Planetary science
Lost and found
A successful piece of astronomical kit looks dead. But its mission continues
So long, and thanks for all the facts
THE Kepler telescope was launched into space in 2009 to look for extrasolar planets, thosethat circle stars other than the sun. Since then it has spotted more than 2,700 potential alien worlds,including some that appear to be small, rocky and far enough from their stars for liquid water to existon the surface—rather like Earth, in other words, and thus, just possibly, hospitable to life. In doing soit made “exoplanet” research one of the busiest areas of astronomy. It also whetted planet-hunters’appetites. Originally meant to collect data for 3? years, last year its mission was extended until2016.
So it came as a blow when, on May 15th, the telescope’s minders at NASA announced thatthe device was in trouble. One of the three components, known as reaction wheels, that help keep itpointing in the right direction (specifically, at a patch of stars between the constellations Lyra andCygnus) had jammed.
所以,当NASA的开普勒太空望远镜的管理者在5月15日宣布该设备出现问题时,这对该领域是个不小的打击。开普勒太空望远镜的三个组件中有一个给卡住了,该组件叫做反力轮, 用于使望远镜保持朝向正确的方位。(明确来说,是朝向天琴座星云和天鹅座星云之间的一块星群)。
With its sole spare reaction wheel already damaged, things did not look good. After two weeksof trying, NASA’s boffins have been unable to restore Kepler to working order. Geoff Marcy, aplanet-hunter at University of California, Berkeley, expressed his angst by borrowing from W.H.Auden: “Kepler was my North, my South, my East and West,” he lamented online. This comes just
six months after COROT, a European telescope with a mission similar to Kepler’s, suffered acomputer failure from which it has yet to recover.
登的“Funeral Blues”《葬礼蓝调》。译注),他在网上哀叹道。刚刚六个月之前,科罗太空望远镜----欧洲的一台执行与开普勒望远镜类似任务的望远镜----由于其内部电脑故障,至今仍未恢复工作。
Life after death
Happily, there is plenty of science left to do. Big experiments collect such vast quantities ofdata these days that scientists cannot keep up. As a result, discoveries can be made long after atelescope has been decommissioned. Two papers, presented to the annual meeting of theAmerican Astronomical Society, held on June 2nd-6th in Indianapolis, show how.
The first, by Mark Everett, of the National Optical Astronomy Observatory in Arizona, and hiscolleagues, concerns data gathered by Kepler to help astronomers nail down how common varioustypes of planet might be. Earlier results suggested that about 13% of the Milky Way’s stars hostEarth-size planets. A further 30% host so-called Super Earths, planets that are significantly biggerthan Earth but still rocky. All good news, in other words, for those hoping for signs of alien life.
But Dr Everett thinks that those numbers may be too high. Kepler scans hundreds of thousandsof stars, hunting for the tiny but regular dips in brightness which occur when a planet passes in frontof its parent star. Astronomers can estimate the size of a star from its brightness and its colour. Oncethat is known, they can estimate the radius of a transiting planet from the amount of dimming itcauses.
Dr Everett and his team used ground-based telescopes to make detailed measurements of thesizes of 268 stars identified by Kepler as being orbited by planets. They found that Kepler
underestimated how big the stars were. Sometimes the underestimates were small. But one in fourstars seems to be larger by 35% or more.
That matters, because the size of a planet is calculated from the size of its parent star and theamount of dimming observed. If the star is bigger, therefore, so too are its planets. In other words,some of the Super Earths identified by Kepler may in fact be gas giants, more akin to Neptune andUranus.
Bigger stars’ “habitable zones”, in which temperatures are low enough for liquid water, and life,to exist, are also farther from a star system’s centre. So some planets Kepler deemed far enoughfrom their parent star to be sufficiently cool may in fact not be. (Admittedly, some others, previouslyconsidered too far to contain any water other than ice, could be balmier than thought.)
The second paper, by John Gizis at the University of Delaware, reports the discovery not of astrange new planet, but of a strange new star. W1906+40, as it is known, is a cool dwarf that suffersfrom regular temper tantrums. Roughly once a week it flares, its temperature rising from around2,000°C to 7,700°C in a matter of minutes, before slowly cooling off again.
第二篇论文的作者是特拉华大学的约翰?吉吉斯,该文报道的发现并非是一个奇怪的新行星,而是一颗怪异的新恒星。该恒星被称为W1906+40,是一颗温度较低,但会定期爆发的矮星。该星大约每周会出现一次耀斑,其温度几分钟便会从约2000°C升至 7700°C,然后便会慢慢冷却,直至再次爆发。
Flares like these have never before been seen in such a small, cool star. Dr Gizis hopes thatstudying them will help astronomers understand the whims and fancies of the powerful magneticfields that all stars, including the sun, generate, and which are presumed to produce the flares.
Even if Kepler cannot be mended, planet-hunters need not despair. Earlier this year NASAconfirmed that in 2017 it plans to launch the Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite, a successor toKepler which will search the entire sky, rather than merely a part of it, and look for exoplanets
nearest to Earth. Until then, though, astronomers will be poring over Kepler’s back catalogue, wheremany discoveries still lurk.
