
Unit 5 If you go to the party,you’ll have a great time.




3.情态动词should 的用法。

4.重要句型:I’m going to the dance with Karen and Ann.

If you do, you’ll have a great time.

Are you going to the party?

Yes, I am. I’m going to wear my new jeans.

You should wear your cool pants.

5.重点词汇:late, sorry, have a great time, travel around the world,

work hard, wear jeans, let… in, take away 二、重难点知识讲解

1.I think I’m going to go to the party with Karen and Ann.


“be going to+v.”是将来时态的一种形式,表示“打算(做某事)”,这是我们所熟悉的句式。如:

I’m going to do some shopping with my mother. 我要和我妈妈去购物。

He is going to take part in an English class.(=He is going to an English class.)


注意:be going to后可以接表示地点的名词,表示“要去某地”。若接表示地点的副词,则去掉to。

I’m going to my teacher’s office. 我要去老师的办公室。

I’m going there, too. 我也想去那儿。

辨析:be going to, will与shall

一般说来,will, shall表示纯粹的将来,没有任何感情色彩,而be going to或其他用动词的进行时表示的是将要发生的动作或情况,带有较重的感情色彩,如表示即将发生的事情、计划之中安排要做的事情等。

It will rain. 要下雨了。(动作要发生) It is going to rain. Hurry up, please.就要下雨了。请快点儿。(雨即刻就要下了。)

2.If you do, you’ll have a great time. 如果你做,你将会玩得很高兴。

(1)have a good time意为“过得愉快,玩得高兴”,类似的表达方式还有enjoy oneself, have fun, have a wonderful /nice time等。如:

Have you had a great time at the party?晚会上你玩得开心吗?

I have a great time on the trip. (=I have a good /wonderful /nice time on the trip.)



If you study hard, you can pass the examination.


If you wait a minute, I shall go and find him.请等一会儿,我就去把他找来。


3.I think I’m going to wear jeans to the party. 我想要穿着牛仔裤去参加聚会。

辨析:wear, put on, have on与dress

(1)put on是“穿上,戴”的意思,表示动作,是非延续性动词。如:

He put on his coat and went out. 他穿上外衣就出去了。

Put on more clothes. It’s very cold outside.多穿点儿衣服,外面很冷。


He often wears a blue jacket. 他常穿一件蓝夹克。

She is wearing a red skirt. 她穿着一件红裙子。

(3)have on是“穿着,戴着”的意思,表示状态,可以和wear互换。如:

She always has her red shoes on.

=She always wears her red shoes. 她总是穿着那双红鞋。


Wake up the children and dress them. 叫醒孩子,给他们穿上衣服。

She is dressed in beautiful clothes today. 今天她穿着漂亮的衣服。 dress作不及物动词。dress up意为“化妆,打扮,穿上盛装”。

4.Let’s have it today. 让我们今天举行吧。

Let’s是Let us的缩写,意思是“让我们”。

Let’s后跟动词原形,表示“让我们做某事吧”,其否定句式是Let’s not do sth. 让我们不要做某事。如:

Let’s have a rest. 让我们休息一下吧。

Let’s not go out. 咱们别出去了吧。

注意:Let’s 与Let us表达的含义不完全相同,Let’s表示提出建议,而Let us表示提出请求。如:

Let’s go and see Mr. Wang. 我们去看看王先生吧。(提出一种建议)。

Let us know the answer, please.

请把答案告诉我们。(表示提出请求,相当于Please tell us the answer.)

5.If we have it today, half the class won’t come.


half adj. 一半的

Half the workers come from Shandong. 半数工人来自山东。

辨析:half, all与none


Half the students in our class are girls. 我们班半数学生是女生。

All the students in our class are from Nanjing. 我们班所有的学生都是南京人。 None of the students in our class smoke.


6.If you do, the teachers will call your parents.


call sb. 给某人打电话

I called him this morning. 今天早上我给他打了电话。

Did you call them last week? 上周你给他们打电话了吗?

[拓展](1)call sb.’s name 喊某人的名字

The boy calls his brother’s name. 那个小男孩喊他哥哥的名字。

(2)call on sb. 拜访某人(拜访的对象是“人”)

I called on him yesterday. 昨天我去拜访了他。

(3)call at sp 拜访(拜访的对象是“地点”) They called at her house last week. 他们上星期去她家拜访。

7.Why not? 为什么不?

Why not问句表示建议,即提议某人去做某事。也可用Why don’t you…? 如: Why not go there with me? 为什么不跟我一起去呢?

Why not come more often? 为什么不经常来这里呢? Why not go there and have a look? 为何不去那儿看看?

Why don't you sell the car if you need money? 如果需要钱为什么不卖掉车?

8.make a lot of money 赚许多钱

(1)make money 赚钱


make paper 造纸 make a road 筑路

make noises 发出噪音 make up one’s mind 下决心

make friends 交朋友 make tea 沏茶

make a fire 生火 make a living 谋生

(2)a lot of 许多,很多

辨析:a lot, a lot of与lots of

①三者都有“许多,很多”的意思。a lot of, lots of一般用于肯定句,后接可数名词复数或不可数名词。它们完全可以互相换用。如:

A lot of /Lots of students went swimming yesterday.昨天许多学生去游泳了。

He has lots of /a lot of work to do this week.本周他有许多工作要做。

②a lot可作名词,相当于a lot of things,它也作副词,修饰动词或形容词、副词比较级。如:

We have learnt a lot from Lei Feng. 我们从雷锋那里学到了很多东西。

Mary is a lot older than Alice.玛丽比艾丽斯大得多。

9.If you join the Lions, you’ll become a great soccer player.



He joined the army in 1948.


