By Zoher Abdoolcarim Thursday, Nov. 10, 2011《时代》杂志2011年11月10日特别报道
I saw the Indian hit movie 3 Idiots recently in an unusual location: a cineplex in Hong Kong. Very rarely do Bollywood flicks make the city's commercial circuit — the conventional wisdom holds that they do not appeal to local audiences. Yet my Sunday morning matinee was 80% filled, mostly with Chinese of all ages. Some took the movie at face value: the zany antics of Indian college kids. But the majority of viewers, it seemed to me, got the universal moral about breaking free from social straitjackets. They laughed when they were meant to, and didn't when they weren't. While the foreign 3 Idiots was a box-office monster, 1911, a China-backed war docudrama starring hometown celebrity Jackie Chan, bombed. Go figure: India 1, China 0. 我看了印度大片《三傻大闹宝莱坞》,是在一个非同寻常的地方看的:一间香港电影院。按常理,普遍认为港人对印度片没兴趣,所以宝莱坞电影极少打入香港商业院线。但礼拜天我去赶了个早场,上座率竟有八成,大多是华人,什么年纪的都有。有的观众就为图个热闹,浅触皮毛,只看到了片中三个印度大学生的滑稽搞笑;但我觉得大多数观众都领会了影片所表现的普世寓意:冲破社会禁锢,争取自由。我觉得这些观众都笑到了点子上,也晓得在什么时候应该严肃安静,他们是真正看懂了的。《三傻大闹宝莱坞》这部外国片票房狂好,而同时本土国际巨星成龙主演的文献大片《辛亥革命》却票房狂泻。你自己算吧:印度对中国,1比0。2
Introducing India's 3 Idiots to a Chinese audience won't make the cut of epic attempts to break down barriers between cultures. But it does tap into a spreading consciousness that China and India and their people share a special place among today's nations — a tandem locomotive pulling the global economy while much of the rest of the world is a train wreck. You've heard the drumbeat: stupendous growth rates; ever richer consumers; geopolitical clout — a new order trumpeted by mega-events and extravagant slogans like the 2008 Summer Olympics in Beijing and "Incredible India" at Davos. "The rise of India and China," writes Robyn Meredith in her seminal book, The Elephant and the Dragon, "has caused the entire earth's economic and political landscape to shift before our eyes." Indian politician Jairam Ramesh sums up the phenomenon in a neologism: Chindia. 将印度《三傻》介绍给中国观众是个很好的尝试,但还没有达到“打破文化壁垒”的史诗级别。然而,这的确深刻触及了某种广泛蔓延的认知:中、印及两国人民在当今世界舞台上共同占据了独特一席,他们是拉动世界经济的双头火车,而其他国家的经济却只是火车残骸。火车即将驶出站台,你已经听见了汽笛的声音:急剧增长的各种数率、越来越富裕的消费群,还有地缘政治影响力——新秩序的号角已然吹响,诸如北京奥运这样大型的活动,或达沃斯论坛上所谓“不可思议的印度”这样夸张的口号,全都是证据。“中国和印度之崛起”,罗萍·梅瑞狄斯在她极富影响力的著作《龙与象》中写道,“已让我们看到全世界经济及政治版图的转变。”【注一】而印度政治家扎拉姆·拉梅什则造了一个新词总结这个现象:Chindia——“中印”。
(Graphic: How the Giants Measure Up.) (这里有一张图,比较了中、印两国间的人口、文盲率、网民数量、外汇储备、黄金储备、进出口量、通胀率、军费开支占国民生产总值比例等多项数据。)(点击这里,认领此篇原文开始翻译)
With Western economies reeling, the world is looking especially to China and India as saviors — whether it's buying Italian bonds or Italian bags. The E.U. is even begging Beijing to help bail out its euro-zone bailout fund. But that's only one side of the coin. There's a duality to China and India, a blend of reality and myth, internally as well as between them. China and India have an arabesque relationship. These two giants on the cusp of superpower-hood are more rivals than partners. Despite their achievements, they face enormous challenges. And though they add up to nearly 40% of the world's 7 billion population, they still live pretty much in parallel universes. Chinese and Indians, writes Indian journalist Pallavi Aiyar in her perceptive book, Smoke and Mirrors: An Experience of China, are "largely culturally untranslatable to each other." 西方经济步履维艰,全世界都特别把中国和印度看作是大救星——买意大利国债或意大利皮包都行。欧盟甚至乞求中国政府慷慨解囊,为欧元区提供救助资金。然而,这只是硬币的一面;无论中印内部还是中印之间,都存在两面性——现实与疑惑混在一起。中印关系盘根错节,这两个处在权力尖端的超级巨头,与其说是搭档,不如说是对手。尽管两国成就斐然,但却面临着巨大的挑战。同时,虽然两国人口占全世界70亿人口的40%,却各行其是,几乎就像活在平行宇宙一般。中国人和印度人——正如印度记者帕拉维·艾雅尔在她视角敏锐的新书《烟与镜:亲历中国》中所述:“文化上的鸿沟无法跨越,互不可译。”【注二】