Planetary science
Lost and found
A successful piece of astronomical kit looks dead. But its mission continues
So long, and thanks for all the facts
THE Kepler telescope was launched into space in 2009 to look for extrasolar planets, thosethat circle stars other than the sun. Since then it has spotted more than 2,700 potential alien worlds,including some that appear to be small, rocky and far enough from their stars for liquid water to existon the surface—rather like Earth, in other words, and thus, just possibly, hospitable to life. In doing soit made “exoplanet” research one of the busiest areas of astronomy. It also whetted planet-hunters’appetites. Originally meant to collect data for 3? years, last year its mission was extended until2016.
So it came as a blow when, on May 15th, the telescope’s minders at NASA announced thatthe device was in trouble. One of the three components, known as reaction wheels, that help keep itpointing in the right direction (specifically, at a patch of stars between the constellations Lyra andCygnus) had jammed.
所以,当NASA的开普勒太空望远镜的管理者在5月15日宣布该设备出现问题时,这对该领域是个不小的打击。开普勒太空望远镜的三个组件中有一个给卡住了,该组件叫做反力轮, 用于使望远镜保持朝向正确的方位。(明确来说,是朝向天琴座星云和天鹅座星云之间的一块星群)。
With its sole spare reaction wheel already damaged, things did not look good. After two weeksof trying, NASA’s boffins have been unable to restore Kepler to working order. Geoff Marcy, aplanet-hunter at University of California, Berkeley, expressed his angst by borrowing from W.H.Auden: “Kepler was my North, my South, my East and West,” he lamented online. This comes just
six months after COROT, a European telescope with a mission similar to Kepler’s, suffered acomputer failure from which it has yet to recover.
登的“Funeral Blues”《葬礼蓝调》。译注),他在网上哀叹道。刚刚六个月之前,科罗太空望远镜----欧洲的一台执行与开普勒望远镜类似任务的望远镜----由于其内部电脑故障,至今仍未恢复工作。
Life after death
Happily, there is plenty of science left to do. Big experiments collect such vast quantities ofdata these days that scientists cannot keep up. As a result, discoveries can be made long after atelescope has been decommissioned. Two papers, presented to the annual meeting of theAmerican Astronomical Society, held on June 2nd-6th in Indianapolis, show how.
The first, by Mark Everett, of the National Optical Astronomy Observatory in Arizona, and hiscolleagues, concerns data gathered by Kepler to help astronomers nail down how common varioustypes of planet might be. Earlier results suggested that about 13% of the Milky Way’s stars hostEarth-size planets. A further 30% host so-called Super Earths, planets that are significantly biggerthan Earth but still rocky. All good news, in other words, for those hoping for signs of alien life.
But Dr Everett thinks that those numbers may be too high. Kepler scans hundreds of thousandsof stars, hunting for the tiny but regular dips in brightness which occur when a planet passes in frontof its parent star. Astronomers can estimate the size of a star from its brightness and its colour. Oncethat is known, they can estimate the radius of a transiting planet from the amount of dimming itcauses.
Dr Everett and his team used ground-based telescopes to make detailed measurements of thesizes of 268 stars identified by Kepler as being orbited by planets. They found that Kepler
underestimated how big the stars were. Sometimes the underestimates were small. But one in fourstars seems to be larger by 35% or more.
That matters, because the size of a planet is calculated from the size of its parent star and theamount of dimming observed. If the star is bigger, therefore, so too are its planets. In other words,some of the Super Earths identified by Kepler may in fact be gas giants, more akin to Neptune andUranus.
Bigger stars’ “habitable zones”, in which temperatures are low enough for liquid water, and life,to exist, are also farther from a star system’s centre. So some planets Kepler deemed far enoughfrom their parent star to be sufficiently cool may in fact not be. (Admittedly, some others, previouslyconsidered too far to contain any water other than ice, could be balmier than thought.)
The second paper, by John Gizis at the University of Delaware, reports the discovery not of astrange new planet, but of a strange new star. W1906+40, as it is known, is a cool dwarf that suffersfrom regular temper tantrums. Roughly once a week it flares, its temperature rising from around2,000°C to 7,700°C in a matter of minutes, before slowly cooling off again.
第二篇论文的作者是特拉华大学的约翰?吉吉斯,该文报道的发现并非是一个奇怪的新行星,而是一颗怪异的新恒星。该恒星被称为W1906+40,是一颗温度较低,但会定期爆发的矮星。该星大约每周会出现一次耀斑,其温度几分钟便会从约2000°C升至 7700°C,然后便会慢慢冷却,直至再次爆发。
Flares like these have never before been seen in such a small, cool star. Dr Gizis hopes thatstudying them will help astronomers understand the whims and fancies of the powerful magneticfields that all stars, including the sun, generate, and which are presumed to produce the flares.
Even if Kepler cannot be mended, planet-hunters need not despair. Earlier this year NASAconfirmed that in 2017 it plans to launch the Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite, a successor toKepler which will search the entire sky, rather than merely a part of it, and look for exoplanets
nearest to Earth. Until then, though, astronomers will be poring over Kepler’s back catalogue, wheremany discoveries still lurk.