辨析:join, join in与take part in

①如果参加一群人的某种活动,这个活动可用介词in+doing(或名词)表示。如: She’ll join us in singing a song. 她将和我们一起唱歌。

Will you join us in the discussion? 你加入我们的讨论好吗?

②join in的意思是“参加并一起活动”。如:

He joined in the game. 他参加了(一起做)这个游戏。

③take part in 指参加某一活动并在其中起积极作用,如会议、竞赛、运动、斗争等。如:They took part in the sports meeting yesterday. 昨天他们参加了运动会。 I took part in the game.我参加了这场比赛。

A lot of students took part in the thorough cleaning yesterday.


10.You’ll travel around the world. 你将要旅游全世界。

travel vi. & vt. & n.

①vi. 旅行,游历

He travelled across a desert last year. 去年他横穿沙漠旅行。

②vt. 旅行,游历

He will travel Beijing soon. 不久他将游览北京。

③n. 旅行 He is fond of travel. 他喜欢旅行。

11.For many young people, becoming a professional athlete might seem like a dream job.


seem v.“似乎”,常用于下列句型:

(1)seem+(to be) n. /adj. /prep. (作表语)

He seems(to be)happy. 他似乎很快乐。

They seem to be soldiers. 他们好像是士兵。

(2)seem+to do

She seems to be sleeping. 她好像在睡觉。

He seems to understand the meaning of the word. 他似乎理解了这个单词的意思。

(3)It seems +that-从句

It seems that he is happy. 他似乎很高兴。

=He seems(to be) happy.

12.Maybe I’ll become a teacher. 也许我会成为一名教师。

maybe adv. (同义词是perhaps)[口] 大概,或许,也许

Maybe he is right. 他可能是对的。

辨析:maybe与may be


Maybe he knows it, maybe he doesn’t. 他也许知道那件事,也许不知道。

—It that his? 那是他的吗?

—Maybe, I’m not sure. 也许是,我说不准。

(2)may be是“情态动词+动词原形”的形式,在句中作谓语,译为“可能是,也许是”。

He may be twenty. 他可能20岁。

The book may be in the bag. 书也许在书包里。(may be作谓语)

Maybe the book is in the bag. 也许书在书包里。(maybe作状语)

13.I will also be able to work outside sometimes. 有时我也会在外面工作。

(1)also 也

辨析:also, too与either



He is a worker, too.(=He is a worker too.)

还可以说:He, too, is a worker.

②also, too一般用于肯定句中,但too有时可用于否定句中,但必须放在否定词之前。如:

She also went to the theatre. 她也去剧院了。

She was also wrong. 她也错了。

She can also do it. 她也能做那件事。

I don’t know him, and she too didn’t know him. 我不认识他,她也不认识他。


You didn’t go there. I didn’t go there, either. (=Neither did I.)


(2)sometimes adv. 有时

辨析:sometimes, sometime, some time与some times

①sometimes是一个表示时间频率的副词,意为“有时候”,其语法特点相当于often, always。

He sometimes sends an e-mail to me. 他有时给我发电子邮件。


This call box was built sometime last year.这个电话亭是去年某个时候建的。 Let’s have a meeting sometime next week.咱们下周找个时间(某个时间)开个会吧。 ③some time是个名词短语,是指“一些时间,一些时候,相当长的时间”,指的是时间段。

I will stay here for some time. 我要在这儿呆一段时间。

④some times意为“几次”,times作“次数”讲,是可数名词。 Repeat it some times, or you’ll forget it.重复几遍,否则你就会忘了。

14.If I eat too much lunch… 如果我午饭吃得太多,……

too much是“太多”的意思。如:

There is too much water there. 那里有太多的水。

辨析:too much与too many

too much+不可数名词,too many+可数名词复数。

There are too many people. 这儿有太多的人。 He has too much work to do. 他有太多的工作要做。

15.If you do, they’ll laugh at you. 如果你做,他们将嘲笑你。



(1)smile是“微笑”的意思;laugh是“出声的笑”,有时是“大笑”的意思。如: He never smiles. 他从来不笑。

Why are you laughing? 你为什么笑?

(2)作为不及物动词,laugh和smile都与at 连用,表示三个方面的意思。 ①因……而笑

He laughed /smiled at the joke. 听了这笑话他笑了。

What are you laughing /smiling at? 你在笑什么?


He was laughed at by his friends. 他被朋友们嘲笑了。

She smiled at him. 她笑他。


He laughed at the enemy’s threats. 他对敌人的恐吓一笑置之。


She smiled a forced smile. 她强颜欢笑。

He laughed himself to death. 他笑得要死。

He laughed a reply. 他以笑做答。


1.—I like English best. —


A.I do


So I doC.I like so D.So do I

2.It’s far, you’

d better _______ the bus there.




carry D.caught


If it rains tomorrow, we _______ to visit the Museum.


t do B.won’

t goC.aren’

t goD.didn’t go


The old woman is ill _______ hospital. She is _______.


in; in danger


in; dangerousB.

in the; in danger D.in the; dangerous


t _______ others when they make mistakes.


laugh B.

laugh atC.

laugh toD.laugh with


Will you go to the park if it _______ fine?


will be B.


is D./


I have something _______ if you want to know about our factory.


to sayB.

to talkC.



The TV play is said to be the _______ one of the year.




bad D.worst


Eating _______ is not good for your health.



very muchC.

too muchD.enough


Tom and Mike went there by _______.






1.允许进入/参加 ______2.拿走,拿开__________3.迟到,晚到 _________

4.过得愉快_________5.乘公共汽车 _______6.watch a video_______

7.half the class __________8.ride one’s bike ____________

9.notice from school _______ 10.during the party ____________


1.At night, you can see million of stars in the sky.


2.If I don’t get enough exercises, you can’t pass the exam.


