

B:hi you look so tired ,are you all right

A:,yeah just a little nervous ,lt is an interview this afternoon , I’ve been prepared all night but I’m still not sure ,you know.

B:dont worry , relax

A:oh hold on ,you have got two good offers ,can you give some tips?

B:yeah my pleasure. An adequate preparation is essential to ensure a successful job interview. Have you already known well about the company and the position?

A:yeah , i have prepared for a while, and have found out as much as i can about the company and the job I’m applying for.

B:nice , you should understand the basics of the company ’s products, services, policies, and growth potential. Besides, prepare to answer questions that usually arise during an interview. Before the interview, jot down about ten questions you think might be asked by the interviewer. A:good idea! Thinking about different questions can not only help me during the interview, but can help me to think about what you really want from a job.

B:Oh, What’s more, it is also very important that you should dress decently. Take pride in the way you look; you are going to a professional appointment, not to visit friends. It is essential that you should be clean and neat. Because most businesses are conservative, you should dress conservatively.

A: can I wear this?

B: Too casual.

A:OK, I will change it

B: Last but not least :Don’t be late, Plan to be at the interview at least fifteen minutes before the scheduled appointment. You won't want to miss your interview because you were unable to find a parking place or because you stepped out of the elevator on the wrong floor.

A:WOW , I have got so much to do !

B:Don’t worry,Be calm. Show the interviewer that you know exactly what job you would like to have.

A:ok ,i will try my best

B:you can do it

A:Thank you ,i own you one

B:You are welcome ,good luck


B:hi you look so tired ,are you all right

A:,yeah just a little nervous ,lt is an interview this afternoon , I’ve been prepared all night but I’m still not sure ,you know.

B:dont worry , relax

A:oh hold on ,you have got two good offers ,can you give some tips?

B:yeah my pleasure. An adequate preparation is essential to ensure a successful job interview. Have you already known well about the company and the position?

A:yeah , i have prepared for a while, and have found out as much as i can about the company and the job I’m applying for.

B:nice , you should understand the basics of the company ’s products, services, policies, and growth potential. Besides, prepare to answer questions that usually arise during an interview. Before the interview, jot down about ten questions you think might be asked by the interviewer. A:good idea! Thinking about different questions can not only help me during the interview, but can help me to think about what you really want from a job.

B:Oh, What’s more, it is also very important that you should dress decently. Take pride in the way you look; you are going to a professional appointment, not to visit friends. It is essential that you should be clean and neat. Because most businesses are conservative, you should dress conservatively.

A: can I wear this?

B: Too casual.

A:OK, I will change it

B: Last but not least :Don’t be late, Plan to be at the interview at least fifteen minutes before the scheduled appointment. You won't want to miss your interview because you were unable to find a parking place or because you stepped out of the elevator on the wrong floor.

A:WOW , I have got so much to do !

B:Don’t worry,Be calm. Show the interviewer that you know exactly what job you would like to have.

A:ok ,i will try my best

B:you can do it

A:Thank you ,i own you one

B:You are welcome ,good luck


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