
1. 组织管理体系:Organization management system 1.1 现场吊装组织机构 Suspending organization on site

Lifting team machine operator other types worker

Rivet worker team measure worker

1.2 主要人员职责

Duties for important personnel


The suspending chief commander correspond and control the whole suspending

work of the heavy facilities, also supply the guarantee of materials and sign the command o suspending.


Suspending commander on site take charge of organizing to practice the suspending



Technology principal take charge of writing the suspending scheme, telling the

technology intentions, attending in tackling key technology problem and risk evaluating and affirming checking before suspending.


Quality pricipal charge in examination and affirm the special worker mooount guard

with certification, he also attend in checking and accept the received facilities, organize to check and accept the facilities basic, check and affirm the construction quality.


Facility pricipal take charge of vertify and affirm the conditions of construction

facilities on site, daily maintaining and management of facilities and attending risk evaluating.


Safety pricipal take charge of supplying HSE practice scheme and supervising HSE

management implementation.


Supply pricipal purvey equipments with quality and quantity in time according to

the project requirement, and organize to check and accept the received facilities.

2.运输路线: (运输公司编制)

Transportation route: (workout by transport company) 3.运输车辆的性能特点(运输公司编制)

Functions and features of vehicles (workout by transport company) 4.卸车位置及方位

Unloading places and orientation


Unloading and suspending orders of heavy facilities (see running plan

of suspending heavy facilities)

4.2 设备摆放所占的道路及时间:

Road and time occupied by putting the facilities:



NO 10 Road: put T-4001 during October 15 to November 6, 2003; February

1st to 9,2004

2)8#路:1250t吊车组车 04年2月1日-----2月9日。

NO 8 Road: install 1250t crane from February 1st to 9, 2004.

4.3 设备卸车配合及支撑

Cooperating and supporting of unloading facilities

4.3.1 卸车 Unloading

● 预搭设支撑垛;

● Build the supporting buttress in advance; ● 油压板车进入指定位置;

● Enter the oil pressure plank machine to the appointed place; ● 在卸车支撑处摆好卸车用的钢梁及鞍座;

● Putting the unloading girder and bicycle saddle in the unload supporting place; ● 启动油压板车升降千斤顶,将设备顶起;

● Startup the lifting and droping jack of oil pressure to peak up the facilities; ● 将卸车用钢梁及鞍座放置到支撑垛上;

● Put unload on the supporting buttress by the girder and bicycle saddle;



● 降下油压板车,将设备落到卸车鞍座上;

页码: 2

● Down the oil pressure plank and let the facilities on the unload’s bicycle saddle; ● 退出油压板车。

● Exit from the oil pressure plank.

4.3.2 支撑处理 Supporting disposal


Two supporting points and four supporting buttress under the facilities to bear the



页码: 2

1) 充分考虑设备进入现场与其吊装时间的逻辑关系,尽量使用CC8800直接从拖


Consider the logical relationship of entering onsite and suspending time for facilities

sufficiently, try best to use CC8800 to unload and suspend directly from the trailer.

2) 大型设备根据合同由运输方直接运输至现场指定位置。

According to the contract, heavy facilities should be deliveried by transport side

directly to the appointed places

3) 较小型设备直接运输至现场后,采用M250型250吨履带吊直接卸车或吊装。 Use 250ton pedrail crane Model 250 to delivery or suspend directly after the

smaller facilities being deliveried on site.

4) 如果设备卸于临时库房,则根据设备重量、规格尺寸等条件采用KMK5160型160


If delivery the facilities in a temporary storeroom, use 160ton auto suspending single

vehicle Model KMK5160 or 160 ton auto suspending and 130ton auto suspending twin vehicles lifting to install the vehicle, close the vehicle then delivery on site in accordance with conditions of fcilities’ weight and specification then adopt the measures of unloading facilities by 160ton auto suspending single vehicle or 160ton auto suspending and 130 ton auto suspending tiwn vehicles lifting.

