新世纪走遍美国 cd2 pdf

U004 Celebrations

Where's Kevin? I don't see him. 凯文在哪?我没看到他。

He's in the second row, Aunt Molly. 他在第二排,茉莉姨妈。

Will the Graduating Class of Boston Latin High School, please come forward and receive your diplomas? 波士顿拉丁高中毕业班请走到前面来接受你们的证书。

...music school? Are you going to be a music teacher? ...音乐学院?你想成为音乐教师?

Maybe...or a performer or a songwriter, or all three. 也许... 或者是演员或作曲家,或三者都是。

Your mother always wanted to be a singer. 你妈妈一直想成为歌唱家。 Kevin Patrick Casey. 凯文·帕特里克·凯西

Kevin! Over here. 凯文!过来。

Oh, that's my dad. I gotta go...I'll see you later. 哦,那是我父亲,我得走了... 回头见。

Congratulations! 祝贺你。

All right, stand over there. I want to get a picture. You too, Aunt Molly.All right, look this way. Say cheese!好的,站那边。我要照张相,你也来,茉莉姨妈。好的,看这边,说CHEESE 。 Cheese ! C HEESE

Kevin, I'm proud to see that diploma in your hand. 凯文,看你手拿证书我很骄傲。

We all are. Congratulations, Kevin. 我们都很骄傲。祝贺你,凯文。 Thanks. 谢谢。

Dad, stand next to Kevin. I want to get a picture of just the two of you. 爸爸,站在凯文旁边。我想给你们俩来一张。And I'm proud of you, too, Becky. 我也为你骄傲,贝琪。

Me ? Why ? 我?为什么?

Don't be so modest. When your mother died, you...you stepped right in and you became the mother. You took good care of Kevin and your Dad. 别这么谦虚。你妈妈死的时候... 你


Well...there was no one else. 是的... 没有其他人。

We are sorry to inform you...Oh, no. I can't believe it...God....another rejection letter. 我们很抱歉地通知您... 哦,不。我无法相信... 天哪... 又一封拒绝信。

Three rejections. I can't believe it. 三封拒绝信,我简直无法相信。

Three rejections. I can't believe it. What are you going to do? 三封拒绝信。我无法相信,你打算怎么办? I'm waiting to hear from one more school. They put me on their waiting list. Keep your fingers crossed. 我在等下一所学校的消息。我在他们的候选名单上。祝我好运吧。

Only one? Well, I hope they take you. 唯一的一所?哦,我希望他们接收你。

I'm supposed to hear this week. 这个星期我该得到消息。

Which college --the New England Conservatory? 哪所大学?---新英格兰艺术学校?

No, they turned me down. It's the San Francisco College of Music. 不,他们拒绝我了。是旧金山音乐学院。 San Francisco? 旧金山?

That's right. San Francisco, California. 是的。旧金山,加利福尼亚。 Rebecca! 丽贝卡!

But, Rebecca, this school is on the other side of the country. 但是,丽贝卡,这所学校在这个国家的另一边。 I know that, but if San Francisco accepts me and gives me some financial aid, that's where I'm going. 我知道,但是如果旧金山接收我并给我一部分奖学金,我就去那里。 But you don't know a soul out there. 但是你在那里一个人都不认识。 Yes, I do. My godmother lives out there. 不,我认识。我教母在那边住。 What is she, rich or something? She has such a big house.她是干什么的?


No, she's not rich, but she does have room for me if I get accepted. 不,她不是有钱人,但如果我被录取了她会给我地方住。

You re really serious about this, aren't you? 你是认真的,是吗?

Dead serious. 绝对认真。

Come in. 请进。

When do we eat ? 什么时间吃饭? In five minutes. Dinner's in the oven. 再等五分钟,饭菜在烤箱里。 Dad's not eating. He went to bed. 父亲不吃饭,他上床了。

What's wrong? Is he sick? 怎么了,他病了吗?

No. He just said he was tired. 不,他说他只是累了。

So, did you hear anything about your applications...you know, to music school? 那么,你的申请有什么消息了吗?... 你知道,是指音乐学院。 I got three rejection letters. 我收到了三封拒绝信。

That's too bad. So, what're you going to do? 太糟糕了。那么,你要打算怎么办?

I still have one last hope...a school in San Francisco. 我还有最后一线希望... 旧金山的一所学校。

San Francisco... 旧金山...

Ow-oo. 哦...

What, Dad? Are you OK? 怎么了,爸爸?你还好吗?

No!...The Red Sox lost another game.

不好!... 红袜子队又输了一场比赛。

Dad, you make me crazy. Is my purse out there? 爸爸,你简直让我发疯。我的书包在那儿吗?

Yeah. It's here. 对,在这。

What's this? 这是什么?

A college brochure. See you tonight. 一所学校的材料。晚上见。

Becky, pick up the mail, OK? 贝琪,别忘了拿信。

Pick up the mail? It s too early.拿信?太早了。

Yesterday's mail. 昨天的信件。

But, Dad, you always get the mail... 可是,爸爸,通常是你取信...

Well, I didn't yesterday. My leg was bothering me. 是的,可昨天我没取。我的腿不舒服。

Oh, Trixy, that was a great walk. Here we are. Home again! Good momin Rebecca. How are you?哦,特里克西,散步真好。我们回来了,又到家了。早上好,丽贝卡,你好吗?

Good morning, Mrs. Peterson. Hi, Trixy. 早上好,皮特森夫人,嗨,特里克西。

Is the mail here already? 已经有信来了?

No. This is from yesterday. 不,这是昨天的。

Oh. Excuse us. 哦,请原谅。

San Francisco! We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at the San Francisco...Oh, my God! I'm going... 旧金山!我们很高兴地通知您,您已经被我校录取了... 哦,天哪!我要去...

Good news ? 好消息?

I...I...very good news. 我... 我... 非常好的消息。

Hi...! 嗨... !

What's up with Rebecca? 丽贝卡怎么了?

I don't know. 不知道。

Well, she certainly seems happy. 是的,她看起来很高兴。

Good morning, Grace. 早上好,格蕾斯。

Sandy, I got the letter! I'm in! 桑蒂,我收到信了。我被录取了。

What letter? You mean, the San Francisco school? 什么信?你是说,那所旧金山的学校?

Look! 看!

Dear Ms. Casey: Congratulations!...Oh my gosh, they accepted you! The San Francisco College of Music!...Oh, Rebecca...I'm so happy for you! 亲爱的凯西小姐:祝贺你!... 哦,天哪,他们录取你了。旧金山音乐学院!... 哦,丽贝卡... 我真为你高兴!

Can you believe it? 你相信了吧?

Guess what? Rebecca's going to college. 猜怎么着?丽贝卡要去念大学了。

College!...Good for her. 大学!.... 太好了。

And she's quitting her job, too, and moving to San Francisco. 她还要辞去工作,搬到旧金山去。

She's quitting? 她辞工?

Would you give up your job in this economy? No way. 这样的经济条件下你会辞工吗?不可能。

Well, it's Rebecca's dream. It's good to have dreams. 不过,这是丽贝卡的梦想。有梦想真好。

I've got an idea! Why don't you come to San Francisco with me! 我有个好主意。你为什么不同我一起去旧金山?

San Francisco?...I don't think so. 旧金山?... 不行。

Why not? 为什么?

Well, first of all, I don't have any

money. 哦,首先,我没有钱。 I'll lend you some. 我借你一些。 Don't be silly. You're not Rockefeller. 别傻了。你又不是洛克菲勒。

Come on. What's keeping you in Boston? Nothing! 行了。什么让你离不开波士顿?什么也没有!