Rivals or Allies?是对手?还是盟友?
As a Gujarati born, raised and living in overwhelmingly Cantonese Hong Kong — both tribes are brash and materialistic — I have long been privy to what local Chinese and Indians think of the other. It used to be downright ugly. Perceptions and attitudes, liberally spiced with racial epithets, went broadly like this: to the Chinese, the Indians were poor, superstitious and dirty; to the Indians, the Chinese were crass, godless — and dirty. Hong Kong is no microcosm of Chindia, but it reflects how, just as China and India have changed, so have the stereotypes. If before I were assumed by the Chinese to be someone's chauffeur, now I am a tech entrepreneur or investment banker. Local Indians see China afresh too, but often in just two superficial dimensions: wealth and might. My 17-year-old son's peers are only half-joking when they tell him that, because he is half Chinese, half Indian, he has it made.
(See photos of the making of modern India.) (点击这里,欣赏一组印度重大历史事件图片集锦。)(点击这里,认领此篇原文开始翻译)
If only it were that simple. In her book, Meredith quotes Indian tycoon Ratan Tata saying, "China is the factory of the world; India can be the knowledge center of this region ... If we orient ourselves to working together, we could be a formidable force of two nations." That's ambitious — and perhaps unrealistic. China and India were once soul mates — through the migration of Buddhism some 2,000 years ago. Later, the Indian monk Bodhidharma traveled to China to spread the message of Zen. Prominent Chinese went the other way: the devout pilgrim Xuanzang, later immortalized in the classic Ming novel Journey to the West, and the great explorer Admiral Zheng He. It was a time of mutual discovery. By the 17th century, the Middle Kingdom and the subcontinent were the planet's trading powers. They then got caught up in their own worlds of feudalism and colonialism — a decaying dynasty in China, the British Raj in India — followed by decades of serial revolution and fervent socialism. Modern relations between the two countries were marked mostly by suspicion — and the occasional border war. 要真这么简单,就好了。梅瑞狄斯在《龙与象》中援引印度企业大亨拉丹·塔塔的话:“中国是世界工厂,印度则可看作亚洲地区的知识中心……如果我们携手合作,两股绳拧成一股,势不可挡。”多么雄心勃勃!然而却不太可能实现。大约两千年前印度佛教传入中国,中印两国曾是精神伴侣,心有灵犀。之后,印度僧人菩提达摩到中国传播禅宗教义;杰出华人则前往印度:虔诚的信徒玄奘取经,以至于后来在明代小说《西游记》中被神化,还有了不起的航海家郑和大将军……那是一个相互发现、互相学习的时代。到17世纪,神州大地和印巴次大陆成为这颗星球上的贸易列强。后来,两国又都沦为了殖民地,亦饱受封建主义之苦——中国经历了一个衰败的清朝,印度则迎来了一位英国籍的女皇。接下来,是数十年此起彼伏的革命,还有沸沸扬扬的社会主义运动。两国现代关系的亮点则主要都是相互猜忌——以及时不时来上一场的边界战争。
See photos of China's great 2011 migration. (点击这里,欣赏一组中国2011年春运照片。)(点击这里,认领此篇原文开始翻译)
The contemporary period is friendlier, yet tensions are never far from the surface. Even as both governments speak of peace and prosperity, China is establishing a "string of pearls" in the Indian Ocean, unsettling New Delhi, and India is talking oil and gas exploration in the South China Sea, angering Beijing. More to the point, the close economic ties between nations that often prevent conflict do not sufficiently exist between China and India. Chinese investment in India is about 0.05% of its worldwide total, while Indian FDI in China is so low that it does not appear on many charts. Bilateral trade is growing (especially Chinese exports to India), but it's still a small proportion of their global total. Given their size and footprint, the two are nowhere as connected as they should be. Astonishingly, just a few of the two countries' cities have direct flights.