5) 说明: Narration


The facilities pivot support by the four supporting buttress. Each can support the area of 5 square meters (lay 30~40mm stell plank under each buttress). 支撑鞍座利用设备运输的鞍座。

Use the deliverying bicycle saddle of the facilities to support the saddle.

4.4 设备摆放要求

Requirements for putting the facilities 4.4.1 T-4001



● 抬尾吊耳在正上面

● Suspending trail hole in the median above place ●主吊耳在水平位置

●The main suspending hole in the horizontal place

页码: 2

●主吊耳位置运到基础中心位置,方向按现场平面图位置摆放。 ●

The main suspending hole carried to basic center place and put direction as the ichnography place on site.

● 主吊及抬尾吊耳位置、方位按提供给上海医药工业设计院的条件执行。 ● According to the conditions supplied to Shanghai medicament industry academy

of design, perform the places and directions of main suspending and trail hole.

4.4.2 其它设备

Other facilities 抬尾吊耳在正上方

Suspending trail hole in the median above place 按现场平面图位置摆放

Put as the ichnography place on site 方向按现场平面图位置摆放。

Put as the direction as the ichnography place on site

4.4.3 大型设备摆放位置详见附图《大型设备吊装平面图》

5. 吊车性能特点:

Functions and features of crane

5.1 吊车分SSL、SVFL等6种工况,最大起重能力为1250t;

Six conditions for crane of SSL, SVFL and so on, the most lifting capacility is


5.2 吊车长15米,宽12.5米,车高7.1米; Crane is 15m(L), 12.5m(W) and 7.1m(H); 5.3 吊车的机动性能好,可载重行走;

Good flexibility of crane, which can walk with loading as well; 5.4 吊装能力优越,超起配重600t,超起半径最大25米。

Excellent lifting of super lifting 600t and the most semidiameter is 25meter. 6. 吊车组装位置和移动位置以及各吊装作业位置:

Coordinate of the CC8800 pedrail suspending station

7. 吊车站位及移动对场地的要求:

Requirements for lifting site by crane standing position and moving: 7.1 影响吊车占车及行走的设备基础及施工时间要求:

Requirements for facilities basic and construction time of influencing crane by

being occupied and moved:

1) 吊车站位1: 装置北界区外管廊、P-4013A/B/C、P-4016;


Crane station 1: outer pipe porch of installation North boundary P-4013A/B/C.


Construct the basic from November 24, 2003.

2) 吊车行走: D-6005、P-6011、P-6004 and P-6006;


Crane moving: D-6005, P-6011, P-6004 and P-6006;

Construct the basic from November 24, 2003.

3) 吊车站位3: Z-6008、X-6010、P-6015、P-6016A/B;


Crane station 3: Z-6008, X-6010, P-6015 and P-6-16A/B;

Construct the basic from February 20, 2004.

4) 吊车站位影响的地下管道在吊车退场后开始施工。 北区:03年11月24日开始,南区:04年2月20日开始。

The underground pipeline influenced by the crane station will construct after exit of

crane, the North: November 24, 2003; the South: February 20,2004.

7.2 吊车承载地基处理设计计算:(3公司负责)

Design calculation of loading basic treatment: (No. 3 company in duty) 7.2.1 地基处理(由3公司提出)

Groudwork disposal

8. 吊装计算及依据: Calculation basic for lifting 8.1 编制说明

Explanation for compiling 8.1.1 适用范围

Applicable scope


This scheme is applicable to suspending heavy facilities, which involved 17sets over 100 ton each, with installation of 500,000t/y for Ethylbeneze & Styrene of Shanghai SECCO-petro Company Limited.