Ain't that the truth...but it is home...I mean, my mother lives here... 事实不是这样的.... 可这里有家... 我是说,我妈妈生活在这里...

You and your mom don't even talk. 你甚至不和你妈妈说话。

Well...there' s Jack... 那么... 这里有杰克。

Right...you and Jack...you know what I think about that! 这就对了... 你和杰克... 你知道我怎么想你和杰克!

But it's still home. Sorry, Rebecca, Boston's my town. Nice of you to ask, but no thanks. 这里毕竟是家。很抱歉,丽贝卡,波士顿是我长大的地方。谢谢你的邀请,可是不行,谢谢。 Well, it was an idea. 好吧,只是个想


San Francisco. Wait till Matt and your dad hear about this! 旧金山。等着听听麦特和你父亲的想法吧。 Dad? 爸爸?

Yeah? 什么事?

We have to talk. 我们得谈谈。 Uh-huh. 哦。

U005 Breaking the News

Dad? 爸爸?

Yeah? 什么事?

We have to talk. 我们得谈谈。 Uh-huh. 哦。

I have some good news. 我有个好消息。

Oh? 哦?

This music school accepted me and they're offering financial aid and a partial scholarship. I...uh...they want me to be a student there. 这所音乐学院录取我了,而且他们给我提供经济资助和部分奖学金。我... 呃... 他们想让我去那里学习。

When did you get this letter? 你什


This moming. 今天早晨。

This college is in San Francisco! 这所学院在旧金山。

Yeah, I know. 是的,我知道。

My God, that's the other side of the earth! 天哪,在地球的另一端。 Come on, Dad. It s only six hours by plane. 行了,爸爸。坐飞机只要6个小时。

It's too far away. We'll never see you. Why don't you go to school around here? 太远了。我们再也不会见到你。为什么不去这里附近的学校?

All the music schools in Boston turned me down. 所有波士顿的音乐学院决绝我了。

What about a nice community college...a good teacher's college... 好的社区学院呢?.... 一个有好教师的学院...

I want to study music. This is the only music school that accepted me. 我想学音乐。这是唯一一所录取我的音乐


What about Kevin? What about us? 凯文怎么办?我们怎么办?

Kevin's almost eighteen, he can take care of himself. And with a little help from him, you'll be fine, too. This is my

他会照顾big chance. 凯文快18岁了。


So, what do you want from me? 那么,你要我做什么?

I...um...nothing. Just your approval. 我... 什么也不要。只是要你的批准。 You want my approval? No way. 你要我的批准。不行。

What? 什么?

N-O. No way. N-O,不行。

That's it? End of conversation? 就这些?谈话结束?

What do you want me to say...that I'm thrilled? I gave you my opinion, but you don't care. 你要我说什么.... 恐吓我?我告诉你我的意见,可你听不进去。

But, Dad. This is something I really want to do. 可是,爸爸。这是我真正想做的事情。

There's a lot I want to do, too. But you don't always get what you want in this world. 我也有很多想做的事情。可在这个世界上你不能总是做想做的事情。

But, I'm not going forever. I'll call. I'll visit. 可是,我不是永远不回来,我会打电话,我会看你们。

Visit? Who's gonna pay for that? 看我们?谁来付钱呢?

I will. 我会的。

And where are you going to live out there? Rebecca, do you know how expensive it is to live on your own? 那么,你在那边住什么地方?丽贝卡,你知道自己住是很贵的吗?

Yes, I do. I have a place to stay. 是的,我知道。我有地方住。

I don't understand... 我不明白... Rent-free. 免租金。

Where? 什么地方?

At Nancy Shaw's. 在南希·萧家。 That woman! Where's my cane? 那个女人!我的拐杖在哪?

I know you don't like Nancy, but she is my godmother. 我知道你不喜欢南希,但她是我教母。

Does your brother know about this? 你弟弟知道这件事吗?

Not yet. 还不知道。

I'm going to bed. 我去睡了。

That school in San Francisco accepted you? 旧金山那所学院录取你了? Yeah. They gave me financial aid, too... 是的,他们还给了我经济资助...... So what are you gonna do? 那么,你怎么办?

Dad really wants me to stay, but I'm going. 爸爸非让我留下,可我要走。 When do you have to leave? 你什么时候离开?

In a few weeks. Kevin, the truth. Is it all right with you if I go? 几个星期以后。凯文,说真话。假如我走了,你真的会没事?

Go for it! 走吧!

Thanks...You're a pal. 谢谢...... 你真够朋友。

Don't worry about Dad. He'll get used to it. 别担心爸爸,他会习惯的。 You think so? 你这么认为?

I'm sure of it...Besides, then I can have

以后我可your room. 我肯定...... 另外,


My room! You little...my room! I'm not even out of here yet and you want my room? 我的房间!你这小子...... 我的房间。我还没离开你就想占我的房间?

It's ten o'clock. Come on. It's break time. 十点了,来吧,现在是休息时间。

You want to get a soda? 你想来杯软饮料吗?

No. I need a cigarette. So... 不,我要支烟,那么...

No, you don't. 不,你不能吸烟。 Yes, I do. 不,我可以。

Sandy, when are you going to quit

smoking? 桑蒂,你什么时候打算戒烟?

Tomorrow. 明天。

So? What did they say? 怎么样?他们怎么说?

I haven't told Matt yet. Kevin thinks it's great. My dad is definitely not happy! 我还没告诉麦特。凯文认为太棒了。我父亲却一点也不高兴。 He's mad, huh? 他疯了吗,啊? Yeah...Well, today's the day. It's time to let the boss know I'm leaving. 是的.... 好吧,就在今天... 是该通知老板我要离开了。

You're going to quit...just like that? 你要辞职... 就这么样了?

Well, I have to give them a two-week notice, right? Then...I'm out of here. 对,我得提前两个星期通知他们,对吗?然后... 就离开这里。

Oh, I can't believe it. 哦,我真不敢相信。

Well, it s true...Hey, I need some new clothes...you want to go shopping

after work? 是的,这是真的... 嘿,我需要一些新衣服... 你下班去买东西吗?

OK. 好的。

What are we looking for? 我们找什么?

I've got plenty of jeans and casual stuff for class. What I really need is something dressy for California. I've got zilch. 我已经有一大堆上课穿的牛仔裤和随意的衣服。我要的是在加州穿的衣服,我一件都没有。 How about this? 这件怎么样?

Too formal. This is pretty. Where's the price tag? 太正经。这件很漂亮。价签在哪?

Two hundred dollars! And it's on sale? 两百美圆。这是大减价吗?

Who can afford this stuff? 谁买得起这东西?

This is 30 percent off-only sixty dollars. 这件降价30%,只要60美圆。 I like it. Do they have your size? 我喜欢。他们有你的号码吗?

Mmm...Size six, perfect. I m going to try it on. 嗯,六号,太好了。我穿上试试。

Listen, I have to tell you a big secret. My mom doesn't even know. 听着,我得告诉你一个大秘密,连我妈妈都不知道。

What ? 是什么?

I'm moving in with Jack. 我搬到杰克那里去了。

You're what? The two of you are always fighting! 你什么?你们俩总打架。

Well...things change. 可是... 现在不一样了。

Yeah, but people don't. 哦,但人不会变。

Look, I'm going to do it. Period. I know you don't think it's a good idea, so let's just change the subject. 你瞧,我真的打算这么做。话说到此,我知道你不认为这是个好主意,那咱们换个话题。

Sandy, I just want you to be happy,

that's all. This thing with you and Jack is just... 桑蒂,我只想让你高兴,仅此而已。你和杰克这件事只是... Look...I think I can make it work. 好吧... 我想我会处理好的。

It looks great. 看起来太棒了。

I don't know. Maybe it's too... 我不知道,也许太...