3.When Mike was four, he was able to rides the bike.


4.If I watch much too TV, my mother will be angry.


5.You shouldn’t laugh for others in public.



Andrea:Hi, Mark. I want to have a 1 party. Will you help me organize it?

Mark:Sure, Andrea. I can help you. So 2 shall we have the party? Andrea:Let’s have it today after class.

Mark:No, today is too 3 . If we have it today, half the class 4 come.

Andrea:Okay, let’s have it tomorrow.

Mark:Hmm„ There’s a test tomorrow. Students will leave early to 5 for their tests. Let’s have it on the 6 .

Andrea:Okay, let’s have it 7 Saturday afternoon. We can all meet and watch a video.

Mark:No, I don’t think we 8 watch a video. Some students will be bored. Let’s play party 9 .

Andrea:Okay, good idea. Can you organize the party games?

Mark:Sure, I can do that. And can you make some food for us?

Andrea:Yes, that’s no 10 .

1._________2._________3._________ 4.________5._________6._________

7._________ 8._________ 9._________ 10._________

Review of units 1—5

The song is very popular. = This is a very popular song.


Young people like to sing popular songs.

年轻人喜欢唱流行歌曲。(popular 可缩写为pop)

be popular with… 受……的欢迎

Jay is popular with the young. 周杰伦很受年轻人欢迎。

Mr. Wang is popular with students. 王老师深受学生喜欢。

(2)all over the world 全世界

all over 全部,到处;浑身,在各地

He traveled all over China. 他周游全国。

The people all over the world love peace. 全世界的人民都热爱和平。

He is wet all over. 他全身都湿透了。

注意:all over the world也可以用all the world, the whole world来表示,但要注

委婉。一般可用would like, would like to do和would like sb. to do这3种形式。接不定式时还可以说would love to do和would love sb. to do; 主语是第一人称时would 也可以用should, would和should通常和主语缩写成’d的形式。 I’d like some water. 我想要喝点儿水。

He’d like to come and see you. 他想来看你。

I’d like/love to go and see her new house. 我想去看看她的新房子。

Would you like to do sth.? 句型通常用来向对方礼貌地提出建议、邀请或询问。 对Would you like…? 提出的建议或邀请作肯定回答时,一般说

Yes, I’d like to. / Yes, I’d like that. 不能说Yes, I would. 这里的Yes可有可无,在较熟的人之间可以回答说“OK.”“All right.”

所修饰词之后,若是独立的分词作定语,可置于所修饰的名词之前。如: an interesting book 一本有趣的书

a man standing at the door 站在门口的那个人

working people 劳动人民

people working hard


注意:现在分词短语作定语,要置于所修饰词之后,这和我们的汉语习惯有really adv. 真正地;真实地

Did she really say so? 她真是这样说的吗?

I didn’t really mean it. 我实在没有这个意思。

It’s really good. 这确实好。(really在句中加强语气,意为“确实,实在”。) 注意:really 因在句中的位置不同,意思就有很大的区别。如:I don’t really like those. I really don’t like those. 在含义上的区别。I don’t really like those. 表示稍微有点儿不喜欢,用来等待听取别人的建议之后有可能改变说话人的观点。而I really don’t like those. 则表示完全否定,“一点儿也不喜欢”,并且说话人的观点没有改变的余地。因此,英语中某些词在句子中的位置不同,所表达的含义也截然不同。

—Do you agree with me? 你同意我的观点吗?

—No, I don’t really agree. 不,我不完全同意。

(=No, I really don’t agree. 不,我完全不同意。)

辨析:have/had to 与 must

have to“不得不,必须”,同must, 但must不能用于基它时态,而have to则可以。此外,must表示主观上的“必须”,而have to则表示客观上的“必须,不得不。”如:

I had to do a part-time job because my parents had not enough money for my


You will have to ask for leave if you have something to do.你如果有事得请假。 I have to leave now. 我马上得走了。(存在客观情况使其不得不离开)

The radio is too loud, tell her to turn it down.



in turn 依次 take turns 轮流 turn green 变绿

turn up 调大 turn left 向左转 turn right 向右转

turn off 停止,关上(电灯、水源、煤气、电视等)

turn on 开,打开(电灯、收音机、电视、煤气等)

注意:turn down是由“动物+副词”构成的词组。如果它的宾语是名词,放在turn down中间或turn down之后皆可,但如果宾语是代词,就必须放在turn和down之间。

6. stop. 还没到停的时间。

It’s not time to do sth. 意为“还没到做……的时间”。这是It’s time to do sth. 的否定形式。

(1)It’s time to do sth. 到了做……的时间。如:

It’s time to go to bed. 到了睡觉的时间了。

(2)It’s time for sth. 意为“到了……时间”。注意for后跟名词或动名词作宾语。如: It’s time for class. 到上课的时间了。

(1)和(2)可以进行同义句转换。如:到上课的时间了。我们可以表示为: It’s time to have class. = It’s time for (having) class.

(3)It’s time for sb. to do sth. 到了某人做某事的时间。如:


I want to buy something else. 我还想买点别的东西。

Who else did you see? 你还看到谁了?


The other boys are in the classroom. 其他的男孩都在教室里。 辨析:every day与everyday

every day是副词词组,作状语,表示“每天,天天”。如:

We speak English every day. 我们天天讲英语。


do you think 在此作插入语,表达个人的一种观点,译为“你认为……?”如: Which of these do you think is the most useful invention?


Who do you think is the funniest actor?你认为谁是最有趣的演员?



We all went to the movie yesterday _____ Helen. She was ill in bed.


beside B.

besidesC.except D.with

2.The hospital is _____ the bank.

