
新年快乐:世界各地“跨年”的独特方式The old year, for better or worse, is gone for good. The new year has begun with fresh promise. Here's our chance to start again at just accomplishing what we resolve to. Happy New Year! 预祝大家新年快乐!

New Year in the UK usually starts with a celebration on New Year's Eve (31st December).


Some people spend the evening at home with their family, or have a party for friends at their house.


Others go to a pub to celebrate, or spend the evening in a large public space,for example Trafalgar Square in London.


The beginning of the New Year is signified by the chiming of Big Ben, the famous London clock, at midnight, which is also shown on TV for those who are staying in.


In Scotland, New Year is called Hogmanay, and for some people, it's a bigger celebration than Christmas. In big cities like Edinburgh and Glasgow there are street parties with around 100,000 people, enjoying music, entertainment and fireworks at midnight.


One Scottish tradition which is now popular throughout the UK as well as in the USA, is the singing of a traditional folk song. 'Auld lang syne', reminds us to think of old friends and remember the good times of the past, as we look to the future.

苏格兰有一个传统就是唱一首名Auld lang syne的传统民谣,它让我们在展望未来的时候想起了过去的美好时光,如今它正风靡英国和美国。

Although New Year's Eve involves drinking alcohol for many people, New Year's Day signals the start of a healthier life, as some people make New Year's resolutions. Often these are connected with fitness and health, for example giving up smoking or drinking, taking more exercise or losing weight.


Other people make a resolution to improve their life in other ways, such as spending more time with family, learning something new, or getting out of debt.


Unfortunately, it's not always easy to stick to your resolutions, especially if they are related to saving money. The January sales can provide shopaholics with far too much temptation.


Almost every shop is full of special offers and bargains,which can make it hard to just go window shopping.


新年快乐:世界各地“跨年”的独特方式The old year, for better or worse, is gone for good. The new year has begun with fresh promise. Here's our chance to start again at just accomplishing what we resolve to. Happy New Year! 预祝大家新年快乐!

New Year in the UK usually starts with a celebration on New Year's Eve (31st December).


Some people spend the evening at home with their family, or have a party for friends at their house.


Others go to a pub to celebrate, or spend the evening in a large public space,for example Trafalgar Square in London.


The beginning of the New Year is signified by the chiming of Big Ben, the famous London clock, at midnight, which is also shown on TV for those who are staying in.


In Scotland, New Year is called Hogmanay, and for some people, it's a bigger celebration than Christmas. In big cities like Edinburgh and Glasgow there are street parties with around 100,000 people, enjoying music, entertainment and fireworks at midnight.


One Scottish tradition which is now popular throughout the UK as well as in the USA, is the singing of a traditional folk song. 'Auld lang syne', reminds us to think of old friends and remember the good times of the past, as we look to the future.

苏格兰有一个传统就是唱一首名Auld lang syne的传统民谣,它让我们在展望未来的时候想起了过去的美好时光,如今它正风靡英国和美国。

Although New Year's Eve involves drinking alcohol for many people, New Year's Day signals the start of a healthier life, as some people make New Year's resolutions. Often these are connected with fitness and health, for example giving up smoking or drinking, taking more exercise or losing weight.


Other people make a resolution to improve their life in other ways, such as spending more time with family, learning something new, or getting out of debt.


Unfortunately, it's not always easy to stick to your resolutions, especially if they are related to saving money. The January sales can provide shopaholics with far too much temptation.


Almost every shop is full of special offers and bargains,which can make it hard to just go window shopping.



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