Houses in Order各归其位、各得其所
Before they rescue the world, china and India need to fix their own economies and societies. They are beset by some grim news. Growth is slowing, though in China's case that helps cool an overheated economy. In both countries, exports are sliding, inflation is at painful levels, income inequality is reaching chasm proportions, and injustices like land grabs are sparking widespread protests. Cronyism is a scourge. The two have lifted countless millions out of poverty (though China has done a better job), but countless other millions — youths, workers, farmers — remain marginalized and desperate for decent livelihoods. While China doesn't follow the rules, India has too many rules to follow. China is, if not at a tipping point, certainly at an inflection, struggling to contain asset bubbles and bad loans and to rebalance its economy away from state-directed investment to consumer-led growth. India's reputation, meanwhile, has been so dented by corruption that the country's top corporations have hired U.S. consultancy Bain to craft a "Credible India" campaign. Good luck.
(See photos of China's 90 years of communism.) (点击这里,欣赏中国共产党建党九十周年纪念庆祝活动图集。)(点击这里,认领此篇原文开始翻译)
Perception vs. Reality“感知”对“现实”
At least India can count on a better image worldwide than China. Westerners in particular see the pair through a romantic and ideological prism. India is Gandhi, yoga, eat-pray-love. A gentle elephant; an exporter not of unfairly underpriced goods but articulate and urbane CEOs as at home in New York City as in Mumbai. China is "gutter oil"; the country you love to hate. Fiery dragon rather than cuddly panda. Mercantilist, rapacious, threatening; resented even as it is wooed.
There are two reasons for this dichotomy: Beijing's profile and swagger are bigger than New Delhi's, allowing India to escape the same scrutiny; and India is a democracy while China is an authoritarian state. All year, Beijing's leaders have systematically cracked down on political dissent and cyberspace activity; they would not have tolerated, for example, the Indian summer of anticorruption protests in New Delhi. (Remember Tiananmen?) Yet the hard truth is that India is not as free as it's made out to be. Democracy does not necessarily result in good governance. India's institutions are weak, human-rights abuses are not unknown, and money and power often buy impunity. "India's poor [have] a vote," writes author Aiyar, "but this [does] not always equal a voice." India even has its own Tibet: I don't mean Dharamsala but Kashmir. 两个国家天差地别,两个原因:一、北京高调,其招摇傲慢较之新德里更甚,于是印度得以免受同样的苛责;二、印度是民主政府,而中国独裁专制。
Whose economic path, China's or India's — essentially, state capitalism vs. private enterprise — is sustainable? Which society is more durable? Which nation has a stronger sense of destiny? The entire planet wants and needs to know. In the following pages, TIME's Bill Powell and Michael Schuman face off to argue the case, respectively, for China and India as to whose template of change will prevail. It's not easy to pinpoint the killer app. But given a year of restless populaces worldwide, the winner may be the one providing the greater justice and dignity to the most people. On that score, it's still China 0, India 0.