8.1.2 编制依据 Compiling references

1) 国家(行业)有关标准、规范;

The relative standards and regulations of nation (trade);

——《大型设备吊装工程施工工艺标准》SHJ 515-90;

------ Technics Standards for Construction of Suspending and installing heavy facilities, SHJ515-90

——《石油化工施工安全技术规程》SH 3505-1999;

-------Safety technology regulations for construction of Petro-chemichal, SH3505-1999;


---- Chapters from architecture groundwork basic regulations, China architecture industry publishing company, 1993 edition


-------Operation regulations for craneman, SYB4112-80;

2) SECCO IPMT提供的设备规格表(4月23日)及相关图纸,详见设备表;

Specification form and related drawings of facilities supplied by SECCO IPMT

(April,23), see equipments table for details; 3) 上海项目工程部提供的50万吨/年乙苯/苯乙烯装置安装工程施工投标文件; Tender documents, construction of 500,000t/y installation for Ethylbeneze &

Styrene Plant, supply by Shanghai Project Engineering Department; 4) 上海项目工程部提供的图号为A1 10870-00010-J的装置平面布置图;

Ichnography A1 10870-00010-J of installation supplied by Shanghai Project

Engineering Department;

5) DEMAG CC8800型1250吨履带式吊车性能表。

Capability form of 1250ton pedrail crane Model DEMAG CC8800. 8.2 总体吊装方案

Wholel suspending scheme 8.2.1 工程概况

Project general

1) 场地条件

Site conditions


装作业。另外装置内道路按照设备进厂、DEMAG CC8800型1250吨履带式吊车行走及吊装对地面承载力的要求进行施工。

Shanghai SECCO 500,000t/y Ethylbeneze &Styrene Plant is a part of new projects, the whole installation site is wide and its boundary is 180 m*120 m, so the environment is better for suspending heavy facilities. Otherwise, roads inside installation site construction is in accordance with facilities entering factory, 1250ton pedrail Model DEMAG CC8800 moving route and requirements of ground bearing for suspending. 2) 工程特点

Project characteristics

上海赛科50万吨/年乙苯/苯乙烯装置吊装工程大型设备较多,分布面广。其中100吨以上的设备17台:最大吊装重量的设备为乙苯蒸汽过热器/中间压力沸热换热器/低压沸热换热器(35—E—3004/3006/3007),重量达679吨吊装总负荷740吨;最高设备为EB/SM分离器(35- T-4001)高度为80.8米,为本次设备吊装的重中之重。

Suspending project of Shanghai SECCO 500,000t/y Ethylbeneze& Styrene Plant has many heavy facilities distributed in a wild area. 17 sets of these are more than 100ton: the weighest suspending facility is Ethylbeneze steam heat filter/ middle pressure boiling exchanger/ lower pressure boiling exchanger (35-E-3004/3006/3007), which is about 679ton and suspending bearing of 740ton; The highest facility, also the heaviest in all facilities, is EB/SM separator. (35-T-4001) about 80.8meter 3) 大型设备一览表

8.2.2 总体方案概述 General of whole scheme

1) 对于苯乙烯装置的设备吊装特点来说,采用机动性好的吊装机具能适用于重型


For chatacteristics of Styrene facility suspending, using good flexibility suspending machinery can apply to facilities’ characteristics of quantity and distributeing wildly. Meanwhile, to shorten the working time, 1250ton pedrail crane of the biggest lifting ability introduced in China inject new content to heavy facilities’ suspending machinery of Shanghai SECCO Styrene Plant.

2) 经现场勘察和反复论证,兼顾了技术上的先进性,安全上的可靠性和经济上的

合理性,在赛科苯乙烯装置大型设备的吊装工程中,我们决定采用大型移动式起重机作为主吊机具的总体方案,即DEMAG CC8800型1250吨履带式起重机主吊,M250型250吨履带起重机抬尾配合。

According to the reconnaissance on site and demonstration repeatedly, we paid

attention to advanced technology, dependable safety and rational economy, and decided to adopt the whole shceme of heavy jenny as the main suspending machinery, in which 1250ton pedrail crane DEMAG CC8800 is the main suspending machinery and 250 ton pedrail crane Model 250 cooperate with lifting the trail.

