


B ecause = as

because of = owing to = due to = on account of = as a result of = as a consequence of

L ead to = result in

factor = contributor

A ttribute to = contribute to = be responsible for


A nd = as well = ; = (either)…or …

N either …nor …

F irst …second … = firstly…secondly …


B ut

A lthough = though

H owever = nevertheless = nonetheless

I n spite of = despite

O n the one hand…on the other hand…

衔接(后几个为让步反驳中的衔接) :

F irst, firstly, first of all

Second, secondly

B esides, meanwhile, and

while, whilst, whereas

C onversely, on the contrary, by/in contrast

S imilarly, likewise

A dmittedly, granted, understandably, undeniably, true that, it is often the case that

Although , though

however, nevertheless


P rovided that

A s long as…


T o conclude, to sum up, to wrap up

O n balance, overall, for my part

A s for me, in my view

L ast but least

is it



M ain, major, necessary

S ignificant, essential, vital, critical

K ey, crucial, decisive

P aramount, indispensable

U nprecedented

(…exert …) I nfluence (on…sth. ):

B ig, great, deep, significant

M ajor, chief, dominant

S trong, powerful, profound

B eneficial, positive

A dverse, negative


I t is common/not common to see that…

…is increasingly prevalent/popular/widely used… Discuss:

E xplore, compare


G ood points, strength, benefits, pros

V irtues, merits


B ad points, weakness, drawbacks, shortcomings, cons B lemishes, flaws


D iligence = hardworking

D espise = look down upon

U se …as the source = be produced from

S ubsequently = in the following stage

R espectively = separately

A ttach importance to = put/place emphasis on

S trive to = endeavour to do

B e equal to = amount to

R equire, necessitate

Explore, identify

S ignificant, overwhelming


W ealthy, well-off, affluent

A rena, domain, area, field


A ccord, give, grant (sb.)


A round, approximately, almost, roughly

M ore or less

Propose (+solutions):

A nalyse, explore, suggest

P ut forward


N eedy, deprived, destitute , impoverished



M an, mankind, humankind, humanity

T he human race, human beings

T ackle, resolve, address

D eal with

D emonstrate, outline, display, reveal

S ummarize, illustrate

A dvance, develop

F orge ahead

In present days:

I n contemporary days, in the modern world, in many places today, in this age of change

N owadays


C ollect, gather, accumulate, assemble


R ise, come up, occur


R emove, eliminate, erase


Study for, study out of, study stemming from


D ivergent, contrasting, conflicting

持有(+观点) :

A ssert, argue, believe, claim, contend, hold, maintain, think, adopt


T rigger, arise

S park off


I nfringe, violate

G o against

打击(自信、自尊) :

W eaken, shake, undermine, damage

S hatter, destroy


I mprove, promote, enhance, advance, accelerate, facilitate


R epresent, comprise, provide, constitute

A ccount for, make up

表范围: boost,

R ange from…to …

F luctuate between…and …


I ncrease, rise(both可做n.), climb, ascend, rocket(程度:急剧) G o up


D ecrease, fall(both可做n.), slide, decline, collapse(程度:急剧) C ome down


F or example, for instance, such as

L ike


V ary, various, varied, variety

D iversify, diverse, diversity

趋势(及相关形容词) :

T rend, tendency

U pward, downward

G rowing, rising, increasing

G reatly, vastly, considerably

S lightly, marginally, minutely(注意读音) S harply, rapidly, swiftly

S lowly, gradually, tardily

S teeply, dramatically, significantly

S ome extra words or phrases need to know: V erb :

O utweigh

B oast

C ultivate

A ccustom

I ncentive 刺激

B order (也可做名词)

Noun :

S elf-discipline

S elf-esteem

S tatesman

A spiration

C ounterpart

Adjective :

C onsecutive


A s for 至于

D erive from

B e subsidiary to 次于、不如 B e admitted by

G ive rise to

B R egardless of

F all short of

O ut of the spotlight

J oin hands

B ottom out 降到最低点

S oar to 急速上升

G ive way to


S ubstantially alleviate 极大地缓解

Ideal job

A ’s health

Harsh reality


Environmental U ndertake/bear/shoulder this mission D efeat the purpose

B ridge the gap

I n late adulthood

R emotely following 远远跟在后面 A s a whole 作为一个整体



B ecause = as

because of = owing to = due to = on account of = as a result of = as a consequence of