See photos of Indians protesting the arrest of Anna Hazare. (点击这里欣赏图集:印度著名社会活动家、反腐斗士阿纳·赫扎雷被捕后,印度人民抗议示威。)(点击这里,认领此篇原文开始翻译)
【注一】《龙与象》,英文原名 The Elephant and the Dragon: The Rise of India and China and What It Means for All of Us ,作者 Robyn Meredith 。副标题“中国与印度之崛起及其对我们的意义”。台译《龙与象:中国印度崛起的全球衝击》。作者在书中颠覆美国一般见解,主张美国不应害怕中、印两国崛起的经济实力。作者指出,印度作为世界后勤办公室于2003年接手了从美国转移出的一千万个白领工作机会。同时,美国身为世界大买家、中国身为世界工厂,两国分别是全球第一、第四(目前中国已跃居第二)大经济体,并将于2015年达到同等地位。虽然美国政客指责中国产品,但作者认为,美国人民因为人民币极低的币值占尽了便宜,美国企业也靠中国生产的廉价商品大肆获利。作者还观察到,美国对外每花一美元,创造的财富将近两美元,但其中有33美分会回馈到美国。
【注二】《烟与镜:亲历中国》,英文原名 Smoke and Mirrors: An Experience of China ,作者 Pallavi Aiyar 。该书作者是《印度教徒报》常驻北京的记者。经过五年认真观察后,作者写下了她眼里的中国,并因此获得印度普莱姆·巴提亚最佳新闻成就奖。书名“烟雾和镜子”是一个印度谚语,之所以用作书名,据作者介绍,是因为“中国是一个非常复杂的国家,没有人能真正的了解她,就像你走进一个摆满镜子和充满烟雾的房间,很快就会迷失。”作者认为,很多人对于中国的了解仅仅流于表面,虽然他们以为自己很了解中国,但其实他们并未触及真相。
By Zoher Abdoolcarim Thursday, Nov. 10, 2011《时代》杂志2011年11月10日特别报道
I saw the Indian hit movie 3 Idiots recently in an unusual location: a cineplex in Hong Kong. Very rarely do Bollywood flicks make the city's commercial circuit — the conventional wisdom holds that they do not appeal to local audiences. Yet my Sunday morning matinee was 80% filled, mostly with Chinese of all ages. Some took the movie at face value: the zany antics of Indian college kids. But the majority of viewers, it seemed to me, got the universal moral about breaking free from social straitjackets. They laughed when they were meant to, and didn't when they weren't. While the foreign 3 Idiots was a box-office monster, 1911, a China-backed war docudrama starring hometown celebrity Jackie Chan, bombed. Go figure: India 1, China 0. 我看了印度大片《三傻大闹宝莱坞》,是在一个非同寻常的地方看的:一间香港电影院。按常理,普遍认为港人对印度片没兴趣,所以宝莱坞电影极少打入香港商业院线。但礼拜天我去赶了个早场,上座率竟有八成,大多是华人,什么年纪的都有。有的观众就为图个热闹,浅触皮毛,只看到了片中三个印度大学生的滑稽搞笑;但我觉得大多数观众都领会了影片所表现的普世寓意:冲破社会禁锢,争取自由。我觉得这些观众都笑到了点子上,也晓得在什么时候应该严肃安静,他们是真正看懂了的。《三傻大闹宝莱坞》这部外国片票房狂好,而同时本土国际巨星成龙主演的文献大片《辛亥革命》却票房狂泻。你自己算吧:印度对中国,1比0。2
Introducing India's 3 Idiots to a Chinese audience won't make the cut of epic attempts to break down barriers between cultures. But it does tap into a spreading consciousness that China and India and their people share a special place among today's nations — a tandem locomotive pulling the global economy while much of the rest of the world is a train wreck. You've heard the drumbeat: stupendous growth rates; ever richer consumers; geopolitical clout — a new order trumpeted by mega-events and extravagant slogans like the 2008 Summer Olympics in Beijing and "Incredible India" at Davos. "The rise of India and China," writes Robyn Meredith in her seminal book, The Elephant and the Dragon, "has caused the entire earth's economic and political landscape to shift before our eyes." Indian politician Jairam Ramesh sums up the phenomenon in a neologism: Chindia. 