

A:Wow!The building is so spectacular,isn’t?

B:Yeh!It looks good!

C:Oh!This tree is so lovely!

D:And the street light is also sexy!


小红老师正在领着学员们晨读:If you want to speak good English,you need to repeat,repeat,and repeat……


E:Look!What are they doing?

F:They are so crazy!

G(惊奇的眼神):Actually,this is crazy English!

H(非常惊诧):I didn’t expect such a passion!

I:Oh!It’s so wonderful!Ladies and gentlemen,let’s go have a look at it!

A-I:Let's go!

A:Hi!Excuse me.What are you doing here?

学员:This is Simba Oral English Club.We are learning oral English and speech.Of course,It’s not only learning English,but also help you to open a door of otheraspect of life.

B:And I think we will make many friends here,isn’t it?

A:Uh-huh……I’m dying to improve my poor English,my English is far from perfect!so…… C:Hey man/girl Never doubt yourself!If We can insist on it.We will speak English very well like them.

A:In normal times,I’m very lazy.In the morning I can't get up. I know this is a bad habit…(沮丧)…

D:Oh!Me too!

E:Oh……I can’t stand you bad habits.

A:Yes,I also can’t stand my bad habits.

小红老师:So you need to change yourself,you all know that the early bird catches the worm. D:Yes,I’m sick my poor English, I believe I can speak good English later.But now… F:Every dog has his day(注意音调) .I failed to learn English.

C:I fail to see why you won’t even give it a try.Don't hesitate,let’s take action now! A:That’s absolutely fantastic!It’s not so easy to learn English.

小红老师:Yes.Life is like a mirror,when you smile,people will smile back.Why don’t work hard.

G:I see you point,I totally agree with you.Don’t let me down,my brother.Never doubtyourself! D:Yes,I know.English is more and more important in China.No pains,no gains.In order to my future,I’ll struggle!

小红老师:It’s good!Every day in every way,everything is getting better and better.As long as you paid,I believe you can speak good English.

H:Yes.The best cure for lazy is hard work.

I:That’s right!If you can speak Chinese,you can speak English.I believe that we can learn English well.Let’s go and join them.

小红老师:Really?Very glad to have you.

C:It’s our pleasure!Don’t hesitate,my brother.

F:Of course!I believe that where there’s a will,there’s a way.Simba is a good club,isn’t it? 小红老师:It’s perfect!Be bold,have hope,you will go far.Never give stop trying,never give up,never say impossible to yourself.

A:Of course!I will.

B:Oh!Sir!You’re in great soul.

A:My brother,Don’t tease me.

小红老师:I’m cheers for you,for you fuel.

A and B:Oh,thanks!It’s my pleasure.

B:Hi,my brother.How do I look?Do I look good?

A:Oh.So terrible……(laugh)


A:Wow!The building is so spectacular,isn’t?

B:Yeh!It looks good!

C:Oh!This tree is so lovely!

D:And the street light is also sexy!


小红老师正在领着学员们晨读:If you want to speak good English,you need to repeat,repeat,and repeat……


E:Look!What are they doing?

F:They are so crazy!

G(惊奇的眼神):Actually,this is crazy English!

H(非常惊诧):I didn’t expect such a passion!

I:Oh!It’s so wonderful!Ladies and gentlemen,let’s go have a look at it!

A-I:Let's go!

A:Hi!Excuse me.What are you doing here?

学员:This is Simba Oral English Club.We are learning oral English and speech.Of course,It’s not only learning English,but also help you to open a door of otheraspect of life.

B:And I think we will make many friends here,isn’t it?

A:Uh-huh……I’m dying to improve my poor English,my English is far from perfect!so…… C:Hey man/girl Never doubt yourself!If We can insist on it.We will speak English very well like them.

A:In normal times,I’m very lazy.In the morning I can't get up. I know this is a bad habit…(沮丧)…

D:Oh!Me too!

E:Oh……I can’t stand you bad habits.

A:Yes,I also can’t stand my bad habits.

小红老师:So you need to change yourself,you all know that the early bird catches the worm. D:Yes,I’m sick my poor English, I believe I can speak good English later.But now… F:Every dog has his day(注意音调) .I failed to learn English.

C:I fail to see why you won’t even give it a try.Don't hesitate,let’s take action now! A:That’s absolutely fantastic!It’s not so easy to learn English.

小红老师:Yes.Life is like a mirror,when you smile,people will smile back.Why don’t work hard.

G:I see you point,I totally agree with you.Don’t let me down,my brother.Never doubtyourself! D:Yes,I know.English is more and more important in China.No pains,no gains.In order to my future,I’ll struggle!

小红老师:It’s good!Every day in every way,everything is getting better and better.As long as you paid,I believe you can speak good English.

H:Yes.The best cure for lazy is hard work.

I:That’s right!If you can speak Chinese,you can speak English.I believe that we can learn English well.Let’s go and join them.

小红老师:Really?Very glad to have you.

C:It’s our pleasure!Don’t hesitate,my brother.

F:Of course!I believe that where there’s a will,there’s a way.Simba is a good club,isn’t it? 小红老师:It’s perfect!Be bold,have hope,you will go far.Never give stop trying,never give up,never say impossible to yourself.

A:Of course!I will.

B:Oh!Sir!You’re in great soul.

A:My brother,Don’t tease me.

小红老师:I’m cheers for you,for you fuel.

A and B:Oh,thanks!It’s my pleasure.

B:Hi,my brother.How do I look?Do I look good?

A:Oh.So terrible……(laugh)


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