

1. 并列句构成:简单句+连接词+简单句

2. 连词分类


①单一连词:but ,for ,that ,why ,and ,if 等

②短语连词:according to,now that,in case,as long as等

③成对连词:both...and ,not only...but also...,either...or ,neither...nor 等



②并列连词:连接主语和主语、动词和动词等语法作用相同部分的连词称为并列连词。 并列连词有:and 和,but 但是,nor 也不,so 因而,yet 然而,however 可是,since 从此, then然后,or 或者,否则,nevertheless 然而,as well as也,又, for因为,not only...but also不仅……而且,both...and 两者都, neither...nor既不……也不……,either...or 或者……或者 注意:并列连词要注意主谓一致问题(详见主谓一致)

3. 连词种类及用法


①and (和;同;与;又;并且)

Eg :Mary and Lily are both interested in collecting stamps.

②both...and (既... 又... )

Eg:Both you and I have changed a lot in the past twenty years.

③not only...but also(不仅... 而且... )

Eg :Not only you but also I am to blame.(就近)

④as well as(和;同;也;除... 之外)

Eg :You as well as I are supposed to respect the old.(主谓一致)

注意:名词A + as well as + 名词B ,作主语,强调A

not only + 名词A + but also + 名词B ,作主语,强调B

⑤never...but (除了……不会)

Eg :It never rains but it pours.


①but (但是;可是;而;却)

Eg :The situation looked desperate,but they didn’t give up hope. ②while (而;但是;可是;却)

Eg :He is fat while his sister is thin.

③however ,nevertheless ,yet ,still (但是;然而;尽管如此)

Eg :She always tells lies,nevertheless ,I still trust her.

④when (正当那时;突然;=and just at that time)

Eg :I was just about to leave when the telephone rang.


①or (否则,要不然;肯:或者,还是;否:也不;)

Eg :Do you want to leave now or would you rather set off later?

②otherwise/or else/or(否则)

Eg :You will have to go now,or/or else/otherwise you will miss the bus. ③neither...nor (既不... 也不... )

Eg :The equipment is neither accurate nor safe.

④either...or (或是... 或是... ;不是... 就是... )

Eg :Either she leaves the house,or I will call the policeman. 注意:多个对象选择⑤not...but (不是... 而是... )

Eg :The teacher didn ’t scold him,but comforted him.


①so (原因+so+结果,意为因此,所以)

Eg :I heard a noise,so I got out of bed and turned on the light.

注意:不能与because 出现在同一句子中,因为because 是从属连词,so 是并列连词 ②for (结果+for+原因,意义上与从属连词because/since/as相同,但只能接简单句 ) Eg :The day must break now,for the birds are singing now.

注意:for 引导的句子只能置于句末,之前必须有逗号

for分句不能用来回答why 问句

(5)rather than(而不是;与其... 宁愿... )

Eg :Rather than ride on a crowded bus,he always prefers to ride bicycle.

4. 并列句的省略:若后面分句有词和前面分句的词重复,为避免重复,可省 Eg :I work in a factory and my sister (works ) on a farm.

She could have applied for that job,but she didn't (applied for that job).


1. 并列句构成:简单句+连接词+简单句

2. 连词分类


①单一连词:but ,for ,that ,why ,and ,if 等

②短语连词:according to,now that,in case,as long as等

③成对连词:both...and ,not only...but also...,either...or ,neither...nor 等



②并列连词:连接主语和主语、动词和动词等语法作用相同部分的连词称为并列连词。 并列连词有:and 和,but 但是,nor 也不,so 因而,yet 然而,however 可是,since 从此, then然后,or 或者,否则,nevertheless 然而,as well as也,又, for因为,not only...but also不仅……而且,both...and 两者都, neither...nor既不……也不……,either...or 或者……或者 注意:并列连词要注意主谓一致问题(详见主谓一致)

3. 连词种类及用法


①and (和;同;与;又;并且)

Eg :Mary and Lily are both interested in collecting stamps.

②both...and (既... 又... )

Eg:Both you and I have changed a lot in the past twenty years.

③not only...but also(不仅... 而且... )

Eg :Not only you but also I am to blame.(就近)

④as well as(和;同;也;除... 之外)

Eg :You as well as I are supposed to respect the old.(主谓一致)

注意:名词A + as well as + 名词B ,作主语,强调A

not only + 名词A + but also + 名词B ,作主语,强调B

⑤never...but (除了……不会)

Eg :It never rains but it pours.


①but (但是;可是;而;却)

Eg :The situation looked desperate,but they didn’t give up hope. ②while (而;但是;可是;却)

Eg :He is fat while his sister is thin.

③however ,nevertheless ,yet ,still (但是;然而;尽管如此)

Eg :She always tells lies,nevertheless ,I still trust her.

④when (正当那时;突然;=and just at that time)

Eg :I was just about to leave when the telephone rang.


①or (否则,要不然;肯:或者,还是;否:也不;)

Eg :Do you want to leave now or would you rather set off later?

②otherwise/or else/or(否则)

Eg :You will have to go now,or/or else/otherwise you will miss the bus. ③neither...nor (既不... 也不... )

Eg :The equipment is neither accurate nor safe.

④either...or (或是... 或是... ;不是... 就是... )

Eg :Either she leaves the house,or I will call the policeman. 注意:多个对象选择⑤not...but (不是... 而是... )

Eg :The teacher didn ’t scold him,but comforted him.


①so (原因+so+结果,意为因此,所以)

Eg :I heard a noise,so I got out of bed and turned on the light.

注意:不能与because 出现在同一句子中,因为because 是从属连词,so 是并列连词 ②for (结果+for+原因,意义上与从属连词because/since/as相同,但只能接简单句 ) Eg :The day must break now,for the birds are singing now.

注意:for 引导的句子只能置于句末,之前必须有逗号

for分句不能用来回答why 问句

(5)rather than(而不是;与其... 宁愿... )

Eg :Rather than ride on a crowded bus,he always prefers to ride bicycle.

4. 并列句的省略:若后面分句有词和前面分句的词重复,为避免重复,可省 Eg :I work in a factory and my sister (works ) on a farm.

She could have applied for that job,but she didn't (applied for that job).


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