

These towering beasts look like they need a comfy mattress but shut-eye's not a giraffe's biggest concern. 长得像塔一样的长颈鹿看起来很需要一张舒服的床垫不过睡觉不是长颈鹿要操心的大事。

Just looking at these slumbering giraffes is enough to give you a crick in the neck - which is why the world's tallest animals don't often sto for a snooze. 看着这些睡觉的长颈鹿你都会觉得脖子累这就是为什么这种世界上最高的动物通常不会随便停下打个盹儿。

Desite their height, giraffes actually have the shortest slee requirement of all mammals, surviving on an average of half an hour a day. 虽然长颈鹿长这么高但是它们是所有哺乳动物里面睡得最少的平均每天睡半个小时就够了。

When they do settle to slee, it's for minutes at a time, because of the risks to their wellbeing in the wild.当真的要睡觉的时候它们一次只睡几分钟因为在野外可不太安全。

In cativity, the giraffe slees intermittently around 4.6 hours er day, mostly at night. It usually slees lying down, however, standing slees have been recorded, articularly in older individuals.笼子里的长颈鹿每天大约


Males can grow u to 18 feet tall, while females can reach 14 feet and their calves, are born six feet tall.雄性长颈鹿可以长到18英尺高(约


As a rey animal, the evolution of the giraffe's habits means that they rarely lie down, as it's difficult for them to get u again.长颈鹿是被捕食的动物经过进化后它们现在很少会躺下因为躺下后要再起来可不容易。

Sleeing and drinking water both cause roblems for the animals because their long necks are too short to reach the ground.睡觉和喝水对长颈鹿来说都不轻松因为它们脖子太长了反而够不着地。

To drink they must sread their legs and bend down in an awkward osition that makes them vulnerable to redators like Africa's big cats.想要喝水它们得岔开腿笨拙地弯下身子。这时候如果非洲大型猫科动物等掠食者来了它们就很难逃掉了。

As a result, they get most of their water from the lants that they eat, and only need to drink water every few days.因此长颈鹿所需的水分大部分都是从它们吃的植物里获得的它们只需要隔几天喝一次水。


These towering beasts look like they need a comfy mattress but shut-eye's not a giraffe's biggest concern. 长得像塔一样的长颈鹿看起来很需要一张舒服的床垫不过睡觉不是长颈鹿要操心的大事。

Just looking at these slumbering giraffes is enough to give you a crick in the neck - which is why the world's tallest animals don't often sto for a snooze. 看着这些睡觉的长颈鹿你都会觉得脖子累这就是为什么这种世界上最高的动物通常不会随便停下打个盹儿。

Desite their height, giraffes actually have the shortest slee requirement of all mammals, surviving on an average of half an hour a day. 虽然长颈鹿长这么高但是它们是所有哺乳动物里面睡得最少的平均每天睡半个小时就够了。

When they do settle to slee, it's for minutes at a time, because of the risks to their wellbeing in the wild.当真的要睡觉的时候它们一次只睡几分钟因为在野外可不太安全。

In cativity, the giraffe slees intermittently around 4.6 hours er day, mostly at night. It usually slees lying down, however, standing slees have been recorded, articularly in older individuals.笼子里的长颈鹿每天大约


Males can grow u to 18 feet tall, while females can reach 14 feet and their calves, are born six feet tall.雄性长颈鹿可以长到18英尺高(约


As a rey animal, the evolution of the giraffe's habits means that they rarely lie down, as it's difficult for them to get u again.长颈鹿是被捕食的动物经过进化后它们现在很少会躺下因为躺下后要再起来可不容易。

Sleeing and drinking water both cause roblems for the animals because their long necks are too short to reach the ground.睡觉和喝水对长颈鹿来说都不轻松因为它们脖子太长了反而够不着地。

To drink they must sread their legs and bend down in an awkward osition that makes them vulnerable to redators like Africa's big cats.想要喝水它们得岔开腿笨拙地弯下身子。这时候如果非洲大型猫科动物等掠食者来了它们就很难逃掉了。

As a result, they get most of their water from the lants that they eat, and only need to drink water every few days.因此长颈鹿所需的水分大部分都是从它们吃的植物里获得的它们只需要隔几天喝一次水。


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