L ead to = result in

factor = contributor

A ttribute to = contribute to = be responsible for


A nd = as well = ; = (either)…or …

N either …nor …

F irst …second … = firstly…secondly …


B ut

A lthough = though

H owever = nevertheless = nonetheless

I n spite of = despite

O n the one hand…on the other hand…

衔接(后几个为让步反驳中的衔接) :

F irst, firstly, first of all

Second, secondly

B esides, meanwhile, and

while, whilst, whereas

C onversely, on the contrary, by/in contrast

S imilarly, likewise

A dmittedly, granted, understandably, undeniably, true that, it is often the case that

Although , though

however, nevertheless


P rovided that

A s long as…


T o conclude, to sum up, to wrap up

O n balance, overall, for my part

A s for me, in my view

L ast but least

is it



M ain, major, necessary

S ignificant, essential, vital, critical

K ey, crucial, decisive

P aramount, indispensable

U nprecedented

(…exert …) I nfluence (on…sth. ):

B ig, great, deep, significant

M ajor, chief, dominant

S trong, powerful, profound

B eneficial, positive

A dverse, negative


I t is common/not common to see that…

…is increasingly prevalent/popular/widely used… Discuss:

E xplore, compare


G ood points, strength, benefits, pros

V irtues, merits


B ad points, weakness, drawbacks, shortcomings, cons B lemishes, flaws


D iligence = hardworking

D espise = look down upon

U se …as the source = be produced from

S ubsequently = in the following stage

R espectively = separately

A ttach importance to = put/place emphasis on

S trive to = endeavour to do

B e equal to = amount to

R equire, necessitate

Explore, identify

S ignificant, overwhelming


W ealthy, well-off, affluent

A rena, domain, area, field


A ccord, give, grant (sb.)


A round, approximately, almost, roughly

M ore or less

Propose (+solutions):

A nalyse, explore, suggest

P ut forward


N eedy, deprived, destitute , impoverished



M an, mankind, humankind, humanity

T he human race, human beings

T ackle, resolve, address

D eal with

D emonstrate, outline, display, reveal

S ummarize, illustrate

A dvance, develop

F orge ahead

In present days:

I n contemporary days, in the modern world, in many places today, in this age of change

N owadays


C ollect, gather, accumulate, assemble


R ise, come up, occur


R emove, eliminate, erase


Study for, study out of, study stemming from


D ivergent, contrasting, conflicting

持有(+观点) :

A ssert, argue, believe, claim, contend, hold, maintain, think, adopt


T rigger, arise

S park off


I nfringe, violate

G o against

打击(自信、自尊) :

W eaken, shake, undermine, damage

S hatter, destroy


I mprove, promote, enhance, advance, accelerate, facilitate


R epresent, comprise, provide, constitute

A ccount for, make up

表范围: boost,

R ange from…to …

F luctuate between…and …


I ncrease, rise(both可做n.), climb, ascend, rocket(程度:急剧) G o up


D ecrease, fall(both可做n.), slide, decline, collapse(程度:急剧) C ome down


F or example, for instance, such as

L ike


V ary, various, varied, variety

D iversify, diverse, diversity

趋势(及相关形容词) :

T rend, tendency

U pward, downward

G rowing, rising, increasing

G reatly, vastly, considerably

S lightly, marginally, minutely(注意读音) S harply, rapidly, swiftly

S lowly, gradually, tardily

S teeply, dramatically, significantly

S ome extra words or phrases need to know: V erb :

O utweigh

B oast

C ultivate

A ccustom

I ncentive 刺激

B order (也可做名词)

Noun :

S elf-discipline

S elf-esteem

S tatesman

A spiration

C ounterpart

Adjective :

C onsecutive


A s for 至于

D erive from

B e subsidiary to 次于、不如 B e admitted by

G ive rise to

B R egardless of

F all short of

O ut of the spotlight

J oin hands

B ottom out 降到最低点

S oar to 急速上升

G ive way to


S ubstantially alleviate 极大地缓解

Ideal job

A ’s health

Harsh reality


Environmental U ndertake/bear/shoulder this mission D efeat the purpose

B ridge the gap

I n late adulthood

R emotely following 远远跟在后面 A s a whole 作为一个整体


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