It's perfect. 非常好。

All right. 好吧。

When do you have to leave? 你什么时候离开?

In a few weeks. 几个星期以后。 Do you have your plane ticket? 有机票了吗?

No, of course not. 没有,当然没有。 You'd better hurry up. It's cheaper if you buy your ticket a few weeks in advance. 你最好抓紧。你如果提前几个星期买机票会便宜。

I am not flying; I'm driving to San Francisco. 我不坐飞机,我开车去旧金山。

Drive? All by yourself? Are you crazy?

开车?一路自己开?你疯了吗? No, practical. I'll need a car in San Francisco, right? Anyway, I want to see the Southwest. So, why not buy a car here and drive it out there? 没有,这很实用。我在旧金山需要一辆车,对吗?总之,我要去西南转转。所以,干吗不在这买辆车开过去呢?

You are nuts! So, what kind of car are you gonna get? 你真疯了。那么,你打算要一辆什么车?

The best car I can get for fifteen hundred dollars. 我能负担得起的最好车子是1500美元。

Hello. Can I help you folks? 你好。能帮您做点什么?

We're just looking, thanks. 我们只是看看,谢谢。

Are you looking for anything special? 在找什么特别的车?

She's looking for a car to drive across country. 她在找一辆能够开着穿越全国的车。

Gotcha! So you want something you

can count on... 天哪!那么你要买的车一定得靠得住...

Yeah. 是的。

I have something for you right over here...It's in A-l condition. New tires, excellent engine...It's a Florida car. 我那边有你要的东西... 车况一流。新轮胎,引擎非常好... 是一辆佛罗里达车。Oh, no! That's much too expensive... 哦,不。太贵了...

Well, for you, I can come down a little in the price. How much do you want to spend? 那好,为了您,价格我可以让一点。你打算花多少钱?

Fifteen hundred, max. 最多一千五。 Fifteen hundred, max!!! I don't think so...I haven't really got anything for you...But I've got a friend who sells cars about four blocks from here... 一千五,最多!!!这恐怕不行...... 我这里没有你要的东西... 但离这里四个街区我的一个朋友卖车。

I need something to eat. Do you want anything? 我需要吃些东西,你来点


No, thanks. 不,谢谢。

Hi. 嗨。

Hi. 嗨。

Kevin and I went looking at used cars...for my trip. They're all so expensive. 凯文和我在找二手车... 为了我的旅行。可那些车都很贵。 Unh-huh. 嗯... 嗯。

This is silly. Would you please talk to me? 这真蠢。和我说说话好吗? OK. 好吧。

Everyone has to leave home...sometime. 每个人都要离开家...... 总有一天。

Dad, I'm leaving pretty soon. 爸爸,我很快就要走了。

I know. 我知道。

I don't want to leave with you angry at me. 我不想离开时你生我的气。 I'm not angry. 我不生气。

Try to be happy for me. 试着为我高兴点。

I just don't see why you have to go so

far away. 我只是不明白你为什么要去这么远。

Dad, it's something I really want to do... 爸爸,这是我真正想要做的... I know, I know. But I don't have to like it, do I? 我知道,我知道。但我不必非得喜欢这主意,可以吗?

U006 Saying Goodbye

Hi, Miss Casey. I'm sorry I'm late for my lesson. 你好,凯西小姐。对不起我迟到了。

Hi, Melissa, how are you doing? 你好,梅丽莎,最近怎么样?

Fine. 很好。

Good. Listen, before we begin, I have to tell you something. 很好。听着,在我们开始前,有些事要告诉你。 What? 什么事?

I m going back to school. 我要回学校。

You are? Why? 你?为什么? To study music. 去学音乐。

But you're the best music teacher, and

you know lots of music. 可你是最好的音乐老师,你懂很多音乐知识。 Thanks, but I want to be better...But I'm sad because the school is far away and I won't be... 谢谢,但我想更好... 我很伤心因为学校太远,我不能... Where is it? 学校在哪?

San Francisco. 旧金山

Where's that? 旧金山在哪?

We're here...and San Francisco's all the way over here, in California. 我们在这... 旧金山在这里,在加利福尼亚州。

I won't be able to see you? 我再也见不到你了?

Yes, I'm leaving, but, let's see, we have one more lesson. I'll try to find you a good teacher, OK? 是的,我马上就要离开,不过,让我们看看,我们还有一节课。我会尽量给你找一个好老师,好吗?

OK. 好吧。

What do you want to play first? 首先你想弹什么?

Can we play the blues? 我们弹蓝调好吗?

Sure. You know Travelin' Blues, right? 当然。你会旅行蓝调,对吗? Yeah. 是的。

Let s play that. 我们一起弹吧。 OK. 好的。

A Major. A 大调。

What do you think, Frank...am I nuts? 你觉得怎么样,弗兰克... 我是疯了吗?

No, you're not crazy. Rebecca's twenty-eight. I mean, it's about time she got a car... 不,你没疯。丽贝卡已经二十八岁了。我是说,是她该有车的时候了...

Hey, what do you think of this one here? 嘿,你觉得这辆怎么样?

No way! Look at the price! 不行,看看这价格。

She needs a small car-something she can drive around Boston. 她需要一辆

小车-- 那种可以围着波士顿开的车。

Frank...she's driving all the way to San

Francisco. 弗兰克... 她要独自开车去旧金山。

San Francisco? 旧金山?

Yeah, alone. 是的,一个人。

She's gonna drive three thousand miles...by herself?...Is that safe? 她要开车走3000英里... 她自己.... 这样安全吗?

I think she should fly if she insists on going, but she said she'd rather put the money in a car that she can use when she's out there. 我想如果她坚持走的话可以坐飞机,可她说要把钱用在车上,这样她到那边的时候可以用。

I'd never drive that far by myself. You know that daughter of yours is pretty independent. Hey, now here's a car to drive across country. 我自己从未开过那么远。你知道你的女儿很独立。嘿,这辆车可以开着穿越全国。 She got into a good school, Frank. The San Francisco College of Music. 她进了一所好学校,弗兰克。旧金山音乐


Music school? That'll never pay off. You can't make any money in music. 音乐学校?永远没有回报。你靠音乐赚不到任何钱。

You're telling me! I thought she should go to a local college. 这还用你说!我认为她应该上一所当地学校。

Well, that makes more sense to me. So why does she have to go all the way to

我明白了。那么,San Francisco? 哦,


Well, the school out there accepted her...and they offered her financial help. 是这样,那边的学校录取了她... 并且为她提供经济资助。

Well that's good, right? 那很好,对吗?

I guess so. 我想是的。

Hey, if you're so worried about this, why don't you talk her out of it? 嘿,如果你这么担心,为什么你不说服她?

I can't change her mind. She's all fired

up about the idea. Says it's her dream. 我无法改变她的想法。她对此很激动,说那是她的梦想。

Yeah, but dreams don't pay bills.是的,可梦想付不了帐单。

Yeah, well there's nothing I can do...If this is what she wants, maybe I can help her with a car. 对呀,我没办法... 如果这是她想要的,也许我能让她有辆车。

Well, if she's gonna be driving, you know, all the way across country, she's gotta have a decent car. 对,如果她要开车,你知道,穿越全国,她应该有一辆说得过去的车。

Hey...hey, here's one of those what do you call it Oldsmobile Deltas? 嘿... 嘿... 这就是你想要的奥斯墨比·德尔塔?

