
Module1 is in the Hundreds of words, part of which are not so Are not besides and But it is doubtful whether these differences are so “ Englishes “ there will be, the users


Timoteo Apaza, a 46-year-old ____volunter____,works as a human traffic signal. Holding a large round __board__ which is red on one side and green on the other, he stands on the bend to __direct__ the traffic without pay. Sometimes, __passers-by__ five him tips. Many people wonder why he does it.

As is known, La Paz is the highest capital in the world. Because of its high altitude, __transportation__ and communication are quite hard there. Many roads are in bad __condition__, which leads to frequent accidents. Once, he drove a lorry going down the road that is so dangerous and __ fell__ 300meters down the mountain at a __bend__. Fortunately, he __survived__it. Then, one night, he was called out to help people out of a __crashed__ bus at the Devil’s Bend, which finally made him decide to help others and take up this job.


The Steam boat

__On__ a rainy midnight, we sailed down the river__on__ a raft, noticing a steamboat half __in__and half __ out__ of the water. We paddled over and climbed __on __ __to__ it, hoping to get something useful. But I found that two men, one of __ whom__ held a gun, were just going to kill a man__lying__ on the floor, __tied __up with rope. I decided to save the man, so I __persuaded__ Jim to help me paddle away the men’s boat __tied__ to the steam boat. When we were a __safe __distance away, I began to __regret__ doing that.


The Magic of the Mask

Think of carnival, and you ____ crowds, costumes, and confusion. “Carnival ” ____ from two Latin words, ____”no more meat”. People saw carnival ____ a last ____ to have fun at the end of the winter season.

The most famous carnival in Europe was in Venice. For weeks ____, people ____masks did what they wanted without ____, so that many crimes went____.

The government realized this problem and made ____to solve it. Masks were ___ completely. But in the late 1970s the tradition was ___ by students.

Today, carnival in Venice is ____ for five days in February. As you____ through the streets, you see thousands of masks. However, nobody takes them____. If the masks come off, the magic is lost.


A Life in Sport

Li Ning was called the ____ of gymnasts. He won__106__gold medals in all and was chosen as one of the greatest sportsmen of the __ 20th __century by sports journalists.

After he __retired __, he began a new career__as__ a businessman, launching a new brand of sportswear and chose his own__name__ as the brand mark.

Li Ning’s sports clothes came __ onto__ the market at just the right time and gained __success__quickly. In just a few years Li Ning won more than fifty percent of the ___market and his company has slao grown internationally. But Li Ning ’s __goal__was not to make money when he retired. In 1991, he opened a school for gymnasts to help young people to __achieve__ their sporting ambitions. If you are a great sportsman, anything is _possible__,as Li Ning’s advertising slogan says.


Saving the Antelopes

__on__ a freezing cold day in January 1994, Jiesang Suonandajie gave his life__to__ save the Tivetan antelope. By the 1990s the __number__ of the Tibetan antelopes had __fallen__ from millions of them to about 50,000.The reason is that the __wool__ of the Tibetan antelope is the most expensive in the world. For poachers the ___profits___ can be huge.

Often at night, whole herds of antelopes are shot and skinned on the __spot__, and then the wool is taken to __India__ to rich countries in North America and Europe. In the 1990s the Chinese __government__ began protect the antelopes actively. Over the next ten years about 3,000 poachers were __caught__ and 300 vehicles __confiscated__. __Meanwhile__, in those countries __where__ the shawls are sold, police are getting __tough__ with the dealers. Since 1997 the antelope population has slowly begun to

__grow__ again.

Module1 is in the Hundreds of words, part of which are not so Are not besides and But it is doubtful whether these differences are so “ Englishes “ there will be, the users


Timoteo Apaza, a 46-year-old ____volunter____,works as a human traffic signal. Holding a large round __board__ which is red on one side and green on the other, he stands on the bend to __direct__ the traffic without pay. Sometimes, __passers-by__ five him tips. Many people wonder why he does it.

As is known, La Paz is the highest capital in the world. Because of its high altitude, __transportation__ and communication are quite hard there. Many roads are in bad __condition__, which leads to frequent accidents. Once, he drove a lorry going down the road that is so dangerous and __ fell__ 300meters down the mountain at a __bend__. Fortunately, he __survived__it. Then, one night, he was called out to help people out of a __crashed__ bus at the Devil’s Bend, which finally made him decide to help others and take up this job.


The Steam boat

__On__ a rainy midnight, we sailed down the river__on__ a raft, noticing a steamboat half __in__and half __ out__ of the water. We paddled over and climbed __on __ __to__ it, hoping to get something useful. But I found that two men, one of __ whom__ held a gun, were just going to kill a man__lying__ on the floor, __tied __up with rope. I decided to save the man, so I __persuaded__ Jim to help me paddle away the men’s boat __tied__ to the steam boat. When we were a __safe __distance away, I began to __regret__ doing that.


The Magic of the Mask

Think of carnival, and you ____ crowds, costumes, and confusion. “Carnival ” ____ from two Latin words, ____”no more meat”. People saw carnival ____ a last ____ to have fun at the end of the winter season.

The most famous carnival in Europe was in Venice. For weeks ____, people ____masks did what they wanted without ____, so that many crimes went____.

The government realized this problem and made ____to solve it. Masks were ___ completely. But in the late 1970s the tradition was ___ by students.

Today, carnival in Venice is ____ for five days in February. As you____ through the streets, you see thousands of masks. However, nobody takes them____. If the masks come off, the magic is lost.


A Life in Sport

Li Ning was called the ____ of gymnasts. He won__106__gold medals in all and was chosen as one of the greatest sportsmen of the __ 20th __century by sports journalists.

After he __retired __, he began a new career__as__ a businessman, launching a new brand of sportswear and chose his own__name__ as the brand mark.

Li Ning’s sports clothes came __ onto__ the market at just the right time and gained __success__quickly. In just a few years Li Ning won more than fifty percent of the ___market and his company has slao grown internationally. But Li Ning ’s __goal__was not to make money when he retired. In 1991, he opened a school for gymnasts to help young people to __achieve__ their sporting ambitions. If you are a great sportsman, anything is _possible__,as Li Ning’s advertising slogan says.


Saving the Antelopes

__on__ a freezing cold day in January 1994, Jiesang Suonandajie gave his life__to__ save the Tivetan antelope. By the 1990s the __number__ of the Tibetan antelopes had __fallen__ from millions of them to about 50,000.The reason is that the __wool__ of the Tibetan antelope is the most expensive in the world. For poachers the ___profits___ can be huge.

Often at night, whole herds of antelopes are shot and skinned on the __spot__, and then the wool is taken to __India__ to rich countries in North America and Europe. In the 1990s the Chinese __government__ began protect the antelopes actively. Over the next ten years about 3,000 poachers were __caught__ and 300 vehicles __confiscated__. __Meanwhile__, in those countries __where__ the shawls are sold, police are getting __tough__ with the dealers. Since 1997 the antelope population has slowly begun to

__grow__ again.


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