3) 根据合同,所有大型设备应运抵FCC指定的吊装位置、方向、角度及高度卸车,


According to the contract, all heavy facilities should be deliveried and unloaded to

appointed suspending place, direction, angle and height by FCC, and underlay directly facilities in the original supporting saddle points as the facility leaving factory.

4) 所有塔类设备尽量在地面完成附件安装(包括附塔管道、梯子、平台、绝热防


All the tower facilities try the best to install accessories on the ground(including

attached tower pipeline,ladder,platform, adiabat and antisepsis)before suspending. The parts higher than suspending hole, where accessories obstruct suspending lines and places to put suppoting facilities, should construct after suspending tower.

5) T-4001塔顶部大口径管道因吊车的有效吊装高度所限,不能随塔吊装,在其吊


T-4001 big caliber pipeline is limited in height because of its available suspending

height and could not suspend with the tower freely. After suspending it, use CC8800 to install this pipe cable. 8.3 大型设备吊装施工工艺

Construction techncis of suspending and installation of heavy facilities 8.3.1 设备参数表

Parameter form of facilities

注:1) 上表中设备的壳体重量依据详见2.1节中3)《大型设备一览表》。

Remarks: see Form of heavy facilities in Section 2.1, item 3) about shell weight reference of facilities in the above form.. 2) 设备平台、保温、管线重量无图,为原标书中的估计值。

No drawings for flat roof of equipments, warmproof and pipelines, here are approximate numbers. 3) T-4001、T-4003、T-2001、T-2003的平台重量见医药工业设计院6月23日的函件

Weight of the flat roof of T-4001、T-4003、T-2001、T-2003, see ducoment dated June 23 of Shanghai Pharmacal Industry Design Institute

8.3.2 吊车工况选择及主要性能指标 choice of craneworking conditions and the main capabilities guideline


Remarks: the loading of crane in above form is the summation of suspending weight, hook weight, balance girder and cable weights. (see vertical drawing for details)

1. 组织管理体系:Organization management system 1.1 现场吊装组织机构 Suspending organization on site

Lifting team machine operator other types worker

Rivet worker team measure worker

1.2 主要人员职责

Duties for important personnel


The suspending chief commander correspond and control the whole suspending

work of the heavy facilities, also supply the guarantee of materials and sign the command o suspending.


Suspending commander on site take charge of organizing to practice the suspending



Technology principal take charge of writing the suspending scheme, telling the

technology intentions, attending in tackling key technology problem and risk evaluating and affirming checking before suspending.


Quality pricipal charge in examination and affirm the special worker mooount guard

with certification, he also attend in checking and accept the received facilities, organize to check and accept the facilities basic, check and affirm the construction quality.


Facility pricipal take charge of vertify and affirm the conditions of construction

facilities on site, daily maintaining and management of facilities and attending risk evaluating.


Safety pricipal take charge of supplying HSE practice scheme and supervising HSE

management implementation.


Supply pricipal purvey equipments with quality and quantity in time according to

the project requirement, and organize to check and accept the received facilities.

2.运输路线: (运输公司编制)

Transportation route: (workout by transport company) 3.运输车辆的性能特点(运输公司编制)

Functions and features of vehicles (workout by transport company) 4.卸车位置及方位

Unloading places and orientation


Unloading and suspending orders of heavy facilities (see running plan

of suspending heavy facilities)

4.2 设备摆放所占的道路及时间:

Road and time occupied by putting the facilities:



NO 10 Road: put T-4001 during October 15 to November 6, 2003; February

1st to 9,2004

2)8#路:1250t吊车组车 04年2月1日-----2月9日。

NO 8 Road: install 1250t crane from February 1st to 9, 2004.

