

一. 单词检测

飞机 _________ 注意_________ 地铁_________ 交通信号灯_________

头盔_________ 早到的_________ 戴_________ 慢下来______________

雪橇_________ 轮渡_________ 快的_________ 火车_________

Munich_________ Germany_________ Alaska_________ Scotland_________

二. 句子翻译

1. 你怎么来学校的?

2. 我经常步行来的,有时我会坐汽车。

3. 那是好的锻炼。

4. 让我们一起去自然公园吧。

5. 我们怎么到那里?

6. 我必须注意交通信号灯!

7. 在美国,人民在自行车上必须戴头盔。

8. 它们来自我美国的表弟。

9. 在黄灯时慢下来和停下来。

三. 连词成句(根据句子结构需要补充或改变单词形式)

1. FUxing can get how hospital I ?

2. over NO. 57 bus there take .

3. go red the don ’t light .

4. Amy how go home ?

5. Amy park how go do to ?

6. good it ’s you see.

7. Chinese British so is from food food different

8. use chopsticks can you ?

9. china the side drive people in right on .

10. before must crossing right road we look .

11. on bus no there the door .


12. you look are side the wrong !


( ) ( ) ( )3.bread A. peach B.head ( )

( ) 五、单项选择。

( )1. Stop at the ______. A. yellow light B. green light C. red light

( )2. There are always traffic lights in every country. A. three B.four C.five

( ) 3. We must the traffic rules. A. remember B. watch C. find

( )4. How do you _________? I often go to school on foot.

A.go school B.go to school C. go to home

( )5. Do you go to work bus ? A. on B. by

( ) 6.How can I get to Zhongshan Park?

A 、You can go by bus. B 、I can go by bus. C. We can go by bus.

( ) .It's not far from here.A、on foot B 、by ship C. by plane

( )8. Go at the ______. A. yellow light B. green light C. red light

( ) 9. Can I go on ? —Sure ,if you like . A. bus B. bike C. foot

( )10.My home is near. You can go _____.A. by plane B. on foot C. by ship

( ) 11. The Science Museum is near the school _____the right. A. on B. at C. in

( ) 12. Is there a cinema near your home? ________

A. Yes, there isn’t. B. Yes, there is. C. No, there is.

( ) 13. If you want to see a doctor, you can go to the ______.

A. hospital B. library C. cinema

( ) 14. Turn right ________ the school, then go ________.

A. of, straight B. at, straight C. in, straight

( ) 15. Excuse me, where is the library? It’s ________ the cinema.

A. next B. next to C. at


I’m middle school student. My name is Liu Ming. I’m Class 1, Grade 2. home on Sundays and Saturdays. We like our class. We like teachers. We have six classes a day. But we four classes on Thursday. On Thursday afternoon, we don’t have classes. We all the girls are singing happily.

( )1.A. a B. an C. the D. /

( )2.A. at B. in C. of D. on

( )3.A. has B. have C. is D. are

( )4.A. at B. in C. on D. of

( )5.A. at B. in C. on D. of

( )6.A. we B. our C. us D. ours

( )7.A. have B. has C. there is D. there are

( )8.A. a B. an C. some D. any

( )9.A. play B. playing C. to play D. playing

( )10.A. but B. and C. or D. so


一. 单词检测

飞机 _________ 注意_________ 地铁_________ 交通信号灯_________

头盔_________ 早到的_________ 戴_________ 慢下来______________

雪橇_________ 轮渡_________ 快的_________ 火车_________

Munich_________ Germany_________ Alaska_________ Scotland_________

二. 句子翻译

1. 你怎么来学校的?

2. 我经常步行来的,有时我会坐汽车。

3. 那是好的锻炼。

4. 让我们一起去自然公园吧。

5. 我们怎么到那里?

6. 我必须注意交通信号灯!

7. 在美国,人民在自行车上必须戴头盔。

8. 它们来自我美国的表弟。

9. 在黄灯时慢下来和停下来。

三. 连词成句(根据句子结构需要补充或改变单词形式)

1. FUxing can get how hospital I ?

2. over NO. 57 bus there take .

3. go red the don ’t light .

4. Amy how go home ?

5. Amy park how go do to ?

6. good it ’s you see.

7. Chinese British so is from food food different

8. use chopsticks can you ?

9. china the side drive people in right on .

10. before must crossing right road we look .

11. on bus no there the door .


12. you look are side the wrong !


( ) ( ) ( )3.bread A. peach B.head ( )

( ) 五、单项选择。

( )1. Stop at the ______. A. yellow light B. green light C. red light

( )2. There are always traffic lights in every country. A. three B.four C.five

( ) 3. We must the traffic rules. A. remember B. watch C. find

( )4. How do you _________? I often go to school on foot.

A.go school B.go to school C. go to home

( )5. Do you go to work bus ? A. on B. by

( ) 6.How can I get to Zhongshan Park?

A 、You can go by bus. B 、I can go by bus. C. We can go by bus.

( ) .It's not far from here.A、on foot B 、by ship C. by plane

( )8. Go at the ______. A. yellow light B. green light C. red light

( ) 9. Can I go on ? —Sure ,if you like . A. bus B. bike C. foot

( )10.My home is near. You can go _____.A. by plane B. on foot C. by ship

( ) 11. The Science Museum is near the school _____the right. A. on B. at C. in

( ) 12. Is there a cinema near your home? ________

A. Yes, there isn’t. B. Yes, there is. C. No, there is.

( ) 13. If you want to see a doctor, you can go to the ______.

A. hospital B. library C. cinema

( ) 14. Turn right ________ the school, then go ________.

A. of, straight B. at, straight C. in, straight

( ) 15. Excuse me, where is the library? It’s ________ the cinema.

A. next B. next to C. at


I’m middle school student. My name is Liu Ming. I’m Class 1, Grade 2. home on Sundays and Saturdays. We like our class. We like teachers. We have six classes a day. But we four classes on Thursday. On Thursday afternoon, we don’t have classes. We all the girls are singing happily.

( )1.A. a B. an C. the D. /

( )2.A. at B. in C. of D. on

( )3.A. has B. have C. is D. are

( )4.A. at B. in C. on D. of

( )5.A. at B. in C. on D. of

( )6.A. we B. our C. us D. ours

( )7.A. have B. has C. there is D. there are

( )8.A. a B. an C. some D. any

( )9.A. play B. playing C. to play D. playing

( )10.A. but B. and C. or D. so


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