Yeah, Oldsmobile Delta. 对,奥斯墨比·德尔塔。

Hey, looks in tip-top shape, look. 嘿,一流的款式,看那。

Oh, you don't know about used cars,

Frank. Whew! 80,000 miles. 噢,你不了解旧车,弗兰克。呜!八万英里。 Oh, that's a lot of miles! You know we have to take a close look at the engine, the tires, the doors, everything... 哦,跑了这么多英里。你知道我们得仔细看看引擎,轮胎,车门,每一样东西... It's a lot of money, Frank. I don't wanna get ripped off. 一大笔钱,弗兰克。我不想被骗光。

You have to watch these used car salesmen. 你得看着点这些二手车推销员。

I don't know...Do I wanna do this? 我不知道... 我真要这么做吗?

She'll love you for it. 她会因此更爱你的。

You think so? 你这么想?

Yeah...there, come on, let's take a look. 对.... 那边,来吧,咱们去看看。 Whew, watch that one...Hey, looks clean, no oil leaks. 喔,看那个... 嘿,看起来很干净,没漏油。

That's a lotta mileage, Frank...Let's

have that mechanic of yours, what's his name . . 跑的英里数太多了,弗兰克... 把你的机械师找来,他叫什么名字...

Sammy? 撒米?

Yeah. 对。

Yeah. We'll tell the salesman we want our mechanic to take a look at it before we pay anything. 好吧。我们得告诉推销员在我们付款之前得让我们的机械师看一下。

And we take it for a test drive, too. 另外还要开着试一次。

You got it. 就这么定了。

OK. Let's make a deal. 好吧,就这么定了。

What's the score? 几比几了? Three to nothing. 三比零。 Three to nothing? 三比零? All right, Mary! 好的,玛丽。

C'mon, Mary. You can do it, Mary. Put it right by her now, Mary. C'mon, she's no batter, let's go Mary! 加油,玛丽。你能行,玛丽。把球投过她,玛丽。

加油,她不堪一击,来吧,玛丽。 That a girl, Becky ! 好丫头,贝琪。 Come on, Becky, beat the bums! 加油,贝琪,打她屁股!

So how do you feel about Rebecca leaving home? 你对丽贝卡离开家的事怎么看?

Uh, I don't know. I'm OK, I guess. 哦,我不知道。我没问题,我想。

You're going to miss her, aren't you? 你会想她,不是吗?

Yeah, but at least I get to move into her room. Hey, don't take all my potato chips! 对,可至少我可以搬到她的房间。嘿,别把我的薯片都拿走。 Don't be so stingy! 别这么小气。 Come on, girl-put it in there, one more

姑娘们,加out! Lets go, Mary! 加油,

油!再打一个出局! 咱们上,玛丽。 Safe! 上垒。

She is not! 没有。

Is too. 是上垒。

Is not. 不是。

Safe. End of discussion. 上垒。停止讨


Oh, this is ridiculous, she was...she was out, there was no... 哦,真荒谬,她... 她出局了,那...

Twenty-two to two, what happened to you? 22比2,你怎么了?

Hey, how about a little sympathy? I lost my last softball game. 嘿,有点同情心好吗?我输了最后一场垒球赛。 Poor you! You can't do it all by yourself. If it wasn't for that umpire... 真可怜。这不能全靠你一个人。如果不是因为裁判...

Yeah, I think he was working for the other team. 对。我想他是在为那个队干活。

What the heck, it's only a game, right? 我才不在乎呢。只是一场比赛,对吗?

I think I'm heading home. I'll see you later. 我该回家了,一会见。

All right, thanks for coming. 好吧,谢谢你能来。

Oh, it was fun...seeing you get beat!

哦,很好玩... 看你被打败。

You're supposed to be cheering me on... 你应该为我加油才对...

Tomorrow night we'll go car hunting again? 明晚我们还去找车? Absolutely...Bye. 一定.... 再见。 Bye, Sandy. 再见,桑蒂。

Bye! Thanks for the potato chips! 再见。谢谢你的薯片。

Hey, the team's going to the Sports Bar, do you wanna come? 嘿,球队要去体育酒吧,你来吗?

I can't. Jack and I are going to the movies. 我不能去。杰克和我去看电影。

I still don't know what you see in that guy. 我还是不明白你看上他什么了?

You're not me, OK? 你不是我,对吗?

Now, when are you leaving for San Francisco? 那么,你什么时候离开去旧金山?

A week from Saturday. I drive out real

early. 从这周六起还有一周。一早开车出发。

Let's hope you have a car by then... 希望到那时你会有辆车...

I will! 我会的。

Oh, make room, move that glove. 哦,让点地方,拿开手套。

Oh my gosh! You guys, you didn't have to do this, this is too much! 哦,天那!你们这帮家伙,你们不必这么做,这太隆重了。

OK. 好吧。

You're in our hearts, as you well know...We'll think of you, wherever you go. You'll be a hit in San Francisco! Thanks. 你在我们心中,如你所知... 我们会想念你,无论你在哪里。你会成为旧金山的明星。谢谢。

OK, hurry up, hurry up! 好吧,快点,快点。

What did you guys get me? 你们给我送了什么?

A Red Sox jacket! This is great! 一件红袜子棒球衫!太棒了!

What a great present. Thanks, you guys! Ah, what to say...Well, we didn't win many games, but we had more fun than any other team in the league...and I'm never gonna forget the Silver Stars. I'm gonna miss you guys. 礼物太好了!谢谢你们!哦,怎么说... 好吧,我们赢得不多,可我们比联赛中其他的球队有更多的欢乐... 我永远不会忘记银星队,我会想念你们的,伙计们。

Don't replace me too soon, OK? 不要马上找人替我,好吗?

Hey, Matt! What are you doing here? 嘿,麦特!你在这干吗?

I got out of work late. I called your house. And Kevin told me you'd be here. Nice jacket.我下班晚了。我给你家里打电话。凯文告诉我你在这... 很漂亮的夹克衫。

Thanks, its a present from the team. 谢谢,这是球队的礼物。

They're gonna miss you. You're their star player. 她们会想念你的。你是她


I wasn't today. We lost, twenty-two to two. 今天不是,我们输了,22比2。

Ouch.I think we need to have a talk.哦。我想我们得谈谈。

Look, if it's about my decision to go to San Francisco, I'm not going to change my mind. 听着,如果是关于我去旧金山的决定,我不会改变想法。 I realize that. 我意识到了。

But I'll be back to visit...and you can come and see me. 但是,我会回来看你们的... 另外,你可以来看我。

No, let's not kid ourselves. Four years of college in California will pretty much end our relationship. 不,别跟自己开玩笑了。在加州的四年学习会结束我们的恋爱关系。

Lots of people have long-distance relationships. 很多人距离遥远仍彼此相爱。

Not me. I'm not a long-distance kind of guy. All our friends are getting

married. They're having kids. I thought we were next. 我不行。我不是那种相距遥远仍相爱的人。我们所有的朋友都结婚了,并且有了孩子。我以为接下来该是我们了。

See, Becky, you and I...we have different dreams...I think it's better to call quits. 贝琪,你和我.... 我们有不同的梦想... 我想我们最好分开。 Is it? 真的吗?

