


For a growing number of Chinese people, to get some kind of certificate during their spare time

has become a hot topic.


In recent years ,the ignorance of Chinese has been prevailing among students.

In contrast , more and more students attach great importance to the learning of foreign languages 。


As is known to all ,mental health is as important as physical health for a student,s growth。


1. 其目的各不相同

Admittedly, there are different purposes behind this phenomenon.

2对于这种做法人们看法不一 However ,

concerning 关于this phenomenon ,

opinions 看法vary 不同 from person to person.


举例一:Some people (aim at ) certificates (because of ) the fierce competition in the job market.

So it is the certificates that Made them more competitive .

举例二:However, some others consider all the diplomas and certificates

as important standards by which a person,s ability can be measured. They (spare no effort)to

Get the certificates

For the sole purpose of proving that they

are qualified的 in a certain field .

举例三:Moreover, there are those who take this practice as a stimulus for them to study harder.

They assert that , by preparing for gaining those certificates , they can broaden their horizon and enrich their knowledge.


There are three premier factors that can account for such a phenomenon.

举例First and foremost , Moreover,Last but not least,Therefore


To conclude, we should inspire the advantages of university ranking and abandon its disadvantages.

First, it should be made clear to the whole society that Chinese is an indispensable part of our culture.

Second, schools should attach more importance to the teaching of Chinese . Third, students should enhance their awarenessof the importance of mastering their mother tongue.



For a growing number of Chinese people, to get some kind of certificate during their spare time

has become a hot topic.


In recent years ,the ignorance of Chinese has been prevailing among students.

In contrast , more and more students attach great importance to the learning of foreign languages 。


As is known to all ,mental health is as important as physical health for a student,s growth。


1. 其目的各不相同

Admittedly, there are different purposes behind this phenomenon.

2对于这种做法人们看法不一 However ,

concerning 关于this phenomenon ,

opinions 看法vary 不同 from person to person.


举例一:Some people (aim at ) certificates (because of ) the fierce competition in the job market.

So it is the certificates that Made them more competitive .

举例二:However, some others consider all the diplomas and certificates

as important standards by which a person,s ability can be measured. They (spare no effort)to

Get the certificates

For the sole purpose of proving that they

are qualified的 in a certain field .

举例三:Moreover, there are those who take this practice as a stimulus for them to study harder.

They assert that , by preparing for gaining those certificates , they can broaden their horizon and enrich their knowledge.


There are three premier factors that can account for such a phenomenon.

举例First and foremost , Moreover,Last but not least,Therefore


To conclude, we should inspire the advantages of university ranking and abandon its disadvantages.

First, it should be made clear to the whole society that Chinese is an indispensable part of our culture.

Second, schools should attach more importance to the teaching of Chinese . Third, students should enhance their awarenessof the importance of mastering their mother tongue.


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