A.in the front ofB.in front of C.in the middle ofD

.in the left of


Life in the future will be _____ better than it is now.


more B.

muchC.a lot of D

.a bit of

4.John gets up _____ his father does every day.

A.as early as

B.so early asC

.as earlier as D.early than

5.—My pen is broken. What should I do?—_____?

A.Why don’t buy a new one

C.Why not buy a new one6.

He told me that ______.


he is having a partyB.

he has bought a souvenir


.he would call me the next day B.Why don’

t you buy it D

.Why not to buy one C.he goes to the beach every day7.

_____ I was going out, he came in.



WhenC.Because D


8.What _____ you _____ when the accident happened?

A.are, doing

B.will, doC

.were, doing D.did, do

9.It’s hot here. Why not _____ your coat?

A.put on

B.dress up

C.try on D

.take off

10.Please remind me _____ my resolution. A



ofC.to D


11.We can see many houses on _____ side of the street.



eachC.both D.two

12.—Will you show me the photo of your school trip?

—OK. I’

ll _____ it here tomorrow.





13.In English, she’

s _____ writing than listening.

A.better at


better inC.good at

D.best in

14.—_____ is the worst actor?—

I think Hu Ming is.

A.What do you think

C.Who do you think


What _____ you _____ if it _____ tomorrow?

A.will, do, rains

C.are, doing, will rain

B.did, do, will

rain D.do, do, is raining B.

Do you think who D.Who you think


My home is _____ our school. So I walk to school.



close toC.

far fromD.the near


After you read the letter, _____ your sister.


passing toB.

pass it toC.

pass on toD.pass to


What do you think Linda will be __________?

A.after 10

yearsB.for 10

yearsC.10 years

agoD.in 10 years


What makes you _____ it is going to rain tomorrow?

A.to think





He is not good _____ remembering names.






1.Please give it to Linda if she _____ (come) tomorrow.

2.When I met here in the street, she ____ (talk) with a friend.

3.Mr White asked his son _____ (not play) soccer in the room.

4.The old man hates _____ (ask) for help.

5.You should practice _____ (play) the violin every day.

6.Let’s invite Joe and Tom _____ (play) tennis.

7.Smoking ____ (not allow) in the library.

8.I ____ (bring) some drinks and snacks to your house when I come this evening.

9.Linda told Ben that she ____ (give) him a surprise gift.

10.I am better than her at ______ (swim).


1.Mr. Green said,“I like Chinese food very much.”(变成间接引语) Mr. Green said _____ _____ Chinese food very much.

2.The teacher asked the boy,“Are you a student?”(变成间接引语) The teacher asked the boy ____ _____ _____ a student.

3.Li Tao said to Mary,“Could you help me with my English?”(变成间接引语)

Li Tao asked Mary _____ _____ _____ help _____ with ______ English.

4.I think you are right. (变成否定句)

I _____ ______ you are right.

5.I was doing my homework, at the same time my sister was watching TV. (变成同义句)

I was doing my homework _____ my sister was watching TV.

6.Jim said to Kate,“I’ll buy you a birthday gift.”(变成间接引语) Jim _____ Kate that he _____ buy ______ a birthday gift.

7.“I am watching TV at home,”Mrs. Green said. (变成间接引语) Mrs. Green said _____ _____ watching TV at home.

8.Jack asked his mother if he could go out to play. (变成直接引语) Jack asked his mother,“____ _____ go out to play?”


John:Hi, Michael.

Michael: 1

John:Reading a book.

Michael: 2 We can watch a video.

John: 3

Michael:It’s on Pine Street. It’s a quiet street off Fifth Street. John:Oh, OK. 4 There’s a new hotel on the corner.

Michael:Yes. There’s a small supermarket on the street. Our house is across from the supermarket.

John: 5

Unit 5 If you go to the party,you’ll have a great time.




3.情态动词should 的用法。

4.重要句型:I’m going to the dance with Karen and Ann.

If you do, you’ll have a great time.

Are you going to the party?

Yes, I am. I’m going to wear my new jeans.

You should wear your cool pants.

5.重点词汇:late, sorry, have a great time, travel around the world,

work hard, wear jeans, let… in, take away 二、重难点知识讲解

1.I think I’m going to go to the party with Karen and Ann.


“be going to+v.”是将来时态的一种形式,表示“打算(做某事)”,这是我们所熟悉的句式。如:

I’m going to do some shopping with my mother. 我要和我妈妈去购物。

He is going to take part in an English class.(=He is going to an English class.)


注意:be going to后可以接表示地点的名词,表示“要去某地”。若接表示地点的副词,则去掉to。

I’m going to my teacher’s office. 我要去老师的办公室。

I’m going there, too. 我也想去那儿。

辨析:be going to, will与shall

一般说来,will, shall表示纯粹的将来,没有任何感情色彩,而be going to或其他用动词的进行时表示的是将要发生的动作或情况,带有较重的感情色彩,如表示即将发生的事情、计划之中安排要做的事情等。

It will rain. 要下雨了。(动作要发生) It is going to rain. Hurry up, please.就要下雨了。请快点儿。(雨即刻就要下了。)

2.If you do, you’ll have a great time. 如果你做,你将会玩得很高兴。

(1)have a good time意为“过得愉快,玩得高兴”,类似的表达方式还有enjoy oneself, have fun, have a wonderful /nice time等。如:

Have you had a great time at the party?晚会上你玩得开心吗?

I have a great time on the trip. (=I have a good /wonderful /nice time on the trip.)



If you study hard, you can pass the examination.


