 1830s, were settled as “free”, or non-convict, colonies. 新南威尔士,斯塔玛尼亚岛,昆士兰州作为罪犯殖民地被建立;维多利亚州和南澳大利亚1830年建立,作为自由或没罪犯的殖民地
? Western Australia, established in 1828 as a free colony, turned to convict labor in 1850 and became a convict colony for 19 years until 1869.西澳大利亚1828年作为自由殖民地被建立,1850年转向罪犯劳动力,是罪犯殖民地直到19年后的1869年
? Convict partnerships were not the only form of family of this era. There were also “free” families of people who came over with the transported convicts, families of soldiers or administrators of the colony or people who arrived as “free settlers”. 那个时代,罪犯的合作关系不是家庭唯一的形式,也有自由家庭的人们和(运过来的罪犯士兵的家属或殖民地的行政官一起或作为自由定居者到来的)人来这作为自由定居者
II. From convict transportation to “free” migration
? 1. By the early 1820s there was pressure from the majority of the “free’ settlers in NSW to replace convict transportation with “free migration” and to establish a “free market” economy.18世纪20年代早期,有来自新南威尔士的自由定居者的压力,自由移民代替罪犯运输,并建立自由市场经济
2. The 1930s and 1840s formed the early years of the modern (non-convict) system of the Australian Political Economy.19世纪30年代和18世纪40年代建立早期澳大利亚政治经济的现代系统
3. Wakefield Scheme: 维克菲尔德方案
? It was devised by Edward Wakefield, a convict and theorist on colonization, to solve the problem of labor shortage in colonial Australia 它被爱德华 维克菲尔德设计,一个殖民地的囚犯和理论家,来解决殖民的澳大利亚劳工紧缺的问题
? His proposal on the development of colonial Australia was that land should not be freely and cheaply available. 他对于殖民地的澳大利亚的发展的方案是土地不应该以便宜和便宜的价钱得到
? It should be sold at surfeit price to ensure that only men of capital could afford it. The money earned from selling land should be used to assist selected migrants to Australia. 它应该以过量的价钱被卖,来确保只有有钱的人可已支付它,从卖土地挣来的钱应该用于帮助选定的澳大利亚移居者上
? Part Four Australia as a Liberal Democratic Society
? I. Difference as the central value of the Australian society澳大利亚社会不同的中心价值观
? Australians understand and conduct life upon a basic commitment to difference. The emphasis is upon the principle that there are different ways if thinking and knowing about the world: there is neither absolute truth nor one single way to run the country.澳大利亚人基于基本信念来理解和指导生活,走向不同世上没有绝对的真理,也没有唯一的方式来运作国家 II. The formation of Australian political system
1. The “ Washminster ” form of polity: 政府制度的政界形式
? It is a mixture of the U S. Washington system of government and the British Westminster system. This means that the political structure of the government is based on a Federation of State
with a three tier system of government. 它是美国华盛顿政府系统和英国议会系统的混合,它意味着政府的政治结构基于国家联邦的三层政府系统
2. The three-tier system of the Australian government澳大利亚政府的三层系统
? The Australian federation has three tiers in its government system: at the federal level, there are the Australian Parliament and the government. 澳大利亚联邦在其政府系统里有三个层,在联邦这层,有澳大利亚议会和政府
? In the second tier are the state governments and their legislatures. In the third tier are the local government bodies at the city, town and shire levels. 第二层是州政府州政府和其立法机关;第三层是城市,镇,郡级当地政府机构
3. The advantages of the pluralist form of government 政府兼职形式的优点
1) It enables the citizens to exercise their political right to choose their own government;它使市民能够实行他们的政治权利来选择他们自己的政府
2) It secures transparency and accountability of the government;它确保政府的透明度和责任
3) It provides for an alternative government which can competently take over the state affairs should any government collapse;它提供了一个可替换的政府,能胜任的接下州内事务?