将印度《三傻》介绍给中国观众是个很好的尝试,但还没有达到“打破文化壁垒”的史诗级别。然而,这的确深刻触及了某种广泛蔓延的认知:中、印及两国人民在当今世界舞台上共同占据了独特一席,他们是拉动世界经济的双头火车,而其他国家的经济却只是火车残骸。火车即将驶出站台,你已经听见了汽笛的声音:急剧增长的各种数率、越来越富裕的消费群,还有地缘政治影响力——新秩序的号角已然吹响,诸如北京奥运这样大型的活动,或达沃斯论坛上所谓“不可思议的印度”这样夸张的口号,全都是证据。“中国和印度之崛起”,罗萍·梅瑞狄斯在她极富影响力的著作《龙与象》中写道,“已让我们看到全世界经济及政治版图的转变。”【注一】而印度政治家扎拉姆·拉梅什则造了一个新词总结这个现象:Chindia——“中印”。
(Graphic: How the Giants Measure Up.) (这里有一张图,比较了中、印两国间的人口、文盲率、网民数量、外汇储备、黄金储备、进出口量、通胀率、军费开支占国民生产总值比例等多项数据。)(点击这里,认领此篇原文开始翻译)
With Western economies reeling, the world is looking especially to China and India as saviors — whether it's buying Italian bonds or Italian bags. The E.U. is even begging Beijing to help bail out its euro-zone bailout fund. But that's only one side of the coin. There's a duality to China and India, a blend of reality and myth, internally as well as between them. China and India have an arabesque relationship. These two giants on the cusp of superpower-hood are more rivals than partners. Despite their achievements, they face enormous challenges. And though they add up to nearly 40% of the world's 7 billion population, they still live pretty much in parallel universes. Chinese and Indians, writes Indian journalist Pallavi Aiyar in her perceptive book, Smoke and Mirrors: An Experience of China, are "largely culturally untranslatable to each other." 西方经济步履维艰,全世界都特别把中国和印度看作是大救星——买意大利国债或意大利皮包都行。欧盟甚至乞求中国政府慷慨解囊,为欧元区提供救助资金。然而,这只是硬币的一面;无论中印内部还是中印之间,都存在两面性——现实与疑惑混在一起。中印关系盘根错节,这两个处在权力尖端的超级巨头,与其说是搭档,不如说是对手。尽管两国成就斐然,但却面临着巨大的挑战。同时,虽然两国人口占全世界70亿人口的40%,却各行其是,几乎就像活在平行宇宙一般。中国人和印度人——正如印度记者帕拉维·艾雅尔在她视角敏锐的新书《烟与镜:亲历中国》中所述:“文化上的鸿沟无法跨越,互不可译。”【注二】
Rivals or Allies?是对手?还是盟友?
As a Gujarati born, raised and living in overwhelmingly Cantonese Hong Kong — both tribes are brash and materialistic — I have long been privy to what local Chinese and Indians think of the other. It used to be downright ugly. Perceptions and attitudes, liberally spiced with racial epithets, went broadly like this: to the Chinese, the Indians were poor, superstitious and dirty; to the Indians, the Chinese were crass, godless — and dirty. Hong Kong is no microcosm of Chindia, but it reflects how, just as China and India have changed, so have the stereotypes. If before I were assumed by the Chinese to be someone's chauffeur, now I am a tech entrepreneur or investment banker. Local Indians see China afresh too, but often in just two superficial dimensions: wealth and might. My 17-year-old son's peers are only half-joking when they tell him that, because he is half Chinese, half Indian, he has it made.