If you wait a minute, I shall go and find him.请等一会儿,我就去把他找来。


3.I think I’m going to wear jeans to the party. 我想要穿着牛仔裤去参加聚会。

辨析:wear, put on, have on与dress

(1)put on是“穿上,戴”的意思,表示动作,是非延续性动词。如:

He put on his coat and went out. 他穿上外衣就出去了。

Put on more clothes. It’s very cold outside.多穿点儿衣服,外面很冷。


He often wears a blue jacket. 他常穿一件蓝夹克。

She is wearing a red skirt. 她穿着一件红裙子。

(3)have on是“穿着,戴着”的意思,表示状态,可以和wear互换。如:

She always has her red shoes on.

=She always wears her red shoes. 她总是穿着那双红鞋。


Wake up the children and dress them. 叫醒孩子,给他们穿上衣服。

She is dressed in beautiful clothes today. 今天她穿着漂亮的衣服。 dress作不及物动词。dress up意为“化妆,打扮,穿上盛装”。

4.Let’s have it today. 让我们今天举行吧。

Let’s是Let us的缩写,意思是“让我们”。

Let’s后跟动词原形,表示“让我们做某事吧”,其否定句式是Let’s not do sth. 让我们不要做某事。如:

Let’s have a rest. 让我们休息一下吧。

Let’s not go out. 咱们别出去了吧。

注意:Let’s 与Let us表达的含义不完全相同,Let’s表示提出建议,而Let us表示提出请求。如:

Let’s go and see Mr. Wang. 我们去看看王先生吧。(提出一种建议)。

Let us know the answer, please.

请把答案告诉我们。(表示提出请求,相当于Please tell us the answer.)

5.If we have it today, half the class won’t come.


half adj. 一半的

Half the workers come from Shandong. 半数工人来自山东。

辨析:half, all与none


Half the students in our class are girls. 我们班半数学生是女生。

All the students in our class are from Nanjing. 我们班所有的学生都是南京人。 None of the students in our class smoke.


6.If you do, the teachers will call your parents.


call sb. 给某人打电话

I called him this morning. 今天早上我给他打了电话。

Did you call them last week? 上周你给他们打电话了吗?

[拓展](1)call sb.’s name 喊某人的名字

The boy calls his brother’s name. 那个小男孩喊他哥哥的名字。

(2)call on sb. 拜访某人(拜访的对象是“人”)

I called on him yesterday. 昨天我去拜访了他。

(3)call at sp 拜访(拜访的对象是“地点”) They called at her house last week. 他们上星期去她家拜访。

7.Why not? 为什么不?

Why not问句表示建议,即提议某人去做某事。也可用Why don’t you…? 如: Why not go there with me? 为什么不跟我一起去呢?

Why not come more often? 为什么不经常来这里呢? Why not go there and have a look? 为何不去那儿看看?

Why don't you sell the car if you need money? 如果需要钱为什么不卖掉车?

8.make a lot of money 赚许多钱

(1)make money 赚钱


make paper 造纸 make a road 筑路

make noises 发出噪音 make up one’s mind 下决心

make friends 交朋友 make tea 沏茶

make a fire 生火 make a living 谋生

(2)a lot of 许多,很多

辨析:a lot, a lot of与lots of

①三者都有“许多,很多”的意思。a lot of, lots of一般用于肯定句,后接可数名词复数或不可数名词。它们完全可以互相换用。如:

A lot of /Lots of students went swimming yesterday.昨天许多学生去游泳了。

He has lots of /a lot of work to do this week.本周他有许多工作要做。

②a lot可作名词,相当于a lot of things,它也作副词,修饰动词或形容词、副词比较级。如:

We have learnt a lot from Lei Feng. 我们从雷锋那里学到了很多东西。

Mary is a lot older than Alice.玛丽比艾丽斯大得多。

9.If you join the Lions, you’ll become a great soccer player.



He joined the army in 1948.


辨析:join, join in与take part in

①如果参加一群人的某种活动,这个活动可用介词in+doing(或名词)表示。如: She’ll join us in singing a song. 她将和我们一起唱歌。

Will you join us in the discussion? 你加入我们的讨论好吗?

②join in的意思是“参加并一起活动”。如:

He joined in the game. 他参加了(一起做)这个游戏。

③take part in 指参加某一活动并在其中起积极作用,如会议、竞赛、运动、斗争等。如:They took part in the sports meeting yesterday. 昨天他们参加了运动会。 I took part in the game.我参加了这场比赛。

A lot of students took part in the thorough cleaning yesterday.


10.You’ll travel around the world. 你将要旅游全世界。

travel vi. & vt. & n.

①vi. 旅行,游历

He travelled across a desert last year. 去年他横穿沙漠旅行。

②vt. 旅行,游历

He will travel Beijing soon. 不久他将游览北京。

③n. 旅行 He is fond of travel. 他喜欢旅行。

11.For many young people, becoming a professional athlete might seem like a dream job.


seem v.“似乎”,常用于下列句型:

(1)seem+(to be) n. /adj. /prep. (作表语)

He seems(to be)happy. 他似乎很快乐。

They seem to be soldiers. 他们好像是士兵。

(2)seem+to do

She seems to be sleeping. 她好像在睡觉。

He seems to understand the meaning of the word. 他似乎理解了这个单词的意思。

(3)It seems +that-从句

It seems that he is happy. 他似乎很高兴。

=He seems(to be) happy.

12.Maybe I’ll become a teacher. 也许我会成为一名教师。

maybe adv. (同义词是perhaps)[口] 大概,或许,也许

Maybe he is right. 他可能是对的。

辨析:maybe与may be


Maybe he knows it, maybe he doesn’t. 他也许知道那件事,也许不知道。

—It that his? 那是他的吗?