4.3 设备卸车配合及支撑

Cooperating and supporting of unloading facilities

4.3.1 卸车 Unloading

● 预搭设支撑垛;

● Build the supporting buttress in advance; ● 油压板车进入指定位置;

● Enter the oil pressure plank machine to the appointed place; ● 在卸车支撑处摆好卸车用的钢梁及鞍座;

● Putting the unloading girder and bicycle saddle in the unload supporting place; ● 启动油压板车升降千斤顶,将设备顶起;

● Startup the lifting and droping jack of oil pressure to peak up the facilities; ● 将卸车用钢梁及鞍座放置到支撑垛上;

● Put unload on the supporting buttress by the girder and bicycle saddle;



● 降下油压板车,将设备落到卸车鞍座上;

页码: 2

● Down the oil pressure plank and let the facilities on the unload’s bicycle saddle; ● 退出油压板车。

● Exit from the oil pressure plank.

4.3.2 支撑处理 Supporting disposal


Two supporting points and four supporting buttress under the facilities to bear the



页码: 2

1) 充分考虑设备进入现场与其吊装时间的逻辑关系,尽量使用CC8800直接从拖


Consider the logical relationship of entering onsite and suspending time for facilities

sufficiently, try best to use CC8800 to unload and suspend directly from the trailer.

2) 大型设备根据合同由运输方直接运输至现场指定位置。

According to the contract, heavy facilities should be deliveried by transport side

directly to the appointed places

3) 较小型设备直接运输至现场后,采用M250型250吨履带吊直接卸车或吊装。 Use 250ton pedrail crane Model 250 to delivery or suspend directly after the

smaller facilities being deliveried on site.

4) 如果设备卸于临时库房,则根据设备重量、规格尺寸等条件采用KMK5160型160


If delivery the facilities in a temporary storeroom, use 160ton auto suspending single

vehicle Model KMK5160 or 160 ton auto suspending and 130ton auto suspending twin vehicles lifting to install the vehicle, close the vehicle then delivery on site in accordance with conditions of fcilities’ weight and specification then adopt the measures of unloading facilities by 160ton auto suspending single vehicle or 160ton auto suspending and 130 ton auto suspending tiwn vehicles lifting.

5) 说明: Narration


The facilities pivot support by the four supporting buttress. Each can support the area of 5 square meters (lay 30~40mm stell plank under each buttress). 支撑鞍座利用设备运输的鞍座。

Use the deliverying bicycle saddle of the facilities to support the saddle.

4.4 设备摆放要求

Requirements for putting the facilities 4.4.1 T-4001



● 抬尾吊耳在正上面

● Suspending trail hole in the median above place ●主吊耳在水平位置

●The main suspending hole in the horizontal place

页码: 2

●主吊耳位置运到基础中心位置,方向按现场平面图位置摆放。 ●

The main suspending hole carried to basic center place and put direction as the ichnography place on site.

● 主吊及抬尾吊耳位置、方位按提供给上海医药工业设计院的条件执行。 ● According to the conditions supplied to Shanghai medicament industry academy

of design, perform the places and directions of main suspending and trail hole.

4.4.2 其它设备

Other facilities 抬尾吊耳在正上方

Suspending trail hole in the median above place 按现场平面图位置摆放

Put as the ichnography place on site 方向按现场平面图位置摆放。

Put as the direction as the ichnography place on site

4.4.3 大型设备摆放位置详见附图《大型设备吊装平面图》

5. 吊车性能特点:

Functions and features of crane

5.1 吊车分SSL、SVFL等6种工况,最大起重能力为1250t;

Six conditions for crane of SSL, SVFL and so on, the most lifting capacility is


5.2 吊车长15米,宽12.5米,车高7.1米; Crane is 15m(L), 12.5m(W) and 7.1m(H); 5.3 吊车的机动性能好,可载重行走;

Good flexibility of crane, which can walk with loading as well; 5.4 吊装能力优越,超起配重600t,超起半径最大25米。

Excellent lifting of super lifting 600t and the most semidiameter is 25meter. 6. 吊车组装位置和移动位置以及各吊装作业位置:

Coordinate of the CC8800 pedrail suspending station

7. 吊车站位及移动对场地的要求:

Requirements for lifting site by crane standing position and moving: 7.1 影响吊车占车及行走的设备基础及施工时间要求:

Requirements for facilities basic and construction time of influencing crane by

being occupied and moved:

1) 吊车站位1: 装置北界区外管廊、P-4013A/B/C、P-4016;


Crane station 1: outer pipe porch of installation North boundary P-4013A/B/C.