(See photos of the making of modern India.) (点击这里,欣赏一组印度重大历史事件图片集锦。)(点击这里,认领此篇原文开始翻译)
If only it were that simple. In her book, Meredith quotes Indian tycoon Ratan Tata saying, "China is the factory of the world; India can be the knowledge center of this region ... If we orient ourselves to working together, we could be a formidable force of two nations." That's ambitious — and perhaps unrealistic. China and India were once soul mates — through the migration of Buddhism some 2,000 years ago. Later, the Indian monk Bodhidharma traveled to China to spread the message of Zen. Prominent Chinese went the other way: the devout pilgrim Xuanzang, later immortalized in the classic Ming novel Journey to the West, and the great explorer Admiral Zheng He. It was a time of mutual discovery. By the 17th century, the Middle Kingdom and the subcontinent were the planet's trading powers. They then got caught up in their own worlds of feudalism and colonialism — a decaying dynasty in China, the British Raj in India — followed by decades of serial revolution and fervent socialism. Modern relations between the two countries were marked mostly by suspicion — and the occasional border war. 要真这么简单,就好了。梅瑞狄斯在《龙与象》中援引印度企业大亨拉丹·塔塔的话:“中国是世界工厂,印度则可看作亚洲地区的知识中心……如果我们携手合作,两股绳拧成一股,势不可挡。”多么雄心勃勃!然而却不太可能实现。大约两千年前印度佛教传入中国,中印两国曾是精神伴侣,心有灵犀。之后,印度僧人菩提达摩到中国传播禅宗教义;杰出华人则前往印度:虔诚的信徒玄奘取经,以至于后来在明代小说《西游记》中被神化,还有了不起的航海家郑和大将军……那是一个相互发现、互相学习的时代。到17世纪,神州大地和印巴次大陆成为这颗星球上的贸易列强。后来,两国又都沦为了殖民地,亦饱受封建主义之苦——中国经历了一个衰败的清朝,印度则迎来了一位英国籍的女皇。接下来,是数十年此起彼伏的革命,还有沸沸扬扬的社会主义运动。两国现代关系的亮点则主要都是相互猜忌——以及时不时来上一场的边界战争。
See photos of China's great 2011 migration. (点击这里,欣赏一组中国2011年春运照片。)(点击这里,认领此篇原文开始翻译)
The contemporary period is friendlier, yet tensions are never far from the surface. Even as both governments speak of peace and prosperity, China is establishing a "string of pearls" in the Indian Ocean, unsettling New Delhi, and India is talking oil and gas exploration in the South China Sea, angering Beijing. More to the point, the close economic ties between nations that often prevent conflict do not sufficiently exist between China and India. Chinese investment in India is about 0.05% of its worldwide total, while Indian FDI in China is so low that it does not appear on many charts. Bilateral trade is growing (especially Chinese exports to India), but it's still a small proportion of their global total. Given their size and footprint, the two are nowhere as connected as they should be. Astonishingly, just a few of the two countries' cities have direct flights.
Houses in Order各归其位、各得其所
Before they rescue the world, china and India need to fix their own economies and societies. They are beset by some grim news. Growth is slowing, though in China's case that helps cool an overheated economy. In both countries, exports are sliding, inflation is at painful levels, income inequality is reaching chasm proportions, and injustices like land grabs are sparking widespread protests. Cronyism is a scourge. The two have lifted countless millions out of poverty (though China has done a better job), but countless other millions — youths, workers, farmers — remain marginalized and desperate for decent livelihoods. While China doesn't follow the rules, India has too many rules to follow. China is, if not at a tipping point, certainly at an inflection, struggling to contain asset bubbles and bad loans and to rebalance its economy away from state-directed investment to consumer-led growth. India's reputation, meanwhile, has been so dented by corruption that the country's top corporations have hired U.S. consultancy Bain to craft a "Credible India" campaign. Good luck.