—Maybe, I’m not sure. 也许是,我说不准。

(2)may be是“情态动词+动词原形”的形式,在句中作谓语,译为“可能是,也许是”。

He may be twenty. 他可能20岁。

The book may be in the bag. 书也许在书包里。(may be作谓语)

Maybe the book is in the bag. 也许书在书包里。(maybe作状语)

13.I will also be able to work outside sometimes. 有时我也会在外面工作。

(1)also 也

辨析:also, too与either



He is a worker, too.(=He is a worker too.)

还可以说:He, too, is a worker.

②also, too一般用于肯定句中,但too有时可用于否定句中,但必须放在否定词之前。如:

She also went to the theatre. 她也去剧院了。

She was also wrong. 她也错了。

She can also do it. 她也能做那件事。

I don’t know him, and she too didn’t know him. 我不认识他,她也不认识他。


You didn’t go there. I didn’t go there, either. (=Neither did I.)


(2)sometimes adv. 有时

辨析:sometimes, sometime, some time与some times

①sometimes是一个表示时间频率的副词,意为“有时候”,其语法特点相当于often, always。

He sometimes sends an e-mail to me. 他有时给我发电子邮件。


This call box was built sometime last year.这个电话亭是去年某个时候建的。 Let’s have a meeting sometime next week.咱们下周找个时间(某个时间)开个会吧。 ③some time是个名词短语,是指“一些时间,一些时候,相当长的时间”,指的是时间段。

I will stay here for some time. 我要在这儿呆一段时间。

④some times意为“几次”,times作“次数”讲,是可数名词。 Repeat it some times, or you’ll forget it.重复几遍,否则你就会忘了。

14.If I eat too much lunch… 如果我午饭吃得太多,……

too much是“太多”的意思。如:

There is too much water there. 那里有太多的水。

辨析:too much与too many

too much+不可数名词,too many+可数名词复数。

There are too many people. 这儿有太多的人。 He has too much work to do. 他有太多的工作要做。

15.If you do, they’ll laugh at you. 如果你做,他们将嘲笑你。



(1)smile是“微笑”的意思;laugh是“出声的笑”,有时是“大笑”的意思。如: He never smiles. 他从来不笑。

Why are you laughing? 你为什么笑?

(2)作为不及物动词,laugh和smile都与at 连用,表示三个方面的意思。 ①因……而笑

He laughed /smiled at the joke. 听了这笑话他笑了。

What are you laughing /smiling at? 你在笑什么?


He was laughed at by his friends. 他被朋友们嘲笑了。

She smiled at him. 她笑他。


He laughed at the enemy’s threats. 他对敌人的恐吓一笑置之。


She smiled a forced smile. 她强颜欢笑。

He laughed himself to death. 他笑得要死。

He laughed a reply. 他以笑做答。


1.—I like English best. —


A.I do


So I doC.I like so D.So do I

2.It’s far, you’

d better _______ the bus there.




carry D.caught


If it rains tomorrow, we _______ to visit the Museum.


t do B.won’

t goC.aren’

t goD.didn’t go


The old woman is ill _______ hospital. She is _______.


in; in danger


in; dangerousB.

in the; in danger D.in the; dangerous


t _______ others when they make mistakes.


laugh B.

laugh atC.

laugh toD.laugh with


Will you go to the park if it _______ fine?


will be B.


is D./


I have something _______ if you want to know about our factory.


to sayB.

to talkC.



The TV play is said to be the _______ one of the year.




bad D.worst


Eating _______ is not good for your health.



very muchC.

too muchD.enough


Tom and Mike went there by _______.






1.允许进入/参加 ______2.拿走,拿开__________3.迟到,晚到 _________

4.过得愉快_________5.乘公共汽车 _______6.watch a video_______

7.half the class __________8.ride one’s bike ____________

9.notice from school _______ 10.during the party ____________


1.At night, you can see million of stars in the sky.


2.If I don’t get enough exercises, you can’t pass the exam.


3.When Mike was four, he was able to rides the bike.


4.If I watch much too TV, my mother will be angry.


5.You shouldn’t laugh for others in public.



Andrea:Hi, Mark. I want to have a 1 party. Will you help me organize it?

Mark:Sure, Andrea. I can help you. So 2 shall we have the party? Andrea:Let’s have it today after class.

Mark:No, today is too 3 . If we have it today, half the class 4 come.

Andrea:Okay, let’s have it tomorrow.

Mark:Hmm„ There’s a test tomorrow. Students will leave early to 5 for their tests. Let’s have it on the 6 .

Andrea:Okay, let’s have it 7 Saturday afternoon. We can all meet and watch a video.

Mark:No, I don’t think we 8 watch a video. Some students will be bored. Let’s play party 9 .

Andrea:Okay, good idea. Can you organize the party games?

Mark:Sure, I can do that. And can you make some food for us?

Andrea:Yes, that’s no 10 .

1._________2._________3._________ 4.________5._________6._________

7._________ 8._________ 9._________ 10._________

Review of units 1—5

The song is very popular. = This is a very popular song.


Young people like to sing popular songs.

年轻人喜欢唱流行歌曲。(popular 可缩写为pop)

be popular with… 受……的欢迎

Jay is popular with the young. 周杰伦很受年轻人欢迎。

Mr. Wang is popular with students. 王老师深受学生喜欢。

(2)all over the world 全世界

all over 全部,到处;浑身,在各地

He traveled all over China. 他周游全国。

The people all over the world love peace. 全世界的人民都热爱和平。

He is wet all over. 他全身都湿透了。

注意:all over the world也可以用all the world, the whole world来表示,但要注

委婉。一般可用would like, would like to do和would like sb. to do这3种形式。接不定式时还可以说would love to do和would love sb. to do; 主语是第一人称时would 也可以用should, would和should通常和主语缩写成’d的形式。 I’d like some water. 我想要喝点儿水。

He’d like to come and see you. 他想来看你。

I’d like/love to go and see her new house. 我想去看看她的新房子。

Would you like to do sth.? 句型通常用来向对方礼貌地提出建议、邀请或询问。 对Would you like…? 提出的建议或邀请作肯定回答时,一般说

Yes, I’d like to. / Yes, I’d like that. 不能说Yes, I would. 这里的Yes可有可无,在较熟的人之间可以回答说“OK.”“All right.”