I think so. 我想是的。

Look, I'm sorry you feel this way, but I'm never going to be happy if I don't try this. I'm sorry. 你瞧,我很抱歉你这么想,可如果我不去尝试这次机会我永远都不会快乐。我很抱歉。

U004 Celebrations

Where's Kevin? I don't see him. 凯文在哪?我没看到他。

He's in the second row, Aunt Molly. 他在第二排,茉莉姨妈。

Will the Graduating Class of Boston Latin High School, please come forward and receive your diplomas? 波士顿拉丁高中毕业班请走到前面来接受你们的证书。

...music school? Are you going to be a music teacher? ...音乐学院?你想成为音乐教师?

Maybe...or a performer or a songwriter, or all three. 也许... 或者是演员或作曲家,或三者都是。

Your mother always wanted to be a singer. 你妈妈一直想成为歌唱家。 Kevin Patrick Casey. 凯文·帕特里克·凯西

Kevin! Over here. 凯文!过来。

Oh, that's my dad. I gotta go...I'll see you later. 哦,那是我父亲,我得走了... 回头见。

Congratulations! 祝贺你。

All right, stand over there. I want to get a picture. You too, Aunt Molly.All right, look this way. Say cheese!好的,站那边。我要照张相,你也来,茉莉姨妈。好的,看这边,说CHEESE 。 Cheese ! C HEESE

Kevin, I'm proud to see that diploma in your hand. 凯文,看你手拿证书我很骄傲。

We all are. Congratulations, Kevin. 我们都很骄傲。祝贺你,凯文。 Thanks. 谢谢。

Dad, stand next to Kevin. I want to get a picture of just the two of you. 爸爸,站在凯文旁边。我想给你们俩来一张。And I'm proud of you, too, Becky. 我也为你骄傲,贝琪。

Me ? Why ? 我?为什么?

Don't be so modest. When your mother died, you...you stepped right in and you became the mother. You took good care of Kevin and your Dad. 别这么谦虚。你妈妈死的时候... 你


Well...there was no one else. 是的... 没有其他人。

We are sorry to inform you...Oh, no. I can't believe it...God....another rejection letter. 我们很抱歉地通知您... 哦,不。我无法相信... 天哪... 又一封拒绝信。

Three rejections. I can't believe it. 三封拒绝信,我简直无法相信。

Three rejections. I can't believe it. What are you going to do? 三封拒绝信。我无法相信,你打算怎么办? I'm waiting to hear from one more school. They put me on their waiting list. Keep your fingers crossed. 我在等下一所学校的消息。我在他们的候选名单上。祝我好运吧。

Only one? Well, I hope they take you. 唯一的一所?哦,我希望他们接收你。

I'm supposed to hear this week. 这个星期我该得到消息。

Which college --the New England Conservatory? 哪所大学?---新英格兰艺术学校?

No, they turned me down. It's the San Francisco College of Music. 不,他们拒绝我了。是旧金山音乐学院。 San Francisco? 旧金山?

That's right. San Francisco, California. 是的。旧金山,加利福尼亚。 Rebecca! 丽贝卡!

But, Rebecca, this school is on the other side of the country. 但是,丽贝卡,这所学校在这个国家的另一边。 I know that, but if San Francisco accepts me and gives me some financial aid, that's where I'm going. 我知道,但是如果旧金山接收我并给我一部分奖学金,我就去那里。 But you don't know a soul out there. 但是你在那里一个人都不认识。 Yes, I do. My godmother lives out there. 不,我认识。我教母在那边住。 What is she, rich or something? She has such a big house.她是干什么的?


No, she's not rich, but she does have room for me if I get accepted. 不,她不是有钱人,但如果我被录取了她会给我地方住。

You re really serious about this, aren't you? 你是认真的,是吗?

Dead serious. 绝对认真。

Come in. 请进。

When do we eat ? 什么时间吃饭? In five minutes. Dinner's in the oven. 再等五分钟,饭菜在烤箱里。 Dad's not eating. He went to bed. 父亲不吃饭,他上床了。

What's wrong? Is he sick? 怎么了,他病了吗?

No. He just said he was tired. 不,他说他只是累了。

So, did you hear anything about your applications...you know, to music school? 那么,你的申请有什么消息了吗?... 你知道,是指音乐学院。 I got three rejection letters. 我收到了三封拒绝信。

That's too bad. So, what're you going to do? 太糟糕了。那么,你要打算怎么办?

I still have one last hope...a school in San Francisco. 我还有最后一线希望... 旧金山的一所学校。

San Francisco... 旧金山...

Ow-oo. 哦...

What, Dad? Are you OK? 怎么了,爸爸?你还好吗?

No!...The Red Sox lost another game.

不好!... 红袜子队又输了一场比赛。

Dad, you make me crazy. Is my purse out there? 爸爸,你简直让我发疯。我的书包在那儿吗?

Yeah. It's here. 对,在这。

What's this? 这是什么?

A college brochure. See you tonight. 一所学校的材料。晚上见。

Becky, pick up the mail, OK? 贝琪,别忘了拿信。

Pick up the mail? It s too early.拿信?太早了。

Yesterday's mail. 昨天的信件。

But, Dad, you always get the mail... 可是,爸爸,通常是你取信...

Well, I didn't yesterday. My leg was bothering me. 是的,可昨天我没取。我的腿不舒服。

Oh, Trixy, that was a great walk. Here we are. Home again! Good momin Rebecca. How are you?哦,特里克西,散步真好。我们回来了,又到家了。早上好,丽贝卡,你好吗?

Good morning, Mrs. Peterson. Hi, Trixy. 早上好,皮特森夫人,嗨,特里克西。

Is the mail here already? 已经有信来了?

No. This is from yesterday. 不,这是昨天的。

Oh. Excuse us. 哦,请原谅。

San Francisco! We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at the San Francisco...Oh, my God! I'm going... 旧金山!我们很高兴地通知您,您已经被我校录取了... 哦,天哪!我要去...

Good news ? 好消息?

I...I...very good news. 我... 我... 非常好的消息。

Hi...! 嗨... !

What's up with Rebecca? 丽贝卡怎么了?

I don't know. 不知道。

Well, she certainly seems happy. 是的,她看起来很高兴。

Good morning, Grace. 早上好,格蕾斯。

Sandy, I got the letter! I'm in! 桑蒂,我收到信了。我被录取了。

What letter? You mean, the San Francisco school? 什么信?你是说,那所旧金山的学校?

Look! 看!

Dear Ms. Casey: Congratulations!...Oh my gosh, they accepted you! The San Francisco College of Music!...Oh, Rebecca...I'm so happy for you! 亲爱的凯西小姐:祝贺你!... 哦,天哪,他们录取你了。旧金山音乐学院!... 哦,丽贝卡... 我真为你高兴!

Can you believe it? 你相信了吧?

Guess what? Rebecca's going to college. 猜怎么着?丽贝卡要去念大学了。

College!...Good for her. 大学!.... 太好了。

And she's quitting her job, too, and moving to San Francisco. 她还要辞去工作,搬到旧金山去。

She's quitting? 她辞工?

Would you give up your job in this economy? No way. 这样的经济条件下你会辞工吗?不可能。

Well, it's Rebecca's dream. It's good to have dreams. 不过,这是丽贝卡的梦想。有梦想真好。

I've got an idea! Why don't you come to San Francisco with me! 我有个好主意。你为什么不同我一起去旧金山?

San Francisco?...I don't think so. 旧金山?... 不行。

Why not? 为什么?

Well, first of all, I don't have any

money. 哦,首先,我没有钱。 I'll lend you some. 我借你一些。 Don't be silly. You're not Rockefeller. 别傻了。你又不是洛克菲勒。

Come on. What's keeping you in Boston? Nothing! 行了。什么让你离不开波士顿?什么也没有!