4) The citizens can exert their power through major interest groups.市民可以通过主要的兴趣团体施加他们的力量
4. The Constitutional Crisis of 1975 1975年宪法危机
? It was caused by the dismissal of the Whitlam government by the Governor-General, which was elected by people.,人民选举产生的总督免职惠特拉姆政府导致的
? When the Senate refused to pass the Supply Bill granting money for the operation of the government, Sir John Kerr, the Governor- General dismissed the Whitlam government. 当参议院拒绝批准(同意给政府钱来支持其运作的)支援法案,约翰克尔先生,总督解散惠特拉姆政府
? This dismissal was generally interpreted as a flouting of the unmodified conventions of government and caused political and popular animosity.这次免职通常被诠释为政府不可改变的习惯的嘲弄,引起了政治上的和大众的憎恶
5.Whistle-blowers: 实名举报者
They are often experts in both senior and lower levels of bureaucracies. 他们通常对高级或低级水平的官僚制度很熟练They discover in their branch of the organization some problems of corruption and inefficiency and try to expose them.,他们发现在他们组织的分支内关于腐败和低效率的一些问题,并且试着解决他们
6.The relations between Ministers and Heads of Department: 部长和部门领导的关系
? Theoretically speaking, the public servants should be under the authority of the elected ministers 理论上讲大众公仆应该比选出来的部长权利低
? The Minister is responsible for making policies, and the Head of Department is responsible for implementing the policies. 部长对指定法案有责任,并且部门领导对政策执行负责
? As the Head of Department tends to be an expert specialist who has been working in the area for a long time, 因为部门领导试图成为已经工作在一个领域很长时间的专业专家, the minister is often in danger of being influenced by the administrative expertise of the Head of Department.部长经常有被部门领导的专业的行政知识影响的危险
7. Reasons for the increase of the government role in Australian political economy before 1980s: 在19世纪80年代之前,政府在经济上角色加重的原因
? 1) the expansion of education, health and social welfare services; 教育,健康社会,社会福
? 2) the introduction of social security programmes ;社会保险方案的引进
? 3) the increase in government regulations of business and finance and the supply of labor; 政府对商业,财政,劳动力供应上规范的加大
? 4) the introduction of a more complex system of justice and law and order.更为复杂的司法,法律,命令系统的介绍
8. Political economic changes in the shift to economic rationalism在经济理性主义改变的政策经济改变
1) financial regulations;经济规范 2) the privatization and corpora ionization of public service;公共服务的个人化和公司化 3) the end of centralized wage fixing system;集中工资固定系统的终结 4) cuts in the size of the public sector and the sale of public assets 削减公共部门的规格和公共资产的销售
Part Five From Racism to Multiculturalism 从种族主义到多元文化
I. Ethnicity and inequality 种族划分和不平等
1. In mid-19th century migrants were predominantly British, and those who benefited from assisted migration were almost all from Britain. 19世纪中期气门主要是英国人和那些从帮助移民上得到好处的人也绝大多数是来自英国
2. By the 1870s, the Chinese constituted the third largest group in Australia, after the British (including the Irish) and Germans. Chinese migrants were subjected to racism at many levels. (target of physical attacks) 到18世纪70年代,中国人构成澳大利亚第三大群体,在英国和德国之后。中国移民在很多层面上服从种族主义
3. Pacific Islanders experienced a different history of racism in Australia. 太平洋的岛民在澳大利亚经历了种族主义的一个不同的历史, They were kidnapped by the “Blackbirder’s” and sold as indentured laborers to work in the sugar industry.他们被黑奴船拐卖并作为契约劳力被卖,在制糖工厂来工作
? The Pacific Island Laborers Act of 1901 was part of institutional discrimination – the White Australia Policy. 1901年太平洋岛屿劳工法案是制度上歧视的一部分----白色的澳大利亚政策
? 4. The White Australia Policy: it was officially adopted by the Commonwealth of Australia in 1901, 白色的澳大利亚政策;在1901年被澳大利亚联邦官方采用, in the Immigration Restriction Act. It was made to stop Chinese and other non-British migrants from entering and settling down in Australia.在这个殖民限制的法案里,他被制定为禁止中国和其他非英国移民来进入和定居澳大利亚
? This was mainly achieved through a dictation test in a European language. The White Australia Policy was officially abolished in 1973. 他基本上通过一个欧洲语言的听写测试。白色的澳大利亚政策在1973年被官方废止
II. Multiculturalism from 1973 1973年以后的多元文化