所修饰词之后,若是独立的分词作定语,可置于所修饰的名词之前。如: an interesting book 一本有趣的书

a man standing at the door 站在门口的那个人

working people 劳动人民

people working hard


注意:现在分词短语作定语,要置于所修饰词之后,这和我们的汉语习惯有really adv. 真正地;真实地

Did she really say so? 她真是这样说的吗?

I didn’t really mean it. 我实在没有这个意思。

It’s really good. 这确实好。(really在句中加强语气,意为“确实,实在”。) 注意:really 因在句中的位置不同,意思就有很大的区别。如:I don’t really like those. I really don’t like those. 在含义上的区别。I don’t really like those. 表示稍微有点儿不喜欢,用来等待听取别人的建议之后有可能改变说话人的观点。而I really don’t like those. 则表示完全否定,“一点儿也不喜欢”,并且说话人的观点没有改变的余地。因此,英语中某些词在句子中的位置不同,所表达的含义也截然不同。

—Do you agree with me? 你同意我的观点吗?

—No, I don’t really agree. 不,我不完全同意。

(=No, I really don’t agree. 不,我完全不同意。)

辨析:have/had to 与 must

have to“不得不,必须”,同must, 但must不能用于基它时态,而have to则可以。此外,must表示主观上的“必须”,而have to则表示客观上的“必须,不得不。”如:

I had to do a part-time job because my parents had not enough money for my


You will have to ask for leave if you have something to do.你如果有事得请假。 I have to leave now. 我马上得走了。(存在客观情况使其不得不离开)

The radio is too loud, tell her to turn it down.



in turn 依次 take turns 轮流 turn green 变绿

turn up 调大 turn left 向左转 turn right 向右转

turn off 停止,关上(电灯、水源、煤气、电视等)

turn on 开,打开(电灯、收音机、电视、煤气等)

注意:turn down是由“动物+副词”构成的词组。如果它的宾语是名词,放在turn down中间或turn down之后皆可,但如果宾语是代词,就必须放在turn和down之间。

6. stop. 还没到停的时间。

It’s not time to do sth. 意为“还没到做……的时间”。这是It’s time to do sth. 的否定形式。

(1)It’s time to do sth. 到了做……的时间。如:

It’s time to go to bed. 到了睡觉的时间了。

(2)It’s time for sth. 意为“到了……时间”。注意for后跟名词或动名词作宾语。如: It’s time for class. 到上课的时间了。

(1)和(2)可以进行同义句转换。如:到上课的时间了。我们可以表示为: It’s time to have class. = It’s time for (having) class.

(3)It’s time for sb. to do sth. 到了某人做某事的时间。如:


I want to buy something else. 我还想买点别的东西。

Who else did you see? 你还看到谁了?


The other boys are in the classroom. 其他的男孩都在教室里。 辨析:every day与everyday

every day是副词词组,作状语,表示“每天,天天”。如:

We speak English every day. 我们天天讲英语。


do you think 在此作插入语,表达个人的一种观点,译为“你认为……?”如: Which of these do you think is the most useful invention?


Who do you think is the funniest actor?你认为谁是最有趣的演员?



We all went to the movie yesterday _____ Helen. She was ill in bed.


beside B.

besidesC.except D.with

2.The hospital is _____ the bank.

A.in the front ofB.in front of C.in the middle ofD

.in the left of


Life in the future will be _____ better than it is now.


more B.

muchC.a lot of D

.a bit of

4.John gets up _____ his father does every day.

A.as early as

B.so early asC

.as earlier as D.early than

5.—My pen is broken. What should I do?—_____?

A.Why don’t buy a new one

C.Why not buy a new one6.

He told me that ______.


he is having a partyB.

he has bought a souvenir


.he would call me the next day B.Why don’

t you buy it D

.Why not to buy one C.he goes to the beach every day7.

_____ I was going out, he came in.



WhenC.Because D


8.What _____ you _____ when the accident happened?

A.are, doing

B.will, doC

.were, doing D.did, do

9.It’s hot here. Why not _____ your coat?

A.put on

B.dress up

C.try on D

.take off

10.Please remind me _____ my resolution. A



ofC.to D


11.We can see many houses on _____ side of the street.



eachC.both D.two

12.—Will you show me the photo of your school trip?

—OK. I’

ll _____ it here tomorrow.





13.In English, she’

s _____ writing than listening.

A.better at


better inC.good at

D.best in

14.—_____ is the worst actor?—

I think Hu Ming is.

A.What do you think

C.Who do you think


What _____ you _____ if it _____ tomorrow?

A.will, do, rains

C.are, doing, will rain

B.did, do, will

rain D.do, do, is raining B.

Do you think who D.Who you think


My home is _____ our school. So I walk to school.



close toC.

far fromD.the near


After you read the letter, _____ your sister.


passing toB.

pass it toC.

pass on toD.pass to


What do you think Linda will be __________?

A.after 10

yearsB.for 10

yearsC.10 years

agoD.in 10 years


What makes you _____ it is going to rain tomorrow?

A.to think





He is not good _____ remembering names.






1.Please give it to Linda if she _____ (come) tomorrow.

2.When I met here in the street, she ____ (talk) with a friend.

3.Mr White asked his son _____ (not play) soccer in the room.

4.The old man hates _____ (ask) for help.

5.You should practice _____ (play) the violin every day.

6.Let’s invite Joe and Tom _____ (play) tennis.