Ain't that the truth...but it is home...I mean, my mother lives here... 事实不是这样的.... 可这里有家... 我是说,我妈妈生活在这里...

You and your mom don't even talk. 你甚至不和你妈妈说话。

Well...there' s Jack... 那么... 这里有杰克。

Right...you and Jack...you know what I think about that! 这就对了... 你和杰克... 你知道我怎么想你和杰克!

But it's still home. Sorry, Rebecca, Boston's my town. Nice of you to ask, but no thanks. 这里毕竟是家。很抱歉,丽贝卡,波士顿是我长大的地方。谢谢你的邀请,可是不行,谢谢。 Well, it was an idea. 好吧,只是个想


San Francisco. Wait till Matt and your dad hear about this! 旧金山。等着听听麦特和你父亲的想法吧。 Dad? 爸爸?

Yeah? 什么事?

We have to talk. 我们得谈谈。 Uh-huh. 哦。

U005 Breaking the News

Dad? 爸爸?

Yeah? 什么事?

We have to talk. 我们得谈谈。 Uh-huh. 哦。

I have some good news. 我有个好消息。

Oh? 哦?

This music school accepted me and they're offering financial aid and a partial scholarship. I...uh...they want me to be a student there. 这所音乐学院录取我了,而且他们给我提供经济资助和部分奖学金。我... 呃... 他们想让我去那里学习。

When did you get this letter? 你什


This moming. 今天早晨。

This college is in San Francisco! 这所学院在旧金山。

Yeah, I know. 是的,我知道。

My God, that's the other side of the earth! 天哪,在地球的另一端。 Come on, Dad. It s only six hours by plane. 行了,爸爸。坐飞机只要6个小时。

It's too far away. We'll never see you. Why don't you go to school around here? 太远了。我们再也不会见到你。为什么不去这里附近的学校?

All the music schools in Boston turned me down. 所有波士顿的音乐学院决绝我了。

What about a nice community college...a good teacher's college... 好的社区学院呢?.... 一个有好教师的学院...

I want to study music. This is the only music school that accepted me. 我想学音乐。这是唯一一所录取我的音乐


What about Kevin? What about us? 凯文怎么办?我们怎么办?

Kevin's almost eighteen, he can take care of himself. And with a little help from him, you'll be fine, too. This is my

他会照顾big chance. 凯文快18岁了。


So, what do you want from me? 那么,你要我做什么?

I...um...nothing. Just your approval. 我... 什么也不要。只是要你的批准。 You want my approval? No way. 你要我的批准。不行。

What? 什么?

N-O. No way. N-O,不行。

That's it? End of conversation? 就这些?谈话结束?

What do you want me to say...that I'm thrilled? I gave you my opinion, but you don't care. 你要我说什么.... 恐吓我?我告诉你我的意见,可你听不进去。

But, Dad. This is something I really want to do. 可是,爸爸。这是我真正想做的事情。

There's a lot I want to do, too. But you don't always get what you want in this world. 我也有很多想做的事情。可在这个世界上你不能总是做想做的事情。

But, I'm not going forever. I'll call. I'll visit. 可是,我不是永远不回来,我会打电话,我会看你们。

Visit? Who's gonna pay for that? 看我们?谁来付钱呢?

I will. 我会的。

And where are you going to live out there? Rebecca, do you know how expensive it is to live on your own? 那么,你在那边住什么地方?丽贝卡,你知道自己住是很贵的吗?

Yes, I do. I have a place to stay. 是的,我知道。我有地方住。

I don't understand... 我不明白... Rent-free. 免租金。

Where? 什么地方?

At Nancy Shaw's. 在南希·萧家。 That woman! Where's my cane? 那个女人!我的拐杖在哪?

I know you don't like Nancy, but she is my godmother. 我知道你不喜欢南希,但她是我教母。

Does your brother know about this? 你弟弟知道这件事吗?

Not yet. 还不知道。

I'm going to bed. 我去睡了。

That school in San Francisco accepted you? 旧金山那所学院录取你了? Yeah. They gave me financial aid, too... 是的,他们还给了我经济资助...... So what are you gonna do? 那么,你怎么办?

Dad really wants me to stay, but I'm going. 爸爸非让我留下,可我要走。 When do you have to leave? 你什么时候离开?

In a few weeks. Kevin, the truth. Is it all right with you if I go? 几个星期以后。凯文,说真话。假如我走了,你真的会没事?

Go for it! 走吧!

Thanks...You're a pal. 谢谢...... 你真够朋友。

Don't worry about Dad. He'll get used to it. 别担心爸爸,他会习惯的。 You think so? 你这么认为?

I'm sure of it...Besides, then I can have

以后我可your room. 我肯定...... 另外,


My room! You little...my room! I'm not even out of here yet and you want my room? 我的房间!你这小子...... 我的房间。我还没离开你就想占我的房间?

It's ten o'clock. Come on. It's break time. 十点了,来吧,现在是休息时间。

You want to get a soda? 你想来杯软饮料吗?

No. I need a cigarette. So... 不,我要支烟,那么...

No, you don't. 不,你不能吸烟。 Yes, I do. 不,我可以。

Sandy, when are you going to quit

smoking? 桑蒂,你什么时候打算戒烟?

Tomorrow. 明天。

So? What did they say? 怎么样?他们怎么说?

I haven't told Matt yet. Kevin thinks it's great. My dad is definitely not happy! 我还没告诉麦特。凯文认为太棒了。我父亲却一点也不高兴。 He's mad, huh? 他疯了吗,啊? Yeah...Well, today's the day. It's time to let the boss know I'm leaving. 是的.... 好吧,就在今天... 是该通知老板我要离开了。

You're going to quit...just like that? 你要辞职... 就这么样了?

Well, I have to give them a two-week notice, right? Then...I'm out of here. 对,我得提前两个星期通知他们,对吗?然后... 就离开这里。

Oh, I can't believe it. 哦,我真不敢相信。

Well, it s true...Hey, I need some new clothes...you want to go shopping

after work? 是的,这是真的... 嘿,我需要一些新衣服... 你下班去买东西吗?

OK. 好的。

What are we looking for? 我们找什么?

I've got plenty of jeans and casual stuff for class. What I really need is something dressy for California. I've got zilch. 我已经有一大堆上课穿的牛仔裤和随意的衣服。我要的是在加州穿的衣服,我一件都没有。 How about this? 这件怎么样?

Too formal. This is pretty. Where's the price tag? 太正经。这件很漂亮。价签在哪?

Two hundred dollars! And it's on sale? 两百美圆。这是大减价吗?

Who can afford this stuff? 谁买得起这东西?

This is 30 percent off-only sixty dollars. 这件降价30%,只要60美圆。 I like it. Do they have your size? 我喜欢。他们有你的号码吗?

Mmm...Size six, perfect. I m going to try it on. 嗯,六号,太好了。我穿上试试。

Listen, I have to tell you a big secret. My mom doesn't even know. 听着,我得告诉你一个大秘密,连我妈妈都不知道。

What ? 是什么?

I'm moving in with Jack. 我搬到杰克那里去了。

You're what? The two of you are always fighting! 你什么?你们俩总打架。

Well...things change. 可是... 现在不一样了。

Yeah, but people don't. 哦,但人不会变。

Look, I'm going to do it. Period. I know you don't think it's a good idea, so let's just change the subject. 你瞧,我真的打算这么做。话说到此,我知道你不认为这是个好主意,那咱们换个话题。

Sandy, I just want you to be happy,

that's all. This thing with you and Jack is just... 桑蒂,我只想让你高兴,仅此而已。你和杰克这件事只是... Look...I think I can make it work. 好吧... 我想我会处理好的。

It looks great. 看起来太棒了。

I don't know. Maybe it's too... 我不知道,也许太...