? 1. It was adopted in 1973. It was comprised of three areas of policy:(1) Cultural Identity, which means the right to express and share one’s cultural heritage; 它于1973年被官方废止,它包含政策的三个领域:(1)文化身份,它意味着表达和分享一个人文化遗产的权力(2)Social Justice, the right to equal treatment and opportunities; (2)社会公平,平等对待和机会的权利,(3)and Economic Efficiency, the need to maintain and develop the skills of all Australians regardless of their backgrounds.(3)经济效益,所有澳大利亚人提高和维持技术
? 2. Freedom Rides 自由乘车
? In the mid-1960s, an aboriginal university student led a group of white university students to the outback of Australia to demonstrate against racial segregation.19世纪60年代中期土著大学学生带领白人学校学生来澳大利亚内地来抗议种族隔离
? Their activities helped to raise the public awareness of racism and segregation in Australian society, and demonstrated the need for social change他们的活动帮助提高澳大利亚社会公众对种族主义和隔离的关注,证明社会变革的需要
Part One The Country and its People
I. The Canadian Identity 加拿大的定义
1. With an area of nearly 10 million square kilometers, Canada is the second largest country in the world. 拥有接近1000万平方公里的土地,加拿大是世界上第二大国家, It has a population of 31.9 million, and 10 provinces and 3 territories. It was founded in 1867他拥有319万的人口,十个省和三个地区 1867年被发现
2. The first clue as to what makes Canada special is the two official languages of English and French.让加拿大不同的第一个因素就是,两个官方语言:英语和法语
3. Canada is a former colony that traces its history to “the Old Country” --- Great Britain, which gave Canada its political institutions, its territory, its laws, and even its Royal family.加拿大是一个早期殖民地,他有古老国家---英国的痕迹,他给了加拿大政治体系,领土,法律甚至皇室家族
4. Now Canada’s policy is to actively encourage immigration and assist different cultures to maintain their distinctive languages and identities, .现在加拿大的政策很活跃的鼓励移民和帮助不同文化来维持他们各自的语言和特点which means that the forging of a “Canadian” identity that applies to everyone continues to be a major challenge,这就意味着建立加拿大特征对每一个人来说都是一个主要的挑战
II. The North region 北方地区
1. Most of the inhabitants in the north are aboriginal peoples.大多数定居在北方的人是土著人
2. The traditional economy in the north was based on hunting and trapping animals for food and pelts, 北方的传统经济基于打猎和套动物来获取食物和皮毛but now oil and gas deposits are also being developed.,但现在石油和天然气的储存也被提高
III. Prairies大草原
They are called the “breadbasket” of Canada because the land is well-suited to farming, .他们被称作加拿大的古物生产地,应为土地非常适于耕种and wheat is one of the biggest agricultural crops in this area. 小麦是这一地区最主要的农业谷物, The prairies are also rich in energy resources,大草原在自然资源上也很丰富
IV. Central Canada 加拿大中心
1. Central Canada, consisting of Ontario and Quebec, 加拿大中心由安大略湖和魁北克构成 are the parts of the country that were first settled in the early 1600s,是国家的一部分,与16世纪早期首先被建立
2. They are the industrial heartland of the country and are also the most densely populated provinces. 他们是这个国家工业的核心地带,也是人口最密集的省份They have the largest cities like Toronto and Montreal.,他们有最大的城市像多伦多和蒙特利尔
Part Two The Government and Politics of Canada 加拿大政府和政策
? Canada’s political system reflects the two major foreign influences on the historical development of the country: 加拿大的政策系统反应了在这个国家历史发展上的两个主要的外国影响因素, its legacy as a former colony of Britain, and the powerful influence exerted by the US.他作为以前英国的殖民地的遗物和他被美国进入的强有力的影响
? Canadians chose to found a nation based on “peace, order and good government”. 加拿大人选择建立一个基于“平等,秩序和好的政府” In other words, for Canadians, the well-being and liberty of individuals must sometimes be sacrificed for the greater good of the community.换句话说,对加拿大人,个体的安宁和自由有时必须为更好的社会牺牲
? Canadians have liked living in a society which allows a high degree of tolerance of different values and customs as long as the overall good of the community is not disturbed by them.加拿大人喜欢生活在一个允许对不同价值观和习俗高度包含力的社会,只要社会总体的好处不被他们打搅
? Structures of government政府的结构
