

1. babe in the woods:初出茅庐的人

She was a real babe in the woods and had a little knowledge.

2. Like father, like son. 有其父必有其子

Like father, like son. John was expected to be a doctor by his family.

3. money talks:金钱万能

His promotion proves that money talks.

4. back out:出尔反尔

She promised to buy me a car, but backed out.

5. dog-eat-dog:竞争激烈

We are facing a dog-eat-dog society.


1. That baby doll has many followers. It might be a ( dog-eat-dog

I've decided to go out of it.

2. —— Money doesn't work to everything.

—— But I believe ( money talks ).

3. He (backed out ) on purpose this time.

4. Don't shout at the ( babe in the woods ).

5. —— He's a pain in the neck.

—— ( Like father, like son ).


have a little knowledge :一知半解

promotion :晋升

baby doll :漂亮的女子

follower :追随者

on purpose :故意

a pain in the neck:伤脑筋的、使人头疼的人或事

) game.

《成长的烦恼》 听力练习

Carol: Dad, what are you still doing awake?

Jason: Well, I just have something here I think you might be ---1-- in.

Carol: Not another song by Gary Pucket and the Union Gap?

Jason: No, why do you say that?

Carol: Because every time you get out the old tape recorder, it's to play some terrible old song.

Jason: Well Gary Pucket ---2--- be an artist. And that's not what this is about. Carol: I still have a lot of studying to do dad.

Jason: Well just listen when you have a chance. Listen. It's a blast from the past. 1971. Carol: It is Gary Pucket. (puts tape on)

Tape: (heavy breathing)

Doctor: You're in the way Mr Seaver.

Jason: I’m: a doctor

Doctor: So am I and you're still in the way.

Jason: Come on honey. One more ---3---

Maggie: Sure, where else am I going to go

Jason: Come on. One, two, three and push!

Maggie: Ooooh!

Doctor: Here it comes.

Jason: I see him Maggie. Just a little more.

Maggie: Ahhhhhh!

(sound of baby crying)

Jason: Wow. Just look at him. Her.

Maggie: Oh honey

Jason: Her. It's a her!

Maggie: We have a daughter!

Jason: Hello Alexis.

Maggie: Not Alexis.

Jason: But we agreed on ..

Maggie: But that's when I thought it would be a boy.

Jason: Nurse, well ah, we..

Maggie: Oh isn't she beautiful Jason? I don't care what we call it. This is the happiest day of my life.

Jason: She looks like you.

Maggie: Where is she going to go to college?

Jason: Before we decide on a college, shouldn't we give her a name?

Maggie: Well Jason, maybe Carol won't go to college.

Jason: Carol?

Maggie: I've always liked that name. Do you?

Jason: Well, uh..

Maggie: Oh I don't care what she wants to do, just as long as she's as happy as I am right now. Jason: Carol it is then.

Maggie: Oh Jason, I love you.

(Baby crying)




Chinese Style --His body is healthy.

American Style -- He is in good health. / He's healthy.




Chinese Style --His house was struck by thunder last night.

American Style --His house was struck by lightning last night.

打雷了,这个所谓的雷其实是声音。被雷劈了,这个所谓的雷其实是光,也就是闪电。不是有句成语吗?电闪雷鸣。如果有人主持勿讲美国式汉语的话,我就可以出题:His house was struck by lightning last night.估计绝大多数老美会说被闪电劈,而不是被雷劈。


1. babe in the woods:初出茅庐的人

She was a real babe in the woods and had a little knowledge.

2. Like father, like son. 有其父必有其子

Like father, like son. John was expected to be a doctor by his family.

3. money talks:金钱万能

His promotion proves that money talks.

4. back out:出尔反尔

She promised to buy me a car, but backed out.

5. dog-eat-dog:竞争激烈

We are facing a dog-eat-dog society.


1. That baby doll has many followers. It might be a ( dog-eat-dog

I've decided to go out of it.

2. —— Money doesn't work to everything.

—— But I believe ( money talks ).

3. He (backed out ) on purpose this time.

4. Don't shout at the ( babe in the woods ).

5. —— He's a pain in the neck.

—— ( Like father, like son ).


have a little knowledge :一知半解

promotion :晋升

baby doll :漂亮的女子

follower :追随者

on purpose :故意

a pain in the neck:伤脑筋的、使人头疼的人或事

) game.

《成长的烦恼》 听力练习

Carol: Dad, what are you still doing awake?

Jason: Well, I just have something here I think you might be ---1-- in.

Carol: Not another song by Gary Pucket and the Union Gap?

Jason: No, why do you say that?

Carol: Because every time you get out the old tape recorder, it's to play some terrible old song.

Jason: Well Gary Pucket ---2--- be an artist. And that's not what this is about. Carol: I still have a lot of studying to do dad.

Jason: Well just listen when you have a chance. Listen. It's a blast from the past. 1971. Carol: It is Gary Pucket. (puts tape on)

Tape: (heavy breathing)

Doctor: You're in the way Mr Seaver.

Jason: I’m: a doctor

Doctor: So am I and you're still in the way.

Jason: Come on honey. One more ---3---

Maggie: Sure, where else am I going to go

Jason: Come on. One, two, three and push!

Maggie: Ooooh!

Doctor: Here it comes.

Jason: I see him Maggie. Just a little more.

Maggie: Ahhhhhh!

(sound of baby crying)

Jason: Wow. Just look at him. Her.

Maggie: Oh honey

Jason: Her. It's a her!

Maggie: We have a daughter!

Jason: Hello Alexis.

Maggie: Not Alexis.

Jason: But we agreed on ..

Maggie: But that's when I thought it would be a boy.

Jason: Nurse, well ah, we..

Maggie: Oh isn't she beautiful Jason? I don't care what we call it. This is the happiest day of my life.

Jason: She looks like you.

Maggie: Where is she going to go to college?

Jason: Before we decide on a college, shouldn't we give her a name?

Maggie: Well Jason, maybe Carol won't go to college.

Jason: Carol?

Maggie: I've always liked that name. Do you?

Jason: Well, uh..

Maggie: Oh I don't care what she wants to do, just as long as she's as happy as I am right now. Jason: Carol it is then.

Maggie: Oh Jason, I love you.

(Baby crying)




Chinese Style --His body is healthy.

American Style -- He is in good health. / He's healthy.




Chinese Style --His house was struck by thunder last night.

American Style --His house was struck by lightning last night.

打雷了,这个所谓的雷其实是声音。被雷劈了,这个所谓的雷其实是光,也就是闪电。不是有句成语吗?电闪雷鸣。如果有人主持勿讲美国式汉语的话,我就可以出题:His house was struck by lightning last night.估计绝大多数老美会说被闪电劈,而不是被雷劈。


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