It's perfect. 非常好。

All right. 好吧。

When do you have to leave? 你什么时候离开?

In a few weeks. 几个星期以后。 Do you have your plane ticket? 有机票了吗?

No, of course not. 没有,当然没有。 You'd better hurry up. It's cheaper if you buy your ticket a few weeks in advance. 你最好抓紧。你如果提前几个星期买机票会便宜。

I am not flying; I'm driving to San Francisco. 我不坐飞机,我开车去旧金山。

Drive? All by yourself? Are you crazy?

开车?一路自己开?你疯了吗? No, practical. I'll need a car in San Francisco, right? Anyway, I want to see the Southwest. So, why not buy a car here and drive it out there? 没有,这很实用。我在旧金山需要一辆车,对吗?总之,我要去西南转转。所以,干吗不在这买辆车开过去呢?

You are nuts! So, what kind of car are you gonna get? 你真疯了。那么,你打算要一辆什么车?

The best car I can get for fifteen hundred dollars. 我能负担得起的最好车子是1500美元。

Hello. Can I help you folks? 你好。能帮您做点什么?

We're just looking, thanks. 我们只是看看,谢谢。

Are you looking for anything special? 在找什么特别的车?

She's looking for a car to drive across country. 她在找一辆能够开着穿越全国的车。

Gotcha! So you want something you

can count on... 天哪!那么你要买的车一定得靠得住...

Yeah. 是的。

I have something for you right over here...It's in A-l condition. New tires, excellent engine...It's a Florida car. 我那边有你要的东西... 车况一流。新轮胎,引擎非常好... 是一辆佛罗里达车。Oh, no! That's much too expensive... 哦,不。太贵了...

Well, for you, I can come down a little in the price. How much do you want to spend? 那好,为了您,价格我可以让一点。你打算花多少钱?

Fifteen hundred, max. 最多一千五。 Fifteen hundred, max!!! I don't think so...I haven't really got anything for you...But I've got a friend who sells cars about four blocks from here... 一千五,最多!!!这恐怕不行...... 我这里没有你要的东西... 但离这里四个街区我的一个朋友卖车。

I need something to eat. Do you want anything? 我需要吃些东西,你来点


No, thanks. 不,谢谢。

Hi. 嗨。

Hi. 嗨。

Kevin and I went looking at used cars...for my trip. They're all so expensive. 凯文和我在找二手车... 为了我的旅行。可那些车都很贵。 Unh-huh. 嗯... 嗯。

This is silly. Would you please talk to me? 这真蠢。和我说说话好吗? OK. 好吧。

Everyone has to leave home...sometime. 每个人都要离开家...... 总有一天。

Dad, I'm leaving pretty soon. 爸爸,我很快就要走了。

I know. 我知道。

I don't want to leave with you angry at me. 我不想离开时你生我的气。 I'm not angry. 我不生气。

Try to be happy for me. 试着为我高兴点。

I just don't see why you have to go so

far away. 我只是不明白你为什么要去这么远。

Dad, it's something I really want to do... 爸爸,这是我真正想要做的... I know, I know. But I don't have to like it, do I? 我知道,我知道。但我不必非得喜欢这主意,可以吗?

U006 Saying Goodbye

Hi, Miss Casey. I'm sorry I'm late for my lesson. 你好,凯西小姐。对不起我迟到了。

Hi, Melissa, how are you doing? 你好,梅丽莎,最近怎么样?

Fine. 很好。

Good. Listen, before we begin, I have to tell you something. 很好。听着,在我们开始前,有些事要告诉你。 What? 什么事?

I m going back to school. 我要回学校。

You are? Why? 你?为什么? To study music. 去学音乐。

But you're the best music teacher, and

you know lots of music. 可你是最好的音乐老师,你懂很多音乐知识。 Thanks, but I want to be better...But I'm sad because the school is far away and I won't be... 谢谢,但我想更好... 我很伤心因为学校太远,我不能... Where is it? 学校在哪?

San Francisco. 旧金山

Where's that? 旧金山在哪?

We're here...and San Francisco's all the way over here, in California. 我们在这... 旧金山在这里,在加利福尼亚州。

I won't be able to see you? 我再也见不到你了?

Yes, I'm leaving, but, let's see, we have one more lesson. I'll try to find you a good teacher, OK? 是的,我马上就要离开,不过,让我们看看,我们还有一节课。我会尽量给你找一个好老师,好吗?

OK. 好吧。

What do you want to play first? 首先你想弹什么?

Can we play the blues? 我们弹蓝调好吗?

Sure. You know Travelin' Blues, right? 当然。你会旅行蓝调,对吗? Yeah. 是的。

Let s play that. 我们一起弹吧。 OK. 好的。

A Major. A 大调。

What do you think, Frank...am I nuts? 你觉得怎么样,弗兰克... 我是疯了吗?

No, you're not crazy. Rebecca's twenty-eight. I mean, it's about time she got a car... 不,你没疯。丽贝卡已经二十八岁了。我是说,是她该有车的时候了...

Hey, what do you think of this one here? 嘿,你觉得这辆怎么样?

No way! Look at the price! 不行,看看这价格。

She needs a small car-something she can drive around Boston. 她需要一辆

小车-- 那种可以围着波士顿开的车。

Frank...she's driving all the way to San

Francisco. 弗兰克... 她要独自开车去旧金山。

San Francisco? 旧金山?

Yeah, alone. 是的,一个人。

She's gonna drive three thousand miles...by herself?...Is that safe? 她要开车走3000英里... 她自己.... 这样安全吗?

I think she should fly if she insists on going, but she said she'd rather put the money in a car that she can use when she's out there. 我想如果她坚持走的话可以坐飞机,可她说要把钱用在车上,这样她到那边的时候可以用。

I'd never drive that far by myself. You know that daughter of yours is pretty independent. Hey, now here's a car to drive across country. 我自己从未开过那么远。你知道你的女儿很独立。嘿,这辆车可以开着穿越全国。 She got into a good school, Frank. The San Francisco College of Music. 她进了一所好学校,弗兰克。旧金山音乐


Music school? That'll never pay off. You can't make any money in music. 音乐学校?永远没有回报。你靠音乐赚不到任何钱。

You're telling me! I thought she should go to a local college. 这还用你说!我认为她应该上一所当地学校。

Well, that makes more sense to me. So why does she have to go all the way to

我明白了。那么,San Francisco? 哦,


Well, the school out there accepted her...and they offered her financial help. 是这样,那边的学校录取了她... 并且为她提供经济资助。

Well that's good, right? 那很好,对吗?

I guess so. 我想是的。

Hey, if you're so worried about this, why don't you talk her out of it? 嘿,如果你这么担心,为什么你不说服她?

I can't change her mind. She's all fired

up about the idea. Says it's her dream. 我无法改变她的想法。她对此很激动,说那是她的梦想。

Yeah, but dreams don't pay bills.是的,可梦想付不了帐单。

Yeah, well there's nothing I can do...If this is what she wants, maybe I can help her with a car. 对呀,我没办法... 如果这是她想要的,也许我能让她有辆车。

Well, if she's gonna be driving, you know, all the way across country, she's gotta have a decent car. 对,如果她要开车,你知道,穿越全国,她应该有一辆说得过去的车。

Hey...hey, here's one of those what do you call it Oldsmobile Deltas? 嘿... 嘿... 这就是你想要的奥斯墨比·德尔塔?