1. Canada’s system of government is based on the British system of parliamentary democracy. 加拿大的政府系统基于英国的议会制民主系统。 Canada is a monarchy. The official head of state is the Queen, but she is represented by a Governor-General加拿大是君主政体国家的官方首领是女王,但她被一个总督代表.The Canadian parliament is divided into the House of Commons and the Senate.,加拿大的议会分为平民院和参议院The members of the House of Commons (about 300 seats) are elected, ,平民院的成员是被选举出来的whereas the senators are appointed by the Governor-General, who acts upon the recommendation of the Prime minister.,而参议院的成员被总督任命,表现在对首相的建议上
2. The Party that wins the most seats in the House of Commons forms the Government, and the party leader becomes Prime Minister. 在平民院赢得多数席位的政党组成政府,并且它的部分领导变成首相The Cabinet, chosen by the Prime Minister, is made up of senior MPs from the governing party.,内阁,被首相选择,组成主要的来自政府政党的议员
Part Three The Canadian Mosaic马赛克
1. Canada is a nation of immigrants. When Canada is described as a mosaic, it means that the immigrant groups do not have to throw off their old customs, languages and traditions. 加拿大是一个移民国家,当他被描绘为马赛克时,这意味着移民群体不一定要抛弃他们过去的习俗,语言和传统。 There is no particular concept of an overarching Canadian identity.没有一个首要的加拿大特点这一概念
2. Multiculturalism has caused something of a problem in that Canadians often feel they lack a “national identity”. 多文化主义已经引起一些问题,因为加拿大人经常觉得他们缺少一个“国家特点”
3. This patchwork quilt of different nationalities and communities is central to what Canada is: a multicultural, bilingual country where efforts are made to protect, promote and celebrate the ways of the different kinds of people who live there.这个不同国家和团体拼凑的被子是加拿大的中心,一个多文化,双语言国家,一个努力保护,提高,住在这的不同种人得方式 The First Nations
1. The First Nations are the native tribes of aboriginal people who lived in Canada before the European explorers settled. 第一批国家是土著人的当地部落,他们在欧洲探险者定居在加拿大前就住在那了, They were officially referred to as “the First nations” since 1980s because they are the original inhabitants of the country.他们在19世纪80年代后被官方成为第一批国家,因为他们是这个国家最初的居民
2. The Inuit: the Inuit used to be called the Eskimo. 伊特人,过去被叫做爱斯基摩人They are a group of aboriginal people who lived in far north, in the harsh conditions of the arctic climate by hunting seals, whales and other polar animals,他们居住在遥远的北方的土著居民,在严酷的北极气候下,靠猎杀海豹,鲸鱼,和其他极地动物
3. The Metis: they are another group of aboriginal people who emerged when French fur traders married Indian women. 他们是另一种土著人,出现在法国皮毛商人和一点女人结婚后。 In appearance and lifestyle, their children inherited characteristics from both their European and aboriginal backgrounds在表现和生活状态上,他们的孩子遗传了他们欧洲和土著背景的特点
4. The aboriginal peoples are still, as a group, Canada’s poorest inhabitants, with low income, short life expectancy, high infant mortality rate, high vulnerability to diseases like TB, highest suicide rate土著人仍然,作为一个团体,加拿大最穷的居民,低收入,短的生活前景,高婴儿死亡率,对于像TB这样的疾病的高脆弱,高自杀率
III. Immigration
1. Immigration meant importing labor, and even today immigration policy is based on who the country needs to help it prosper. 移民意味着进口劳工,甚至现在的移民政策基于这个国容家需要谁,来帮助它繁荣Immigration policy has traditionally followed the demand of the changing Canadian labor market.,移民政策传统性的跟着这个改变这的国家的劳动市场的需要
2. Another characteristic is that it accepts more readily groups who will more easily fit into the Canadian society. 另一个特点是他接受更容易的团体,那些更容易适应加拿大社会的人These make Canada look hard-headed rather than humanitarian.,这个使得加拿大看起来,而不是人道
3. Immigration Act of 1976: it encouraged Asian immigration, offering passports to those with capital and/or entrepreneurial skills. 1976年移民行动:它鼓励亚洲移民,提供护照给那些有资产,或技术Would-be immigrants with more than $250000 (Cdn) to invest in businesses that will create jobs and wealth were welcomed to settle in Canada.。未来的移民带着250000加币来投资商业,这将增加就业和财富将被欢迎地来固定在加拿大
IV. French Canadians in Quebec魁北克的法裔加拿大人
1. In recent years, many French Canadians feel they should separate from the rest of Canada and become an independent state since they think that their linguistic and cultural heritage is threatened, and that they have been economically dominated by English Canada.最近几年,许多法裔加拿大觉得他们应该从加拿大其他地区分离开来,并且成为一个独立的国家,自从他们认为他们的语言和文化遗产被威胁了,并且他们在经济上已经英裔加拿大人控制了