Construct the basic from November 24, 2003.

2) 吊车行走: D-6005、P-6011、P-6004 and P-6006;


Crane moving: D-6005, P-6011, P-6004 and P-6006;

Construct the basic from November 24, 2003.

3) 吊车站位3: Z-6008、X-6010、P-6015、P-6016A/B;


Crane station 3: Z-6008, X-6010, P-6015 and P-6-16A/B;

Construct the basic from February 20, 2004.

4) 吊车站位影响的地下管道在吊车退场后开始施工。 北区:03年11月24日开始,南区:04年2月20日开始。

The underground pipeline influenced by the crane station will construct after exit of

crane, the North: November 24, 2003; the South: February 20,2004.

7.2 吊车承载地基处理设计计算:(3公司负责)

Design calculation of loading basic treatment: (No. 3 company in duty) 7.2.1 地基处理(由3公司提出)

Groudwork disposal

8. 吊装计算及依据: Calculation basic for lifting 8.1 编制说明

Explanation for compiling 8.1.1 适用范围

Applicable scope


This scheme is applicable to suspending heavy facilities, which involved 17sets over 100 ton each, with installation of 500,000t/y for Ethylbeneze & Styrene of Shanghai SECCO-petro Company Limited.

8.1.2 编制依据 Compiling references

1) 国家(行业)有关标准、规范;

The relative standards and regulations of nation (trade);

——《大型设备吊装工程施工工艺标准》SHJ 515-90;

------ Technics Standards for Construction of Suspending and installing heavy facilities, SHJ515-90

——《石油化工施工安全技术规程》SH 3505-1999;

-------Safety technology regulations for construction of Petro-chemichal, SH3505-1999;


---- Chapters from architecture groundwork basic regulations, China architecture industry publishing company, 1993 edition


-------Operation regulations for craneman, SYB4112-80;

2) SECCO IPMT提供的设备规格表(4月23日)及相关图纸,详见设备表;

Specification form and related drawings of facilities supplied by SECCO IPMT

(April,23), see equipments table for details; 3) 上海项目工程部提供的50万吨/年乙苯/苯乙烯装置安装工程施工投标文件; Tender documents, construction of 500,000t/y installation for Ethylbeneze &

Styrene Plant, supply by Shanghai Project Engineering Department; 4) 上海项目工程部提供的图号为A1 10870-00010-J的装置平面布置图;

Ichnography A1 10870-00010-J of installation supplied by Shanghai Project

Engineering Department;

5) DEMAG CC8800型1250吨履带式吊车性能表。

Capability form of 1250ton pedrail crane Model DEMAG CC8800. 8.2 总体吊装方案

Wholel suspending scheme 8.2.1 工程概况

Project general

1) 场地条件

Site conditions


装作业。另外装置内道路按照设备进厂、DEMAG CC8800型1250吨履带式吊车行走及吊装对地面承载力的要求进行施工。

Shanghai SECCO 500,000t/y Ethylbeneze &Styrene Plant is a part of new projects, the whole installation site is wide and its boundary is 180 m*120 m, so the environment is better for suspending heavy facilities. Otherwise, roads inside installation site construction is in accordance with facilities entering factory, 1250ton pedrail Model DEMAG CC8800 moving route and requirements of ground bearing for suspending. 2) 工程特点