7.Smoking ____ (not allow) in the library.

8.I ____ (bring) some drinks and snacks to your house when I come this evening.

9.Linda told Ben that she ____ (give) him a surprise gift.

10.I am better than her at ______ (swim).


1.Mr. Green said,“I like Chinese food very much.”(变成间接引语) Mr. Green said _____ _____ Chinese food very much.

2.The teacher asked the boy,“Are you a student?”(变成间接引语) The teacher asked the boy ____ _____ _____ a student.

3.Li Tao said to Mary,“Could you help me with my English?”(变成间接引语)

Li Tao asked Mary _____ _____ _____ help _____ with ______ English.

4.I think you are right. (变成否定句)

I _____ ______ you are right.

5.I was doing my homework, at the same time my sister was watching TV. (变成同义句)

I was doing my homework _____ my sister was watching TV.

6.Jim said to Kate,“I’ll buy you a birthday gift.”(变成间接引语) Jim _____ Kate that he _____ buy ______ a birthday gift.

7.“I am watching TV at home,”Mrs. Green said. (变成间接引语) Mrs. Green said _____ _____ watching TV at home.

8.Jack asked his mother if he could go out to play. (变成直接引语) Jack asked his mother,“____ _____ go out to play?”


John:Hi, Michael.

Michael: 1

John:Reading a book.

Michael: 2 We can watch a video.

John: 3

Michael:It’s on Pine Street. It’s a quiet street off Fifth Street. John:Oh, OK. 4 There’s a new hotel on the corner.

Michael:Yes. There’s a small supermarket on the street. Our house is across from the supermarket.

John: 5


  • 初中英语补习教学大纲
  • 教学大纲 教学目标: 1.对音标和音标的拼读有系统的了解和掌握 2.熟练掌握初一上下册的单词和课文 3.熟记初二上册前六个模块的单词意思 4.通过做题掌握解题技巧 总体教学内容:教授48个音标以及单词的拼读:地毯式把初一上下册的单词和课文详细过一遍:辅以初一上册的五三练习册,着重讲解阅读的解题技巧. ...

  • 2011-2012学年上学期初二英语教学计划
  • 一、指导思想 全面贯彻党的教育方针,以九年制义务教育教材、《新课程标准》及新教材英语教学大纲为指导,狠抓素质教育,抓英语教学的五个环节,促进英语教学质量的提高,努力提高学生英语学习技能和技巧,尽力提高学生的英语成绩,以适应中考,加强学生的口语能力表达和习作训练。培养学生听说、读写能力,获得英语基础知 ...

  • 初二(八年级)上册英语第五单元知识点
  • 初二(八年级)上册英语第五单元知识点 人教版初二(八年级)上册英语第五单元知识点主要是依据初二(八年级)上册英语教材总结了第五单元的重点短语重点词汇归纳及练习,适合初二学生学习英语.中考考生备考英语. 一.短语 1. come to one's party 参加某人的聚会 2. on Saturda ...

  • 初二上英语教学计划
  • 2013学年初二上学期英语教学计划 徐秋云 本学期,我们初二英语备课组五位老师将团结一致,全面提高学生的英语学习兴趣和效率.根据初二(9)班和(10)班的实际情况,我制定了如下计划: 一.本学期的指导思想: 在本学期的英语教学中,坚持以下理念的应用: 1.要面向全体学生,关注每个学生的情感,激发他们 ...

  • 初二英语作文下(1)
  • 八年级下册英语作文(1) 目录 第一单元········1.A Letter to Jim 第二单元········1.A Letter of Recommendation 第三单元········1.A Letter to the Sunday Mai 第四单元········1.My Opini ...

  • 鲁教版英语初二下册第一单元汉译英练习
  • 英语第一单元汉译英 1. sally有长发还是短发? 2. 她长得有点好看但是文静. 3. Jerry 不戴眼镜. 4. 让我告诉你他长得怎么样. 5. 你最喜爱的体育明星长得什么样? 6. 我不胖不瘦,中等体格. 7. 我喜欢听音乐和看电影. 8. Jack 喜欢读书和跳舞. 9. 她留着直发还是 ...

  • 初二英语下课外辅导计划
  • 初二英语辅导计划 一.学生情况分析 八年级是初中学习过程中的关键时期,学生基础的好坏,直接影响到将来是否能升学.学生学习态度比较端正,但缺乏明确的学习目标,要想获得理想成绩,老师和学生都要付出努力,查漏补缺,充分发挥学生是学习的主体,教师是教的主体作用,注重方法,培养能力. 二.教材分析 八年级下册 ...

  • 初二上学期英语单词
  • 多久一次 锻炼 踩滑板 几乎不 曾经 一次 两次 次.次数 在...冲浪 网络 节目 高中 结果 活跃的 对于 几乎 废弃的旧物 垃圾食品 牛奶 咖啡 巧克力 喝.饮 习惯 试图 分数 更好的 不同.差异 不健康的 达.计(时间) 外公 更小的.较少的.更少的 事情 得(病) 胃痛.肚子痛 疼痛的 ...

  • 人教版初二英语上册第七单元重点语法
  • 人教版初二英语上册第七单元重点词组.句型及语法 词组: 1.turn on :开起(以电器为主):使..启动; turn off:关闭: turn down:把音量调低.拒绝: turn up:把音量调高 open:打开(门窗.书本.盒子等) close:open的反义词 2.cup up:切碎,用 ...

  • 初二英语上册第二单元测试题及答案
  • 笔试部分(共100分) I.语音与词汇.(20分) B)根据句意和首字母提示,完成下列单词拼写.(10分) 1. We walk with our l________. 2. Yesterday I had a bad c________, so I didn't go to school. 3. ...