2. Quebec is a mainly French-speaking province, where French speakers comprise 83% of the population.魁北克是主要的说法语的州,在那说法语的人组成83%的人口
Part Four The Canadian Economy大致看书(简答)
Three factors influencing Canadian economy
? Canada’s physical geography: rich natural resources, the huge size and small population;
? The US has a much more powerful economy and a larger market, so trade has naturally developed across the Can-Am border;
? Canadian federal government has constantly intervened in the development of the country’s resources and infrastructure to try to manage it, rather than allowing market force to play a role. II. The division of Canadian industries
1. Natural resources (primary industries), including agriculture, fishing, forestry and mining, accounted for 10% of Canada’s GDP (1990).
2. Manufacturing (secondary industries), including manufacturing, construction, rtansport and communications, made up 36% of GDP.
3. Service (tertiary) industries, including trade, finance, services and public administration, accounted for nearly 54% of GDP.
V. Natural resources
1. Canada is rich in natural resources: oil, gas, coal, uranium for nuclear power, and water for hydroelectricity.
V. Agriculture
1. 88% of the Canadian landmass is unsuitable for farming, and throughout the country, soil is poor, the growing season is short and the climate is harsh. Despite these, agriculture remains important to Canadian economy.
2. In recent years, Canadian agriculture has been faced with challenges. Agricultural exports have dropped sharply, and it has become cheaper in many cases to import foodstuffs rather than to produce such items domestically.
VI. Manufacturing industries
Canada is mainly an exporter of raw resources and an importer of manufactured goods. But it does have a variety of industries manufacturing products such as paper, technological equipment, automobiles, food, clothing and other goods.
Part Five Canada’s International Relations
Political geography
? Perhaps the major influence on Canada’s participation in the international system is its geography: the world’s longest coastline, vast territory, small population.
? Canada lies between two superpowers --- Russia and the US. Because of its military vulnerability, Canadian policy-makers have had a great interest in promoting peacr and cooperation among nations.
II. Canada-US relations
1. They are two of the most open and interconnected socieites in the world. The sovereignty of the two countries is less formal and concrete.
2. They share a long, undefended border, and they participated in the same military alliance, most notably, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization.
3. They also share long term interests in their economy. And to facilitate economic integration, the two countries established the North American Free Trade Agreement
III. Overseas development programs
1. Canada was a colony, and therefore, it feels that to some extent, it can empathize with the problems countries face when they try to break away from their imperial past and become independent. ( much wealth was taken to Britain)
2. Canada’s economy has been heavily based on the export of raw materials like forestry products, fish, oil and grain. This means that economic well-being has been at the mercy of fluctuating world commodity prices over which Canada has little control.
3. . Canada has been very dominated by the US economy, so shares similar concerns with smaller economies which run the risk of being swallowed up by bigger ones.
4. Canadian policy-makers believe that the best way to ensure its security is to promote peace and security in the international system, so it’s no surprise that it feels it has a special commitment to helping the Third World.