(See photos of China's 90 years of communism.) (点击这里,欣赏中国共产党建党九十周年纪念庆祝活动图集。)(点击这里,认领此篇原文开始翻译)
Perception vs. Reality“感知”对“现实”
At least India can count on a better image worldwide than China. Westerners in particular see the pair through a romantic and ideological prism. India is Gandhi, yoga, eat-pray-love. A gentle elephant; an exporter not of unfairly underpriced goods but articulate and urbane CEOs as at home in New York City as in Mumbai. China is "gutter oil"; the country you love to hate. Fiery dragon rather than cuddly panda. Mercantilist, rapacious, threatening; resented even as it is wooed.
There are two reasons for this dichotomy: Beijing's profile and swagger are bigger than New Delhi's, allowing India to escape the same scrutiny; and India is a democracy while China is an authoritarian state. All year, Beijing's leaders have systematically cracked down on political dissent and cyberspace activity; they would not have tolerated, for example, the Indian summer of anticorruption protests in New Delhi. (Remember Tiananmen?) Yet the hard truth is that India is not as free as it's made out to be. Democracy does not necessarily result in good governance. India's institutions are weak, human-rights abuses are not unknown, and money and power often buy impunity. "India's poor [have] a vote," writes author Aiyar, "but this [does] not always equal a voice." India even has its own Tibet: I don't mean Dharamsala but Kashmir. 两个国家天差地别,两个原因:一、北京高调,其招摇傲慢较之新德里更甚,于是印度得以免受同样的苛责;二、印度是民主政府,而中国独裁专制。
Whose economic path, China's or India's — essentially, state capitalism vs. private enterprise — is sustainable? Which society is more durable? Which nation has a stronger sense of destiny? The entire planet wants and needs to know. In the following pages, TIME's Bill Powell and Michael Schuman face off to argue the case, respectively, for China and India as to whose template of change will prevail. It's not easy to pinpoint the killer app. But given a year of restless populaces worldwide, the winner may be the one providing the greater justice and dignity to the most people. On that score, it's still China 0, India 0.
See photos of Indians protesting the arrest of Anna Hazare. (点击这里欣赏图集:印度著名社会活动家、反腐斗士阿纳·赫扎雷被捕后,印度人民抗议示威。)(点击这里,认领此篇原文开始翻译)
【注一】《龙与象》,英文原名 The Elephant and the Dragon: The Rise of India and China and What It Means for All of Us ,作者 Robyn Meredith 。副标题“中国与印度之崛起及其对我们的意义”。台译《龙与象:中国印度崛起的全球衝击》。作者在书中颠覆美国一般见解,主张美国不应害怕中、印两国崛起的经济实力。作者指出,印度作为世界后勤办公室于2003年接手了从美国转移出的一千万个白领工作机会。同时,美国身为世界大买家、中国身为世界工厂,两国分别是全球第一、第四(目前中国已跃居第二)大经济体,并将于2015年达到同等地位。虽然美国政客指责中国产品,但作者认为,美国人民因为人民币极低的币值占尽了便宜,美国企业也靠中国生产的廉价商品大肆获利。作者还观察到,美国对外每花一美元,创造的财富将近两美元,但其中有33美分会回馈到美国。
【注二】《烟与镜:亲历中国》,英文原名 Smoke and Mirrors: An Experience of China ,作者 Pallavi Aiyar 。该书作者是《印度教徒报》常驻北京的记者。经过五年认真观察后,作者写下了她眼里的中国,并因此获得印度普莱姆·巴提亚最佳新闻成就奖。书名“烟雾和镜子”是一个印度谚语,之所以用作书名,据作者介绍,是因为“中国是一个非常复杂的国家,没有人能真正的了解她,就像你走进一个摆满镜子和充满烟雾的房间,很快就会迷失。”作者认为,很多人对于中国的了解仅仅流于表面,虽然他们以为自己很了解中国,但其实他们并未触及真相。