
Ⅰ.India women's survival situation

1.forcible rape

Talking about India's forcible rape, we have to mention the bus rape. On the evening of December 9, 2012, college student Jodi and her boyfriend, went on an off-work private bus mistakenly and were attacked by six men, the schoolgirl suffered the gang raped, beaten by iron bars. Later, six men left them on the roadside.Although later three police cars came, the police were busy with figuring out which district the problem belongs to, so as to miss the best rescue time. The girl was later sent to Singapore for a treatment, but died of her severe wounds. This caused serious repercussions in the domestic and the international society.

The rate of Indian rape case has grown for eight times in 40 years. India

documented rape cases have increased from 2487 in 1971 to 24206 in 2011, a growth rate of 873.3%.

2. child wife phenomenon

Displayed by a national health survey in India, 22.6% of the women married before 16, 44.5% of women married between the age of 16-17, 2.6% of women

married before the age of 13. The government of India had passed a law against child marriage, but it did not work.

3.dedicated religious "sex workers"

In India, because of the religious traditions, some girls have to devote their life to sex work in the name of religion. In Bharatpur Town, women of "Nats" caste were originally dance for feudal lords. But with the abolition of the caste system, they lost the sponsors. Having no economic source, these women have to become prostitutes. Sadly, the man of the family lives on the money that earned by his wife worked as a prostitute. This kind of tragedy pass down from generation to generation, the girl will inherit their "prostitute" career of their mothers. The boys will become pimps.

4.the dowry system

The dowry system refers to that before the marriage, the woman needs to pay the man a rich dowry. In the contemporary Indian society, due to insufficient dowries, many brides and women have been murdered. In 1998,6917 women were burned alive, strangled, poisoned or stabbed to death just because husbands’ family didn’t satisfy with the amount of dowry, 41318 women were heinous tortured because of the dowry problem.

Ⅱ. analysis of the causes

1. discrimination against women leads to the gender imbalance.

In India, serious patriarchal thought causes indifference and discrimination

towards women. According to statistics, the male female ratio in India is 1000:914. In rural areas, many families in India have the tradition of killing the new born baby girl. At present, if the detection result of pregnant women is a daughter, they will simply abort the fetus.

2. the influence of the custom and culture

The caste system and the religion of India are born together. The code compiled according to the caste system has a variety of constraints for women such as child marriage is good, dowry system, as well as the sacrificial widow system. The caste system seriously restricts the improvement of the social status of Indian women.

3. The imperfect laws

India law does not distinguish between levels of rape and general sexual

harassment. The lack of the law encourages sexual aggression. The Supreme Court of India has admitted to deficiencies of relevant laws in the punishment of rape behavior. It recommends legislation to make adjustment.

One important reason for the imperfection of the law is the low administrative efficiency.In India, rape crime judgment takes a very long time because of the slow forensics. Even if suspects are convicted,the penalties are extremely light. Many Indian rape cases were being judged in five or six years later. And the criminals were sentenced to just two to three years commonly.

Ⅲ.ways to improve the social status of women in India

1. abolish the caste system and decrease the impact of the traditional bad habits

The Indian government should vigorously advocate the idea of gender equality in the whole society, eliminate women’s pressure cause by public opinion, and allow women to participate in real social life. Only when women are involved can they have a right to speak.

2. improve women's own quality

To improve women's own culture and education level. India needs to expand the breadth and depth of female education, universal their access to education, enable women to grasp more knowledge, in order to better improve their status in the society.

3. use female groups to fight for women's rights and interests

India exists intrinsic women organizations. Women should give full play to the cooperation ability of these groups, and strive to improve their own social status and equality between men and women.

Ⅰ.India women's survival situation

1.forcible rape

Talking about India's forcible rape, we have to mention the bus rape. On the evening of December 9, 2012, college student Jodi and her boyfriend, went on an off-work private bus mistakenly and were attacked by six men, the schoolgirl suffered the gang raped, beaten by iron bars. Later, six men left them on the roadside.Although later three police cars came, the police were busy with figuring out which district the problem belongs to, so as to miss the best rescue time. The girl was later sent to Singapore for a treatment, but died of her severe wounds. This caused serious repercussions in the domestic and the international society.

The rate of Indian rape case has grown for eight times in 40 years. India

documented rape cases have increased from 2487 in 1971 to 24206 in 2011, a growth rate of 873.3%.

2. child wife phenomenon

Displayed by a national health survey in India, 22.6% of the women married before 16, 44.5% of women married between the age of 16-17, 2.6% of women

married before the age of 13. The government of India had passed a law against child marriage, but it did not work.

3.dedicated religious "sex workers"

In India, because of the religious traditions, some girls have to devote their life to sex work in the name of religion. In Bharatpur Town, women of "Nats" caste were originally dance for feudal lords. But with the abolition of the caste system, they lost the sponsors. Having no economic source, these women have to become prostitutes. Sadly, the man of the family lives on the money that earned by his wife worked as a prostitute. This kind of tragedy pass down from generation to generation, the girl will inherit their "prostitute" career of their mothers. The boys will become pimps.

4.the dowry system

The dowry system refers to that before the marriage, the woman needs to pay the man a rich dowry. In the contemporary Indian society, due to insufficient dowries, many brides and women have been murdered. In 1998,6917 women were burned alive, strangled, poisoned or stabbed to death just because husbands’ family didn’t satisfy with the amount of dowry, 41318 women were heinous tortured because of the dowry problem.

Ⅱ. analysis of the causes

1. discrimination against women leads to the gender imbalance.

In India, serious patriarchal thought causes indifference and discrimination

towards women. According to statistics, the male female ratio in India is 1000:914. In rural areas, many families in India have the tradition of killing the new born baby girl. At present, if the detection result of pregnant women is a daughter, they will simply abort the fetus.

2. the influence of the custom and culture

The caste system and the religion of India are born together. The code compiled according to the caste system has a variety of constraints for women such as child marriage is good, dowry system, as well as the sacrificial widow system. The caste system seriously restricts the improvement of the social status of Indian women.

3. The imperfect laws

India law does not distinguish between levels of rape and general sexual

harassment. The lack of the law encourages sexual aggression. The Supreme Court of India has admitted to deficiencies of relevant laws in the punishment of rape behavior. It recommends legislation to make adjustment.

One important reason for the imperfection of the law is the low administrative efficiency.In India, rape crime judgment takes a very long time because of the slow forensics. Even if suspects are convicted,the penalties are extremely light. Many Indian rape cases were being judged in five or six years later. And the criminals were sentenced to just two to three years commonly.

Ⅲ.ways to improve the social status of women in India

1. abolish the caste system and decrease the impact of the traditional bad habits

The Indian government should vigorously advocate the idea of gender equality in the whole society, eliminate women’s pressure cause by public opinion, and allow women to participate in real social life. Only when women are involved can they have a right to speak.

2. improve women's own quality

To improve women's own culture and education level. India needs to expand the breadth and depth of female education, universal their access to education, enable women to grasp more knowledge, in order to better improve their status in the society.

3. use female groups to fight for women's rights and interests

India exists intrinsic women organizations. Women should give full play to the cooperation ability of these groups, and strive to improve their own social status and equality between men and women.


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