Yeah, Oldsmobile Delta. 对,奥斯墨比·德尔塔。

Hey, looks in tip-top shape, look. 嘿,一流的款式,看那。

Oh, you don't know about used cars,

Frank. Whew! 80,000 miles. 噢,你不了解旧车,弗兰克。呜!八万英里。 Oh, that's a lot of miles! You know we have to take a close look at the engine, the tires, the doors, everything... 哦,跑了这么多英里。你知道我们得仔细看看引擎,轮胎,车门,每一样东西... It's a lot of money, Frank. I don't wanna get ripped off. 一大笔钱,弗兰克。我不想被骗光。

You have to watch these used car salesmen. 你得看着点这些二手车推销员。

I don't know...Do I wanna do this? 我不知道... 我真要这么做吗?

She'll love you for it. 她会因此更爱你的。

You think so? 你这么想?

Yeah...there, come on, let's take a look. 对.... 那边,来吧,咱们去看看。 Whew, watch that one...Hey, looks clean, no oil leaks. 喔,看那个... 嘿,看起来很干净,没漏油。

That's a lotta mileage, Frank...Let's

have that mechanic of yours, what's his name . . 跑的英里数太多了,弗兰克... 把你的机械师找来,他叫什么名字...

Sammy? 撒米?

Yeah. 对。

Yeah. We'll tell the salesman we want our mechanic to take a look at it before we pay anything. 好吧。我们得告诉推销员在我们付款之前得让我们的机械师看一下。

And we take it for a test drive, too. 另外还要开着试一次。

You got it. 就这么定了。

OK. Let's make a deal. 好吧,就这么定了。

What's the score? 几比几了? Three to nothing. 三比零。 Three to nothing? 三比零? All right, Mary! 好的,玛丽。

C'mon, Mary. You can do it, Mary. Put it right by her now, Mary. C'mon, she's no batter, let's go Mary! 加油,玛丽。你能行,玛丽。把球投过她,玛丽。

加油,她不堪一击,来吧,玛丽。 That a girl, Becky ! 好丫头,贝琪。 Come on, Becky, beat the bums! 加油,贝琪,打她屁股!

So how do you feel about Rebecca leaving home? 你对丽贝卡离开家的事怎么看?

Uh, I don't know. I'm OK, I guess. 哦,我不知道。我没问题,我想。

You're going to miss her, aren't you? 你会想她,不是吗?

Yeah, but at least I get to move into her room. Hey, don't take all my potato chips! 对,可至少我可以搬到她的房间。嘿,别把我的薯片都拿走。 Don't be so stingy! 别这么小气。 Come on, girl-put it in there, one more

姑娘们,加out! Lets go, Mary! 加油,

油!再打一个出局! 咱们上,玛丽。 Safe! 上垒。

She is not! 没有。

Is too. 是上垒。

Is not. 不是。

Safe. End of discussion. 上垒。停止讨


Oh, this is ridiculous, she was...she was out, there was no... 哦,真荒谬,她... 她出局了,那...

Twenty-two to two, what happened to you? 22比2,你怎么了?

Hey, how about a little sympathy? I lost my last softball game. 嘿,有点同情心好吗?我输了最后一场垒球赛。 Poor you! You can't do it all by yourself. If it wasn't for that umpire... 真可怜。这不能全靠你一个人。如果不是因为裁判...

Yeah, I think he was working for the other team. 对。我想他是在为那个队干活。

What the heck, it's only a game, right? 我才不在乎呢。只是一场比赛,对吗?

I think I'm heading home. I'll see you later. 我该回家了,一会见。

All right, thanks for coming. 好吧,谢谢你能来。

Oh, it was fun...seeing you get beat!

哦,很好玩... 看你被打败。

You're supposed to be cheering me on... 你应该为我加油才对...

Tomorrow night we'll go car hunting again? 明晚我们还去找车? Absolutely...Bye. 一定.... 再见。 Bye, Sandy. 再见,桑蒂。

Bye! Thanks for the potato chips! 再见。谢谢你的薯片。

Hey, the team's going to the Sports Bar, do you wanna come? 嘿,球队要去体育酒吧,你来吗?

I can't. Jack and I are going to the movies. 我不能去。杰克和我去看电影。

I still don't know what you see in that guy. 我还是不明白你看上他什么了?

You're not me, OK? 你不是我,对吗?

Now, when are you leaving for San Francisco? 那么,你什么时候离开去旧金山?

A week from Saturday. I drive out real

early. 从这周六起还有一周。一早开车出发。

Let's hope you have a car by then... 希望到那时你会有辆车...

I will! 我会的。

Oh, make room, move that glove. 哦,让点地方,拿开手套。

Oh my gosh! You guys, you didn't have to do this, this is too much! 哦,天那!你们这帮家伙,你们不必这么做,这太隆重了。

OK. 好吧。

You're in our hearts, as you well know...We'll think of you, wherever you go. You'll be a hit in San Francisco! Thanks. 你在我们心中,如你所知... 我们会想念你,无论你在哪里。你会成为旧金山的明星。谢谢。

OK, hurry up, hurry up! 好吧,快点,快点。

What did you guys get me? 你们给我送了什么?

A Red Sox jacket! This is great! 一件红袜子棒球衫!太棒了!

What a great present. Thanks, you guys! Ah, what to say...Well, we didn't win many games, but we had more fun than any other team in the league...and I'm never gonna forget the Silver Stars. I'm gonna miss you guys. 礼物太好了!谢谢你们!哦,怎么说... 好吧,我们赢得不多,可我们比联赛中其他的球队有更多的欢乐... 我永远不会忘记银星队,我会想念你们的,伙计们。

Don't replace me too soon, OK? 不要马上找人替我,好吗?

Hey, Matt! What are you doing here? 嘿,麦特!你在这干吗?

I got out of work late. I called your house. And Kevin told me you'd be here. Nice jacket.我下班晚了。我给你家里打电话。凯文告诉我你在这... 很漂亮的夹克衫。

Thanks, its a present from the team. 谢谢,这是球队的礼物。

They're gonna miss you. You're their star player. 她们会想念你的。你是她


I wasn't today. We lost, twenty-two to two. 今天不是,我们输了,22比2。

Ouch.I think we need to have a talk.哦。我想我们得谈谈。

Look, if it's about my decision to go to San Francisco, I'm not going to change my mind. 听着,如果是关于我去旧金山的决定,我不会改变想法。 I realize that. 我意识到了。

But I'll be back to visit...and you can come and see me. 但是,我会回来看你们的... 另外,你可以来看我。

No, let's not kid ourselves. Four years of college in California will pretty much end our relationship. 不,别跟自己开玩笑了。在加州的四年学习会结束我们的恋爱关系。

Lots of people have long-distance relationships. 很多人距离遥远仍彼此相爱。

Not me. I'm not a long-distance kind of guy. All our friends are getting

married. They're having kids. I thought we were next. 我不行。我不是那种相距遥远仍相爱的人。我们所有的朋友都结婚了,并且有了孩子。我以为接下来该是我们了。

See, Becky, you and I...we have different dreams...I think it's better to call quits. 贝琪,你和我.... 我们有不同的梦想... 我想我们最好分开。 Is it? 真的吗?

I think so. 我想是的。

Look, I'm sorry you feel this way, but I'm never going to be happy if I don't try this. I'm sorry. 你瞧,我很抱歉你这么想,可如果我不去尝试这次机会我永远都不会快乐。我很抱歉。


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