Project characteristics

上海赛科50万吨/年乙苯/苯乙烯装置吊装工程大型设备较多,分布面广。其中100吨以上的设备17台:最大吊装重量的设备为乙苯蒸汽过热器/中间压力沸热换热器/低压沸热换热器(35—E—3004/3006/3007),重量达679吨吊装总负荷740吨;最高设备为EB/SM分离器(35- T-4001)高度为80.8米,为本次设备吊装的重中之重。

Suspending project of Shanghai SECCO 500,000t/y Ethylbeneze& Styrene Plant has many heavy facilities distributed in a wild area. 17 sets of these are more than 100ton: the weighest suspending facility is Ethylbeneze steam heat filter/ middle pressure boiling exchanger/ lower pressure boiling exchanger (35-E-3004/3006/3007), which is about 679ton and suspending bearing of 740ton; The highest facility, also the heaviest in all facilities, is EB/SM separator. (35-T-4001) about 80.8meter 3) 大型设备一览表

8.2.2 总体方案概述 General of whole scheme

1) 对于苯乙烯装置的设备吊装特点来说,采用机动性好的吊装机具能适用于重型


For chatacteristics of Styrene facility suspending, using good flexibility suspending machinery can apply to facilities’ characteristics of quantity and distributeing wildly. Meanwhile, to shorten the working time, 1250ton pedrail crane of the biggest lifting ability introduced in China inject new content to heavy facilities’ suspending machinery of Shanghai SECCO Styrene Plant.

2) 经现场勘察和反复论证,兼顾了技术上的先进性,安全上的可靠性和经济上的

合理性,在赛科苯乙烯装置大型设备的吊装工程中,我们决定采用大型移动式起重机作为主吊机具的总体方案,即DEMAG CC8800型1250吨履带式起重机主吊,M250型250吨履带起重机抬尾配合。

According to the reconnaissance on site and demonstration repeatedly, we paid

attention to advanced technology, dependable safety and rational economy, and decided to adopt the whole shceme of heavy jenny as the main suspending machinery, in which 1250ton pedrail crane DEMAG CC8800 is the main suspending machinery and 250 ton pedrail crane Model 250 cooperate with lifting the trail.

3) 根据合同,所有大型设备应运抵FCC指定的吊装位置、方向、角度及高度卸车,


According to the contract, all heavy facilities should be deliveried and unloaded to

appointed suspending place, direction, angle and height by FCC, and underlay directly facilities in the original supporting saddle points as the facility leaving factory.

4) 所有塔类设备尽量在地面完成附件安装(包括附塔管道、梯子、平台、绝热防


All the tower facilities try the best to install accessories on the ground(including

attached tower pipeline,ladder,platform, adiabat and antisepsis)before suspending. The parts higher than suspending hole, where accessories obstruct suspending lines and places to put suppoting facilities, should construct after suspending tower.

5) T-4001塔顶部大口径管道因吊车的有效吊装高度所限,不能随塔吊装,在其吊


T-4001 big caliber pipeline is limited in height because of its available suspending

height and could not suspend with the tower freely. After suspending it, use CC8800 to install this pipe cable. 8.3 大型设备吊装施工工艺

Construction techncis of suspending and installation of heavy facilities 8.3.1 设备参数表

Parameter form of facilities

注:1) 上表中设备的壳体重量依据详见2.1节中3)《大型设备一览表》。

Remarks: see Form of heavy facilities in Section 2.1, item 3) about shell weight reference of facilities in the above form.. 2) 设备平台、保温、管线重量无图,为原标书中的估计值。

No drawings for flat roof of equipments, warmproof and pipelines, here are approximate numbers. 3) T-4001、T-4003、T-2001、T-2003的平台重量见医药工业设计院6月23日的函件

Weight of the flat roof of T-4001、T-4003、T-2001、T-2003, see ducoment dated June 23 of Shanghai Pharmacal Industry Design Institute

8.3.2 吊车工况选择及主要性能指标 choice of craneworking conditions and the main capabilities guideline


Remarks: the loading of crane in above form is the summation of suspending weight, hook weight, balance girder and cable weights. (see vertical drawing for details)


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